Controlling the Version of the Software


5.7 Controlling the Version of the Software

It is very difficult to control the development of the software without the aid of Versioning System. This section introduces the Concurrent Versioning System CVS and how it is used with Java TM Studio Enterprise 8. It assumes that there is a CVS server available for storing software packages. What is CVS? CVS is an abbreviation of Concurrent Versioning System. It is an open-source version control and collaboration system. Simply put, it is a software package that manages software development done by a team. Using it, you can record the history of sources files, and documents. Collaboration with CVS For teams to be able to collaborate and get updates of their work, the following should be done: • Setting up a CVS repository. A repository is a persistent store that coordinates multi-user access to the resources being developed by a team. • Specify CVS repository location. • Commit the work into that repository. After doing these steps, team members may now update the sources versions of the project they are doing. Setting up CVS repository in Sun Java™ Studio Enterprise 8 Setting up CVS repository in Sun Java™ Studio Enterprise 8. Initializing the CVS repository in JSE8 is simple. Assume that you want to share the code shown in Text 13 to the other team members. Figure 5.2 shows this in the Java Studio Enterprise 8. To initialize, select Versioning Version Manager. → Click Add and the New Generic VCS wizard pops up that allows you to input the necessary versioning settings. In the Version Control System Profile, choose CVS and specify the repository path at the Repository Path field. Also, you should specify the CVS Server Type. This is important in order to let other team members get a hold of the sources in the project. The default value is local. You may require assistance from your repository administrator in order to fill in the necessary information. Figure 5.1 shows initialization of the CVS. Software Engineering 261 J.E.D.I Software Engineering 262 Created on November 16, 2005, 2:54 PM To change this template, choose Tools - Options and locate the template under the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor. package welcome; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; author Argel public class Main { Creates a new instance of Main public Main { } param args the command line arguments public static void mainString[] args { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog null, Welcome\nto\nJEDI\nProject; System.exit0; } } Text 13 Sample CVS Code J.E.D.I Software Engineering 263 Figure 5.35 Sample Code to be Shared J.E.D.I CVS Checkout Repository From the CVS option under Versioning, we can find the CVS Checkout option. This leads to the CVS Checkout Page, which may be used to specify the modules you want to check out. If you want to check out the entire repository select the All check box and to check out specific components, select the Modules check box and enter the path to the directory in the Modules field. Moreover, you can just click the Select button to choose from a list of all of the modules in the repository. Updates and Collaboration Team members may view the repository by selecting Window Versioning Versioning. → → This will open a window in the upper left corner that will show the repository’s contents. At the upper right corner, you may add accounts for your teammates so that they may have access to the repository. Any updates and modification done by other team members can be seen here through the history log as shown in figure 3. Just right-click the repository and this men will show you what you need. This will window also shows tools that will help you test the modules modified by the other team members. By clicking on Tools after right-clicking the repository it will give you an option to create tests. See JUnit testing Software Engineering 264 Figure 5.36 Initializing the Repository J.E.D.I CVS the Easy Way Using the Sun Java™ Studio Enterprise 8 will surely make team collaboration in software projects easier. No extra software tool is needed: all you need is a working repository, team members that will help you in your project and Sun Microsystems’ Java™ Studio 8 Software Engineering 265 Figure 5.37 Versioning Window J.E.D.I

5.8 Mapping Implementation Deliverables with the Requirements Traceability Matrix