STUDENT STRATEGY IN LEARNING VOCABULARY A THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M. Hum.) in English Language Studies By Sutama 056332033 THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDY PROGRAM GRADUATE SCHOOL SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2010


Dedicated to

My Mother and late Father



  First of all I must express my greatest gratitude to God the Almighty who has guided and provided me with all His kindness. Without His blessing it would be impossible for me to finish this thesis. May He always be with us.

  I would like to express my special gratitude to my respected lecturer and supervisor, Drs. F.X. Mukarto, M.S., Ph.D., who always advised and encouraged me to finish my study.

  His continuous encouragement inspired me to devote my struggle to complete this thesis.

  I should also thank to my other invaluable lecturers; Dr. J. Bismoko who opened my mind with his fruitful lectures and progressive views on research particularly in English language education, Dr. BB. Dwijatmoko, M.A. for his interesting linguistic courses, Dr. Novita Dewi, M.S., M.A. (Hons) who taught me how to see the world through literary works, and Kuswandono M. Ed. who taught me how to make good scientific writing. Their valuable lectures during the course of my study encouraged me to be a better teacher.

  The last but not the least, I would like also to express my deep gratitude to my beloved mother, bunda Dalinem, for her endless love, support and prayers.

  Sutama, 2010.

  Student’s Strategy in Learning Vocabulary. Yogyakarta: English Language Study Program, Graduate School, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta.



  This study was designed to investigate student‘s strategy in learning vocabulary. It investigated student‘s background experience, action, and intention in learning vocabulary.

  The research question was: What is student‘s strategy in learning vocabulary? The goal of the research was to describe and identify student‘s strategy in learning vocabulary. More specifically, it aimed at reaching the subsequent objectives: (1) to describe student‘s background experience in learning vocabulary; (2) to describe student‘s actions in learning vocabulary and (3) to identify student‘s intentions in learning vocabulary.

  The study adopted qualitative research design. The research setting was State Vocational High School 1 Kalasan (SMK Negeri 1 Kalasan) with two chosen student- participants involved. The research data was narrative. It was gathered through in-depth interviews with the two participants about their background experience, action, and intention in learning vocabulary. The data analysis was conducted by extracting the information from the data gathered through in-depth interviews. Then, the data was classified into categories and described in accordance with the research question.

  The findings suggest that: (1) Student ‘s background experience in learning, beliefs, affective states, and personality affect the choice of actions in vocabulary learning. (2)

  Various actions are taken to learn vocabulary depending on the stages of vocabulary learning; (a) the student discovers the meaning of new words by guessing from textual context, using bilingual dictionary, asking classmates, discovering through group work activity, and asking the teacher; (b) the student retains the word in long-term memory through written and verbal repetition, using new word in sentences, taking notes in class, doing English test items, using computer games, remembering affixes and roots, connecting the word to personal experience or interest, studying the sound of the word, and memorizing the word; (c) the student recalls the word by remembering its spelling, making use of note book, and relating the word with some previously learned knowledge; and (d) the student learns to use the word in spoken form by studying similar sounding words, using bilingual dictionary, asking teacher for the pronunciation of a word, saying new word aloud when studying, using English language media, and interacting with native-speaker; and learns to use the word in written form by studying the spelling of the word and using new words in sentences. (3) S tudent‘s intentions in learning vocabulary are to get better achievement, to pass the National Exam, to meet the demand of world of work, and to enter a university.

  The study concludes that the student‘s background experiences underlie student‘s choice of action or strategy.

  The actions are taken based on student‘s background experiences dan student‘s beliefs and views on the efectiveness and appropriateness of the actions. It is important to provide the students with greater exposure to the variety of the strategy. In terms of classroom learning, the use of vocabulary learning strategy is also influenced by the classroom learning situation. Therefore, interesting vocabulary instruction is needed to reduce student‘s burden in learning vocabulary. And, student‘s intention encourages the student to learn more seriously and effectively by applying appropriate actions.

  Sutama, 2010.

  Student’s Strategy in Learning Vocabulary. Yogyakarta: Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Program Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta.



  Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui strategi siswa dalam mempelajari kosakata. Lebih jelasnya untuk meneliti pengalaman, tindakan, dan maksud siswa dalam mempelajari kosakata. Pertanyaan penelitian ini dirumuskan sebagai berikut: Apa strategi siswa dalam mempelajari kosakata? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan and mengenali strategi siswa untuk mempelajari kosakata. Lebih jelasnya penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menggambarkan pengalaman siswa dalam mempelajari kosakata, (2) menggambarkan langkah-langkah atau tindakan siswa dalam mempelajari kosakata, dan (3) mengidentifikasi maksud atau keinginan siswa dalam mempelajari kosakata.

  Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Tempat penelitian adalah SMK Negeri 1 Kalasan dengan menggunakan dua orang siswa sebagai peserta penelitian. Data penelitian bersifat naratif dan dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan kedua siswa tersebut tentang pengalaman siswa, langkah-langkah atau tindakan siswa, dan maksud atau keinginan siswa dalam mempelajari kosakata. Analisa data dilakukan dengan mengendapkan informasi yang diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, kemudian data dikategorikan, diuraikan berdasarkan kategori tersebut sesuai dengan pertanyaan penelitian.

  Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pengalaman belajar, keyakinan, kondisi perasaan, dan kepribadian siswa mempengaruhi pilihan strategi dalam mempelajari kosakata. (2) berbagai tindakan dilakukan untuk mempelajari kosakata sesuai dengan tahapan belajar kosakata; (a) siswa menemukan makna kata baru dengan cara menebak dari konteksnya, menggunakan kamus dwi-bahasa, bertanya kepada teman, melalui kerja kelompok, dan bertanya kepada guru; (b) siswa menyimpan kosakata dalam ingatan dengan cara menulis dan mengucapkan kata tersebut secara berulang-ulang, menggunakan kata baru dalam kalimat, membuat catatan di kelas, mengerjakan soal-soal tes bahasa Inggris, menggunakan permainan dalam komputer, mengingat imbuhan dan kata dasar, menghubungkan kata baru dengan pengalaman atau kepentingan pribadi, mempelajari bunyi suatu kata, dan dengan mengingat- ingat kata tersebut; (c) siswa secara sadar mengingat kembali kosakata dengan cara mengingat ejaannya, membuka buku catatan, dan mengkaitkan kata tersebut dengan pelajaran atau pengetahuan yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya; dan (d) siswa belajar menggunakan kosakata secara lisan dengan cara mempelajari kata-kata yang berbunyi mirip, mengikuti cara membaca di dalam kamus, menanyakan pada guru tentang pengucapan suatu kata, mengucapkan dengan keras saat belajar, menggunakan media berbahasa Inggris, dan berinteraksi dengan penutur asli; dan belajar menggunakan kosakata secara tertulis dengan cara mempelajari ejaan suatu kata serta menggunakannya di dalam kalimat. (3) maksud atau keinginan siswa dalam mempelajari kosakata adalah untuk memperoleh prestasi yang lebih baik, untuk lulus dalam ujian nasional, untuk memenuhi permintaan dunia kerja, dan untuk mempersiapkan diri memasuki perguruan tinggi.

  Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pengalaman siswa mendasari pilihan tindakan yang diambil dalam mempelajari kosakata. Tindakan tersebut didasarkan pada pengalaman siswa dan keyakinan serta pandangan siswa terhadap efektifitas dan ketepatan tindakan tersebut. Sangat penting bagi siswa untuk mendapatkan pengenalan yang lebih luas terhadap berbagai strategy belajar kosakata. Dalam hal belajar di kelas, penggunaan strategi belajar kosakata dipengaruhi oleh situasi belajar di kelas tersebut. Maka, pengajaran kosakata perlu dilakukan secara menarik untuk meringankan beban siswa dalam mempelajari kosakata. Dan, maksud atau tujuan belajar siswa mendorong siswa tersebut untuk belajar dengan lebih serius dan lebih efektif dengan menerapkan tindakan yang tepat.


  Title page ............................................................................................................................. i Approval page .................................................................................................................... ii Thesis defence approval page ............................................................................................ iii Dedication page ................................................................................................................... iv Statement of originality ...................................................................................................... v vi Lembar pernyataan ……………………………………………………………………….

  Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................. vii Abstract .............................................................................................................................. viii Abstrak ............................................................................................................................... ix Table of contents ................................................................................................................ x List of tables ....................................................................................................................... xii List of figures ..................................................................................................................... xiii List of appendices ………………………………………………………………………... xiv


  1 ackground of the Study …………………………………… .....................................

  1. The Role of Learning Strategy to the Success of L2 Learning

  1 ………….. .............

  2. The Role of Vocabulary in the Context of L2 Learning

  4 ……………………….. ...

  3. Relevant Research on L2 Vocabulary Learning and Acquisition

  6 ………………. ..

  B. Problem I 9 dentification ……………………………………… .....................................

  C. Limitation of the Study ...............................................................................................

  10 D. Researc h Question ………………………………………….. ..................................... 11 E. Research Goal and Objectives………………………………………………. ............ 11 F. Researc h Benefit …………………………………………….. ................................... 12


  …………………………………………………………………... 14

  1. The Nature of Vocabulary Knowledge …………………………………………. . 14

  a. Definition of a Word …………………………………………………………… 14

  b. Knowing a Word ……………………………………………………………….. 16 c.

  Categories of Word Knowledge………………………………………………… 18

  d. Breadth vs. Depth of Knowled ge of Vocabulary …………………………. ...... 24 e. Receptive vs. Productive Knowledge of Vocabulary

  ……………………….. ... 27

  2. Vocabulary Learning ……………………………………………………………… 29

  a. Some Aspects in Vocabulary Learning ………………………………………… 29

  b. Intentional vs. Incidental Vocabulary Learning ………………………………... 31

  3. Learning Strategy …………………………………………………………………. 35

  4. Strategies in Vocabulary Learning …………………………………………………. 39

  a. Definitions …………………………………………..………………………….. 39

  b. Types of Vocabulary Learning Strategy ………………………………………… 41

  1) Memorizing Strategies ………………………………………………………. 44

  2) Cognitive Strategies ………………………………………………………... 46

  3) Metacognitive Strategies …………………….…………………………….. 47

  4) Social Strategies …………………………………………………………… 48

  B. Theoretical Framework ……………………………………………………………….. 53

  CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Research Design …………………………………………………………………… ... 56 B. Nature of Data ……………………………………………………………………… .. 58 C. Data Setting and Participants

  ……………………………………………………… .... 58

  1. Setting …………………………………………………………………………… . 58

  2. Participants ……………………………………………………………………… .. 59 D.

  Data Gathering Instruments …………………………………………………………. 59

  E. Data Collection Procedure ………………………………………………………… .. 60

  F. Data Processing …………………………………………………………………… ... 62

  G. Data Analysis Procedure …………………………………………………………… .. 63

  H. Validating the Research Findings …………………………………………………… 63

  CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Student‘s Background Experience in Learning Vocabulary ………………………… 64 B. Student‘s Action in Learning Vocabulary …………………………………………… 70

  1. The Actions to Find the Meaning of Unknown Words …………………………… 70

  2. The Actions to Retain the Words in Long-Term Memory ……..……… ................ 79

  3. The Actions to Recall the Words at will …………………….………… ................ 86

  4. The Actions to learn Using the Words in Spoken and Written Mode ……… ......... 89

  a. The Actions to learn Using the Words in Spoken Mode …………………… ...... 89

  b. The Actions to learn Using the Words in Written Mode …………………… ..... 95

  C. Student‘s Intention in Learning Vocabulary ………………………………………….. 97


  …………………………………………………………………………... 101

  B. Suggestion ………………………………………………………………………….. . 104


  …………………………………………………………………………. 106


  ………………………………………………………………………….. 110



  1. Table 2.1 Knowing a word …………………………………………………………….. 20

  2. Table 2.2 Kinds of vocabulary knowledge and the most effective kinds of learning …. 34

  3. Table 2.3 Definitions of learning strategies …………………………………………… 34

  4. Table 2.4 Features of language learning strategies ……………………………………. 35

  5. Table 2.5 Classification of learning strategies ………………………………………… 38

  6. Table 2.6 A taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategies ……………………………… 41

  7. Table 2.7 A taxonomy of kinds of vocabulary learning strategies ……………………. 43

  8. Table 2.8 Most- and least-used strategies ……………………………………………… 49

  9. Table 2.9 The ten most frequently used vocabulary strategies ………………………… 50

  10. Table 2.10 The ten least frequently used vocabulary strategies ……………………….. 51

  11. Table 3.1 Blue print of interview …………………………………………………...... 59



  1. Figure 2.1 VKS elicitation scale--self report categories ……………………………… 17

  2. Figure 2.2 Intentional versus incidental learning …………………………………….. . 31

  3. Figure 2.3 The classification of language learning strategies ……………………….... 36


  1. The result of interview (in Indonesian)

  2. The result of interviews (in translation)

  3. Vocabulary test

  4. The result of vocabulary test

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This introductory chapter contains six major sections, namely; the background of the study,

  problem identification, problem limitation, research questions, research goal and objectives, and research benefits.

A. Background of the Study

  This section presents three sub-sections forming the background of the current study. They are the role of learning strategy to the success of L2 learning, the role of vocabulary in the context of L2 learning and relevant research on vocabulary learning.

1. The Role of Learning Strategy to the Success of L2 Learning

  It is very likely that the success of language learning process cannot be separated from the learning strategies used by the learners. Every time the students learn the language skills and elements, they most possibly apply some language learning strategies. The strategies are applied during the learning process so that they determine its result. The underlying problem apparently lies upon the condition whether the students realize their learning strategies or not, and whether they apply the strategies appropriately or not. If the learners use the learning strategies properly, the learning process will essentially give better result or vice versa. This indicates that language learning strategies constitute an important aspect that must be considered to get the success of language learning process. Learning strategies are viewed as the special thoughts or behaviors that individuals use to help them comprehend, learn, or retain new information (O‘Malley & Chamot, 1990:1). In other words, learning strategies are used to process new information in learner‘s mind.

  It is quite understandable that language learning strategies enable the learners to manage their own learning. The language learning strategies will lead the learners to learn in a more intensive and more directive way. This is an important contribution of learning strategies to the success of language learning process. Oxford (1990) has given her prominent views on learning strategy. She insists that learning strategies are very important particularly for language learning, in that they are tools for the learners‘ active and self-directed movement, which is essential to develop communicative competence (p.1). Because they are tools, students must be able to make use of them to make their learning much easier, more directive, and more effective. She also argues that self-directed students gradually gain greater confidence, involvement, and proficiency (p.10). Using language learning strategies as tools for language learning, the students will not only be passive learners, but they will be active and self-directed in their learning. In a more detail definition, she describes learning strategies as specific actions taken by the learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferable to new situations (p.8). This shows that the main purpose of using learning strategies is basically to make learning easier and more efficient. Moreover, it must also be applicable to different conditions so that it can increase students ‘ control of their own learning.

  In relation to language learning, the students ‘ awareness of the strategies they use seems to be very important. Language learning strategy is also defined as the processes which the learners choose intentionally and which end at the action done to improve the learning or usage of a second or foreign language, through the storage, retention, recall, and application of information about that language (Cohen, 1998: 4). This states clearly that the students must select the strategies on purpose to promote their own learning. By the way they will find the strategies which are suitable for them to learn the language and it will finally support the development of their language competence and performance. Therefore, if the goal of English learning is to be able to communicate in English, language learning strategies must be applied appropriately in the learning process. If not, it will be more difficult to reach the goal.

  Looking into most English classes in Indonesia, however, it seems that reaching the goal of English learning is still far beyond the reality. Most of the students have little knowledge of how to learn English in an appropriate way. They also still do not understand what language learning strategies are. They do not know what learning strategies that must be used in learning certain language skills and language features, how to apply the strategies in the learning process, and why they should apply certain learning strategies to learn certain language skills and elements. The conditions hinder students‘ success in learning English as a foreign language. This means that students‘ knowledge and awareness of learning strategies cannot be ignored in the learning process. Therefore, the important thing here is how to make the students realize their learning strategies and how to apply them in the learning process.

  Learning English as a foreign language puts the emphasis on learning the four language skills; speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and the language elements; grammar and vocabulary. Both learning language skills and learning language components are intertwined. The relationship is that learning the language skills needs the mastery of language components and the language components serve as the base for the functioning of the language skills. Among the aspects, vocabulary plays an important role in the success of learning language skills. Vocabulary mastery supports the functioning of language skills and in turn, good functioning of the skills improves vocabulary mastery. The mutual support between vocabulary, language use, and knowledge of the world is also stated by Nation. He stated that vocabulary knowledge enables language use, language use enables the increase of vocabulary knowledge, and knowledge of the world enables the increase of vocabulary knowledge and language use and so on (Nation, 1993 in Schmitt & McCarthy, 1997:6). This indicates the importance of vocabulary to the success of L2 learning.

2. The Role of Vocabulary in the Context of L2 Learning

  This research focuses on the strategy for learning vocabulary because vocabulary is one of the important elements in language learning. The main goal of studies on vocabulary learning strategy is to discover how words are learned and what part is played by different processes such as; lexical inferencing, guessing the meaning of words from context, memory processes, lexical simplification, and finally lexical transfer from L1 to L2 (Catalan, 2003:57). This indicates that vocabulary learning is not a simple matter. It needs serious attention from both learners and teachers. Furthermore, some other experts insist the importance of vocabulary in L2 learning. Gass (1999:325), for instance, states that learning a second language means learning its vocabulary, and knowing the meaning is the main point of knowing the lexical items. This indicates how important vocabulary learning in the context of L2 learning is. Moreover, vocabulary or lexicon may be the most important language component for learners (Gass & Selinker, 2001:372). It is not to say that vocabulary knowledge means everything in L2 learning. Nevertheless, it seems very influential among the various aspects which must be dealt with in L2 learning. It underlies all skills in language performance. This is in line with the opinion that words are an important part of linguistic knowledge because without words we would be unable to convey our thoughts through language (Fromkin, David Blair & Peter Collins, 2000:60). For that reason, knowing the how to get sufficient vocabulary knowledge must receive adequate attention in language learning.

  In L2 learning, the learners do not only learn to understand the language but also to produce or to use it. In this case, vocabulary is always needed whenever the language learners learn to improve their L2 performance and competence. Learners‘ language performance— speaking, listening, reading and writing, and their language competence

  —grammar and syntax, need sufficient vocabulary knowledge. In other words, the learners will get difficulties in using the language both receptively and productively if they do not have adequate vocabulary knowledge.

  L2 learners may encounter difficulties in using the language receptively and productively. Many of the difficulties in both receptive and productive use of language are perceived by the learners as a result of their inadequate vocabulary (Nation, 1990: 2). This is in line with what I experience in my English class. When the students are asked to communicate in English, they cannot do it. They state that they get difficulties in using English because they do not know the words they want to use. They do reading but they do not know the meaning of the sentences and even the words they read. They want to speak English but they do not know the words to speak. They listen to spoken English but they cannot understand it. And they want to write but they do not have enough words to express their ideas. Feeling that they still lack of vocabulary, the students become reluctant to use the language.

  At some point, L2 students are aware of their insufficient vocabulary. Their awareness is about the degree to which their limited vocabulary knowledge hinders their ability to communicate effectively in the target language (Read, 2004: 146). This indicates that adequate vocabulary underlies students‘ ability to communicate in L2. The condition arises from the fact that lexical items carry the basic information load of the meanings they expect to comprehend and express (Read, 2004: 146). This means that students‘ insufficient vocabulary becomes an obstacle for the development of their communicative competence. This condition in turn hampers students‘ success in English learning.

  Taking into account the condition above, it is important to help the students solve their problem in learning vocabulary. There must be a serious effort to identify the sources of problems that are faced by the students in learning L2 vocabulary. Besides, one critical thing is to make them aware of various strategies that can be applied in learning vocabulary. At this point, the vocabulary learning strategy plays an important role to empower the students in learning vocabulary. That is why a research on this issue is quite relevant to do.

3. Relevant Research on L2 Vocabulary Learning and Acquisition

  Studies on second language vocabulary reached a peak in the 1990s and early 2000s (Read, 2004: 146). Different issues on vocabulary learning have been the focus of the studies.

  Nevertheless, the new views in a series of diverse research fields have contributed to the understanding of vocabulary development and research on vocabulary acquisition has constructed itself as the main attention of language acquisition researchers (Henriksen, 1999:303). This shows that research on vocabulary learning is getting more meaningful and interesting.

  Among the varieties of issues in vocabulary acquisition studies, the notion of incidental and intentional vocabulary learning is the one which may explain how the learners learn new words. In incidental vocabulary learning the students acquire word knowledge incidentally as the result of their major learning activity inside or outside the classroom, whereas in intentional vocabulary learning the students acquire word knowledge through the activity that is mainly aimed to improve their vocabulary knowledge (Read, 2004:147). In this case, we can see more clearly the difference between the two models of vocabulary learning. Since in incidental vocabulary learning the students learn the new words unintentionally, they possibly do not apply any learning strategy in it. In this model of learning, the student‘s attention in learning is not on the words but on something else

  —most likely the content of a text. Vocabulary learning in which the learners try to comprehend unknown words that they hear or read in context is called ―incidental‖ because it occurs when learners are focused on something else rather than on the word learning itself (Paribahkt & Wesche, 1999:196). In intentional vocabulary learning, however, the students most possibly apply the learning strategy because they already know the direction and the purpose of their learning, namely to improve their word knowledge. Therefore, they do it in a fully conscious and self-directed way.

  A set of research reports was given by different researchers. An overview of the research findings and issues covering a set of research reports on incidental learning of L2 words both from spoken and written input was given by Wesche and Paribakht (Read, 2004:147). They conducted an introspective study on how the learners treat the unknown words in order to comprehend the written text they read. In the study they identified lea rners‘ lexical processing strategies and developed a taxonomy of learner knowledge sources and cues used in determining words meaning (Weshe and Paribakht, 1999:178). Meanwhile Swanborn and de Glopper (2002) focused on the influence of readers‘ purpose and level of reading ability in incidental learning of words (Read, 2004:147). Concerning the spoken input, a research by Vidal (2003) proved that the knowledge of small but significant number of words was keep in mind by the students by means of naming, definition, or description (Read, 2004:147). Differently, Wode conducted a research on the nature of the lexical knowledge acquired by learners in secondary school foreign language immersion (IM) program versus outcomes from alternative instructional settings (Wesche and Paribakht, 1999:178). He found that learners‘ L1 functions as the basis for their approach to the word class system of the target language and IM provides a lot of chance for incidental learning (Wode, 1999:254). Another researcher, Hulstjin (2001) discussed incidental and intentional vocabulary learning from psycholinguistic point of view. He argued that in research studies the difference between the two models of vocabulary learning can be preserved by directing learner‘s attention toward or away from the words although its significance in influencing learners‘ long term memory of the words is theoretically slight (Read, 2004:147). This may practically explain how the students learn new words in both incidental and intentional ways. Furthermore, he stated that in the classroom context both incidental and intentional learning of vocabulary should be regarded as complementary activities (Read, 2004: 147-48). This means that the two learning models can be applied simultaneously to give better result of the learning process.


  Citing Lewis (1993), Sokmen (1997) stated that at the entrance of 21 century vocabulary acquisition has held a more important role, that is, the central role in second language learning (in Schimtt & McCarthy, 1997:237). This is viewed as a change of concern, in that the teacher is encountered with the challenge of how best to assist students memorize and get back L2 words. Related to the effort for helping the students memorize and recall L2 words, the use of learning strategy may have meaningful contribution to students

  ‘ learning. Particularly in Indonesian context, research on vocabulary size shows that the vocabulary mastery of Indonesian students is still very limited. This can be seen in the study conducted by Quinn (1968) which revealed that on average the students had only mastered less than 1000 of the most frequent words after six years study in high school (Nurweni & Read, 1998:162). Even eight years later, a study by Nation (1974) found that the students‘ recognition vocabulary was still around 600 words (Nurweni & Read, 1998:162). Although a more recent study by Nurweni (1990) showed that the students had known a larger number of words than those in Quinn‘s research, their vocabulary size was still below 4000 words which is the vocabulary size that they have to master in high school (Nurweni & Read, 1998:162). These indicate that Indonesian students still lack of English vocabulary and need to improve it in their further learning.

  In their latest study, Nurweni & Read (1998) measured the vocabulary size of first- year students of a university in Sumatra. They estimated students‘ vocabulary based on the General Service List (West, 1953) which represents 2000 most frequent words, added with 800 academic English words taken from the University Word List (Xue & Nation, 1984). The result proved that the students mastered an average of 1226 (44%) of the 2800 words. This also proved that their vocabulary size was far below the target of 4000 words recommended in the national curriculum for senior high schools in Indonesia.

  Studies conducted by Quinn (1968), Nurweni (1990), and Nurweni and Read (1998) proved that vocabulary size of Indonesian students still did not meet the requirements stated in the national curriculum. This fact indicates that the students still have inadequate vocabulary mastery particularly to communicate in English. Hence, further research on the aspects influencing students‘ vocabulary mastery is needed. One of the important aspects is the strategy used in learning vocabulary. It seems to be the most important aspect to the success of vocabulary learning. Research on it may reveal what the student actually does to learn L2 vocabulary, how far she/he understands strategies for L2 vocabulary learning, how the strategies are employed, and how the strategies improve student

  ‘s autonomy or independence learning L2 vocabulary. Theoretically if the student applies an appropriate strategy which is also suitable for her/him, the learning process will give better result. For that reason, the current research will focus on investigating student‘s strategy in learning vocabulary.

B. Problem Identification

  As stated in the background, vocabulary mastery is seen as the core element to the success of second language learning. It covers the ability to understand the vocabulary (receptive knowledge) and to use it (productive knowledge). Besides, student‘s inadequate vocabulary makes the receptive and productive English difficult to improve. In order that the condition does not inhibit student

  ‘s success in learning English, there must be a serious effort to enlarge student ‘s vocabulary. The effort must be done in such a directive way that the student finally has adequate vocabulary. Having sufficient vocabulary, the student will be more encouraged in using English both receptively and productively. This also means that the success in learning English becomes much closer and easier.

  Dealing with vocabulary learning, the interesting questions to pose in this field are: How can vocabulary be learned effectively? What strategy should the student use in learning vocabulary? How should the student apply the strategies to learn vocabulary? What factors influence student‘s vocabulary learning? What learning environment supports vocabulary learning? What kind of curriculum must be developed and implemented in vocabulary learning-teaching process? What must the teachers do in managing their vocabulary instruction? And what are the roles of vocabulary learning in second language learning?

C. Limitation of the Study

  Among the various interesting problems recognized in the problem identification, the important thing to be taken into account in the current study is what strategy the student may use in learning L2 vocabulary. It is impossible to investigate the problems altogether in the current study because of my limited time and capability. Besides, this study relies on the students who have the highest vocabulary size or who are considered as successful learners. Thus, it describes only the vocabulary learning strategy used by the successful students. It does not include the students having lower vocabulary mastery in the data gathering process.

  It is possible, therefore, that this study does not describe vocabulary learning strategy from the point of view of less successful students. In other words, the description of vocabulary learning strategy in this study is limited to the strategy applied by the successful students.

  The study focuses on investigating the strategy of vocabulary learning used by the student in both receptive and productive use of words including the experience and intention in learning vocabulary.