Light Weight Manual Lifting Robot.




This report submitted in accordance with requirement of the Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM) for the Bachelor Degree of Manufacturing Engineering

(Robotics and Automation) with Honours.







TAJUK: Light Weight Manual Lifting Robot

SESI PENGAJIAN: 2008/ 09 Semest er 2


mengaku membenarkan Laporan PSM ini disimpan di Perpust akaan Universit i Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) dengan syarat -syarat kegunaan sepert i berikut : 1. Laporan PSM adalah hak milik Universit i Teknikal Malaysia Melaka dan penulis. 2. Perpust akaan Universit i Teknikal Malaysia Melaka dibenarkan membuat salinan

unt uk t uj uan pengaj ian sahaj a dengan izin penulis.

3. Perpust akaan dibenarkan membuat salinan laporan PSM ini sebagai bahan pert ukaran ant ara inst it usi pengaj ian t inggi.

4. **Sila t andakan (√)




(Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarj ah keselamat an at au kepent ingan Malaysia yang t ermakt ub di dalam AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972)

(Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang t elah dit ent ukan oleh organisasi/ badan di mana penyelidikan dij alankan)


6, Hala Persahabat an Timur 1, Taman Mewah,

31150, Ulukint a, Ipoh, Perak

Tarikh: _________________________

Disahkan oleh: (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) Cop Rasmi:



I hereby, declared this report entitled “Light Weight Manual Lifting Robot” is the result of my own research except as cited in reference.



This report is submitted to the Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering of UTeM as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Robotic and Automation) with Honours. The members of the supervisory committee are as follow:

(Signature of Principal Supervisor) ……… (Official Stamp of Principal Supervisor)

(Signature of Co-Supervisor) ……… (Official Stamp of Principal Co-Supervisor)



Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) or Final Year Project is an academic research regarding research field that is compulsory for each of final year student of Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), before being awarded a degree. The purpose of PSM is to enhance student’s knowledge and capability to complete the task given within academic research in order to produce a productive and competent engineer. In this paper, a Light Weight Manual Lifting Robot has been designed and fabricated. Lifter robot is used in wide variety of material for purpose of transfer and lifting applications. It lifts a product from one spot in the manufacturing process, traveling through the following line and drops it into another location, automatically.This robot is being manufactured in order to eliminate the use of human strength in order to lift things for the manual transfer application. Conceptually, for this project, the robot used manual system that includes a handling device which is hand hold controller, actuated by an operator. The hand hold controller will function as a link between the robot operator and the robot controller circuit which determined the robot movements. The robot is designed so that it is light weight and developed with steady base support and well function of lifting mechanism in order to enhance the performance of the robot. The construction of this robot can be divided into two different areas which are electrical and electronic component, and mechanical part. The electrical constructions consist of motor driver unit, PIC controller unit, hand hold controller, and the wiring to the robot, while the mechanical constructions consist of robot base and lifting mechanism. At the end, the robot which consists of an electrical circuit to control the robot operations using hand hold controller, can be fully integrated with light weight and stable mechanical structure. The robot also includes a smooth operation of lifting mechanism.



Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) atau Projek Tahun Akhir adalah satu penyelidikan ilmiah tentang bidang penyelidikan yang mana wajib bagi setiap pelajar tahun akhir Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), sebelum dianugerahkan segulung ijazah. Tujuan PSM adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keupayaan pelajar dalam melaksanakan tugas yang diberikan dalam masa penyelidikan ilmiah untuk menghasilkan seorang jurutera yang produktif dan cekap. Dalam kertas ini, sebuah “Light Weight Manual Lifting Robot” akan direkabentuk dan dibina. Robot pengangkat digunakan dalam pelbagai perkakas bagi tujuan aplikasi memindah dan mengangkat. Ia mengangkat sebuah produk dari satu tempat dalam proses pembuatan, bergerak mengikut garis dan meletakkannya ditempat lain secara automatic. Robot ini direka bertujuan menyingkirkan penggunaan kekuatan manusia untuk mengangkat barang bagi tujuan aplikasi pemindahan. Secara konsep, bagi projek ini, robot menggunakan manual sistem yang mana mengandungi sebuah alat pengemudi iaitu pengemudi tangan, dikendalikan oleh pekerja. Pengemudi tangan akan berfungsi sebagai satu medium antara pekerja dan pengawal litar robot yang mana menentukan pergerakan robot. Robot ini dibina supaya ia ringan dan direka dengan tapak yang kukuh dan mekanisma mengangkat yang baik untuk meningkatkan keupayaan robot. pembinaan robot boleh dibahagi kepada dua iaitu electric dan elektronik komponen, dan bahagian mekanikal. Pemasangan elektrik terdiri daripada alat pemandu, PIC alat pengendali, pengemudi tangan dan penyambungan wayar ke robot, manakala pembinaan stuktur mekanikal terdiri daripada tapak robot dan mekanisma mengangkat. Akhirya, robot yang mana terdiri daripada litar elektrik untuk mengawal operasi robot menggunakan pengendali tangan, boleh sepenuhnya bergabung dengan struktur mekanikal yang stabil dan ringan. Robot juga mengandungi sebuah operasi yang lancar dengan mekanisma mengangkat.



To my beloved parent, Mr. Mohamad Rajuni and Mrs. Norsiah; supervisor, Mr Mohd Hisham B. Nordin;

special friend, Faridah Omardin;

and to my housemate, Apis, Ajis, Addam, Akam and Abie; whose love of reading has been an inspiration.



I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the possibility to complete this project. Especially, I am obliged to my beloved parents, who are always be there for giving me support, strength, and great help in difficult times. Both of them are my source of inspiration that lead me to working hard in gaining knowledge. I also would like to share this moment of happiness with all my friends that helped me in completing this project in one way or another. This research has been done at fundamental Mechanics Laboratory at Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.

I am deeply indebted to my supervisor, Mr Mohd Hisham B. Nordin from Manufacturing Engineering Faculty, UTeM for all his guidance and help throughout the entire time of this project being carried out. Without her wise counsel, advice and stimulating support, this project might not go well as it is. I have furthermore to thank Mr. Muhamad Arfauz B. A.Rahman and Mr. Asari, also from Manufacturing Engineering Faculty, UTeM for all their help, support, interest, and valuable hints.

Last but not least, I wish to acknowledge to all persons who involve in supporting, advising, and assisting neither directly nor indirectly for my final year project. Thank you so much.



Abstract i

Abstrak ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of Content v

List of Tables ix

List of Figures x

List of Abbreviations xiv


1.1 Problem Statement 3

1.2 Objectives 4

1.3 Scope 4

1.4 Benefits of the Project 5


2.1 Introduction to robot 6

2.2 Type of Robot 8

2.2.1 Industrial Robot 8 Cartesian robot /Gantry robot 10 Cylindrical robot 10 Spherical/Polar robot 11 SCARA robot 11 Articulated robot 12 Parallel robot 12

2.2.2 Humanoid Robot 13

2.3 Robot Anatomy 15

(10) Frame 16 Locomotion 22 Gripper 24 Gear 26 Bearing 31

2.3.2 Motor 34 AC inductions motors 34 DC motors 38 Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor 41 Stepper Motor 42 Switched Reluctance Motor 44 Motor 47

2.3.3 Controller 49 Programmable Logic Controller 49 Microcontroller 52

2.3.4 Electrical and electronic components 54 Resistor 54 Capacitor 56 Diode 58 Transistor 60 Relay 62

2.3.5 Batteries 63 Nickel Cadmium 64 Nickel Metal Hydride 64 Lithium Ion 65 Sealed Lead Acid 65


3.1 Flow Chart 67

3.1.1 Problem Statement 69


3.1.3 Literature Review 72

3.1.4 Design 72

3.1.5 Construction and Integration 73

3.1.6 Testing 74

3.1.7 Analyzing 74


4.1 Conceptual Design 75

4.1.1 Design requirement 75

4.1.2 Material Selection 77

4.1.3 First Design 77

4.1.4 Second Design 79

4.1.5 Third Design 81

4.1.6 Design Selection 83

4.2 Development of Mechanical Structure 84

4.2.1 Base 84

4.2.2 Lifting Mechanism 87

4.2.3 Supporting Element 89

4.2.4 Gripping Mechanism 90

4.3 Controller Unit 93

4.3.1 Cytron AR40B Controller Board 93 Cytron AR40B Controller Board Descriptions 94 Connection to Controller Board 95

4.3.2 Hand Hold Controller 97 Hand Hold Controller Descriptions 98

4.4 Motor Driver 99

4.4.1 Cytron MD30B Motor Driver Description 100

4.4.2 Connection to Motor Driver 101



5.1.1 Center of gravity 103 Procedure 104 Result and discussion 106 Testing 107

5.1.2 Maximum load analysis 108 Procedure 109 Result and discussion 110

5.1.3 Linear Force and Velocity Analysis 111 Procedure 112 Result and discussion 114


6.1 Conclusion 116

6.2 Suggestion for Further Works 116

6.2.1 Linear Slider 116

6.2.2 Sensor 117




2.1 Definitions of Robot 7

2.2 Resistor Color Code 56

2.3 Comparison between Types of Battery 66

3.1 Gantt chart for PSM 1 70

3.2 Gantt chart for PSM 2 71

4.1 Pugh’s Method 83

4.2 Description of AR40B layout 94

4.3 Descriptions of hand controller layout 98

4.4 Descriptions of motor driver layout 100

5.1 Maximum load analysis 110



2.1 C3PO and R2D2 6

2.2 Industrial robots assemble a vehicle underbody 9

2.3 Cartesian robot 10

2.4 Cylindrical robot 10

2.5 Spherical/Polar robot 11

2.6 SCARA robot 11

2.7 Articulated robot 12

2.8 Parallel robot 12

2.9 A humanoid robot that appears to be playing a trumpet 14

2.10 ABS sheet 16

2.11 Acrylic sheet 17

2.12 Nylon sheet 18

2.13 Polycarbonate sheet 19

2.14 PVC sheet 19

2.15 Plywood 20

2.16 Extruded aluminum 21

2.17 A robot with 2-wheeled development platform 22

2.18 A 4-legged walker robot 23

2.19 Comparison between internal and external gripper 25

2.20 Parallel gripper 25

2.21 Angular gripper 26

2.22 Toggle Gripper 26

2.23 Illustration of spur gears 27

2.24 Illustration of internal ring gear 27

2.25 Illustration of rack 27

2.26 Illustration of helical gear 28

2.27 Illustration of double helical gear 28


2.29 Illustration of worm gear 29 2.30 Illustration of double enveloping worm gear 29

2.31 Illustration of hypoid gear 30

2.32 Illustration of straight bevel gear 30

2.33 Cutaway view of a ball bearing 31

2.34 Cutaway view of a roller bearing 32

2.35 Thrust Ball bearing 32

2.36 Thrust Roller Bearing 33

2.37 Cutaway view of a radial taper roller bearing 33

2.38 AC motor 34

2.39 Basic operation of an AC induction motor 35

2.40 1-phase AC induction motor control 36

2.41 3-phase AC induction motor control 37

2.42 DC motor 38

2.43 DC motor operation 39

2.44 Permanent Magnet Synchronous motor 41

2.45 Stepper motor 43

2.46 Stepper motor control 44

2.47 Switched Reluctance motor 45

2.48 Switch Reluctance motor control 46

2.49 Universal motor 47

2.50 Chopper and Phase-angel for Universal motor 48

2.51 PLC 49

2.52 The PLC system 50

2.53 A microcontroller 52

2.54 A general functional block diagram of a microcontroller 53

2.55 Resistors 54

2.56 Resistor’s symbol 55

2.57 Ohm’s law 55

2.58 Illustration of capacitor 57


2.60 Various type of capacitors 58

2.61 Diode 58

2.62 Diode and its symbol 66

2.63 The current versus voltage curve typical of diodes 66

2.64 Various type of transistors 60

2.65 BJT and JFET symbols 61

2.66 Electronic relay 62

2.67 Various type of batteries 63

2.68 Nickel Cadmium battery 64

2.69 Nickel Metal Hydride battery 64

2.70 Lithium Ion battery 65

2.71 Sealed Lead Acid battery 65

3.1 Flow chart of methodology 68

4.1 The task of the Traveler Robot boarding the Kago 76 4.2 Dimetric view of first design (before lifting) 78 4.3 Dimetric view of first design (after lifting) 78 4.4 Dimetric view of second design (before lifting) 80 4.5 Dimetric view of second design (after lifting) 80 4.6 Dimetric view of third design (before lifting) 82 4.7 Dimetric view of third design (after lifting) 82

4.8 Band saw machine 84

4.9 Welding process 85

4.10 Installation of motor 85

4.11 Installation of wheel. 86

4.12 M5 nut being immersed in wooden beam 86

4.13 Robot base 87

4.14 Installation of lifting motor and pinion 87

4.15 Development of lifting mechanism 88


4.17 Laser cutting machine 89

4.18 Installation of rack and pinion 90

4.19 Lathe process 91

4.20 Holder with coupling 91

4.21 Installation of gripping mechanism 92

4.22 Mechanical structure of Light Weight Manual Lifting Robot 92

4.23 AR40B layout 94

4.24 Connection to controller board 95

4.25 Connection for external brush motor driver. 96

4.26 SPG50-180K model of DC geared motor 97

4.27 Hand hold controller layout 98

4.28 Motor driver layout 100

4.29 Connection to motor driver board 101

4.30 60JB60123600-30K model of DC geared motor 102

4.31 Installation of controller board and motor driver board 102

5.1 Mechanical analysis for center of gravity 103

5.2 Location of lifting mechanism from datum point 106

5.3 The robot is ascending the mountain pass 107

5.4 The robot is descending the mountain pass 108

5.5 Total of 5kg of the load 109

5.6 Maximum load analysis chart 110

5.7 Pinion at critical point of rack 111

5.8 Calculation of linear force and velocity 113

5.9 Chart of linear force against loads 114

5.10 Illustration of vertical linear force 115

6.1 Profile rail guide 117

6.2 Lifting mechanism at minimum height limit. 118



ABS - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene AC - Alternative current

ADC - Analog-to-Digital Converter BJT - Bipolar Junction Transistor CCW - Counter Clockwise

CPU - Central Processing Unit CW - Clockwise

DAC - Digital-to-Analog Converter DC - Direct current

EMI - Electromagnetic Interference I/O - Input/Output

IC - Integrated Circuit

ISO - International Organization for Standardization JFET - Junction gate Field-Effect Transistor

JIRA - Japanese Industrial Robot Association LED - Light Emitting Diode

LION - Lithium Ion

MSD - Musculoskeletal disorder NiCD - Nickel Cadmium

NiMH - Nickel Metal Hydride PCB - Printed Circuit Board

PIC - Programmable Integrated Circuit PLC - Programmable Logic Controller PM - Permanent Magnet

PVC - Polyvinyl chloride PWM - Pulse Width Modulation RAM - Random-access memory SR - Switched Reluctance




Robots are a source of fascination for humans because of the ease with which they carry out work that is too difficult, monotonous or hazardous for human. From the first American industrial robot application in the automotive industry in the early 1960s, robots have improved tremendously and found of other application. They are used in all types of manufacturing, assembly, medicine, and so on. Robots provide thousands of hours of service without tiring, complaining, or breaking down in dangerous or boring environments that are not suitable for humans (Groover, 2008).

Today's robots are designed and have been developed to serve the humans. Jobs which require speed, accuracy, reliability or endurance can be performed far better by a robot than a human. In manufacturing, they are used for welding, riveting, pick and placing, scraping and painting. They are also deployed for demolition, fire and bomb fighting, nuclear site inspection, industrial cleaning, laboratory use, medical surgery, agriculture, forestry, office mail delivery as well as a myriad of other tasks (Appleton, 1987).

Lifting robot is used in wide variety of material for purpose of transfer applications. It lifts a product from one spot in the manufacturing process, traveling through the following line and drops it into another location, automatically. This robot is being manufactured in order to eliminate the use of human strength in order to lift things for the manual sorting application. Operators will no longer have to face an awkward


working posture and repetition of works with this robot, thus it will eliminate the work injury that being related with these jobs.

Conceptually, for this project, the robot used manual system that using a handling device which is hand hold controller, actuated by an operator. The hand hold controller will function as a link between the robot operator and the robot controller circuit which determined the robot movements. The robot can lift an object, travel to any location, and drop it into another location, as wish by its operator. The robot is designed so that it is light weight and developed with steady base support and well function of lifting mechanism in order to enhance the performance of the robot. Consequently, the robot can be called as Light Weight Manual Lifting Robot.


1.1 Problem Statement

Nowadays, there are still some of the lifting processes that being conducted manually by the workers. Manual lifting process will take a long time because human usually get tired of doing the same task repetitively, and besides, the job is too boring to be bothered with. Otherwise, the object to be lifted is large sizes and heavy weights, and it will trouble the worker to lift the object manually. This will result in lower production time due to the inefficient work condition. The repetition of these works over long period of time will definitely cause the workers to experience lower back pain and in some cases of musculoskeletal disorder (MSD). Moreover, in some serious cases, this type of injury will cause operator to get paralyze. Instead of that, the company needs some kind of device to assist the worker in lifting process.

In other case, the big company provided an automated system for lifting application in their production line. However, the automated lifting system being used in big company does not compatible for the application of the smaller company. This system is necessarily required a very high cost to be implemented. Instead of that, these systems also required an amount of space if the systems need to be installed depending on the size of the system. Otherwise, the space of the system cannot be used for other purposes.

The purpose of Light Weight Manual Lifting Robot is being developed, is to eliminate the entire problem which are described earlier. The manually lifting process that functional by this robot can be done faster than the human. Additionally, the robot can travel at any direction as wish by its operator, which means the robot can move freely, even in confined space. Consequently, this will result in higher material handling efficiency. Workers no longer lift heavy objects at the end of the production line, which makes handling procedures more efficient and flexible. Otherwise, the cost for manual lifting system is far lower than the automated lifting system.


1.2 Objectives

The main objective of this project is to design and develop a Light Weight Manual Lifting Robot that can be used as travel unit and lifting application. Additional objectives of this project are:-

a) To develop a fully functional controller that can be used to control the robot movement.

b) To rid of the requirements of relying on human strength in lifting process.

1.3 Scope

In order to build an operational robot that can be used to perform the lifting process, scopes are required to assist and guide the growth of the project. The scope should be acknowledged and intended to achieve the objectives of the project successfully on time. The following are the scope of the project:-

a) The robot shall consist of an electrical circuit to control the robot operations using hand hold controller.

b) The robot must have a stable structure. c) The robot must have a light weight.


1.4 Benefits of the Project

This light weight manual control robot for lifting application are being developed in order to assist the lifting process that usually being done by using human power. The advantages of this robot depend on following factors:-

a) Speed

The robots allow for faster cycle times.

b) Workplace

Unlimited workplace because the robot able to move around as wish by its operator.

c) Accuracy

Robotic systems are more accurate and consistent than their human counterparts.

d) Production

The consistent output of a robotic system along with quality and repeatability are unmatched.

e) Reliability

Robots can work 24 hours a day, seven days a week without stopping, complaining or tiring.

f) Flexibility

Lifting robots can be reprogrammable and tooling such as gripper, can be interchanged to provide for multipurpose applications.




2.1 Introduction to Robot

When people hear the word "robot", more often than not, they probably get a picture in their mind of a clever mechanical man, perhaps R2D2 or C3PO from the movie Star Wars. That is how most people think of robots, but the robots that really exist today are quite different from the robots of comic books, cartoons, and science fiction films and books. Robots come in many shape and sizes and have many different abilities. Basically, a robot is simply a computer with some sort of mechanical body designed to do a particular job. Usually, it is able to move and has one or more electronic senses. These senses are not nearly as powerful as our own senses of sight and hearing. However, scientists and engineers are working hard to improve robots. They are constantly coming up with ways to make them see, hear and respond to the environment around them (Bethune Academy, 2003).




Robots are a source of fascination for humans because of the ease with which they carry out work that is too difficult, monotonous or hazardous for human. From the first American industrial robot application in the automotive industry in the early 1960s, robots have improved tremendously and found of other application. They are used in all types of manufacturing, assembly, medicine, and so on. Robots provide thousands of hours of service without tiring, complaining, or breaking down in dangerous or boring environments that are not suitable for humans (Groover, 2008).

Today's robots are designed and have been developed to serve the humans. Jobs which require speed, accuracy, reliability or endurance can be performed far better by a robot than a human. In manufacturing, they are used for welding, riveting, pick and placing, scraping and painting. They are also deployed for demolition, fire and bomb fighting, nuclear site inspection, industrial cleaning, laboratory use, medical surgery, agriculture, forestry, office mail delivery as well as a myriad of other tasks (Appleton, 1987).


working posture and repetition of works with this robot, thus it will eliminate the work injury that being related with these jobs.

Conceptually, for this project, the robot used manual system that using a handling device which is hand hold controller, actuated by an operator. The hand hold controller will function as a link between the robot operator and the robot controller circuit which determined the robot movements. The robot can lift an object, travel to any location, and drop it into another location, as wish by its operator. The robot is designed so that it is light weight and developed with steady base support and well function of lifting mechanism in order to enhance the performance of the robot. Consequently, the robot can be called as Light Weight Manual Lifting Robot.


1.1 Problem Statement

Nowadays, there are still some of the lifting processes that being conducted manually by the workers. Manual lifting process will take a long time because human usually get tired of doing the same task repetitively, and besides, the job is too boring to be bothered with. Otherwise, the object to be lifted is large sizes and heavy weights, and it will trouble the worker to lift the object manually. This will result in lower production time due to the inefficient work condition. The repetition of these works over long period of time will definitely cause the workers to experience lower back pain and in some cases of musculoskeletal disorder (MSD). Moreover, in some serious cases, this type of injury will cause operator to get paralyze. Instead of that, the company needs some kind of device to assist the worker in lifting process.

In other case, the big company provided an automated system for lifting application in their production line. However, the automated lifting system being used in big company does not compatible for the application of the smaller company. This system is necessarily required a very high cost to be implemented. Instead of that, these systems also required an amount of space if the systems need to be installed depending on the size of the system. Otherwise, the space of the system cannot be used for other purposes.

The purpose of Light Weight Manual Lifting Robot is being developed, is to eliminate the entire problem which are described earlier. The manually lifting process that functional by this robot can be done faster than the human. Additionally, the robot can


1.2 Objectives

The main objective of this project is to design and develop a Light Weight Manual Lifting Robot that can be used as travel unit and lifting application. Additional objectives of this project are:-

a) To develop a fully functional controller that can be used to control the robot movement.

b) To rid of the requirements of relying on human strength in lifting process.

1.3 Scope

In order to build an operational robot that can be used to perform the lifting process, scopes are required to assist and guide the growth of the project. The scope should be acknowledged and intended to achieve the objectives of the project successfully on time. The following are the scope of the project:-

a) The robot shall consist of an electrical circuit to control the robot operations using hand hold controller.

b) The robot must have a stable structure. c) The robot must have a light weight.


1.4 Benefits of the Project

This light weight manual control robot for lifting application are being developed in order to assist the lifting process that usually being done by using human power. The advantages of this robot depend on following factors:-

a) Speed

The robots allow for faster cycle times.

b) Workplace

Unlimited workplace because the robot able to move around as wish by its operator.

c) Accuracy

Robotic systems are more accurate and consistent than their human counterparts.

d) Production

The consistent output of a robotic system along with quality and repeatability are unmatched.

e) Reliability

Robots can work 24 hours a day, seven days a week without stopping, complaining or tiring.

f) Flexibility




2.1 Introduction to Robot

When people hear the word "robot", more often than not, they probably get a picture in their mind of a clever mechanical man, perhaps R2D2 or C3PO from the movie Star Wars. That is how most people think of robots, but the robots that really exist today are quite different from the robots of comic books, cartoons, and science fiction films and books. Robots come in many shape and sizes and have many different abilities. Basically, a robot is simply a computer with some sort of mechanical body designed to do a particular job. Usually, it is able to move and has one or more electronic senses. These senses are not nearly as powerful as our own senses of sight and hearing. However, scientists and engineers are working hard to improve robots. They are constantly coming up with ways to make them see, hear and respond to the environment around them (Bethune Academy, 2003).