An Undergraduate Thesis Submitted to English Education Department as a partial fulfilment for the requirements to S. Pd. Degree










  I hereby state that this paper entitled “A Survey Study of Students’ Anxiety

  in Writing ” is true – masterpiece of myself.

  I am fully aware that I have quoted some statements and ideas from various sources. I am sure they are properly acknowledged in my paper. I do not copy or quote with the way that is against from the scientific ethic that occur in the scientific society. Hence, if it is found there is scientific ethic contrary in this paper or there is claim from another side toward the original work, I am ready accept any judgement.

  Purwokerto Diyah Andini



“If you believe in yourself anything is possible”


“Don’t be sad when the way in your success is followed by

others. Success has no secrets but success comes from the

continually work hard” ~Oriflame~


“Success comes in cans, not cant’s” ~Anonymous~



  Alhamdulillahi rabbil „alamin, the writer expresses the highest gratitude to Allah SWT for blessing, love, opportunity, health, and mercy to complete this undergraduate thesis. This thesis entitled “A Survey Study of Students‟ Anxiety in

Writing” is submitted as the final requirement in accomplishing undergraduate degree at English Education Department, Muhammadiyah University of


  On this opportunity, the writer herewith would like to express his profound gratitude, more than he can express, to:

  1. Listiani, M.Pd, the supervisor, for the correction, invaluable critics and suggestions she has rendered to the writer in the completion of the paper.

  2. Aulia Nisa Khusnia, S.S., M.A., the present head of the English Education Department, for the encouragement and permission to do the research.

  3. All lectures of English Education Departments, for giving the writer valuable knowledge during the study in this campus, especially Dyah Kusumastuti, S.Pd. M.Hum., who helped the reseacher in conducting research on her class.

  4. My respected father, my beloved mother and brothers for praying, motivating, encouraging, and reminding the writer to finish the paper as soon as possible.

  5. All of the writer‟s friends in Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto for time and experienced in spending glorious and memorable time for four years with the writer in class.

  Last but far from least, her very sincere thanks to who are not mentioned personally here, without their patience, guidance, support and cooperation, this paper could have never been written. Finally, the writer surrenders everything to Allah SWT and the writer hope it will be a useful thing for the writer herself and for all to improve educational quality.

  Purwokerto, July 2017 Diyah Andini



  This paper is dedicated to:

  1. The Almighty Allah SWT and Nabi Muhammad SAW who always guide me and take care of me to be a good person.

  2. My beloved father and mother , Karnadi and Suni, who always has honestly sincerity to grow me up, educate, accompany and pray for me until getting success and their greatest live and support for me at all until I can accomplish this paper.

  3. My brothers, Randy Kurniawan and Kevin Fajrial, who always love, motivate and pray for me so I am better than before.

  4. My grandmother, Siti Mainah and Sarimah, who always love and support me so I can finish my paper well.

  5. My sweetest friends, Nurul Anissah, Aan Almaidah, Talitha Dzakhiyatul Hanifah, Muttyara Junengsih, Iqvi Purniati S.Pd, who always stress me about thesis, remind me to do best, and give me the best experience ever, and all Kharisma 2 members, Nining, Alfina, Nana, Rosi, Sari, Mega, Rizky, Yuli, and Kanza for your support and pray.

  6. My energetic friends, KKN-Dik 2016 squad, Dimas, Afif, Wilin, Ika, Asih, Bunga, Anjar, Rosita, Ayu, Felin, Akas, Tika and Novita, who always support and give a valuable experience.

  7. My endless friends, Aenun Tazkiyah, Natalina Weny, Istiqomah Nuraeni, Nur Azizah, Fitrotul Atik and Mika Nabella, who always support and pray to accomplish the paper on time, especially Suhariyadin, who always love, support me in unconditional situation and stress me about the paper to do best.

  9. All second semester students in academic year 2016/2017 who helped, prayed and gave the time in completing this paper.



TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ......................................................................................................... ii LEMBAR PENGESAHAN ................................................................................. iii SURAT PERNYATAAN .................................................................................... iv DECLARATION ................................................................................................. v MOTTO ................................................................................................................ vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................... vii DEDICATION ...................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... x LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. xiii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................ xiv LIST OF APPENDIXES .................................................................................... xv ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... xvi

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study .......................................................................... 1 B. Reasons for Choosing the Topic .............................................................. 3 C. Problems of the Study .............................................................................. 3 D. Aims of the Study ..................................................................................... 4 E. Scope of the Study .................................................................................... 4 F. Significance of the Study ......................................................................... 4

  CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW A. The Nature of Writing .............................................................................. 6

  1. The Definition of Writing .................................................................. 6

  2. The Writing Process ........................................................................... 8

  3. The Problem in Writing ..................................................................... 12

  B. Anxiety ...................................................................................................... 13

  1. Nature of Anxiety ............................................................................... 13

  2. Foreign Language Writing Anxiety ................................................... 14

  3. Indicators of Anxiety .......................................................................... 16

  4. Types of Writing Anxiety .................................................................. 19

  5. Possible Causes of Writing Anxiety .................................................. 20

  C. Previous Study .......................................................................................... 24

  D. Basic Asumption ....................................................................................... 24

  CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Method of Research .................................................................................. 26 B. Place and Time of Research ..................................................................... 27 C. Subject of Research .................................................................................. 27 D. Data collection .......................................................................................... 28

  1. Questionnaire ....................................................................................... 28

  2. Interview .............................................................................................. 29

  3. Observation ......................................................................................... 30

  E. Data Analysis ............................................................................................ 31

  1. Qualitative Data Analysis .................................................................. 31

  2. Quantitative Data Analysis ................................................................ 32

  CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Research Findings ..................................................................................... 34

  1. Questionnaire Result .......................................................................... 34

  2. Interview Result .................................................................................. 58

  3. Observation Result ............................................................................. 63

  B. Discussion ................................................................................................. 68


  A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 74

  B. Suggestions ................................................................................................ 75

  REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 77 APPENDIXES ...................................................................................................... 80



Table 3.1. Research Schedule ............................................................................... 27Table 3.2. The Indicators of Second Language Writing Anxiety Inventory

  (SLWAI) and Items Distribution ........................................................ 29

Table 3.3. Scoring System of Questionnaire ....................................................... 31Table 4.1. Distribution of the Three Types of Writing Anxiety ......................... 35



Figure 4.1. The response of Item Number 1 ......................................................... 36Figure 4.2. The response of Item Number 3 ......................................................... 37Figure 4.3. The response of Item Number 7 ........................................................ 38Figure 4.4. The response of Item Number 9 ........................................................ 39Figure 4.5. The response of Item Number 14 ...................................................... 40Figure 4.6. The response of Item Number 17 ...................................................... 41Figure 4.7. The response of Item Number 20 ...................................................... 42Figure 4.8. The response of Item Number 21 ...................................................... 43Figure 4.9. The response of Item Number 2 ........................................................ 44Figure 4.10. The response of Item Number 6 ...................................................... 45Figure 4.11. The response of Item Number 8 ...................................................... 46Figure 4.12. The response of Item Number 11 .................................................... 47Figure 4.13. The response of Item Number 13 .................................................... 48Figure 4.14. The response of Item Number 15 ..................................................... 49Figure 4.15. The response of Item Number 19 ..................................................... 50Figure 4.16. The response of Item Number 4 ...................................................... 51Figure 4.17. The response of Item Number 5 ...................................................... 52Figure 4.18. The response of Item Number 10 .................................................... 53Figure 4.19. The response of Item Number 12 .................................................... 54Figure 4.20. The response of Item Number 16 ..................................................... 55Figure 4.21. The response of Item Number 18 ..................................................... 56Figure 4.22. The response of Item Number 22 ..................................................... 57Figure 4.23. The Observation Result of Anxiety Symptoms toward the

  Students ............................................................................................. 65 Figure 4.24. Types of Students‟ Anxiety in Writing ............................................ 68