Dynamic Cluster Address If you do not explicitly define a cluster address

Setting up WebLogic Clusters 10-5 request. Allowing WebLogic Server to dynamically generate the cluster address is simplest, in terms of system administration, and is suitable for both development and production environments. Dynamic Cluster Address If you do not explicitly define a cluster address

when you configure a cluster, when a clustered server instance receives a remote request, WebLogic Server generates the cluster address, in the form: listenaddress1:listenport1,listenaddress2:listenport2;listenaddress3: listenport3 Each listen address:listen port combination in the cluster address corresponds to Managed Server and network channel that received the request. ■ If the request was received on the Managed Servers default channel, the listen address:listen port combinations in the cluster address reflect the ListenAddress and ListenPort values from the associated ServerMBean and SSLMBean instances. For more information, see The Default Network Channel in Configuring Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server. ■ If the request was received on a custom network channel, the listen address:listen port in the cluster address reflect the ListenAddress and ListenPort values from NetworkAccessPointMBean that defines the channel. For more information about network channels in a cluster, see Configuring Network Channels For a Cluster in Configuring Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server. The number of ListenAddress:ListenPort combinations included in the cluster address is governed by the value of the NumberOfServersInClusterAddress attribute on the ClusterMBean, which is 3 by default. You can modify the value of NumberOfServersInClusterAddress on the Environments Clusters ClusterName Configuration General page of the Administration Console. ■ If there are fewer Managed Servers available in the cluster than the value of NumberOfServersInClusterAddress, the dynamically generated cluster address contains a ListenAddress:ListenPort combination for each of the running Managed Servers. ■ If there are more Managed Servers available in the cluster than the value of NumberOfServersInClusterAddress, WebLogic Server randomly selects a subset of the available instances—equal to the value of NumberOfServersInClusterAddress—and uses the ListenAddress:ListenPort combination for those instances to form the cluster address. The order in which the ListenAddress:ListenPort combinations appear in the cluster address is random—from request to request, the order will vary. Explicitly Defining Cluster Address for Production Environments If you explicitly