Anatomy and Morphometry of Reproductive Organ of Male Mouse Deer (Tragulus javanicus)

Anatomy and Morphometry of Reproductive Organ of Male
Mouse Deer (Tragulus javanicus)
Najamudin1,*, Amrozi2, Srihadi Agungpriyono3, & Tuty Laswardi Yusuf2

Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University, Palu,
Department of Clinic, Reproduction and Pathology,
Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Bogor, Indonesia

Mouse deer (Tragulus javanicus) is one of endangered animals that are
distributed in tropical forests of Southern Asia, including Java, Sumatera, and Borneo
Islands. The mouse deer population is predicted to decrease, as a side effect of high
conversion of their habitat into human needs land. However, conservation of this
mouse deer is urgently required. Unfortunately, we still lack of scientific information
relating to its reproductive system, including anatomical and morphological data.

Understanding of the reproductive system is required in developing a suitable
technology in mouse deer breeding. This technology will be applied in deer
conservation and improvement of their population. The aim of this study was to
characterize anatomy and morphometry of male reproductive organs of mouse deer.
This study was conducted in Field Laboratory Unit of the Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). Growing mouse deer aged 2 to 3
years old and weighed 1.8-2.0 kg were used in this experiment. The reproductive
organs of male mouse deer were observed, measured, weighed, and documented.
The collected data were tabulated and analyzed descriptively as follow: Penis type
of mouse deer was fibroelastic, length of testis was 12.33±2.89 mm and weigh was
0.81±0.17 g, Vas deferens was 113±3.60 mm, Ampula was 17.33±2.87 mm, Vesicularis
gland was 18.00±3.46 mm and 5.7±1.10 mm in dimension. The Mouse deer had
gland bulbourethralis, with 8.26±1.02 mm in length and 0.86±0.04 g of weight,
and length of its free penis of preputium was 58.33±10.41 mm. In conclusion, the
male reproductive organ of mouse deer was similar to reproductive organ of other
domestic livestocks, they had similarity in dimension of various organs, including
primary organ (gonad or testis), accessories gland (ampula, gland vesicularis, and
bulbourethralis prostate), channel part, which was consisted of epididymus, vas
deferens and urethra, and also organ copulatoris or exterior organ, called penis. On
the other hand, penis showed different characteristics from other livestock’s’ penis

in its morphology. Their penis showed a clockwise turn spiral-like form, with the
Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012


number of rotations was two and a half and showed branch form, which the function
was not yet known.
Key words: Male mouse deer, reproductive organ, anatomy

Mouse deer (Tragulus javanicus) s the smallest rumnant anmals n the world.
Ths anmal s only found n tropcal forests n southern Asa, ncludng the slands of
Java, Sumatra, and Kalmantan. The populaton of mouse deer s thought to declne
due to habtat destructon and converson nto agrcultural uses and huntng actvty
as well as the threat of predators that can prey on t.
Natural breedng of mouse deer n captvty has not succeeded yet. Factors
causng the falure of mouse deer breedng n captvty are not known, but most
lkely t s caused by a lack of knowledge or nformaton about the reproductve
bology of ths anmal.
Informaton about the anatomy and morphometry of male mouse deer reproductve organs has not been wdely reported. Male reproductve system s an mportant factor n the success of anmal breedng or anmal reproducton technology. Knowledge of such nformaton s one of the mportant and decsve factors

n achevng the success of anmal breedng n captvty. The purpose of ths study
was to examne the anatomy and morphometry of the male mouse deer reproductve organs to support the anmal breedng and reproducton for conservaton and

Materals and Methods
Time and Location
Ths study was conducted n May and October 2009 at the Feld Laboratory of
Reproductve Rehabltaton Unt (URR), Department of Clnc, Reproducton, and
Pathology, Bogor Agrcultural Unversty.
Three healthy and mature (had canne teeth) male mouse deer wth body weght
ranged 1.8-2.0 kg were used n the experment.
Measurement and Weighing of the Reproductive Organs
Ths study used three male mouse deer that were not adapt and fnally ded n
captvty. The dead anmals were then prepared to obtan ther reproductve organs.

Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012

These organs were cleaned from fat and lad n ts orgnal poston n the body. They

were observed, documented, measured, and weghed and the data were tabulated
and analyzed descrptvely accordng to Toelhere (1993).
Testes. The length of the testes was measured by placng a measurng tape at the
end of the testes from one sde to another wth or wthout the caput and cauda
epddyms. Dameter of the testes was measured by usng a mcrocalper at the
largest part of the testes, and then weghed usng an analytcal balance.
Vas deferens. The length of the vas deferens was measured by placng the measurng
tape at the end of the cauda epddyms, and the tape was then pulled untl t reached
the end before the enlargement of the vas deferens to the ampulla. Vas deferens
dameter was measured by usng mcrocalper before t was weghed.
Ampulla of vas deferens. Ampulla of vas deferens length was measured from the
ntal enlargement of the vas deferens to the border wth vesculars gland. The
dameter of ampulla was measured at the largest part before t was weghed.
Vesicularis gland. The longest part of the vesculars gland was consdered as the
length, whle the shortest was consdered as the wdth. Dameter of the vesculars
gland was measured wth a mcrocalper. The two glands had been separated from
the man organ before they were weghed.
Prostate. Measurement of prostate length, dameter, and weght were smlar to
those of vesculars gland.
Bulbourethralis (Couper). Measurements of bulbourethrals were smlar to those

of vesculars glands.
Penis. Measurements of total pens length was started from the base of the pens
(the radx) up to the pens free end, and length measurement was also conducted for
pens parts such as the pens glans and prepuce. Dameter of the pens was measured
at the largest part of the organ.
Data obtaned from each measurement were tabulated and the average was
calculated and analyzed descrptvely.

Results and Dscusson
In general, parts of a male deer reproductve organs were smlar to those of
other domestc lvestock; they were the prmary sex organs (male gonads or the

Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012


testes), complementary sex glands (the ampulla, the vesculars gland, the prostate,
and the bulbourethrals), and channels consstng of the epddyms, the vas deferens
and the urethra, and the external gental organs or copulators organ called the

Testes. Male mouse deer had a par of testcles whch were wrapped by the tunca
albugena protected by the scrotum on the outsde. The testes functons to produce
spermatozoa n a process called spermatogeness and produces testosterone hormone
n the ntersttal cells (Leydg) (Hafez & Hafez 2000; Toelhere 1987). Mouse deer
testes length was 12.33 ± 2.89 mm, dameter was 8.20± 1.92 mm, and weght was
0.81± 0.17 g (Table 1).

Table 1 Morphometry of male mouse deer reproductve organs


Testes wthout scrotum

Length (mm)
Dameter (mm)
Weght (g)
Length (mm)
Dameter (mm)
Weght (g)

Length (mm)
Dameter (mm)
Weght (g)
Length (mm)
Dameter (mm)
Weght (g)
Length (mm)
Dameter (mm)
Weght (g)
Length (mm)
Dameter (mm)
Weght (g)
Total length (mm)
Free-preputum length (mm)
Pens glans (mm)
Dameter (mm)

Vas deferens


Vesculars gland

Prostate (body)

Bulbourethrals gland



Mouse Deer


Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012

Epididymis. The epddyms s a structure that s elongated and tghtly attached to
the tests. The mouse deer epddyms conssted of caput n the anteror, corpus n
the dorsal, and cauda epddyms n the posteror.

Vas deferens. Vas deferens connected the epddyms wth the accessoryes glands,
serves as a channel of transport of spermatozoa from the epddyms to the ampulla.
The length of the mouse deer vas deferens n ths study was 113 ± 3.60 mm whch
was shorter than that of tmor deer (452.0 ± 0:44 mm) (Nalley 2006) or sheep (24
cm) (Hafez 1987).
Ampulla of vas deferens. Ampulla of vas deferens s the magnfcaton of the end
of the vas deferens before vesculars gland. The length of the mouse deer ampulla
(17.33 ± 2.87 mm) was smaller than that of Tmor deer (72.53 ± 2.39 mm) (Nalley
2006) or sheep (70 mm) (Hafez 1987).
Vesicularis gland. There was a par of vesculars glands attached to the dorsolateral
edge of vesca urnary neck. Mouse deer vesculars gland length and dameter
were 18.00 ± 3.46 mm and 5.73 ± 1.10 mm, respectvely. Ths was smaller than the
vesculars gland of tmor deer (45.36 ± 1.42 mm) or sheep (40 mm).
Bulbourethralis gland (Cowper). In the mouse deer, there was a par of
bulbourethrals glands wth a length of 8.26 ± 1.02 mm, dameter of 5.47±0.85 mm
and weght of 0.86 ± 0:04 g. Bulbourethrals gland s also very clearly seen n horses
and pgs. Nalley (2006) reported that these glands were not found n Tmor deer.
Penis. The pens s a male copulaton organ and s establshed by the erectle tssue.
The pens of mouse deer was fbroelastc whch s smlar to that of cattle, so that the
pens corpus and glans were only slghtly enlarged durng erecton.

Mouse deer pens was composed of radx and the corpus had a sgmod
flexura whch was smlar n general to other rumnants. Free-preputum pens
length n mouse deer (58.33±10.41mm) was longer than the pens of Tmor deer
(35.38±0.88mm) (Nalley 2006) or sheep (40 mm) (Hafez 1987). Characterstcs of
the mouse deer pens had the features that could dstngush t from other anmals,
such as the tp of the pens whch form spral rotaton n clockwse drecton wth
two and a half spns. Functon of ths rotated pens tp s not yet clearly known. The
same feature was also found n pg’s pens, but opposte drecton wth a total spn
of one and a half.

Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012


Mouse deer pens s characterzed by a flexura sgmodea, fbroblastc type
wth a very dstnctve pens tp, whch forms a spral wth a spn number of two and
a half n clockwse drecton.

The authors are ndebted to the Feld Laboratory of Reproductve Rehabltaton
Unt, and the Anatomcal Research Laboratory, Faculty of Veternary Scence, Bogor
Agrcultural Unversty..

Hafez ESE. 1987. Anatomy of male reproducton n: Reproduction in Farm Animals. Ed. 7th Ed. Lea and Febger. Phladelpha.
Hafez ESE and Hafez B. 2000. Anatomy of female reproducton n: Reproduction
in Farm Animals. Ed. 7th Ed. Lppncott Wllams & Wllams.
Nalley WMM. 2006. Kajan Bolog Reproduks dan Penerapan Teknolog Insemnas Buatan pada Rusa Tmor (Cervus timorensis). [dsertas] Bogor. Sekolah
Pascasarjana Insttut Pertanan Bogor.
Toelhere MR. 1993. Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak. Angkasa Bandung.


Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012