Thomas Hardy’s Idea About Love In Some Of His Poems




A Thesis

By :












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Drs. Syahri Saja, M.A Dra. Siamir Marulapau M.HUM

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Submitted to Faculty of Letters University of North Sumatera in partial fulfilment of the degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Language/Literature


Accepted by the Board of examinersin partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Satra from the English Department, Faculty of Letters, University of North Sumatera, Medan.

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Togatorop, Mei Ani Vinolia. A Study Conflict as Portrayed by Arthur Miller in “Death of A

Salesman”. Thesis. English Department, State University of North Sumatera, 2009.

Saya memilih drama yang berjudul Death of A Salesman yang mana pada dasarnya adalah

sebuah drama yang unik karangan Arthur Miller. Arthur Miller banyak mendapatkan hadiah

Nobel atas karya-karyanya, lagipula dia adalah seorang pengarang drama terbaik. Saya suka

membahas drama ini karena kebanyakan drama karangan Arthur Miller menceritakan tentang

masalah atau conflict yang terjadi dalam keluarga. Didalm thesis ini saya mengambil masalah

conflict dalam drama Death of A Salesman. Conflict terbagi dua yaitu inner confliict pada diri

Willy Loman itu sendiri dan outer conflict yang terjadi antara Willy Loman dengan Biff

Loman, Happy Loman, Howard, Charley and Bernard. Adapun conflict dengan Linda,

istrinya sendiri tidak begitu menonjol sekali.

Itulah makanya saya senang membahas masalah conflict dalam drama Death of A Salesman

karena ceritanya baik dan menarik untuk di simak dan dipelajari.








The Background of the Study


The Problem of the Study

1.3 The Objective of the Study


The Scope of the Study

1.5The Significance of the Study

1.6 Review of the Related literature





Kinds of Love


Relationship Literature with Idea




4.1 Unforgettable Memories

4.2 Happiness

4.3 Heart broken ( sorrowing)


5.1 Conclusion

5.2 Suggestion









The Background of The Study

Literature seems like a clear window on the world. It reflects human life. It portrays the human feeling thought imagination and perception. Literature is writing which expresses and communicates thoughts, feelings and attitudes to ward life ( R.J. Rees, 1972: 2). According to Tama ( 2003) literature is imagination springs from our in born love of telling the story, of arranging words in pleasant patterns of expressing some special spects of human experiences in words. Writers select, arrange and interpret their experience and observation of life through the medium of language. Wherever, language is used to communicate, express and appreciate human ideas of something. Literature can be divided into drama, novel and poetry. But in this thesis , I only discussed about poetry.

What is a poetry? There are many people who give their definitions of poetry based on what they know, experience and conceive. Poetry as it is defined by A.S. Hornby ( 1995 : 80) is a collection of poems in general “ a poem is a piece of creative writing in verse, special one expressing deep feelings’. Meanwhile, poem is written in verse ( Charles Barber, 1083:4). Therefore, it needs a deep feeling and good imagination to understand the meaning of poems. Talking about poems is all about the expression upon the emotional and imaginative feeling upon something. As


suffering, nature, hatred, etc. Usually, in a number of his poems, he expresses his perception of love. It shows the interconnection of daily life with writing.

Love is any of a number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection and attachment. The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings states and attitudes ranging from please. Love usually refer to a deep, ineffable feeling of tenderly caring for another person, even this limited conception of love. The meaning of love offers and explain a definition of love, in away that is interesting, intense, clear, logical and meaningful. All friendship dating, infatuation, family, community, and professional- involve three key elements key. They are : emotions, ethics and joys. Wherever, emotions is how feel about each other. Ethics is how good or bad we are for each other and joys is how much we satisfy or dissatisfy each other. This statement is true because love plays an important rule in this life. Without love, there is no one who can love in this world and everything destroyed without love.

Thomas Hardy was an English author in nineteenth century who wrote some good novels. He also wrote some good poems. Most of his poems deal with theme of disappointment in love and life, and about human suffering. According to Thomas Hardy love can make someone disappointed.


After his wife died, he began to write a series of love poems about his late wife. In this love poems, he is express sorrow of love who make life to be loneliness. In writing this poems, hardy’s always travelling especially visited places who forgettable with his late wife. With his wife died suddenly make hardy’s idea about love that love is happiness, can make someone broken heart and unforgettable memories. After reading his collected poems, I can make a conclusion that what of his poems describe some elements based on his biography, his life, his religion and his love. because during his lifetime he faced such problems which were related to that.

In this thesis, I choose Hardy’s poems about love because I want to know the poet’s describe idea about love in some of his poems and there any related love with happiness, sorrowing, broken heart and unforgettable memories.

1.2 The Problem of the Study

There are two problems which are going to be analyzed in this research.

They are as follows :


Are the poet’s about love related to happiness, sorrowing , broken heart

and unforgettable memories?


How does the poet describe the feeling love of sorrowing , happiness,

broken heart and unforgettable memories?


1.3 The Objective of the Study

There are two objectives of writing this thesis .

The objective are :


To find out how the poet’s describe the feeling love of sorrowing ,

happiness, broken heart and unforgettable memories?


To find out the poet’s about love related to happiness, sorrowing , broken

heart and unforgettable memories

1.4 The Scope of the Study

Thomas Hardy wrote some great imaginary poems, they are life, love , human

suffering, etc. In this thesis I only focus on Thomas Hardy’s love poems. They are,

among others, “After a journey”, “ At Castle Botherel”, “Beeny Clift”, “ The Going”,

and “The voice”.

1.5 The Significance of the Study

There are some significances of this thesis writing. They are :


We will know the poet’s about love related to happiness, sorrowing , broken

heart and unforgettable memories


1.6 The Review of Related Literature

Love means having strong feeling for someone. And love can a feeling of

caring more someone else, which result happiness or sorrow love. There are many

people to write a story and give expressions about love. For example : After Hardy’s

wife died, he began to write a series of love poems about his late wife. In this love

poems, he is express sorrow of love who make life to be loneliness. With his wife

died suddenly make hardy’s idea about love that love is happiness, disappointment,

can make someone broken heart and unforgettable memories.

Love is an important element in men’s life. Love can be so in spring to somebody

even though the one that he loves dies as what happened between Hardy and Emma.

In the Thesis, I am curious to know how Thomas Hardy’s reveals the idea about love

to Emma by using a literary device namely imagery. The poems that are going to be

analyzed are “ After a journey”, “ The Voice”, “ At Castle Botherel”, “Beeny Clift”, “

The Going”, and “ The Voice”

Finally, from the use of imagery, it can be found out that Hardy’s has the about

love in his poems that love includes passion, intimacy and reflects a high regard for

the value of each other’s person.






Love is needed in relationship and loves needs sacrifice. Love can not be

separated from human being because they can know each other and make relationship

based on love. Love is concerned with feeling. It means that love is a feeling of caring

more someone else, which result happiness.

Love is just when two people love each at her not the body friend and girl friend

thing but when they live each day to see each other faces. So dun take love the wrong

way because you fall it you can never get others. People who fall in love and get

married generally feet they are doing the right thing. They normally also have strong

from their families and friends from community. In a general, from this perspective

romantic love may well be functional by inducing individuals to become husbands

and wives , fathers and mothers. Thereby creating the new round of nuclear, families

needed each generation.

There are many definition of love. Like : according of Emily Dickinson is a

famous woman because she is write good love poems. She says “ love is everything”.

Usually, Emily’s love poems come from her unrequited love of a beloved man. In her

love poems Emily’s show that love is more than life and death. It means without

love, life is empty and love can make this life happy.


She say that love is the first creation in the world after human being.

According by Thomas Hardy love can make someone disappointed. He expresses how feeling to sorrow of love. His wife died suddenly , he began to write a series of love poems about his late wife. In this love poems, he is express sorrow of love who make life to be loneliness. In writing this poems, hardy’s always travelling especially visited places who forgettable with his late wife. With his wife died suddenly make hardy’s idea about love that love is happiness, disappointment, can make someone broken heart and unforgettable memories. But feeling alone do not make a great poems. There must also be a good poet must not only be able to feel, he must be able to express what he feels in memorable language and a unique style. We don’t know who this unhappy pair are, their particular grief have been dead these many years, but by his arts as a poet Hardy’s has immortal their sorrow for ourselves.

2.2 Kinds of Love

There are several greek words for kinds of love that one regularly to in Christian




Storge refers to familial love. The characteristic of storge are want to help, give attention, honourable and like to protect. For example : in the warm affection that parents have to ward their children because a deep and abiding affection.


Storge is the greek word for natural affection which applies to familial love

such as the love of a parent to ward a child. Storge is also the form of love

between friends. In this love, may be used as a general term to describe the

love between exceptional friends and the desire for them to care

compassionately for one other.

Storge lovers are friends first and the friendship can endure even beyond

the break up the sexual relationship. In this love, describe affection love

applies within families or among those who find themselves spending a lot of

time together.



Eros is for passionate love. It’s most often associated with sexual desire, it’s not a necessary part of love but usually accompanies romantic love. There are three meaning of Eros, those are a winged figure of a child representing love and power, physical love or sexual desire and a type of love that seeks fulfillment without violation of something else.

According to Plato, Eros represents the interior force that drags man to ward everything good, true, and beautiful. This attraction indicates, in this case the intensity of a subjective act of human sprit. Eros, in fact is the guiding of the sensual or sensitive man to ward what is transcendent. The force that directs the soul to ward the world of ideas.




Agape is love that is spiritual, not sexual, in its nature. There are three

definition of Agape.. they are the love of God or Christ for human kind, the

love of Christians for other persons who corresponding to the love of God for

human kind and selfless love of one person for another without sexual


From explanation in above, I conclude that Agape is an active, rational self

and sacrificing love. It’s often associated with the love that God has for

humanity, the object receiving the love doesn’t anything to especially deserve




Philia means friendship love. Philia is stronger because it’s more by choice. Philia for neighbourly love. The bands of friendship that blind us together in communicity. In this love for love refer to brotherly love, including friendship and affection.

In this kind love, it is not sexual in nature, and Philia is the embodiment of everything a true, meaningful friendship represents. I have often counseled teenagers that they should pursue Philia love with a prospective girlfriend or boyfriend well before they contemplate any other kind of love.


2.3 Relationship between Literature with Idea

Thomas hardy and Emily Dickinson have same attitudes idea about love. People

who make an analysis of love poems by Emily Dickinson in his thesis, says : love can

make someone disappointed. Beside it, She says “ love is everything”. Usually, Emily’s

love poems come from her unrequited love of a beloved man. In her love poems Emily’s

show that love is more than life and death. It means without love, life is empty and love

can make this life happy. She say that love is the first creation in the world after human

being. While according to Thomas Hardy love can make someone disappointed. He

expresses how feeling to sorrow of love. His wife died suddenly , he began to write a

series of love poems about his late wife. In this love poems, he is express sorrow of love

who make life to be loneliness.




3.1 The Method of the Study

In doing the analysis, the writer of this thesis uses biographical approach. In which he tries to analyze Thomas Hardy’s poems based on his own biographies in order to find out his perception about love in some his poems. Since biographical approach consider literary work mainly in connection with the life and the personality of the author himself and herself. Thus, the writer of this thesis must learn much Thomas Hardy himself through his life background especially through the writing of his biographers.

The process of analysis are as follows : first the writer read some books which related to the poet’s life background and historical record of his time. It is useful to know more deeply. His life, struggling, thought, emotion and in order to explorer how particular case like the death of his persons have influenced his perception love. Then the writer select seven poems that express idea about love and tries to analyze them. In this way, I seeks certain points of the writings and looks for any compatibilities in the next. Finally, I comes to his conclusion of the findings.

I collects data in library. He consults some related references it enables him to analyze the poems Thomas Hardy’s idea about love more accurately.


3.2 The technique for Collecting Data

The collecting data is very important. In this analysis seven poems that express about love. I collected some references which are related to this thesis. One of books that the writer used for the data of the Life and Literary work of Thomas Hardy ( 1984 : 20 ) book, Michael, Millgate write about completes how living by Hardy’s like his childhood to adulthood and in this book contents his life, his religion and his love. It is very useful to find out his biography and can be easy to analyze his poems especially love poems. And the books that the writer used for the data of Apresiasi Puisi- Puisi Sastra Inggris ( Siswantoro). Wherever, this books content about meaning, element of poetry and how to analyze a poem ? it is very helpful to analyze those who want to analyze poetry.

After that, I tried to collect the data from the books as many possible which contain Hardy’s about love in some his poems.

3.3 The technique for Analyzing Data

After collecting data like read some books who related it. And finally I tries to analyze seven about love to his late wife. Before it, I am studying his biography especially his late wife because after his wife dead, he began a series of love poems about his late wife write.

In this analyze, I will discuss based on stanza and line in a every love poems.





In this chapter, the thesis writer will discuss seven poems of Thomas hardy which are already chosen.

This chapter will discuss each of the poems concerning their use of imaginary for the expression of the idea about love to his late wife. The discussion will be used to prove that use of imaginary reveal the theme of romantic love and how to deep expression idea about love to his late wife.

4.1 Unforgettable Memories

There are two poems who talk about unforgettable memories.

They are At castle Botherel and After a Journey.

Thomas hardy visited place who have memories to his late wife. Although his wife dead, he is so fall love it. Because according him, love is unforgettable memories. Wherever, unforgettable memories is not forgettable enduring in memory.

This poem was written during March 1913 when Hardy’s visited Coornwall after the death of his wife. Castle Botherel is Bostcastle about a mile from St. Juliot where Emma ( his wife) lived when she first me Hardy travelling along a road near Bostcastle. Hardy recalled a particular incident which took place on it between himself and Emma forty years before.


For remembered to his late wife, in this poem content this place possible a declaration of love is left the imagination for Hardy the importance lies in the fact that it happened and is still remembered in spite of time’s hardness in removing the substance of what happened.

In this poem ‘ at castle boterel’ , I meets a long of imagery inside. They are visual imagery, tactile imagery, tension imagery, internal sensation, and imagery. Structurally, lines 1-21 talk about how Hardy remembers the journey in the past with Emma. Lines 22-36. However, show that Hardy is in the present time and he realize that his romance with Emma will have never happened again

As I drive the junction of lane and highway,

And the drizzle bedrenches the waggonette,

I look behind the fading byway,

And see on its slope, now glistening wet,

Distinctly yet

( stanza 1, lines 1-5)

The visual imagery in the first stanza here is ‘lane’ in line 1 = / As I drive to the junction lane/ ; ‘highway’ in line 1 = / and highway/ ; drizzle in line 2= / and the drizzle bedrenches the waggonette/ by way in line 3= / I Look at the fading by way/ slope in line 4 = / And see on its slope/ and’ glistening’ in line 4 =/now glistening/ those scenes try to make the readers know that Hardy is in middle of a Journey to somewhere. In the readers ‘imagination’,


And I think in this one stanza that Hardy expression unhappy quality of the present b ecause Hardy’s not a chanche to say goodbye to his late wife.

In the second stanza the thesis writers meets visual imagery such as ‘ girlish’ in line 6=/ My self and a girlish from benighted/ road in line 7= / we climb the road/ and ‘pony’ in line 9 = /to ease the sturdy pony’s load/ those lines show the intimacy between Hardy and Emma since they both do the same activities.

Besides the visual imagery, there are three other kind of imagery in the second stanza which function as a supplement elements that clarifies the poem. Namely auditory imagery such as ‘ sigh’ in line 10= / When he signed / tactile imagery such as ‘dry’ in line 7 = / In dry March weather/ ; and imagery like ‘ climb’ in line 7 = / We climb the road/ in the poem they are put in the second stanza. Line 6-10 :

My self and a girlish form benighted

In dry March weather. We climb the road

Beside a chaise. We had just alighted

To ease the sturdy pony’s load

When he sighed and slowed.

( stanza 2, lines 6-10)

Lines 6-10 above, Hardy lets the readers know his memories with Emma in dry weather of March; how they both climb the road and when the feel alight ease the pony when he sighed and slowed. Those lines also reflects the intimacy between Hardy and Emma and how they regard toward each other because it is clear to the readers when they are together they feel happy. And I think in this


Hardy tells for use it contrast with the present wet, unpleasant March weather and suggest the greater happiness of the March of the past.

In the third stanza below, there are two imageries that are auditory imagery such as ‘talk’ in line 12 = / talked of / and motion imagery for example ‘ climb’ in line 11 ; / What we did as we climbed / the sense of sound and movement that appear in the poem shows the intimacy between Hardy and Emma; what they talk about and what they are doing. They appear in the first and last line of the stanza :

What we did as we climbed, and what we talked of

Matters not much, nor to what it led

Something that life will not be balked of

Without rude reason till hope is dead,

And feeling fled.

( stanza 3, lines 11-16)

There are two other kind of imagery in the fourth stanza of this poem in bottom. They are tension imagery in the word ‘climb’ in line 20 = / Thought it has been climbed / and the internal sensation in the world ‘ foot- sore’ in line 20 = / Though it has been climbed, foot- swift, foot- sore / . In the poem they are put in lines 20-21 :


In that hill’s story? To one mind never,

Though it has been climbed, foot-swift, foot- sore,

By thousands more.

( stanza 4 , lines 17- 21)

Lines 17-21 reflect how their relationship happened in a very limited time but for Hardy it feels like forever. So, the readers can see that those lines show the memories of Emma to Hardy will last forever.

In the fifth stanza below, the readers can see that this stanza is full with the visual imagery. They are ‘ rocks’ in line 22 = / Primaeval rocks/ ; road’s border in line 22 = / from the road’s steep border/ ; border colour in line 25 = / But what they record in colour/ sight in line 28 = / Has ruled from sight / ; figure in line 29 = / remains the slope / and the ‘night’ in line 30 = / As when that night / all these natural things are related to the experienced of the poet with Emma, that is what they do in that place.

Primaeval rocks form the road’s steep border,

And much have they faced there, first and last,

Of the transitory in Earth’s long order,

But what they record in colour and cast

Is – that we two passed.


The above five lines show the image that the rocks only record that we two passed. It means how Hardy and Emma finally can pass their journey of life together. Somehow, it also shows the intimacy between them.

In line 27-31, Hardy describes that he always remembers the things he did with Emma.

And to me, though Time’s unflinching rigour,

In mindless rote, has ruled from sight

The substance now, ne phantom figure

Remains on the slope, as when that night

Saw us alight.

( stanza 6, lines 27-31 )

The last stanza contains the visual imagery and auditory imagery. The visual imagery is used in the word ‘it’ which refer to the word ‘one’ phantom figure in line 32 = / I look and see it there / ; ‘rain’ in line 33 = / I look back at it a mid the rain = / ; ‘ sand’ in line 34 = / for my sand is sinking / ; while the auditory imagery reflects in the word ‘ shrinking’ in line 31 = / I look and see it there, shrinking, shrinking /. As the readers can see in the first to third line :

I look and see it there, shrinking, shrinking

I look back at it a mid the rain

For the very last time,; for my sand is sinking,


Finally, in the last five lines above, the imagery is used to show the attitudes of Hardy to ward his old that he should never traverse it again.

I find out from this analysis, the poet uses the imagery of sight sound, tension, internal sensation, touch, and kinesthetic to make the readers realize the flash back of Hardy’s toward the things he did with Emma in the past. The passion and intimacy are also reflected from the way Hardy’s describe about places they used to go, they used to do such as climb the road and some this poem also shows that when Emma and Hardy together they feel happy and the contrary they do not feel happy if they are separate which support and idea love in this poem is value each other’s person.

Poem “ After a Journey” related to unforgettable memories.

he central point of this poem is the journey of Hardy to the past memories. Structurally, line 11- 16 concern with Thomas Hardy tries to find Emma and then he is able to ‘re- enter’ Emma’s olden haunts. Lines 17-32 give an impression that Emma leads him to memories of their past. Obviously, through imaginary of the sight, sound, tension, taste, and the internal sensation Thomas Hardy hope that the readers know about the romance between Hardy and Emma, how their relationship was.

I come interview a Voiceless ghost ;

Whither, O whither will its whim now draw me

Up the Clift, down, till I’m lonely, lost

And then unseen waters soliloquies awe me


Facing round about me everywhere

With your not- coloured hair

And grays eyes and rose, flush coming and going

( stanza 1, line 1-8)

In lines 1-8, in the thesis, I can see that the speaker want to interview a voiceless ghost, he searches it every – where but he is lost. Later, his finding out that the ghost is around him still with her nut- coloured hair and her rose- flush which means redness of the cheek that is coming and going.

Through auditory imagery, in the thesis I can imagine that the poetics waiting for Emma but in the imagine of a ghost to make conversation with him. “ I come to interview a Voiceless ghost” ( line 1). At this point, the readers can see the poet’s passion to Emma by using the word ‘ interview’ which explain his hope that Emma will come and talk with him. However, this line also shows the poet respects toward the value of her even if she appears as ghost.

The next is visual imagery that shows the characteristic of Emma. The visual imagery of Emma that the poet uses also shows the intimacy of them. Emma’s hair : “without your not- coloured hair” ( line : 7), eye “gray eyes” ( line 8) and “ rose- flush” in line 8 = / rose- flush coming and going /. The visual imaginary given in this poem triggers the thesis I to participate in the poem. In the sense that it makes the thesis writer experiences the imaginary poem as if the real world were at this present time.


Yes I have re- entered your olden haunts as last

Through the years, through the dead scenes I have tracked your

What have you now found to say of our past-

Viewed across the dark space wherein I have lacked you

Summer gave us sweets, but autumn wrought division ?

Things were not lastly as firstly well

With us twain, you tell

But all’s closed now, despite times derision

( stanza 2, line 9-16)

In lines 9- 16, the speaker shows his feeling of regret since their relationship is not “ lastly as firstly well “. In addition, according hardy seemed to see Emma’s ghost in the lonely countryside of that the Cornwall, telling him mutely that the years of division had all been a mistake. From these statement, it can be seen that the division is closed now because Emma is dead and somehow Hardy lover her again.

In the second stanza above, the thesis I meets the visual imagery ‘dark space’ in line 12 = / Viewed across the dark space wherein I have lacked you / which shows that the poets is in the middle of a dark space since he can not see anything besides darkness and as a result h loss her. This line express that the pet needs the existence of Emma because when Emma disappears, he feels lonely.


Besides the visual imagery in the second stanza, there are three other kinds of imagery in this poem, which function as the additional element that clarify the thought of the poem, namely auditory imagery, tension imagery and gustatory imagery. The auditory imagery reflects in the word ‘say’ in line 11 = / what have you now found to say of your past / and ‘tell’ in line 15 = / with us twain, you tell. Those lines try to make the readers ‘hear’ that there is a chat happens bet ween both of them : they are talking about their past until what makes them separates . however, those lines also show that hardy respects or has a high regard of the existence of Emma when they were still together and it seems that he feels guilty toward things that makes separate.

The kinesthetic imagery appears in the word ‘ re- entered’ in line 9 = / yes I have re- entered your olden haunts at last / and in the word ‘ tracked’ in line 10 = Through the years, through the dead scenes I have tracked you /. These two lines try to make a scene about Hardy finally successfully re- entered Emma’s olden haunt. Which shows the intimacy between them because olden haunts refer to the memories of Emma and how Hardy had spent years to follow her which shows Hardy’s passion to search for Emma.

Last, the gustatory imagery appears in the word ‘ sweet ; in line 13 / summer gave’ s sweets / in this line the readers learn as if they ‘taste’ the sweet experiences between Hardy and Emma as Hardy experienced. It shows also the intimacy that happened to them in the past. How the summer gave the sense of sweet experience to both of them.


In lines 17-24 below, Emma’s ghost seems to lead Hardy on their past memories. Those scenes that came up from the past just as the same as Hardy look it right now.

I see you are doing, you are leading me on

To the spots we knew when we haunted here together

The waterfall, above which the mist- bow shone

At the then fair hour in then fair weather,

And the cave just under, with a voice still so hollow

That is seems to call out me fr4om forty years ago,

When you were all aglow,

And not the thin ghost that I now frailly follow!

( stanza 3, line 17-24)

The third stanza above contents the kinesthetic imagery, visual imagery and auditory imagery. The kinesthetic imagery express in the word ‘ leading’ in the first line of stanza = / I see what you are leading mean / this line show Emma’s regard toward Hardy that makes the readers see that they need and value toward each other.

The visual imagery such as ‘spots’ in line 18 = / To the spot we knew when we haunted here together /. Water fall in line 19 = / the water fall, above which the cave. Bow shone/ the word’ cave’ in line 21 = / and the cave just under/ the word ‘aglow’ in line 23 = /


now frailly follow/ those visual imagery make the readers imagine that used to go the ‘spots’ the water fall and the ‘cave’ together in the past and how it marked the sweet memories between them in the past and some how when Hardy went there again, the memories would call him out about Emma in that place. In line 23-24, I see hardy regard to the value of Emma when she was with him and not just the thin ghost that he follows.

The auditory imagery is in the word ‘call out’ which is used in line 22 = / That it seems to call out t me from forty years ago / which shows that those memories with Emma in that place would call out to Hardy to remember their nostalgic moment forty years earlier.

The last stanza is full with visual imagery such as ‘ bird’ in line 26 = / The wakes bird preen/ ; ‘seals’ in line 26 = / the dawn whitens hazily /; ‘ stars’ in line 28. For the stars close their shutters/ ; ‘dawn’ in line 28 = / the dawn whitens hazily / and ’ path’ and ‘ flowers’ in line 32/ = / our paths through flowers / here, the poet’s description in the scenery is quite real for the readers can see the ‘birds’ the ’seals’, the “stars” , the ‘dawn’ and the “ flowers’. The scenery brought the readers to some place ( around the cave) to see what the poet sees. They way the poet tries to explain to the readers about the scenery is very clear and fresh in the reader’s imagination.

Ignorant of what there is flitting here to see,

The waked birds preen and the seals flop lazily,

Soon you will have, Dear, to vanish from me,


Trust me, I mind not, though Life lours,

The bringing of me here : nay, bring me here again !

I am just the same as when

Our days were a joy, and our paths through flowers.

( stanza 5, lines 25 -32)

Besides, the readers can also meet with the kinesthetic imagery as in the word ‘flitting’ in line 25 = / ignorant of what there is flitting here to see / which refers to the poet’s surroundings that he tries to tell Emma to ignore to what is flitting there. Line 25 also makes the readers know the passion of Hardy to Emma that he tells her to ignore to what is going on if. They two are together. The word vanish, in line 27 = / to vanish from me / seems to show to the readers that Emma, sooner or later, would disappear from hardy.

The thesis writer find out from his analysis that Thomas Hardy uses of imagery f sight, sound, kinesthetic, and taste to make the readers realize the memories of Hardy to Emma when he goes to the place he used to go with her such as to the spots when they haunt there together, to the water fall., and to the cave with its hollow voice and how Emma calls to always remembers their nostalgic moments forty years ago such as the sweets things said in summer. Yet, it reflects the passion and intimacy also it show high regard between them which makes them value toward each other.


4.2 Happiness

In this poem, Thomas Hardy give idea about love . love is happiness. Wherever, happy is experiencing or the effect of favorable fortune and having feeling arising from the consciousness of enjoyment and enjoying good any kind.

One love poems about happiness in title : Beeny Cliff. Beeny is a magnificent Cliff near Emma’s old home at St. Juliot where Emma used to ride her house. It is suprising that after marriage they never revisited Cornwall together.

Beeny Cliff, also known the Cliff without a name, is a few miles from the village of St. Juliot , Michael Millgate ( 1976 : 151) Hardy went to the Cliff together Emma while she rode her pony and forty years later when went back there alone. In his notebook Hardy described the scene :

“Beeny Cliff… green toward the land, blue- back toward the sea every

Ledge has a little, green grass upon it : all vertical part bare

Seaward, a dark- grey ocean beneath a pale sky, upon which lie

Branches of red aloud. A lather of foam around the base of each rock.

The sea is full of motion internally, but still as a whole. Quiet and silent

In the distance, noisy and restless close at hand”.


In the first stanza the kind of imagery that is used visual imagery and kinesthetic imagery. The examples of the visual imagery are ‘sea’ in line 1= / of that wandering western sea / ‘woman’ in line 2 = / and the woman / and ‘hair’ in line 2 / with bright hair flapping free / the tension imagery reflected in the word ‘ riding’ in line 2 = / and the woman riding high above / and ‘ flap’ as in line 2 = / with bright hair flapping free /.

The opal and the sapphire of that wandering western sea,

And the woman riding high above with bright hair flapping free

The woman whom I loved so, and who loyally loved me.

( stanza 1, lines 1-3)

The first three lines are all set in the past. The brilliant word pictures here describe the beloved ( Emma) riding ‘ high above’ near the sea. In the thesis, I can see also the fair- haired girl on her pony, pictures that have shone in the memory for over forty years. The girl whom he ‘ loved so’ ( line 3) illustrate passion of love in Hardy and who loyally loves ( line 3) him illustrate hw intimate Hardy and Emma is.

In the second stanza, in the thesis I will meet with two kinds of imagery that are visual imagery and the auditory imagery. The visual imagery reflects an the choices of word such as ‘ mews’ in line 4 = / the pale mews plained below us / ; ‘the waves’ in line 4 = / and the waves seemed far away / ; the ‘sky’ in lines 5= / in a nether sky /; and the ‘clear-sunned day’ in line 6 = / on that clear-‘clear-sunned march day /.


The pale mews plained below us, and the waves seemed far away

In their sky, engrossed in saying their ceaseless babbling

As we laughed light-heartedly aloft on that clear-sunned march day.

( stanza 2, line 4 -6)

The auditory imagery in the second stanza can be seen in the word ‘ ceaseless babbling say’. Here, the readers can imagine that the mews try to speak with the poet in its ‘ ceaseless babbling’ say ( line 2) the picture that we get from this stanza is that it gives a clear impression of how happy ( the seagulls’ sound as their laughter) and easy everything seems for the young lovers. They are both ‘ a loft’ and laughting light – heartedly ( also show the intimacy of them), the’ waves’ seem a long way away. The ‘mews’ ( sea gulls) are in the mid – air , lower down.

The third stanza below is full with the visual imagery such a cloud in line 7 = / A little cloud then cloaked us / ; ‘rain’ in line 7 = / and there flew an irised rain / ; the ‘sun’ in line 9 = / and then the sun burst out again / ; and the ‘ purple’ color in the last line = / and purples prinked the main /.

A little cloud then cloaked us, and there flew an irised rain,

And the Atlantic dyed its levels with a dull misfeatured stain

And then the sun burst out again, and purple prinked the main.


Hardy is trying to make the thesis writer imagine how the ‘ cloud’ (line 7) then hides him and Emma, how he express the ‘ irised rain’ ( line 7) and then he also makes her ‘sees’ that finally the ‘sun’ bursts out again ( line 9) which gives the feeling of happiness since the sun appears at the end of the train. The happiness as ell as the beauty of nature comes to the poet. Here, I gets the feeling that she is looking up at them from a great distance, and that they cannot see the abyss and the vast Atlantic under their feet ( Michael Millgate, 1984 “ 152).

In the fourth stanza, we can find the visual imagery such as ‘ sky’ in line 10 = / Still in all its chasmal beauty bulks old Beeny to the sky / ; tension imagery els in the word ‘go’ in line 11 = / and I not go / and the auditory imagery in the word ‘ said’ in line 12 = / and the sweets things said /. In the poem, they are put line in line 10 and 12.

Still in all its chasmal beauty bulks ord Benn y to the sky

And shall she and I not go- there once- again now March is nigh,

And the sweets things said in that March say a new there by and

( stanza 4, line 10 -12)

Three lines above are trying to show that hardy is asking of question to Emma “ shall we go there again ? “ which means going to Beeny Cliff once again as they did in the past which is expressed in line 11 : “And shall she and I not go- there once- again”.


In line 12 : “and the sweets things said “ shows how intimacy Hardy and Emma in the p ast time; about love the things said between both of them.

In last stanza below, in the thesis, I can find the visual imagery such as ‘ shore’ in line 13 = / that will weird western shore / ; ‘woman’ in line 14 = / Thee woman now is / ; and ‘pony’ in line 14 = / whom the ambling pony bore/

Nay. Though still in chasmal beauty looms that wild weird western shore,

The woman now is- elsewhere- whom the ambling pony bore,

And nor knows nor cares for Beeny, and will see it nevermore.

( stanza 5, lines 13 -15 )

The answer of the fourth stanza can be found in the fifth stanza above that the answer of Hardy’s question whether he and Emma can go back to Beeny Cliff to recollect that the things they did in the past no because she is not there anymore meaning Emma id dead and there is no other chance to go there again. The “ chasmal beauty” I think means nothing to him now as Emma is gone. Hardy now realized that happiness does not last forever.

As a conclusion, this poems tells about love between Emma and Hardy that happens whn they were at Beeny Cliff. This poem tells about happy they were at that time : moreover, nothing in Beeny Cliff is allowed to darken the pictures of the two lovers, nothing, but time and death.


4.3 Heart Broken ( sorrowing)

In this poems, hardy tells love can make someone heart broken. If you love dead and it to be sorrowing of love and also your life to be loneliness. In this poems, Hardy expression about sorrowing of his love.

The going poem is about Emma death which as sudden and unexpected they alley in max gate garden where Emma used often to Cornwall. In this poem, still the readers meet a lot of visual imagery besides the auditory and the tension imagery. Structurally, line 1- 14 tells how Hardy feels disappointed and mournful since Emma left him without notice. While 15- 42 tells how Hardy remembers the things he did with Emma in the past. As readers I can see in the first and the second stanza :

Why did you give no hint that night

That quickly after the morrow’s dawn,

And calmly, as indifferent quite,

You would close your term here, up and be gone

Where I could not follow

With wing of swallow

To again one glimpse of you ever anon !

( stanza 1, lines 1-7)

The visual imagery here reflects in how Hardy uses the words such as ‘ night in line 1 = / why did you give no hint that night / ; ‘dawn’ as in line 1 =/ that quickly


after the morrow’s dawn / ‘ wing’ as line 6 = / with wing of swallow /; ‘the glimpse’ as in line 7= / to again one glimpse of you ever anon / those visual imagery express the regret Thomas hardy toward Emma since she suddenly disappears after the dawn.

The tension imagery in the first stanza can be found in the word ‘ follow’ in line 5 = / where I could not follow /. This makes the readers experienced what Hardy’s experiences when he cannot find Emma everywhere because she does not give any hint to him.

From the first stanza above, in the thesis I learn that Hardy seems Disappointed toward Emma since she does not give a sign that she will die at dawn. Hardy tries to follow her with the ‘ wing of swallow’ but it is useless. Through this stanza, in the thesis, I can learn how desperate Hardy is at that moment because he never thinks that Emma will leave him so soon without saying ‘ good bye’.

Never to bid good- bye,

Or lip the softest call,

Or utter a wish for a word, while I

Saw morning harden upon the wall,

Unmoved, unknowing

That your great going

Had place that moment, and altered all.


The first imagery that the speaker uses is visual imagery such as ‘ morning’ in line 11 = / saw morning/; and the ’wall’ = / here, Thomas Hardy describes his mourn in the morning and is Witnessed by the wall.

Lines 8- 14 above seems to let I know that there was no goodbye between Hardy and Emma. The word “ saw morning harden upon the wall ( line 11) means that the time stop and Hardy did not know that the death of Emma also stop all. In the thesis, I grasps the intimacy from line “ That your great going” shows how Emma’s going gives deep impact on Hardy since he uses the word great to describe her going. In other word, it also shows how Hardy regards the value of the moments while was Emma next to him.

While the auditory imagery is used in the word ‘ the call’ in line 9 = or lip me the softest call / and ‘ utter’a word’. Here, hardy want the readers to know his feeling of regret since Emma never to “bid good bye” ( line 8) to him. In the poem they are put in 8-9 :

Never to bid good- bye,

Or lip the softest call,

Or utter a wish for a word, while I

( lines 8-9)

In the third stanza there are four kinds of imagery inside, they are internal sensation, the visual imagery, the auditory visual ant the tactile imagery.


Why do you make me leave the house

And think for a breathe it is you I see

At the end of the alley of bending boughs

Where so often at dusk you used to be ;

Till in darkening dankness

The yawning blankness

Of the perspective sickens me !

( stanza 3, lines 15-21)

The visual imagery is used in the first line such as ‘ house’ = / why do you make me leave the house / ; ‘ alley’ in line 17 = / at the end of the alley/ ‘dusk’ in line 18 = / where so often at dusk you used to be / ; and in the word ‘dark’ as in line 9 = / Till in darkening dankness /

In the three stanza, tell to show that hardy thinks that he sees Emma at the end of alley of bending boughs he goes to there until dark but he cannot find her.

The internal sensation is like the word ‘ breathe’ as in line 16 / And think for a breathe it is you I see /. Here, Hardy wants to inform the readers that it is only Emma that he is thinking of for all the time.


In the fourth stanza, in the thesis, I meets with the visual in line 23-25 and in line 25. They are ‘ red- veined rocks’ as in line 23 = / by those red- veined rocks far West /;

‘swan’ in line 24 = / You were the saw- necked one who rode / ; ‘beetling’ as in line 25 = / Along the beetling Beeny Crest / ‘eye’ in line 27 = / Would muse and eye me /. Besides the visual imagery, e also can find the kinesthetic imagery as in the word ‘ unrolled’ in line 28 = / While life unrolled us its very best /

You were she who abode

By those red- veined rocks far West,

You were the swan- necked one who rode

Along the beetling Beeny Crest,

And, reining nigh me,

Would muse and eye me,

While Life unrolled us its very best.

( stanza 4, line 23-28)

In the fourth stanza, tells to explain how Hardy was looking at Emma when she “rode’ along the beetling Beeny Crest and how Hardy wants to say that life had brought them to its very best.

Why, then, latterly did we not speak,

Did we not think of those days long dead,


In this bright spring weather

'We’ll visit together

Those places that once we visited

( Stanza 5, lines 29- 35)

In the fifth stanza above, I will meets three kind of imagery such as the visual imagery in the word ‘ spring’ as in line 33 / In this bright spring weather /; the auditory imagery as in ‘speak’ in line 29 = / Why, then latterly did not speak /; ‘said’ in line 32 = / And ere your vanishing strive to seek /. This stanza want to tell the readers that the division between Hardy and Emma should not happen. Actually, they can visit the places once they visited before but they did not.

Well, well ! All’s past amend

Unchangeable, it must go.

I seem but a dead man held on end

To sink down soon… O you could not know

That such swift fleeing

No soul foreseeing-

Not even I- would undo me so !

( stanza 6, line 36-42)


Which shows Hardy’s feeling toward himself as he is desperate like a dead man. Whereas, the tension imagery reflected in the word ‘flee’ as in line 40 = / That such swift fleeing / and the word ‘undo’ in line 42 = / Not even I would undo me so /. Lines 40 and 42 here try to make the readers understand that men have no power to change the time.

As a conclusion, “the Going tells the regret of Hardy toward Emma since she left him without notice. Somehow, the memories of Emma goes to hardy’s mind once again and it causes him to remember her. And here, I can feel the coldness and the dampness of the poet’s experienced.

Poems in “ The Voice” also related to broken heart ( sorrowing) .

Most of the imagery used in this poem is visual imagery. Structurally, lines 1-8 tell how Hardy feels that Emma calls him and says she is not the same as she to used to be and lines 9-16 tell that Hardy feels desperate but he still can hear Emma calling him. The visual imagery is the ’woman ‘ in line 1 =, woman much missed / which shows passion of Hardy to Emma ; how he is miss her, town in line 6= / Standing as when I drew near to town/ ; ‘gown’ in line 8/ Even to the original air- blue gown / ; and ‘leaves’ in line 14 = / Leaves around me falling /

The first four lines of this poem show the poet’s feeling toward Emma.


Saying that now you are not as you were

When you had changed from the one who was all to me,

But as at first, when our day was fair.

( stanza 1, line 1-4)

In the first stanza, besides there is a visual imagery in it, in this thesis, I can find also the auditory imagery. The auditory imagery is used in the word “ call’ in line 1 = / how you call me, call to me / say in line 2/ saying that you are not as you were/ here, the reader’s can ‘hear’ that the woman seems to ‘call’ on Hardy and says that she is not like she was when their day was fair.

In the second stanza below, in the thesis, I find three kinds of imagery. They are the auditory imagery as in the word ‘hear’ in line 5= / Can it be you that I hear ? /; the visual imagery in the word ‘ view’ in line 5= / Let me view you, then /; ‘stand’ in line 6 = / Standing as when / and ‘ gown’ as in line 8 = / Even to the original air- blue gown /; and the tension imagery such as ‘drew’ in near to the town/.

Can it be you that I hear ? Let me view you, then,

Standing as when I drew near to the town

Where you would wit for me, yes, as I knew you then,

Even to the original air- blue gown !


The second stanza above tells how Hardy seems to ‘hear’ Emma’s voice when he ‘draws’ near to the town. He hopes that Emma will wait far him as surely as when Hardy knows Emma will wait in her blue gown.

The third stanza below deals with auditory imagery such as in the word ‘ breeze ‘ in line 9 = / Or is it only the breeze / and ‘ hear’ in line 12 / Heard no more again far no near ?/ kinesthetic in the word ‘ travel’ in line 10 / Travelling across / ; the visual imagery in ‘mead’ as in line 10 = / the wet mead / and touch as in the word ‘wet’ in line 10/ the wet mead to me hare /

Or its only the breeze, in its listlessness

Travelling across the wet mead to me here,

You being ever dissolved to existlessness,

Heard no more again far or near ?

( stanza 3, lines 13- 16)

The third stanza shows to the readers how Hardy’s feeling of loss toward Emma because he finally realized that Emma is dissolved and it is only the breeze that Hardy hears.

Thus I, faltering forward,

Leaves around me falling,

Wind oozing thin through the torn from norward,

And the woman calling.


Furthermore, in the last stanza in the thesis I find the kinesthetic , visual imagery, the tactile imagery ant the auditory imagery. The kinesthetic found in the word ‘ falter’ in the first line of stanza = / Thus I ; faltering forward / ; the visual imagery in the word ‘ leaves’ in line 14 = / Leaves around me falling / and in the word ‘ thorn’ in line 15 = / through the thorn from norward / the tactile imagery is used in the word ‘ wind’ as in line 15 = / Wind oozing thin / and the auditory imagery reflects in the word ‘ calling’ in line 16 = / And the woman calling/

Finally, in the last lines above, the imagery is used to show the attitudes of Hardy toward his past memories with Emma. Thus, Hardy falters forward but he still hears Emma’s calling.

In this thesis, I finds out from this analysis, that the poet uses imagery of sight, sounds, touch and kinesthetic to make the readers share Hardy’s idea about love to his late wife. Wherever, love in expressed in poems through the use imagery.




5.1 Conclusion

After analyzing Thomas Hardy idea about love in some his poems. Thrugh imagination in the poems, I able to draw a conclusion from her thesis. In this thesis, I finds out that the five poems Hardy addressed to Emma has the idea of love which is a high regard for the value of each other’s person.

“ In “As castle Botherel” shows the flash back of Hardy toward the things he did with Emma in the past. The passion and intimacy also reflected from the way Hardy describes about the places they used to do and what they talk of that matter no much. And this poem show that love is unforgettable memories. Beside it, in “ After a journey “ also show love is unforgettable memories. In this thesis I finds out the idea about love the high regard for the value of each other’s person. ( Hardy to Emma and Emma to hardy). Which also reflects the passion and intimacy is presented clearly through the use of imagery.

“ Beeny Cliff” tells about the romantic love between Emma and hardy that happen when they were at Beeny Cliff. Wherever, Hardy’s give idea that love is happiness. This poem tell about how Happy they were at that the time.

In “ the going” in this thesis I finds out the regret of Hardy to ward Emma since he left him without notice. Somehow, the memories of Emma goes to Hardy’s mind once again and it makes him remember her.


In this poems, Hardy’s give idea that love is make someone heart broken on sorrowing.

And the last about “ the Voice’ in this thesis, I finds out from this thesis analysis, the poet uses the imagery of sight, sound and tension to make the readers realize the feeling f hardy toward Emma.

Finally, in this thesis I see that life would be much happier if people respect toward one to other so they will be respected too. Therefore, in this thesis I

concludes that someone can give ideas about love if there are feeling to other’s person.



Being interested in analyzing Thomas hardy’s idea about love in some his poems, I tries to give some suggestions as follows: The analysis of this thesis is are limited. Therefore, I am give suggests students of English Departement who are interested in this field, to do further research. Particularly about love poems. I hopes this thesis could be a references for those who want to do further research in Thomas Hardy ‘s idea about love in some his poems.



Altick, D. Richard & Chiew.C. Samuel. 1967. The Nineteenth century and after. New York: The Macmillan Press Ltd

Barber, Charles. 1983. Poetry in English. New York: The Macmillan Press Ltd.

Creighton, M.R.T. 1974. Poems of Thomas Hardy. New York: The Macmillan

Press Ltd.

Gibson, James. 1975. Chosen poems of Thomas Hardy. New York: The Macmillan Press Ltd.

Leod, M.C. George. 1962. The Norton Antholgy of Engglish Literature third edition. New York: The Macmillan Press Ltd.

Lucas, John. 1986. Modern English Poetry. London : Britain by Billing Ltd.

Millgate, Michael. 1984. The Life and Work of Thomas Hardy. New York:

The Macmillan Press Ltd.

Rees, J.R. 1973. English Literature. New York: The Macmillan Press Ltd.

Siswantoro, 2002. Apresiasi Puisi- puisi Sastra Inggris. Surakarta: Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

Siregar Masito Warni, Dra, M.Ed, 2003. Poetry II. Medan : UNIMED.





As I drive the junction of lane and highway, And the drizzle bedrenches the waggonette, I look behind the fading byway,

And see on its slope, now glistening wet, Distinctly yet

My self and a girlish form benighted In dry March weather. We climb the road Beside a chaise. We had just alighted To ease the sturdy pony’s load When he sighed and slowed.

What we did as we climbed, and what we talked of Matters not much, nor to what it led

Something that life will not be balked of Without rude reason till hope is dead, And feeling fled.


In that hill’s story? To one mind never,

Though it has been climbed, foot-swift, foot- sore,

By thousands more

Primaeval rocks form the road’s steep border,

And much have they faced there, first and last,

Of the transitory in Earth’s long order,

But what they record in colour and cast

Is – that we two passed.

And to me, though Time’s unflinching rigour,

In mindless rote, has ruled from sight

The substance now, ne phantom figure

Remains on the slope, as when that night

Saw us alight.

I look and see it there, shrinking, shrinking


Never again


After a Journey

I come interview a Voiceless ghost ;

Whither, O whither will its whim now draw me

Up the Clift, down, till I’m lonely, lost And then unseen waters soliloquies we me

Where you will next be there’s no knowing

Facing round about me everywhere With your nut- coloured hair

And grays eyes and rose, flush coming and going

Yes I have re- entered your olden haunts as last

Through the years, through the dead scenes I have tracked your


With us twain, you tell

But all’s closed now, despite times derision

I see you are doing, you are leading me on

To the spots we knew when we haunted here together

The waterfall, above which the mist- bow shone

At the then fair hour in then fair weather,

And the cave just under, with a voice still so hollow

That is seems to call out me fr4om forty years ago,

When you were all aglow,

And not the thin ghost that I now frailly follow!

Ignorant of what there is flitting here to see,

The waked birds preen and the seals flop lazily,

Soon you will have, Dear, to vanish from me,


I am just the same as when

Our days were a joy, and our paths through flowers.


Beeny Cliff

The opal and the sapphire of that wandering western sea,

And the woman riding high above with bright hair flapping free The woman whom I loved so, and who loyally loved me.

The pale mews plained below us, and the waves seemed far away

In their sky, engrossed in saying their ceaseless babbling

As we laughed light-heartedly aloft on that clear-sunned march day.

A little cloud then cloaked us, and there flew an irised rain,

And the Atlantic dyed its levels with a dull misfeatured stain

And then the sun burst out again, and purple prinked the main


The woman now is- elsewhere- whom the ambling pony bore,

And nor knows nor cares for Beeny, and will see it nevermore.



Why did you give no hint that night That quickly after the morrow’s dawn, And calmly, as indifferent quite,

You would close your term here, up and be gone Where I could not follow

With wing of swallow

To again one glimpse of you ever anon !

Never to bid good- bye, Or lip the softest call,

Or utter a wish for a word, while I Saw morning harden upon the wall, Unmoved, unknowing

That your great going

Had place that moment, and altered all.


Till in darkening dankness The yawning blankness

Of the perspective sickens me !

You were she who abode

By those red- veined rocks far West, You were the swan- necked one who rode Along the beetling Beeny Crest,

And, reining nigh me, Would muse and eye me,

While Life unrolled us its very best.

Why, then, latterly did we not speak, Did we not think of those days long dead, And ere your vanishing strive to seek That time’s renewal ? we might have said, In this bright spring weather

We’ll visit together

Those places that once we visited


That such swift fleeing No soul foreseeing-

Not even I- would undo me so !



Woman much missed, how you call t me, call to me, Saying that now you are not as you were

When you had changed from the one who was all to me, But as at first, when our day was fair.

Can it be you that I hear ? Let me view you, then, Standing as when I drew near to the town

Where you would wit for me, yes, as I knew you then, Even to the original air- blue gown !

Or its only the breeze, in its listlessness Travelling across the wet mead to me here, You being ever dissolved to existlessness, Heard no more again far or near ?

Thus I, faltering forward, Leaves around me falling,


Never again


After a Journey

I come interview a Voiceless ghost ;

Whither, O whither will its whim now draw me

Up the Clift, down, till I’m lonely, lost And then unseen waters soliloquies we me

Where you will next be there’s no knowing

Facing round about me everywhere With your nut- coloured hair

And grays eyes and rose, flush coming and going

Yes I have re- entered your olden haunts as last

Through the years, through the dead scenes I have tracked your

What have you now found to say of our past-

Viewed across the dark space wherein I have lacked you

Summer gave us sweets, but autumn wrought division ?


With us twain, you tell

But all’s closed now, despite times derision

I see you are doing, you are leading me on

To the spots we knew when we haunted here together

The waterfall, above which the mist- bow shone

At the then fair hour in then fair weather,

And the cave just under, with a voice still so hollow

That is seems to call out me fr4om forty years ago,

When you were all aglow,

And not the thin ghost that I now frailly follow!

Ignorant of what there is flitting here to see,

The waked birds preen and the seals flop lazily,

Soon you will have, Dear, to vanish from me,

For the stars close their shutters and the dawn whitens hazily Trust me, I mind not, though Life lours,


I am just the same as when

Our days were a joy, and our paths through flowers.


Beeny Cliff

The opal and the sapphire of that wandering western sea,

And the woman riding high above with bright hair flapping free The woman whom I loved so, and who loyally loved me.

The pale mews plained below us, and the waves seemed far away

In their sky, engrossed in saying their ceaseless babbling

As we laughed light-heartedly aloft on that clear-sunned march day.

A little cloud then cloaked us, and there flew an irised rain,

And the Atlantic dyed its levels with a dull misfeatured stain

And then the sun burst out again, and purple prinked the main

Still in all its chasmal beauty bulks ord Benn y to the sky

And shall she and I not go- there once- again now March is nigh,

And the sweets things said in that March say a new there by and


The woman now is- elsewhere- whom the ambling pony bore,

And nor knows nor cares for Beeny, and will see it nevermore.



Why did you give no hint that night That quickly after the morrow’s dawn, And calmly, as indifferent quite,

You would close your term here, up and be gone Where I could not follow

With wing of swallow

To again one glimpse of you ever anon !

Never to bid good- bye, Or lip the softest call,

Or utter a wish for a word, while I Saw morning harden upon the wall, Unmoved, unknowing

That your great going

Had place that moment, and altered all.

Why do you make me leave the house And think for a breathe it is you I see At the end of the alley of bending boughs Where so often at dusk you used to be ;


Till in darkening dankness The yawning blankness

Of the perspective sickens me !

You were she who abode

By those red- veined rocks far West, You were the swan- necked one who rode Along the beetling Beeny Crest,

And, reining nigh me, Would muse and eye me,

While Life unrolled us its very best.

Why, then, latterly did we not speak, Did we not think of those days long dead, And ere your vanishing strive to seek That time’s renewal ? we might have said, In this bright spring weather

We’ll visit together

Those places that once we visited

Well, well ! All’s past amend Unchangeable, it must go.

I seem but a dead man held on end


That such swift fleeing No soul foreseeing-

Not even I- would undo me so !



Woman much missed, how you call t me, call to me, Saying that now you are not as you were

When you had changed from the one who was all to me, But as at first, when our day was fair.

Can it be you that I hear ? Let me view you, then, Standing as when I drew near to the town

Where you would wit for me, yes, as I knew you then, Even to the original air- blue gown !

Or its only the breeze, in its listlessness Travelling across the wet mead to me here, You being ever dissolved to existlessness, Heard no more again far or near ?

Thus I, faltering forward, Leaves around me falling,

Wind oozing thin through the torn from norward, And the woman calling.