AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters








  AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters








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This undergraduate thesis is dedicated

This undergraduate thesis is dedicated This undergraduate thesis is dedicated

This undergraduate thesis is dedicated

To my beloved Mother and Father To my beloved Mother and Father To my beloved Mother and Father To my beloved Mother and Father

  My beloved sister My beloved sister My beloved sister My beloved sister ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First I would like to thank to God, Jesus Christ for his Love and Blessings.

  I do believe that this thesis will not finish without His Generosity.

  I believe that during my study I have got so many helps from others and it is an honor to have my lectures and my friends beside me. I would thank my thesis advisor, G. Fajar Sasmita Aji,S.S.,M.Hum., who has been willing to spend his time and share his thought to me. I would also to thank to my co- advisor Dewi Widyastuti , S. Pd., M. Hum., who gives me her advice and corrections to my thesis.

  I would like to express my thanks to my friends: We Won’t Pay’s crews (Prita, Susi, Sari, Ella, Widhy, Wayan, Novi, Wedhus, Renzie, Tio, Dody, Boim, Mbendol, Vallone), my friends in my boarding house (Rahmad, Surya, Koko, Alex, Kefas, Andi), Gurit, Bangun, Sri, Indry, Dias, Siwi, Nur, Devy, all my friends in GKI. I would also like to thank Johan, Budi, Vivin, Anita, Rindu, Richard, Titis, Jonathan, Elin, Bayu for fixing up my computer and everybody in English Letters Department and Sanata Dharma University.

  Finally, my deepest gratitude is for my mother who has been patiently guiding and supporting me, my father who has been encouraging me, my sister, my relatives and everybody who has supported me during my study.

  TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................. i APPROVAL PAGE ....................................................................................... ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE.................................................................................. iii MOTTO PAGE .............................................................................................. iv DEDICATION PAGE.................................................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................... vii ABSTACT....................................................................................................... viii ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... ix CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION............................................................

Definition of Terms.......................................................................

  14 C. Theoretical Framework ..................................................................


  54 APPENDICES Appendix 1 ...........................................................................................

  51 BIBLIOGRAPHY ..........................................................................................

  The way the Whites impose colonialization in the story ............... 35 C.

  20 A. Characterization of the Major White Caharacters in the story....... 23 B.

  Approach of the Study ................................................................... 17 C. Method of the Study....................................................................... 18 CHAPTER IV : ANALYSIS .......................................................................

  16 A. Object of the Study ........................................................................ 16 B.

  15 CHAPTER III : METHODOLOGY...........................................................

  13 5. The Relation between Literature and Society ..........................

  1 A. Background of the Study................................................................

  12 4. Theory on Colonialism.............................................................

  9 3. Thery on Post-colonialism .......................................................

  8 2. Theories on Characterization ...................................................

  8 1. Theory on Characters ...............................................................

  7 B. Review of Related Theories ...........................................................

  7 A. Review of Related Studies .............................................................

  5 CHAPTER II : THEORETICAL REVIEW ............................................

  5 D.

  5 C. Objectives of the study...................................................................

  1 B. Problem Formulation .....................................................................

The reaction of the Natives against the colonialization ................. 43 CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION................................................................

  ABSTRACT KRISWIDIYANTA SEBAYANG. The Reaction of The Natives Against The White’s Colonialization as seen in Women of the Sun by Hyllus Maris and Sonia Borg. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2008.

  This thesis analyzes the relationship between the Native Aborigines and the White colonizers in the novel of Women of the Sun by Hyllus Maris and Sonia Borg. This thesis focuses on the domination of the White colonizers upon the Native Aborigines in Australia as presented in Women of the Sun. This novel consists of five different stories in which each story presents different character but dominantly reveals the conflict between the Whites colonizer and the natives.

  The aims of this study are (1) to find the White characterizations who present colonialization to the Natives, (2) to find how the Whites present the idea of colonialization to the Natives, and (3) to find the reaction of the Natives against the colonialization revealed in each of the story.

  This study is done by using library research method. This study is using the Post-colonialism approach. This approach is used to identify the resistance of the natives against the Whites colonialization revealed in the story of Women of


the Sun. The writer must identify the value of the whites introduced to the Natives

and the resistance of the natives against the colonialization.

  From the analysis the writer finds that the Whites characters represent the quality of colonizer since they try to apply the White’s values to the Natives. The whites always regard their values to be superior and should be applied into the Natives. The Whites try to colonize the Natives by introducing the White’s culture, teaching the Natives and even they try to occupy the land of the Natives. But this struggle is not kindly accepted by the Natives as the Natives show big resistance against the colonialization of the Whites.

  ABSTRAK . KRISWIDIYANTA SEBAYANG. The Reaction of The Natives Against The White’s Colonialization as seen in Women of the Sun by Hyllus Maris and Sonia Borg. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2008.

  Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mempelajari hubungan antara masyarakat asli Australia dengan penjajah kulit putih dalam novel Women of the Sun yang ditulis oleh Hyllus Maris dan Sonia Borg. Fokus penelitian ini adalah dominasi penjajah kulit putih terhadap masyarakat asli Australia yang terlihat di dalam novel Women of the Sun. Novel ini terdiri dari lima cerita yang memiliki karakter berbeda di setiap crita namun secara umum dipenuhi dengan konflk antara penjajah kulit putih dengan masyarakat asli Australia.

  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk menemukan penggambaran karakter orang kulit putih yang melakukan penjajahan,(2) untuk menemukan bagaimana karakter orang kulit putih melakukan penjajahan terhadap masyarakat asli Australia, dan (3) untuk menemukan reaksi perlawanan dari masyarakat asli Australia terhadap penjajahan yang dilakukan oleh penjajah kulit putih dalam setiap cerita di dalam novel.

  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan pendekatan post-colonial. Pendekatan ini digunakan untuk menemukan bentuk perlawanan masyarakat asli Australia terhadap penjajahan orang kulit putih yang ada dalam novel Women of the Sun. Penulis harus menemukan nilai-nilai kaum kulit putih yang diperkenalkan kepada masyarakat Australia dan bentuk perlawanan terhadap penjajahan.

  Dari penelitian, penulis menemukan bahwa orang-orang kulit putih mencerminkan/menggambarkan kepribadian sebagai penjajah. Mereka menilai bahwa nilai-nilai mereka adalah sesuatu yang maha agung yang harus diperkenalkan kepada msyarakat asli Australia. Orang –orang kulit putih mencoba menguasai masyrakat asli dengan cara memperkenalkan budaya mereka, mengajari masyarakat asli dengan budaya orang kulit putih, bahkan orang kulit putih mencoba menguasai tanah masyarakat asli. Tetapi usaha ini tidak bisa diterima dengan baik oleh masyarakat asli dan mereka menunjukkan perlawanan terhadap penjajahan orang kulit putih.

  LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma :

  Nama : KRISWIDIYANTA SEBAYANG Nomor Mahasiswa : 034214069

  Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul : THE REACTION OF THE NATIVES AGAINST THE WHITE’S COLONIALIZATION AS SEEN IN WOMEN OF THE SUN BY HYLLUS MARIS AND SONIA BORG beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupaun memberikan royalty kepada saya selamA tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

  Demikian pernyatan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal : 18 March 2008 Yang menyatakan (Kriswidiyanta Sebayang)

  STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY This is to certify that all ideas, phrases, sentences, unless otherwise stated, are the ideas, phrases, and sentences of the thesis writer. The writer understands the full consequences including degree cancellation if she took somebody else’s ideas, phrases, or sentences without proper references.

  Yogyakarta, March 06, 2008 (Kriswidiyanta Sebayang)

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Literature is one of the creations of human intelligence and through literature people transfer ideas and ideologies. Literature is not only a text to read

  as the product of human intelligence, but it also has functions. Rene Austin and Wellek Warren said in their Theory of Literature “To take art or literature or poetry seriously is, ordinarily at least, to attribute to it some use proper to itself” (Warren, 1956: 31). From the statement above, we can find that literature may function in certain ways. Discussing the function of a literary work can involve two sides, reader and writer. A writer may use literary work as the vehicle to reveal historical events of a nation by transferring his ideology and idea.

  Literature may also represent the fight of a nation for their goodness, and in this case is identity. In another hand, a reader can find enjoyment and pleasure by reading literary work.

  Literature reflects the struggle of a community to declare their own identity as a nation. There might be some ways to state the ideology of a nation like physical movement such as war. Beyond those ways, literature provides an elegant/smooth non-violence movement proposing intellectual behavior rather than physical. Frantz Fanon said in his essay entitled National Culture

  Here there is, at the level of literary creation taking up and clarification of theme which are typically nationalist. This may be properly called a literature of combat, in the sense that it calls on the whole people to Literary work can be used to state the identity of a nation and literary work has more value since it does not use violence in representing the idea, emphasizing the intellectual value.

  Another discourse about literary work which relates to social life is proposed by Edward Said. Said says in his Orientalism: “The Oriental is the masterpiece, the adjacent of Europe and the place of Europe’s greatest, richest and oldest colonies (Said, 1978: 87)”. In this case the Europe’s colonies are always oppressed by the European who introduces their value and the domination of Europe. In other words Europeans set colonialism in the sense of their interest for cultural oppression and economic control. The orients are the object for Europe to represent their views. Said says

  Orientals can be discussed and analyzed as the corporate institution for dealing with the orient –dealing with it by making statements about it, authorizing views of it, describing it, by teaching it, settling it: in short, Orientalism as a Western style for dominating, restructuring and having authority over the orient (Said , 1978: 88).

  In this discourse Said used the terms of the west and the east to represent the oppressor and the oppressed. But what we find in Women of the Sun obviously does not talk about the west and the east, it presents the idea of the whites and the aborigines. The terms could be different, but they describe the same level of the oppressor and the oppressed.

  Women of the Sun is a novel that represents the relation between Whites as

  the gcolonizer and the Aborigines as the colonized. It tells us about a kind of West determination to set their standard and the struggle of the Aborigines to strike back the colonialization. Written by two women in which one of them is native aborigine and directly contact with the area of Murray River where the colonialization took place, Women of the Sun uncovers the practice behind the colonialization and the motifs behind the colonialization in which the whites wrap up them in the name of civilization.

  This thesis will focus on the relationship between Whites and Blacks as depicted in the story, Blacks as the object of the White’s domination and Whites as the representation of Europe. There is a dichotomy between Whites and Black. Black is always regarded as a fascinating realm of exotic, the mystical and the seductive. It also tends to be seen as homogenous, the people there being anonymous masses rather than individuals, their actions determined by instinctive emotions (lust, fury, terror, etc) rather than by conscious choices or decisions.

  Their emotions and reactions are always determined by racial considerations rather than by aspects of individual status or circumstances (Barry, 1995: 193).

  East is always regarded as a savage society and the area of darkness where everything is intended on emotion and spiritual aspect rather than the rational aspect of human being. So in other words, East is classified into uncivilized nation and dark area which is based on the point of view of the westerners or Europe. In contrast, West is always pointed as the high standard of civilization. Related to that thing, West always foreshadows the East. In addition, Whites believe that their colonialization can civilize the savage of the natives. But is it true that colonialization is only the matter of civilizing the natives? Yet the fact is that the natives already have their own civilization.

  Stephen Slemon in his “Unsettling the Empire: Resistance Theory for the


Second World” thinks that colonialization is the part of economic control and

  cultural oppression. He said: Colonialism, obviously, is an enormously problematical category: it is by definition transhistorical and unspecific and it is used in relation to very different kinds of cultural oppression and economic control. But like the term ‘patriarchy’, which shares similar problems in definition, the concept of colonialism, to this third critical field, remains crucial to a critique of past and present power relations in world affairs, and thus to a specifically post-colonial critical practice which attempts to understand the relation of literary writing to power and its contestations (1995: 106). Colonialism allows the West to put their standard on the land of Orientals. Edward Said stated in his Orientalism:

  The Orient is an integral part of European material civilization and culture. Orientalism expresses and represents that part culturally and even ideologically as a mode of discourse with supporting institutions, vocabulary, scholarship, imagery, doctrines, even colonial bureaucracies and colonial styles (1995: 87). The West introduces their standard by excessive struggle. The main point of colonialism is the domination of Europe and the authoritative rules they engaged to the Easterners. In the other hand, the colonized people are not kindly accepting the standard of the colonizer. There is struggle among the colonized people for the reinforcement of their history. As Fanon states that the first step for the colonized people in finding a voice and an identity is to reclaim their own past.

  This topic is written also because there is a very clear sight of struggle to dominate the colony in this case is Australia, control the natives and put aside the native’s culture of Australian, Aborigines, in the name of civilization. But there is also a trial to reclaim their own identity of the Aborigines as depicted in the story of Women of the Sun.

  Problem Formulation B.

  How do the Whites impose colonialization in the story? 3.

How are the reactions of the Natives against the colonialization represented in the story?

  C . Objectives of the study The objectives of this study are firstly to find the characterization of the

  Whites who present colonialization of the whites to the native Aborigines in Australia. The next objective is to see how the White characters impose colonialization in the story by finding the aspect of colonialization from the perspective of the colonizer. The third objective is to identify the way of the colonizer enforce colonialism (setting their standard) to the native. The last objective is to find the reactions of the Natives against the White’s colonialization.

Definition of terms D

  In order to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpreting, in reading this thesis then certain terms should be defined so that the meaning of certain terms can be understandable.These following definitions are taken from

  “Postcolonialism/colonialism” by Ania Loomba and Europe and Its Others.


Proceedings of the Essex Conference on the Sociology of Literature Volume 1 By

  Homi K. Bhaba. These following are the definitions:

  a. Colonialism: Colonialism is defined as the conquest and control of other people’s land and goods (Ania Loomba, 1998: 8). So here lies the idea of occupation, authority and control.

  b. White: In this thesis, white refers to a racial group of people who impose colonialization in the story having light color and are especially European. Color is the prime signifier of racial identity and socially constructed. It is shaped by perceptions of religious, ethnic, linguistic, national, sexual, and class differences (Ania Loomba , 1998 : 121).

  c. Resistance: Resistance is defined as effect of the contradictory representation of colonial authority, a native appropriation of its ambivalent strategies of power (Homi K. Bhaba, 1984: 179).

  CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW This chapter will introduce some criticisms, theories, and information to support the analysis. This chapter will be divided into three parts. The first part is the Review on related studies. This part will introduce the criticisms on Hyllus Maris and Sonia Borg’s work especially about Women of the Sun. The second

  part is the Theoretical Review which provides the theories that will be used in analyzing the work. The last part is the theoretical ground which tells the readers how the theories are used.


  Review on Related Studies There are some reviews stating that Women of the Sun represents the idea of colonialism in it’s content. The first review is an undergraduate thesis by Yogi

  Yanuaro entitled Postcolonialist Characters in Maris and Borg’s Women of the


Sun. The thesis reveals the idea of postcolonialism from the point of view of the

  Natives people or the colonized. The thesis stated that the characters in Women of


the Sun have the quality of postcolonialist: the character of Towradgi has the

  quality of postcolonialist for her thought to protect her people and her land from the white men’s invasion. Towradgi has a clear idea of the value, the dignity of colonized people. Towradgi has the awarness of her culture and her land and that is why she is called postcolonialist character (Yanuaro, 2005: 50).

  Another review is also from an undergraduate thesis by Fransiska Oka Budianti entitled Representation of Historical Relationship between the


Aborigines and the White Invaders in Maris and Borg’s Women of the Sun. This

  thesis explains the relationship between The Aborigines and the Whites were not easy one. Budianti stated in her thesis: the relationship between them was not he good one, because the Aborigine people always got bad treatments from the white since the beginning of the story until the end.

  This thesis tries to give another perspective about colonialization in the story. This thesis will discuss the way the White characters in the story impose colonialization and the reaction of the Natives against the colonialization. It is found in the story that colonialization is not kindly accepted by the Natives as they show reactions against colonialization.


  Review of Related Theories 1.

  Theory on Character Abrams states, a character is: the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say – the dialogue-and what they do- the actions (1981 : 21). That is why characters bring the message of the story through the dialogues and actions.

  Meanwhile, Mary Rohrberger and Samuel H. Woods, in their Reading and


Writing about Literature (1971: 20-21), define a character as “a person who

  involves and acts out in a story in particular time and place.” The statement above mans that character in fiction is a person who thinks does and acts in certain time and place.

  They also divide character into two traditional distinctions of character between protagonist and antagonist character.

  a. Protagonist, as Rohrberger and Woods say, is the one to whom all events in the story have relevance. The protagonist may be in the conflict with fate or the gods or environment, or his struggle may be an inner one whereby he battles with a part of himself or with conflicting value systems or desires, or his inner conflict with someone or something outside himself.

  b. When a protagonist is involved in a conflict with another character and if he is pitted against an important opponent, that character is called an antagonist.

  Characterization is the creation of author’s imaginary about character as a real person so that they exist for the reader as life like (Perrine,1974: 88).

  According to Mary Rohrberger and Samuel H. Woods, the process creating character is called characterization. In Reading and Writing about Literature, they stated: “the process by which an author creates a character is called characterization.” There are two principal ways an author can characterize. He can use direct means to describe physical appearances. He can say for example that Sally is 5 feet 4 inches, weight 110 pounds and has blonde hair. Or he can describe her intellectual and moral attributes or explain the degree of her sensitivity. He can say she is bright girl who respects her parents and feels their disapproval strongly. Or he uses dramatic means and places her in situation to show what she is by the way she behaves or speaks (1971 : 81).

  Murphy (1972: 161-173) states that there are nine ways in which the author attempts to make his characters understandable and come alive for the readers.


  Personal description.

  The author can describe a character’s physical appearance like the face, body, and clothes of the characters have the specific appearance, so the reader can imagine it.


  Character as seen by another.

  The author can also describe a character through the eyes and opinion of others.



  The author can give us some clue to a person’s character in the book through what the person says. Whenever he is in conversation with another and whenever he gives his opinion, he is giving us some clue to his personality.


  Past life.

  The author can also give the readers a clue to events that have helped to shape a person’s character through his past life. It can be done by direct comment produced by the author, through the person’s thought, through his conversation or through the medium of another person.


  Conversation of others.

  The author can also give the readers a clue to a person’s character through the conversations to other people and the things they say about him.



  The author can also give the readers a clue to a person’s character by letting them know how the person reacts to various situations and events.


  Direct comment.

  The author can also describe or comment on a person directly.



  The author can give the readers direct knowledge or what a person’s thinking about. What in the person’s mind and what he feels reflect on his character. i.


  The author can describe a person’s way of behaving that a particular person has which may also tell us something about his character. Post-colonialism is a kind of interrelation between the colonizer and the colonized. Helen Tiffin in his Post-colonial Literature and Counter-Discourse said: Post-Colonial cultures are inevitably hybridized, involving a dialectical relationship between European ontology and the impulse to create or recreate independent local identity (Tiffin, 1995: 95). The relation here is noted by the struggle of the colonized to recreate the independent local identity of the colonized since the local identity from the colonized has been contaminated by the massive movement of colonialization.

  The recreation of the independent local identity becomes a big matter for the colonized since that is the way to declare the identity putting aside the colonial value. Peter Barry in his Post-colonial Criticism stated that the way for a Post- colonial perspective is to recall their past and erode the colonialist ideology. He said: If the first step towards a post-colonial perspective is to reclaim one’s own past, then the second is to begin to erode the colonialist ideology by which that past had been devalued (Barry, 1995: 192).

  This post-colonial process is not a kind of simple process since it involves many aspects and discussions. Post-colonial theory has to deal with many things that the colonized has been felt and ongoing. Bill Ashcroft in his The Post-

  colonial Studies Reader said that:

  Post-colonial theory involves discussion about experience of various kinds: migration, slavery, suppression, resistance, representation, difference, race,gender, place, and responses to the influential master discourse of imperial Europe such as history, Philosophy and linguistics.(Ashcroft, 1995: 2) Colonialization is not kindly accepted by the local society. That is why some resistances arise to fight against the colonialization in Post-colonial ideology. These resistances reveal in form of defending the local culture/identity and eroding the colonial ideology.

  4. Colonialism. Ania Loomba in her book entitled Postcolonialism/colonialism defines colonialism as the conquest and control of other people’s land and goods. The definition emphasizes the ideas of control, occupation and cultural oppression as stated by Stepen Slemon in his writing Resistance Theory for the Second World: Colonialism, obviously, is an enormously problematical category; it is by definition transhistorical and unspecific, and it is used in relation to very different kinds of cultural oppression and economic control (Slemon, 1990: 106). There are complex aspects discussing in colonialism such as race, class, the oppressor and the oppressed and many more.

  At the beginning, colonialism is kind of economical practice dealing with the current of natural resources, raw materials and low skill workers/slave in the goodness of Europe from the colonized country. Then it is more than economic matter when the colonizers try to set their standard to the colonized. Colonialism is obviously an attempt to drain brain and fill it with new ideology, west ideology or White’s ideology. Fanon said : Colonialism is not satisfied merely with holding a people in its grip and emptying the native’s brain of all form and content. By a kind of perverted logic, it turns to the past of the oppressed people, and distorts, disfigures, and destroys it. The willing to set the standard is not kindly accepted by the colonized people, there is a kind about resistance to the hegemony.

  5. The Relation between Literature and society The relation between society and literature according to Wellek and

  Warren in their Theory of literature can be defined as social documents. As social document, literature can be designed to track the socio historical of a society. The product of literature can be the portray of a society when it is written. Wellek and Warren said in their Theory of Literature:

  But furthermore, literature ‘represent’,’life’,and ‘life’ is, in large measure, a social reality, even though the natural world and the inner of subjective world of the individual have also been objects of literary ‘imitation’ (1956 : 94).

  From the passage above, it can be suggested that literary works can function to reflect the events that happen in the society in which the literary works made. In this thesis, the relation between society and literature is traced from the social content of the novel. The idea of the novel might be the shape of reality in which the author has been experienced. As stated by Wellek and Warren:

  To say that literature mirrors or expresses life is even more ambiguous. A writer inevitably expresses his experience and total conception of life; but it would be manifestly untrue to say that he expresses the whole of life – or even the whole life of a given time- completely and exhaustively (1956 : 95). A writer may express his experience or the idea through literature, not the whole of the idea but may be the representation of his idea or experience. C.

Theoretical Framework

  This thesis will focus on the aspect of colonialism found Hyllus Maris and Sonia Borg’s Women of the Sun. In this thesis there are some theories that will be used in the analysis. Those theories are theory on Character and Characterization, theory on colonialism and theory on Post-Colonialism. By using and applying those theories on the analysis the writer will try to answer the problem formulations. The review on related theories will be needed to give some direction in the analysis. Every theory will give it’s focus and function in directing the writer to answer the problem formulation. The on character and characterization will give guideline to analyze the characters which become the main focus of the analysis. The theory on colonialism will direct the writer to analyze the aspect of colonialism in the story. The theory on colonialism will be used to identify the way the Whites impose the White’s values towards the Natives in the story. The theory on Post-Clonialism will focus on the resistance of the Natives as the colonized to the Whites as the colonizer. Another theory about literature and society will be used to find out the relation between literature and society whether they influence each other.

  The review of related studies are needed to give more information and perspective for the writer to state the position of the thesis by identifying the elements of the novel and give better understanding about the motif of the story in the novel. Other critics are needed to help in making the analysis to be more obejective.

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Object of the Study A. The story which is being discussed in this thesis is taken from Hyllus Maris and Sonia Borg’s work entitled Women of the Sun. This novel was written by Hyllus Maris and Sonia Borg. Hyllus Maris was born in Echuca Victoria as an

  Aborigine into the Yorta-yorta tribes, an area near Murray River which is known as the Aborigines area, while Sonia Borg was born in Vienna Austria. Hyllus Maris was the co-founder of the National Council of Aboriginal and Island Women. Her grandmother in Cummeragunja Victoria taught her the Aboriginal culture. She was also known by her dedication to the right of the Aborigine people Sonia Borg was born in Vienna Austria. Later she moved to India and joined with Shakespearean Theatre. In 1961 she attended to Crawford production as drama coach in Australia. In 1970s, Hyllus Maris and Sonia Borg collaborated working together on novel Women of the Sun.

  This novel was first published in 1985 by Penguin Books Australia Ltd. This primary object of the thesis consists of five chapters and 175 pages. Every chapter of this novel presents different character in which they have same background as Aborigine or half blood of Aborigine. The first chapter is about character name Towradgi. In this chapter there is no clear view about colonialism but when we come to the deeper analysis we might find the idea of colonialism. This chapter tells how Towradgi gets a view about the invasion from another nation. The second chapter tells about Alinta in the beginning of colonialism. The third is about Maydina under colonialism. And the fourth and the fifth are about Nerida and Lo-arna after the colonialism.

  Women of the Sun was first designed for a series of television. However

  the spirit to bring the story to the public never dies. The story then also presented as a novel. This novel is originated from the historical relationship between Whites and aborigines in Australia. The story has won several awards from United Nation Peace Prize, Australian Writer’s Guild Award, the Australian Society Television Awards and the Canadian Banff Television Festival.


Approach of the Study

  Some of writers may have different ways and approaches. In developing an analysis, a writer must use appropriate approach which relates with the most significant atmosphere of the story. This analysis will use the Post-Colonialism approach to analyze the work. The Post-Colonialism approach is regarded as the appropriate approach to conduct the analysis of the work since the analysis is based on the way the west applies the colonialism/colonial values toward the natives in Australia. The fact that colonialism is not kindly accepted by the natives arise a reality that there is always resistance and representation in colonialism.

  This is stated by Ashcroft that Post-Colonialism is about representation and resistance (Ashcroft, 1995 : 85).

  This approach is applied to identify how the colonial values are implemented in the social, political, cultural and racial of the natives by the colonizer/west in Women of the Sun. This approach is used to give deep understanding about the colonial values found in Women of the Sun.


Method of the Study

  This analysis applied a library research as the method of the study so that the materials were taken from the library. The sources from library were used for evidence to support the analysis. The sources were divided into two kinds; primary source and secondary source. The primary source of the study is the novel itself, Women of the Sun written by Hyllus Maris and Sonia Borg. While the secondary sources were including books, essays and selected criticism on the novel and also several literature references, and many other sources related to the study. The secondary source was used to support the study and to strengthen the analysis.

  The secondary sources were taken from The Post-colonial Studies Reader by Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin; Colonialism/Postcolonialism by Ania Loomba; Unsettling the Empire : Resistance Theory for the Second


World by Stephen Slemon; Orientalism by Edward W. Said; The Wretched of the

World by Frantz Fanon; Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and

Cultural Theory by Peter Barry; Literature, Structure, Sound and Sense by

  Laurence Perrine; Introduction to Literature by Gillbert .H Muller and John .A Williams; Theory of Literature by Wellek and Warren; A Glossary of Literary


Terms by M.H. Abrams; Reading and Writing About Literature by Mary

  Rohrberger and Samuel H Woods; Understanding Unseens by M.J. Murphy;


Theory of Literature by Rene Wallek and Austin Warren; Representation of

Historical Relationship between the Aborigines and the White Invaders in Maris

and Borg’s Women of the Sun by Fransiska O Budianti; Postscolonialist

Characters in Maris and Borg’s Women of the Sun by Yogi Yanuaro. There are

  also information that are taken from the homepages on the internet such as and

  There were several steps that are taken in the research. Firstly, it is reading the novel carefully in order to understand the idea and the messages of the story.

  The main purpose was to find the interesting point from the motif of the colonialism. Secondly, trying to find out some references related to the theory of literature that is useful when it came to the analysis of the colonialism found the in the novel. The next step was analyzing the motif in Women of the Sun. Finally, after writing the analysis the writer come to a conclusion.

  CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS This chapter will provide the answers for the three problem formulations. The first analysis discusses the characterization of the major white character and how they represent the colonialization in the story. The second analysis discusses how the whites enforce colonialization in the story of Women of the Sun and the last analysis discusses the fact behind the colonialization and the resistance of the black/natives toward the colonialization.

  The story of Women of the Sun is presented into five parts. Each part reveals different characters and different side of the characters between The Whites and The Natives, the oppressor and the oppressed. This thesis focuses on the existence of the whites as the oppressor. There are some white characters in this story, but this thesis will focus only on some of them which are Alf and Joe; Mr. and Mrs. Felton; Mrs. McPhee; and Doug Cutler.

  The first part of the story is not filled with the real existence of the whites. The existence of the whites is only predicted by Towradgi, the main character in the first chapter who can feel the coming of the whites in her vision spiritually.

  Then Towradgi saw the hunter: it seemed to her that he had come from the country of the dead: his skin was pale, the color of pipe clay. No living man looked like that. He carried in his hands a stick and when he raised it to his eye there was a flash of lightning and the crack of thunder (1985 : 4). The second part of the story is describing the early existence of the whites in the land of Native/black people. This part tells about two white characters that were found in the shore, coming from no where.

  Some creatures were lying on the sand and the retreating tide still licked around them so that she did not know if they were moving of their own accord or if it was the water playing with what seemed like loose flaps of skin (1985 : 14).

  At first the natives think that the two men are monsters but still they bring the two men to the camp and put them into Mia-mia. The two men are given name: Man-from-the –Sea and Hair-of-Fire (1985 : 17). They began To follow the customs of the natives but then they turn into real of them as white who have something in their minds.

  The third part is about the story when the whites start to rule on the land of the natives. At the beginning of this part, there are two white men who enslave two Native women: Maydina and Takari. The two women had a good life with their family before the whites came and killed their husband. The two men enslave the two native women and they consider them as their belongings.