Definition of Slang Slang

6 source language however the meaning in target language is still preserved. Dynamic equivalence aims to achieve the translation with expression of naturalness.

1.5 Slang

1.5.1 Definition of Slang

Slang can be described as an informal and non-standard word or phrase which tends to originate in subcultures in a society. There are some theories proposed by some linguists. Some of them are: According to Stenström 2000: 89, Slang is very difficult to define. Even so, she presents a general definition that slang: I ludes the o a ula y of the u de o ld st eet ga gs, drug- t affi ki g as ell as the spe ifi o a ula y of a pa ti ula g oup o p ofessio a d ollo uial la guage elo the le el of sta da d edu ated spee h , o sisti g of e o ds o of u e t o ds e ployed i so e e spe ial se se Slang is often found in areas of the lexicon that refer to things considered taboo. It is often used to identify that sla g as a tee age s la guage. It is o o among teenagers, people of all ages and social groups. For this reason, slang vocabularies are particularly dominant with violence, crime, drugs, and sex. Hartman and Stork in Alwasilah 1985:57 state that a variety of speech characterized by newly coined and rapidly changed vocabulary, used by young or so ial o p ofessio al g oups fo i g oup o u i ation and thus tending to prevent understanding by the rest of the speech community. From the statement, young people can create a new vocabulary or words for daily conversation among their group. They use slang language to communicate in internal way to make other groups misunderstand. Slang can be the identity of a region that can only be understood by the people in it. However, slang can spread beyond the region through music, movies or video games. The used of slang by other people outside the region and often pronounced like the word cool, the word can lose its identity as slang. When slang spreads to other regions, the people, in that region, often replaced 7 the common slang word with other words that cannot be understood by people outside of the group to show their identity.

1.5.2 Why people use slang