The Effect of Sequencing Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension of The Second Year Students at SMPN 2 Pasir Peny

ISSN 2337-7208

  Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014




  • *Sati Juli Ayuri, **Khulaifiyah,**Diyah Ayu Risqiani

    • Dosen FKIP Universitas Islam Riau *Mahasiswi FKIP Universitas Islam Riau


Abstract: This research was an experimental research that was done at the second

grade students of SMP N 2 Pasir Penyu academic year 2013/2014. The purpose of this

research was to obtain the students reading comprehension taught by using sequencing

strategy and not taught by using sequencing strategy. The population of this research

was the second year students of SMP Negeri 2 Pasir Penyu. The sample of this research

were class VIII.3 as experimental group consisted of 28 students and class VIII.2

consisted of 28 students as control group. This research focused on sequencing strategy

of students’ reading comprehension. The instrument of this research was reading

comprehension test. The results of these tests were taken as data of this research. The

data collection technique that the researchers used to analyze data was t-test.

Therefore, the alternative hypothesis was accepted and the null hypothesis was rejected.

In other word, there was positive effect of students’ reading comprehension after using

Sequencing Strategy. So, the use of Sequencing is effective on students reading

comprehension of the second year students at SMP Negeri 2 Pasir Penyu.

  Key Words: Sequencing Strategy and Reading comprehension.


  Reading is power, but for students to believe that reading is power, should be put in position to experience the power of reading.Reading skill for junior high school, there is one basic competence that should be achieved by the students of the second year of junior high school.The students are able to comprehend and give response in monologue text or essay which is use written language variation accurately, fluently in the form narrative, descriptive, report, and analytical exposition text.Teaching reading in school is not separated from reading text, yet in fact, it was difficult for students to read English text. The difficulties and the obstacles in reading were also faced by students of SMP N 2 Pasir Penyu. Even though they were taught effectively, but they tended not to give a good result accoring to curriculum in comprehending reading texts. The symptoms were some of the students didnot explore their ability in reading.Besides, the students were still confused of the existence of different text task such as how to get factual information from the text, identify the meaning and purpose, guessing vocabulary in the content and identify inference and reference and understand the conclusion. The third, the students were still less in vocabulary mastery. After, the student could not read aloud because theywas bad in pronounciation. It made them less confident.From symptoms above, the researchers realized that the students need some new strategy to overcome their issues.

  According to these issues, the researcehrs decided to limit the problems only on using a strategy namely sequencing stratery and its effect on students’ reading comprehension. In order to make a clear research, the objective of this research was to find out whether there would be significant effect of Sequencing Strategy on students’

ISSN 2337-7208

  Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014

  reading comprehension of the second year students at SMP N 2 Pasir Penyu. In order to answer the question, the hypothesis of The Null Hypothesis ( Ho) and The Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) were needed.

  The Nature of Reading

  According AD-Heisat (2009:1), reading is essential to students’ academic achievement and involves a complicated process. Reading is an activity which involves thought and texts a purpose. Someone may read for many reasons. He or she may read in order to gain more knowledge and information, to critique a writer’s ideas or to get pleasure. However, reading needs to be improved constantly through practice with different types well. Readers who have good reading skills will have better understanding than those who have less reading skills. In addition reading is a dynamic process in which the reader works actively to construct meaning from the material (Barton in Bell, 2005:1).In the reading process, readers use reading strategies, linguistic knowledge along with their background knowledge about the text’s topic and structure to achieve their purpose for reading (Peregoy and Boyle in Ahmad AD-Heisat, (2009:3). Garner in Ahmad AD-Heisat (2009:3) defines reading strategies as an action or series of actions employed in order to construct meaning. And Oxford and Crookall in Ahmad AD-Heisat (2009:3) define strategies as learning techniques, behaviors, problem-solving or study skill which makes learning more effective and efficient.According to Nunan (2003:68) reading is a fluent process of readers combining information from a text and their own background knowledge to build meaning. In reading text, we read the text from word by word, sentence by sentence, and paragraph by paragraph go get the meaning of the text.According to Karen,comprehension is a process, not a product. Readers filter understanding through the lens of their motivation, knowledge, cognitive abilities, and experiences. Effective readers have a purpose for reading, and use their background knowledge and experiences to relate to the text.

  According to Burnes(1991:45), reading comprehends written discourse. It is an interactive process, approcess in which the reader engages in exchange of ideas with author via text. In this context, readers’ understanding of a text is kind of exchange ideas with the author. When a reader reads a text, an understanding of the text is created in the reader’s mind. The process of contructing a situation model is called”comprehension process”. Reading comprehension is dependent on three factors. The firstfactor is that the reader has command of the linguistic structures of thetext. The second factor is that the reader is able to exercise metacognitivecontrol over the content being read. This means that the reader isable to monitor and reflect on his or her own level of understandingwhile reading the material. The third and most important criterion influencingcomprehension is that the reader has adequate background in thecontent and vocabulary will be presents.

  The component of reading according to King and Stanley (1989:330) are: 1. Finding factual information. Factual information requires students to scan specific detail of text. The types of question can be about reason, purposes, result, comparison, means, identify, times and amount in with most of the answer can be found in the text.

  2. Finding main idea

ISSN 2337-7208

  Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014

  Main idea is the main topic that is being discussed in a paragraph. Finding the main idea is not always in the first sentence, it can be the middle or in the last sentence of the paragraph. Main idea will help students guess what the paragraph is about.

  3. Guessing vocabulary in context It means the students could develop his/her by relating the meaning of the unfamiliar words in that is read.

  4. Reference Reference words are repeating the same words or phrase several times, after it has been used, students can usually refer to it rather than repeat it. Reference words will help students to understand the reading text, reference words usually short and very frequently pronouns, such as she, he, it, they, him/her, and many others.

  5. Inference Understanding is the most important in reading comprehension whether is explicit or implicit messages from the text. Therefore, the students are expected to make accurate prediction can be made by correctly interpreting the indicators a writer’s gives.

  The Nature of Sequencing Strategy

  According to Nunan(2003: 76) strategies are the tools for active, self directed involvement that is necessary for developing communicative ability. Sequencing is one of the many strategies that contributes to students' ability to comprehend what they read. Sequencing refers to the identification of the components of a story, such as the beginning, middle, and end, and also to the ability to retell the events within a given text in the order in which they occurred.

  Sequencing is the process of putting story sequence procedural in the order in which they occurred. Teachers may recognize this concept as order of events. This strategy can help students begin to understand how the sequence in a story are organized, and the importance that order has on the text. Students might be asked to identify important sequence from a passage to practice sequencing. Students can be asked to identify the paragraphs each event can be found in by writing the number of the paragraph next to each box. In this way, students can easily identify which procedural is missing.

  Based on Education Network Teachervision (2012), states that Practicing sequencing helps remedy both of these issues and makes this aspect of reading comprehension second nature. If students are encouraged to identify the parts of a story, for instance, they will be better able to retell it to someone else, as it is a more manageable task to think of a story in pieces—the beginning, middle, and end—rather than try to recall it as one large chunk. Sequencing activities also provide an opportunity for students to examine text and story structure.This strategy can help students begin to understand how the events of story are recognized, and the importance that order has on the text in reading process. The students might be asked to identify important events from a passage to practice sequencing. Sequencing also helps students to think deeply when reading text by using their feeling and ideas about text. the students will get good inputs in their learning process by using sequencing strategy.

  According to the explanation above, it was thought that this strategy is considered to be suitable in teaching narrative text.The procedure of Sequencing Strategy that be adopted in this research was by Roberts(2009) that stated the procedure of teaching reading by using sequencing strategy are:

ISSN 2337-7208

  Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014

  a. The teacher Prepare a text, cut into paragraghs or sentences. Glue these into jumbled order and photocopy for each students or pair of students.

  b. The students cut up their copy of jumbled text into piece.

  c. As the Important Component, the students read the piece one by one and the students predict what will come next and than they arrange the pieces into a well ordered text.

  d. The teacher help the students to confirm their prediction and do self correcting if the text does not flow because their prediction is wrong and the students must justify each placement of the pieces also.


  The type of this research was a quasi experimental research type. There were two variables: independent variable and a dependent variable. In this case, the independent variable was teaching reading text by using Sequencing strategy and dependent variable was the results of teaching reading by using Sequencing Strategy. In this research, the sample was divided into two groups: an experimental group and control group. The teaching reading by using sequencing strategy was as experimental and the teaching without sequencing strategy was as the control group.

  The Population of this research is the second year students at SMP N 2 Pasir Penyu in 2013-2014 academic years. Meanwhile, the sample of this research was 56 students consisted of 2 classes for both experimental and control class.

  The Instrument of Research

  In this study, the researchers used two series of test, pre-test and post-test, that was used as research instrument to get the score of the students. The pre-test was used to determine students’ reading comprehension before getting the treatment, and post test was used to determine students’ reading comprehension after getting the treatment.1.


  The instrument of this research was reading test in form of essay test. The test consisted of five reading test with 25 questions in various topics. Before treatment, the students in experimental and control group would be given pre-test. The purpose was to know the students’ reading comprehension in teaching Narrative text before treatment. Pre-test was conducted for first meeting. The test consisted of five Narrative texts.

2. Post-test

  After treatment had been done, the researchers gave post-test to the students. It was aimed to know whether there would be effect on students’ reading comprehension in Narrative text by implementing Sequencing strategy. It was done to figure out whether there would be or no significant or result between these groups.

  Both pre-test and post test were given by same materials. It consisted of five parts of the test target. They were: analysis characters, finding the theme, finding setting, guessing vocabulary in context and to know the ending. The totals of questions were 25.

  Technique of Data Analysis

  In order to find out whether there was significant effect of using Sequencing strategy on students’ comprehension in reading Narrative text, the data should be analyzed by statistical method. The technique of data analysis used in this research is as bellow:To find the individual score of student

ISSN 2337-7208

  Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014 (Wayan and Sunartama, 1986:76) Where:

  P = individual score X = correct answer

  1. N = Number of questionTo find out the standard Deviation (



  =the average of score Ʃ = the number of students’ score N = the number of students’ in experimental group

  (J.D. Brown, 1991:66)

  2. To find out the variance

  Variance =


  = total score N = number of students

  I = constant Number

  (Hatch and Farhady, 1982)

  3. To find out the result of Standard Deviation

  SD =

  Where :

  SD = standard deviation Ʃ(X – X) = sigma of individual deviation of students’ score N = the number of students in each group 1 = constant number

  (Hatch and Farhady,1982)

  4. The final step was To find out the t-test

  T obs


  T = the t-value (t-test) Xe = the average score of experimental group X c = the average score of control group.

  To find out degree of freedom the following formula is used: Df=(Ne-1)+(Nc-1) Where: Df= degree of freedom Ne= the number of respondent in experimental group

ISSN 2337-7208

  Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014

  Nc= the number of respondent in control group 1=constant number

  (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:111)

  If the value t-calculated is smaller than t-table, there is significant or null hypothesus is rejected. Vice versa, if the value t-calculated is bigger than value t-table, it means there is no significant or alternative hypothesis is accepted.




  32 12 144


  21 Sample 21


  28 32 -4

  20 Sample 20



  19 Sample 19





  18 Sample 18

  32 24 576


  17 Sample 17


  24 32 -8

  16 Sample 16

  22 Sample 22



  26 Sample 26

  After gathering and analyzing the whole data, the researchers served the data completely as below:

  64 Total 896 3392




  28 Sample 28

  20 32 -12 144

  27 Sample 27

  16 32 -16 256






  25 Sample 25

  32 16 256


  24 Sample 24

  16 32 -16 256

  23 Sample 23


  32 12 144

  15 Sample 15

  1 X

  3 Sample 3




  5 Sample 5



  4 Sample 4


  24 32 -8


  6 Sample 6




  2 Sample 2



  1 Sample 1


  1 -X (X 1- X)




  32 16 256

  11 Sample 11



The result of Pre-Test Experiment Class

No Name


  24 32 -8

  13 Sample 13

  20 32 -12 144

  12 Sample 12



  16 32 -16 256


  10 Sample 10

  20 32 -12 144

  9 Sample 9

  16 32 -16 256

  8 Sample 8

  32 12 144


  7 Sample 7



  14 Sample 14

ISSN 2337-7208

  22 Sample 22

  32 27,14 4,94 24,40

  25 Sample 25

  24 27,14 -3,14 9,85

  24 Sample 24

  28 27,14 0,94 0,88

  23 Sample 23

  16 27,14 -11,14 124,09

  40 27,14 12,94 167,44

  32 27,14 4,94 24,40

  21 Sample 21

  24 27,14 -3,14 9,85

  20 Sample 20

  48 27,14 20,94 438,48

  19 Sample 19

  40 27,14 12,94 167,44

  18 Sample 18

  26 Sample 26

  27 Sample 27

  17 Sample 17

  1 -X (X 1- X)

  72 76,85 -4,85 23,52

  3 Sample 3

  80 76,85 3,15 9,82

  2 Sample 2

  56 76,85 -20,85 434,72

  1 Sample 1



  16 27,14 -11,14 124,09

  1 X


  No Name

  .The Post-test Result of Experiment Class

  Based on table, it could be seen that the calculation of students’ score for pre-test of control class was 760. The average of students score was 27,14 and varience was 91,10 and standard deviation was 9,54.

  16 27,14 -11,14 124,09 Total 760 2459,83

  28 Sample 28

  24 27,14 -3,14 9,85

  Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014

  Based on table, it could be seen that the calculation of the students’ score of pre-test of experimental class was 896. The average of the students’s score was 32 and varience of the data 125,62 and standard of deviation was 11,20.

  24 27,14 -3,14 9,85

  5 Sample 5

  36 27,14 8,94 79,92

  4 Sample 4

  20 27,14 -7,14 50,97

  3 Sample 3

  24 27,14 -3,14 9,85

  2 Sample 2

  1 Sample 1

  6 Sample 6


  1 -X)

  1 -X (X


  1 X



The Pre-test Result of Control Class

No Name

  16 27,14 -11,14 124,09

  32 27,14 4,94 24,40

  16 Sample 16

  12 Sample 12

  32 27,14 4,94 24,40

  15 Sample 15

  20 27,14 -7,14 50,97

  14 Sample 14

  52 27,14 24,94 622,00

  13 Sample 13

  16 27,14 -11,14 124,09

  28 27,14 0,94 0,88

  7 Sample 7

  11 Sample 11

  28 27,14 0,94 0,88

  10 Sample 10

  20 27,14 -7,14 50,97

  9 Sample 9

  28 27,14 0,94 0,88

  8 Sample 8

  20 27,14 -7,14 50,97

  24 27,14 -3,14 9,85

ISSN 2337-7208

  1 X

  2 Sample 2

  40 55,71 -15,71 246,80

  1 Sample 1


  1 -X)

  1 -X (X



  3 Sample 3


The Post-test Result of Control Class

No Name

  Based on table, it can be seen that calculation of students’ score for post-test of experiment class was 2152. The average of the students’ score was 76,85 and varience of the data was 187,31 and standard deviation was 13,68.

  88 76,85 11,15 124,32 Total 2152 5057,46

  28 Sample 28

  76 76,85 -0,85 0,72

  27 Sample 27

  88 76,85 11,15 124,32

  26 Sample 26

  64 55,71 8,29 68,72

  52 55,71 -3,71 13,76

  25 Sample 25

  9 Sample 9

  60 55,71 4,29 18,40

  12 Sample 12

  60 55,71 4,29 18,40

  11 Sample 11

  60 55,71 4,29 18,40

  10 Sample 10

  56 55,71 0,29 0,08

  56 55,71 0,29 0,08

  4 Sample 4

  8 Sample 8

  68 55,71 12,29 151,04

  7 Sample 7

  48 55,71 -7,71 59,44

  6 Sample 6

  60 55,71 4,29 18,40

  5 Sample 5

  52 55,71 -3,71 13,76

  32 76,85 -44,85 2011,52

  Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014

  4 Sample 4

  9 Sample 9

  76 76,85 -0,85 0,72

  12 Sample 12

  72 76,85 -4,85 23,52

  11 Sample 11

  76 76,85 -0,85 0,72

  10 Sample 10

  80 76,85 3,15 9,82

  56 76,85 -20,85 434,72

  76 76,85 -0,85 0,72

  8 Sample 8

  56 76,85 -20,85 434,72

  7 Sample 7

  84 76,85 7,15 51,12

  6 Sample 6

  84 76,85 7,15 51,12

  5 Sample 5

  84 76,85 7,15 51,12

  13 Sample 13

  14 Sample 14

  24 Sample 24

  88 76,85 11,15 124,32

  88 76,85 11,15 124,32

  23 Sample 23

  56 76,85 -20,85 434,72

  22 Sample 22

  80 76,85 3,15 9,82

  21 Sample 21

  84 76,85 7,15 51,12

  20 Sample 20

  19 Sample 19

  84 76,85 7,15 51,12

  68 76,85 -8,85 78,32

  18 Sample 18

  72 76,85 -4,85 23,52

  17 Sample 17

  88 76,85 11,15 124,32

  16 Sample 16

  88 76,85 11,15 124,32

  15 Sample 15

  88 76,85 11,15 124,32

ISSN 2337-7208


  Based on table, it could be seen that calculation of students’ score for post-test of control class was 1560. The average of students’ score was 55,71 and varience of the data was 165,83 and standard deviation of data was 12,87.


The Increasing from Pre-test to Post-test

Pre-Test Post-Test

  Experimental group Control Group Experimental group

  Control Group Ʃx

  896 760 2152 1560





  55.71 S

  2 125.62 91.10 187.31 165.83



  28 Sample 28


  12.87 The result of Experimental score Pre-test Post-test Increasing x

  32 76,85 44,85



  125,62 187,31 61,69

  S 11,20 13,68 2,48 High



  32 Low



  16 The table above explained that there was an increasing of students’ test result average, varience, standard deviation, highest score and lowest score of experimental class by using sequencing strategy to improve students reading comprehension that traditional method from pre-test and post-test. For information, the result of experimental class was used to answer the research’s question and as a proof that there was a significant effect of using Sequencing Strategy in teaching Reading of Narrative Text.

  44 55,71 -11,71 137,12 Total 1560 4477,6

  Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014

  13 Sample 13

  52 55,71 -3,71 13,76

  64 55,71 8,29 68,72

  14 Sample 14

  68 55,71 12,29 151,04

  15 Sample 15

  64 55,71 8,29 68,72

  16 Sample 16

  68 55,71 12,29 151,04

  17 Sample 17

  72 55,71 16,29 265,36

  18 Sample 18

  16 55,71 -39,71 1576,88

  19 Sample 19

  20 Sample 20

  27 Sample 27

  64 55,71 8,29 68,72

  21 Sample 21

  60 55,71 4,29 18,40

  22 Sample 22

  56 55,71 0,29 0,08

  23 Sample 23

  60 55,71 4,29 18,40

  24 Sample 24

  56 55,71 0,29 0,08

  25 Sample 25

  60 55,71 4,29 18,40

  26 Sample 26

  60 55,71 4,29 18,40

  20 55,71 -35,71 1275,20

ISSN 2337-7208

  Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014 Discussion

  It was found that t observation was 20,76 and t table. Meanwhile the value of t table on the degree of freedom 54this level of significant for two tail test is 2,000. It was seen that t obs > t t. It means that using sequencing strategy gave positive effect to the students’ reading comprehension. Therefore the null hypothesis was rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted. It means that there was a significant effect of using sequencing strategy on students’ reading comprehension at SMP Negeri 2 Pasir Penyu.


  As the conclusion of the research are:

  a. Sequencing strategy gives significant effect in student’ reading comprehension of the second year students at SMP Negeri 2 Pasir Penyu.

  b. There is significant difference between the students’ reading comprehension that taught by sequencing strategy and traditional strategy, in order word sequencing strategy is affective to students reading comprehension of the second year students at SMP Negeri 2 Pasir Penyu.

  c. After conducting sequencing strategy, the second year students’ reading comprehension at SMP Negeri 2 Pasir Penyu has improvemed and effective effect.

  It can be seen from the result of pre-test and post-test of the students.


  Since reading is not easy to do, the teacher should find the appropriate strategy that can help students understand and involve in teaching and learning process. Sequencing strategy can help the teacher to help the student want to read the text more focus and analyze the text so the students more effectively to answer the questions from the text.

  The problem that students face in process sequencing strategy were they doubt to arrange paragraph become order correct text. They should pay more attention to students’ direction. The researchers suggest that English teachera can use Sequencing strategy. In conducting this research, the researchers know that there was just a little variation used. So that, hopefully teachers can use more varient steps in teaching reading by using sequencing strategy.


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  Bell, Lyne and Lee, Chery L.2005. Using reading in Content area Strategies to improve

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Burnes and Page, G. 1991. Insight Strategies for TeachingReading.New york: Harncort Brace Jovaich Group. PTY Limited.

ISSN 2337-7208

  Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014

  Edge, J. 1987. Essential of English Language Teaching. Longman, inc. New York Nunan, David. 1992. Research Methods in Language Learning. Cambridge University Press.

  Roberts ,Lesley. Using Sequencing as A Reading Strategy, 2009 http://using- sequencing-as-a-reading-strategy.htm retrieved on March 14 2012. Stanley, M and King. 1989. Building Skills for TOEFL. Bina Aksara. Jakarta. Westwood, Peter. 2001. Reading Learning Difficulties Approaches to teaching and

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