baseTypes.xsd Discussion Papers | OGC

‐ r InterpolationResult Example 28: UncertML is used to describe the result of an interpolation as a joint distribution. 10 UncertML XML Schemata 10.1 UncertML.xsd schema xmlns = http:www.w3.org2001XMLSchema xmlns:gml = http:www.opengis.netgml xmlns:un = xmlns:swe = http:www.opengis.netswe1.0.1 targetNamespace = elementFormDefault = qualified attributeFormDefault = unqualified annotation documentation [WARN-A001] - No package description in UML model documentation annotation import namespace = http:www.opengis.netgml schemaLocation = http:schemas.opengis.netgml3.1.1basegml.xsd import namespace = http:www.opengis.netswe1.0.1 schemaLocation = http:schemas.opengis.netsweCommon1.0.1swe.xsd include schemaLocation = realisations.xsd include schemaLocation = baseTypes.xsd include schemaLocation = statistics.xsd include schemaLocation = distributions.xsd schema

10.2 baseTypes.xsd

schema xmlns = http:www.w3.org2001XMLSchema xmlns:gml = http:www.opengis.netgml xmlns:un = targetNamespace = elementFormDefault = qualified attributeFormDefault = unqualified -- ========================================================== -- -- ====== Abstract Uncertainty ====== -- -- ========================================================== -- complexType name = AbstractUncertaintyType abstract = true annotation documentation Base type for UncertML - contains a single attribute definition that is used to provide semantics to every concrete uncertainty instance. The definition attribute may be any URI and it is anticipated that this URI will refer to an entry in a dictionary documentation annotation attribute name = definition type = anyURI use = optional annotation documentation The definition is a URI that resloves to an entry in a dictionary to provide semantics to an uncertainty type documentation annotation attribute complexType -- ...................... -- element name = AbstractUncertainty type = un:AbstractUncertaintyType abstract = true annotation documentation ‐ r Base type for UncertML. All types that may be used to represent uncertainty substitute for this type documentation annotation element -- ...................... -- complexType name = AbstractUncertaintyPropertyType sequence element ref = un:AbstractUncertainty sequence complexType -- ========================================================== -- -- ====== Parameter ====== -- -- ========================================================== -- element name = Parameter type = un:ParameterType annotation documentation A parameter can belong to a distribution or statistic documentation annotation element -- ...................... -- complexType name = ParameterType sequence element name = value type = anySimpleType minOccurs = annotation documentation The value property contains the actual value of a particular parameter documentation annotation element sequence attribute name = definition type = anyURI annotation documentation The definition is a URI that resloves to an entry in a dictionary to provide semantics to an uncertainty type documentation annotation attribute complexType -- ...................... -- complexType name = ParameterPropertyType sequence element ref = un:Parameter maxOccurs = unbounded sequence complexType -- ========================================================== -- -- ========================================================== -- schema

10.3 statistics.xsd