What Happens at Runtime: ADF Iterator for Master-Detail Tables and Forms What You May Need to Know About Displaying Master-Detail Widgets on Separate Pages

Displaying Master-Detail Data 5-7 AttrNames nodeDefinition tree tree IterBinding=warehouseStockLevelListIterator id=warehouseStockLevelList nodeDefinition DefName=oracle.fodemo.supplier.model.WarehouseStockLevel AttrNames Item Value=lastUpdateDate Item Value=objectVersionId Item Value=productId Item Value=quantityOnHand Item Value=warehouseId AttrNames nodeDefinition tree bindings

5.3.3 What Happens at Runtime: ADF Iterator for Master-Detail Tables and Forms

At runtime, an ADF iterator determines which row from the master table object to display in the master-detail form. When the form first displays, the first master table object row appears highlighted in the master section of the form. Detail table rows that are associated with the master row display in the detail section of the form. As described in Section, Binding Objects Defined in the Page Definition File, ADF iterators are associated with underlying rowsetIterator objects. These iterators manage which data objects, or rows, currently display on a page. At runtime, the row set iterators manage the data displayed in the master and detail components. Both the master and detail row set iterators listen to row set navigation events, such as the user clicking the range navigation buttons, and display the appropriate row in the UI. In the case of the default master-detail components, the row set navigation events are the command buttons on a form First, Previous, Next, Last. The row set iterator for the detail collection manages the synchronization of the detail data with the master data. The detail row set iterator listens for row navigation events in both the master and detail collections. If a row set navigation event occurs in the master collection, the detail row set iterator automatically executes and returns the detail rows related to the current master row.

5.3.4 What You May Need to Know About Displaying Master-Detail Widgets on Separate Pages

The default master-detail components display the master-detail data on a single page. However, using the master and detail objects on the Data Controls panel, you can also display the collections on separate pages, and still have the binding iterators manage the synchronization of the master and detail objects. To display master-detail objects on separate pages, create two pages, one for the master object and one for the detail object, using the individual tables or forms available from the Data Controls panel. Remember that the detail object iterator manages the synchronization of the master and detail data. Be sure to drag the appropriate detail object from the Data Controls panel when you create the page to display the detail data. For more information, see Section 5.2, Identifying Master-Detail Objects on the Data Controls Panel. To handle the page navigation, create an ADF task flow, and then add two view activities to it, one for the master page and one for the detail page. Add command 5-8 Java EE Developers Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework buttons or links to each page, or use the default Submit button available when you create a form or table using the Data Controls panel. Each button must specify a navigation rule outcome value in the action attribute. In the task-flow-defintion.xml file, add a navigation rule from the master data page to the detail data page, and another rule to return from the detail data page to the master data page. The from-outcome value in the navigation rules must match the outcome value specified in the action attribute of the buttons.

5.4 Using Trees to Display Master-Detail Objects

In addition to tables and forms, you can also display master-detail data in hierarchical trees. The ADF Faces tree component is used to display hierarchical data. It can display multiple root nodes that are populated by a binding on a master object. Each root node in the tree may have any number of branches, which are populated by bindings on detail objects. A tree can have multiple levels of nodes, each representing a detail object of the parent node. Each node in the tree is indented to show its level in the hierarchy. The tree component includes mechanisms for expanding and collapsing the tree nodes; however, it does not have focusing capability. If you need to use focusing, consider using the ADF Faces treeTable component for more information, see Section 5.5, Using Tree Tables to Display Master-Detail Objects . By default, the icon for each node in the tree is a folder; however, you can use your own icons for each level of nodes in the hierarchy. Figure 5–4 shows an example of a tree that displays two levels of nodes: root and branch. The root node displays parent product categories such as Media, Office, and Electronics. The branch nodes display and subcategories under each parent category, such as Hardware, Supplies, and Software under the Office parent category. Figure 5–4 Databound ADF Faces Tree

5.4.1 How to Display Master-Detail Objects in Trees

A tree consists of a hierarchy of nodes, where each subnode is a branch off a higher level node. Each node level in a databound ADF Faces tree component is populated by a different data collection. In JDeveloper, you define a databound tree using the Edit Tree Binding dialog, which enables you to define the rules for populating each node level in the tree. There must be one rule for each node level in the hierarchy. Each rule defines the following node-level properties: