Seminar Nasional IPTEKS UNTUK SEMUA 0

Teacher Technology Competence: The Urgency to
Improve Vocational High School Teachers Competence in
Technical Faculty, Yogyakarta State University
As the twenty-first century approaches, the literate citizen is
increasingly expected to use computer technology to access
and manipulate information. Knowing how to manage
electronic information from an ever-widening array of
resources and in proliferating formats is essential. In the
Vocational Education context, students of vocational high
school must develop not only fundamental computer skills
but also proficiency in using a variety of technology tools to
solve problems, make informed decisions, and generate new
knowledge. The development of these skills, as in other
basic areas of knowledge, is the responsibility of the schools
and their instructional staff.
One of the most important factors to improving Vocational
Education quality is teachers' ability to use the technology
infrastructure once it is in place. A growing body of evidence

suggests that the teacher plays a key role in determining not
only how but how well technologies are used in classrooms,
and thus the extent to which technologies improve student
performance. Given the central importance of teachers in
the application of technologies for teaching and learning,

education policy makers must quickly turn their attention to
teachers: their readiness and how best to prepare them to
use the technology infrastructure policy makers have been
working so hard to create. In this context, there are three
basic questions: (1) What must teachers know and be able
to do in order to effectively use technologies to improve
learning?, (2) How can teachers gain the knowledge and
skills they need?, and (3) What policy issues must be
addressed in order for teachers to avail themselves of
opportunities to gain the knowledge and skills they need to
use technologies effectively?
The Teacher Technology Competencies are a set of
technology standards that define proficiency in using
computer technology in the classroom. The competencies

consist of computer-related skills grouped into four general
domains: (1) Basic Technology Operation, (2) Personal and
Professional Use of Technology Tools, (3) Social, Ethical, and
Human Issues, and (4) Application of Technology in

Keywords: teacher technology competence, Vocational high
schools, learning