Technique of Collecting Data Technique of Analyzing Data

26 reflection in the first cycle, 2 revising and improving the scenario of the teaching and learning process by applying guessing game, 3 revising the lesson plan, 4 selecting the suitable materials for the students, 5 preparing the student’s assignment, and 6 designing the observation sheet.

3.5 Technique of Collecting Data

In action research, the writer used qualitative and quantitative methods in collecting the data. In qualitative method is included an diary notes to describe the situation during the teaching process. Then the data were in the form of words taken form the result of observation. In quantitative method is included writting test that covers into orientation-test, cycle I-test and cycle II-test . It is used to analyze the score of student by computing the data.

3.6 Technique of Analyzing Data

To evaluate student’s improvement in vocabulary, the writer gives 20 items written tests for each cycles. It will be answered about 40 minutes. The test will be scored by using score rank from 0-100 by counting the correct answer and applying the following formula: S = � � x 100 Where : S = Score of test Universitas Sumatera Utara 27 R = Number of the correct answer N = Number of test items To establish a criteria of success for students’ achievement, the certain criterion referring to reference standard assessment will be used as follows. Table 3.2 Indicator of Success Number Range of Score Category The Quality 4 85-100 Very High A 3 70-84 High B 2 60-69 Average C 1 50-59 Low D 0-49 Very Low E To categorize the students’ percentage who will get up to 70 will calculated by applying the following formula : P = � � x 100 Where : P = percentage of students who get the point 70 R = The number of the students who get point above 70 T = The total number of students who do the test. Universitas Sumatera Utara 28 The writer applied a formula to know the mean of the student’s score for each cycle, as following : �� = ∑ � � x 100 Where : �� = The mean of the students’ score ∑ � = The total score of the students � = The number of the students Universitas Sumatera Utara 29


4.1 Data Analysis

This research was conducted with 2 cycles and 5 meetings. Before entering into cycle session. The teacher gave the vocabulary test to the students tough, namely, the orientation test. The orientation test is used to find out the problems of students’ vocabulary and their mastery vocabulary. The research’s analysis were taken from an observation and test of a result in cycle I and cycle II. This research was conducted only one class that it is V A which consisted of 34 students. The result were written in quantitative data and qualitative data. The students were given multiple choice tests. There were 20 questions in each test.

4.1.1 The Qualitative Data

The qualitative data were analyzed from observation sheet and diary notes. a. Diary Notes This is one of way to describe about classroom situation, the teaching method, and the student’s behavior. In the diary notes, the guessing game was given in third meeting and fifth meeting. There were some tests that were given to students; orientation test, pre-test and post test in cycle-I session and one test in the last session in cycle-II. Firstly, they seemed difficult to answer questions in the orientation test. But after playing the guessing game in cycle-I session, they started to comprehend what should they did. They started to contribute in every part of the game. In cycle I- Universitas Sumatera Utara