
Moving and Learning
in Physical Education:
An Interdisciplinary Approach
Analysis of a Videotaped Lesson from an
Exercise Physiology Perspective


Physical educators can infuse fitness concepts, teach exercise science,
and increase activity in their lessons all at the same time.
u blic sch ool p h ysical ed u cation in th e Un ited States can be con sid ered to be at
a critical p oin t in its h istory. On th e on e h an d , critics h ave ch arged , with som e
ju stifi cation , th at stu d en ts sh ou ld be d evelop in g reason able fi tn ess levels an d
m asterin g certain fu n d am en tal m ovem en t skills to a greater exten t th an ap p ears
evid en t in m an y sch ools (Pate & Hoh n , 1994). On th e oth er h an d , p h ysical ed u cation
p ractition ers an d p rogram s stan d at th e forefron t in th e fi gh t again st obesity, in th e effort to in crease ch ild ren ’s p h ysical activity, an d in h elp in g ch ild ren becom e p h ysically
ed u cated , h ealth y, an d active ad u lts (AAHPERD, 2005; Nation al Association for Sp ort
an d Ph ysical Ed u cation [NASPE], 2004b). Th e m aster p h ysical ed u cation teach er is on e
wh o is able to teach an d m otivate stu d en ts to d evelop h ealth - an d skill-related fi tn ess
as well as fu n d am en tal (an d , to a reason able exten t, refi n ed ) m otor skills.

In th e au th ors’ an alysis of th e vid eotap e of a teach er can d id ate in stru ctin g m id d le
sch ool stu d en ts in p ass p attern s d u rin g a football lesson , th e larger issu es m en tion ed
above form th e bases for m an y of th e observation s. Th ese observation s relate to th e em p h ases th at th e Exercise Ph ysiology Acad em y believes sh ou ld exist in a m od el p h ysical
ed u cation p rogram . Th e lesson is reviewed in term s of its valu e in d evelop in g h ealth an d skill-related fi tn ess, an d in relation to th e n ation al stan d ard s for p h ysical ed u cation
(NASPE, 2004a). Stan d ard s th ree an d fou r req u ire stu d en ts to p articip ate regu larly in
p h ysical activity an d to d evelop an d m ain tain h ealth -related fi tn ess levels. Oth er organ ization s refl ect th ese exp ectation s, for exam p le, th at stu d en ts regu larly p articip ate
in m od erate-to-vigorou s p h ysical activity an d th at stu d en ts be p h ysically active for at
least 50 p ercen t of p h ysical activity class tim e (U.S. Dep artm en t of Health an d Hu m an
Services, 2000).
Th ere is m ore to h ealth - an d skill-related fi tn ess th an p h ysical activity itself, h owever.
More su btly, stan d ard two p rovid es th e exp ectation of learn in g p h ysiological as well
as oth er scien tifi c p rin cip les u n d erlyin g p h ysical activity. For exam p le, th is is a sam p le
ou tcom e given for grad es six to eigh t: “Describes basic p rin cip les of train in g an d h ow
th ey im p rove fi tn ess” (NASPE, 2004a, p . 24). Teach in g stu den ts th e p h ysiology of exercise
an d p h ysical activity, th e au th ors believe, m otivates th em to becom e in terested in th eir
bod y an d to d evelop an d m ain tain th eir bod y’s p oten tial, an d im p roves th e likelih ood



JOPERD • Volum e 77 No. 8 • October 2006

For every two active students (the passer and receiver),
several students inactively awaited their turn.

th ey will becom e active, p h ysically ed u cated ad u lts (Biren &
Rattigan , 2005). Th e id ea of teach in g th e scien ce of exercise
an d p h ysical activity is refl ected in th e n ation al stan d ard s
for begin n in g p h ysical ed u cation teach ers (NASPE, 2003).
Stan dard on e is con cern ed with con ten t kn owledge. Stan dard
1.4 states, “[Teach ers] Describe an d ap p ly bioscien ce (an atom ical, p h ysiological, biom ech an ical) an d p sych ological
con cep ts to skillfu l m ovem en t, p h ysical activity, an d fi tn ess”
(NASPE, 2003, p. 8). Gu idelin es for exercise ph ysiology preparation for p h ysical ed u cation teach er ed u cation p rogram s
h ave been d evelop ed for su ch a p u rp ose (Biren & Rattigan ,
2005; NASPE, 2006). It is im p ortan t for p h ysical ed u cation
teach ers, begin n ers an d beyon d , to learn , ap p ly, an d teach
scien tifi c p rin cip les to stu d en ts, wh ile at th e sam e tim e keep in g th em active an d p u rp osefu lly en gaged in both fi tn ess
an d skill d evelop m en t.

in g lifetim e fi tn ess h abits. However, with an em p h asis on
m ore active an d in clu sive gam e form s with little or n o d own
tim e, m an y team sp orts, in clu d in g football, can con tribu te
to n ation al stan d ard s th ree an d fou r, n am ely, th at stu d en ts
p articip ate regu larly in p h ysical activity an d d evelop an d
m ain tain h ealth -related fi tn ess levels (NASPE, 2004a).
No ed u cation in fi tn ess con cep ts an d exercise scien ce ap p ears in th is vid eo segm en t. Teach in g th e scien tifi c con cep ts
th at u n d erlie exercise an d p h ysical activity are im p ortan t in
d evelop in g p h ysically ed u cated p erson s (Biren & Rattigan ,
2005; NASPE, 2004a, 2006). Exam p les of exercise p h ysiology con cep ts th at cou ld be in clu d ed in a lesson like th is are
listed in table 1, u sin g categories id en tifi ed in th e Guidelines
for Undergraduate Exercise Physiology in a Physical Education
Teacher Education Program (NASPE, 2006).
Table 1 sh ows on ly a few of m an y p ossible exam p les of
in fu sin g exercise p h ysiology con cep ts in to p h ysical ed u cation lesson s. Both begin n in g an d exp erien ced teach ers,
wh en con sid erin g h ow to exp ose th eir stu d en ts to exercise
p h ysiology con cep ts in a m ean in gfu l way, m en tion tim e as a
m ajor con cern (Biren & Rattigan , 2005). Tim e p roblem s can
be red u ced in several ways, in clu d in g th e followin g:
• Be effi cien t—in corp orate m ore th an on e con cep t at a

tim e.
• Use worksh eets—for exam p le, an swer th ree q u estion s
abou t h ealth -related p h ysical fi tn ess p er d ay.
• Use h ealth lesson s—cover th e con cepts in h ealth class an d
apply an d rein force th em in ph ysical edu cation classes.

Table 1. Exercise Physiology Concepts
that Could H ave Been Included

Basic Exercise Physiology
Teach er: “Are we d oin g a p h ysical activity, exercise,
or fi tn ess activity? W h at fi tn ess com p on en ts are bein g u sed (h ealth -related , skill-related )?”

M etabolism

Video Analysis
Th e lesson con sisted of th e teach er dem on stratin g a basic pass
p attern an d th e role of th e p asser an d receiver. Th e teach er
assign ed stu d en ts to station s, each of wh ich h ad a card th at
exp lain ed th e p ass p attern for th at station .

Th e level of activity in th e lesson was low, with stu d en ts
n ot m ovin g for ap p roxim ately 70 to 85 p ercen t of th e tim e.
Stu den ts sh ou ld be active at least 50 percen t of lesson tim e, as
n oted above (U.S. Dep artm en t of Health & Hu m an Services,
2000). Regard in g in stru ction in h ealth - an d skill-related fi tn ess, n o su ch com p on en ts are ad d ressed or evid en t in th e
lesson . It is p ossible th at th is h ad been ad d ressed before th e
lesson ep isod e in th e vid eo, or in p arts of th e lesson n ot
evid en t in th e vid eo segm en t. However, th e latter, esp ecially,
seem s u n likely. Th e evid en ce in th e vid eo begs th e q u estion :
is fi tn ess a p art of every lesson , th at is, is h ealth - an d skillrelated fi tn ess in fu sed in to th e wh ole p rogram ?
Th e su bject m atter itself begs th e q u estion of th e ap p rop riaten ess of th e con ten t for p rom otion of lifelon g fi tn ess. To
som e, football m ay seem an in ap p rop riate focu s for d evelop JOPERD • Volum e 77 No. 8 • October 2006

Teach er: “Is th is an aerobic or an aerobic activity?
W h at fu el are you u sin g?”

Cardiorespiratory Concepts
Teach er: “Can th is be m ad e aerobic? How?” (Stu d en ts
also can be m on itorin g an d rep ortin g on th eir h eart
rate an d blood p ressu re d u rin g th e d rills).

Neuromuscular System/ Skeletal Concepts
Th e activities can be tied in to train in g of th e n eu rom u scu lar system (reaction tim e, m ovem en t tim e,
etc.). Th e relation sh ip between p h ysical activity an d
bon e d en sity can be in trod u ced or rein forced .

Body Composition
Th e activity can be ch an ged , an d th e ch an ges can be
tied in to q u estion s to stu d en ts:
Teach er: “If we m ake th is activity m ore card iovascu lar an d ad d exercises th at will d evelop stren gth , h ow
d oes th at affect bod y com p osition ? W h y? W h at is
goin g on in th e bod y?”


• Use h om ework—assign backgroun d readin g an d quizzes.
Ph ysical ed u cation p rogram m in g at a d istrict level is very
im p ortan t in th is regard . With a com p reh en sive an d coh eren t ap p roach to in corp oratin g exercise p h ysiology p rin cip les
an d h ealth - an d skill-related fi tn ess in to lesson s, m ost of th e
exam p les listed above will becom e rem in d ers, rein forcin g

p rior learn in g rath er th an teach in g n ew con cep ts.

Reston, VA: Author.
National Association for Sport and Physical Education. (2004b). Physical
activity for children: A statement of guidelines for children ages 5-12

(2nd ed.). Reston, VA: Author.
National Association for Sport and Physical Education. (2006). Guidelines
for undergraduate exercise physiology in a physical education teacher
education program. Reston, VA: Author.

Pate, R., & Hohn, R. (1994). Health and fi tness through physical education.

Alternative Approaches for this Lesson
Lesson s su ch as th is, wh ich p lace stu d en ts in grou p s at station s wh ere th ey work on a skill, can be m od ifi ed to in clu d e
m ore con ten t, h igh er levels of in volvem en t, an d h igh er levels
of activity for all stu d en ts. For exam p le, after ru n n in g th e
p attern an d retu rn in g to th e lin e, th e receiver cou ld d o a d ifferen t fi tn ess d rill each tim e before rotatin g to q u arterback,
p erform in g sh ou ld er stretch es, p u sh u p s, h am strin g/ q u ad
stretch es, or an agility d rill. Th is m od ifi cation keep s th e tim e

on task th e sam e, bu t rep laces d own tim e with stren gth ,
agility, an d fl exibility exercise.
Th e lesson cou ld be m ad e m ore active with ou t ad d in g
th e fi tn ess station s. Th e lesson in volved grou p s of fi ve or six
stu d en ts, in th e fou r corn ers of a gym , wh ich h ad a lin e of
volleyball n ets across th e cen ter. Altern atively, th e teach er
can d id ate cou ld h ave u sed grou p s of th ree to fou r stu d en ts
an d h ad th em th rowin g from th e volleyball n et ou tward s.
Th is wou ld h ave allowed fi ve to seven grou ps of stu den ts. Th e
stu den ts wou ld h ave been m ore active with th is arran gem en t
(receiver catch es, tosses ball back to th e p asser, jogs back, an d
by th at tim e is required to becom e th e n ew quarterback). Also,
th ere wou ld h ave been m ore station s, an d th u s th e stu d en ts
wou ld h ave learn ed m ore p ass p attern s.

Cham paign, IL: Hum an Kinetics.
U.S. Departm ent of Health and Hum an Services. (2000). Healthy people
2010: Understanding and improving health (Volum e II; 2nd ed.).

Washington, DC: Author.

Greg Biren (biren@rowan.edu) and Peter Rattigan (Rattigan@rowan.
edu) are professors in the Department of Health and Exercise Science
at Rowan University, Glassboro, N J 08028.

Continued from page 16

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Som e of th e observation s an d recom m en d ation s d escribed
above m ay seem a lot to exp ect from an exp erien ced teach er,
let alon e a begin n in g teach er. However, in view of th e critical
issu es regard in g ch ild ren ’s h ealth an d th e n eed for p h ysical
edu cators to dem on strate th at th ey are im provin g th at h ealth
an d h elp in g ch ild ren becom e p h ysically ed u cated an d fi t
ad u lts, th e au th ors believe it is tim e to set h igh exp ectation s
for ou r teach er can d id ates an d for ou r role in th eir ed u cation
an d p rofession al p rep aration .

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M elinda A. Solmon (msolmol@lsu.edu) is a professor in the Department of Kinesiology at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge,
LA 70803.

JOPERD • Volum e 77 No. 8 • October 2006

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