Types of Conflict Theory of Conflict a. Definitions of Conflict

13 In elaborating the definitions of conflict, Bain, Beaty, Hunter 1973 conclude that “…a conflict: a clash between characters, between a character and his environment, within himself, a clash of forces in the universe, even a struggle for meaning on the part of the reader. Not all conflicts need to be resolved p. 604.

b. Types of Conflict

According to Stanton 1965, conflict is divided into two types, namely internal and external conflicts. Internal conflict is a conflict between two desires within a character. On the other hand, external conflict is a conflict between characters or between a character and his environment p. 16. Otherwise, based on the experience of Worchel and Cooper 1979, there are two basic types of conflict: intrapersonal and interpersonal. Intrapersonal conflict is a conflict that appears when someone must choose between two or more choices. Moreover, there are four types of intrapersonal conflicts, based on two types of response tendencies: approach and avoid. It is divided into approach- approach, avoidance-avoidance, approach avoidance, and double approach- avoidance p. 460-461 The first type is approach-approach. Approach-approach considers as the simplest type of conflict. It will exist when someone is motivated to approach two positive goals but can attain only one. The second type is avoidance-avoidance. This conflict will exist when someone must choose between two equally unattractive goals. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 14 The third type is approach-avoidance where the conflict involves only one goal though, the goal has both attractive and unattractive qualities associated with it. The fouth type is double approach-avoidance. This type of conflict insists to choose between two goals, each of which has positive and negative aspects. Another point related to this type of conflict is allowing to choose. It is either to approach or avoid a goal that has two positive and negative aspects. There are many of the conflicts, that are approach-approach, consider as double approach- avoidance conflicts. Another basic type of conflict from Worchel and Cooper 1979 is interpersonal conflict. Interpersonal conflict is a conflict that appears between two or more people p. 462. This conflict has two major types labeled the zero-sum and non-zero-sum conflict. They explain that “The name “zero-sum” indicates that one party’s gain will be the other party’s loss. The zero-sum conflict is true competition” Worchel Cooper, 1979, p. 467. Meanwhile, non-zero-sum conflict or mixed-motive situation has two essential features. The first one is when someone’s gain is not necessarily the other’s loss. Second is when the motives of both cooperation and competition are involved Worchel Cooper, 1979, p. 468.

B. Theoretical Framework

The theories in this study are theory of critical approaches in which focused on formalist approach, theory of symbol, and theory conflict. The first PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI