Students` perception on the use of blog in basic writing class in English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University - USD Repository



   IN ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM OF SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

  By Dwi Rapita

  Student Number: 081214149




  IN ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM OF SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

  By Dwi Rapita

  Student Number: 081214149


  • Donny Dhir hirgantoro-

  I dedicate this thesis to my beloved ved family, my friends and also all people who ho love me.

  Nothing gonna change my love ve for you.



  I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

  Yogyakarta, November 12, 2012 The writer

  Dwi Rapita 081214149



  Rapita, Dwi. (2012). Students’ Perception on the Use of Blog in Basic Writing

Class in English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University.

Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

  Writing is one of the important skills learned in English language. In writing, people can express their ideas and opinions into written form. In this virtual era, the learning process of writing using internet is already prevalent enough among educators. One of the internet parts used in learning writing is a blog. The blog was a medium implemented in two Basic Writing classes in the English Education of Sanata Dharma University to enhance students’ writing skills. However, it was found that the students had various points of view related to the use of blogs. Therefore, the researcher conducted the research.

  There are two research questions. (1) What is the students’ perception on the use of blogs in Basic Writing class in English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University? (2) What are the students’ suggestions to improve the use of blogs in Basic Writing class? The researcher used survey research as the method in this research. The research participants were the students of the first semester who had taken Basic Writing in the classes C and F that used blogs as learning media in the academic year 2011/2012.

  In the survey research, the instruments used by the researcher were the questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire was distributed to 51 participants in Basic Writing classes C and F. Then, the researcher took eight participants to be interviewed based on the consideration of participants’ answers to the questionnaire given.

  The results of this research showed that most of the respondents had positive responses towards the use of blogs in Basic Writing class. The blogs were used to submit their writing assignments. They could give comments on each other’s writing. They perceived that blogs could encourage them in learning writing and develop their writing skills. The students also felt comfortable, satisfied, motivated and happy to use blogs. However, there were still problems faced in using blogs such as the slow internet connection, the students’ technology illiterate, and the lack of feedback from the lecturer. Concerning the implementation of blogs in Basic Writing class, there were some suggestions recommended by the students. The suggestions are the speed of the internet connection in Basic Writing class should be increased, the feedback from the lecturer and other students should be given, the material should be explained in detail, the material should be posted in the blogs, the use of blogs should be easier to operate, the students should be proactive to ask the lecturer when needed and to learn more about blogs as well as the use of blogs should be applied as the alternative media.



  Rapita, Dwi. (2012). Students’ Perception on the Use of Blog in Basic Writing

Class in English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University.

Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Menulis merupakan salah satu ketrampilan penting yang dipelajari dalam bahasa Inggris. Di dalam menulis, orang dapat mengungkapkan ide-ide dan pendapatnya dalam bentuk tertulis. Di era virtual ini, proses pembelajaran menulis menggunakan internet sudah cukup lazim bagi para pendidik. Salah satu jenis media internet yang digunakan dalam belajar menulis adalah blog. Blog merupakan media yang diterapkan di dua kelas Basic Writing di Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma, dalam usaha meningkatkan ketrampilan menulis siswa. Kendati demikian, diketahui bahwa adanya beragam pandangan para siswa mengenai penggunaan blog tersebut. Berdasarkan latar belakang ini, peneliti pun melakukan penelitian.

  Terdapat dua pertanyaan yang dirumuskan dalam penelitian ini. (1) bagaimana persepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan blog di kelas Basic Writing di Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma? (2) saran-saran apa saja yang dikemukakan para siswa dalam upaya peningkatan penggunaan blog di kelas


Basic Writing? Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian

  survei. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah para siswa semester pertama yang telah mengambil kelas Basic Writing , yakni kelas C dan F yang menggunakan blog sebagai media pembelajaran, pada tahun akademik 2011/2012.

  Dalam penelitian survei ini, instrumen yang digunakan peneliti adalah kuesioner dan wawancara. Kuesioner dibagikan kepada 51 partisipan di kelas


Basic Writing C dan F. Kemudian, peneliti memilih delapan partisipan untuk

  diwawancarai berdasarkan pertimbangan jawaban para siswa pada kuesioner yang diberikan.

  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar partisipan memiliki respon yang positif terhadap penggunaan blog di kelas Basic Writing. Blog digunakan untuk mengumpulkan tugas menulis. Para siswa dapat memberikan komentar pada tugas menulis mereka satu sama lain. Mereka menyadari bahwa


blog dapat memotivasi mereka dalam belajar menulis dan juga mengembangkan

  ketrampilan menulis. Mereka juga merasa nyaman, puas, termotivasi dan senang dalam menggunakan blog. Bagaimanapun, tetap ditemui adanya permasalahan dalam penggunaan blog seperti koneksi internet yang lambat, adanya keterbatasan pengetahuan teknologi para siswa dan kurangnya feedback dari dosen. Kemudian, terkait penggunaan blog di kelas Basic Writing ini, terdapat juga beberapa saran yang diberikan oleh para siswa. Saran-saran yang diberikan antara lain adalah perlunya peningkatan kecepatan koneksi internet di kelas Basic Writing, perlunya pemberian feedback oleh dosen maupun para siswa, perlunya penjelasan materi mengenai blog secara detail, materi seharusnya di post di blog, penggunaan blog penggunaan blog sebaiknya di aplikasikan sebagai suatu media alternatif pembelajaran. Kata kunci: persepsi, blog, Basic Writing



  I would like to thank Jesus Christ, my savior and my guardian, for His amazing blessings, amazing grace, endless guidance and wonderful love. He always gives me strength and spirit in completing this thesis. Without Him, I am nothing. Also, I give my thanks to Virgin Mary, Holy Mother for sending my prayers to Jesus Christ.

  I give my deepest gratitude to my major sponsor, Made Frida Yulia,


S.Pd., M.Pd. for her patience, her guidance and her precious time in reading my

  thesis and giving me feedback, advice, motivation and suggestions. My sincere thanks also go to all ELESP lecturers who have taught and give me precious learning during my study, secretary staff, librarians and deanery staff in Sanata Dharma University.

  My sincere thanks also go to Basic Writing classes C and F lecturers,


Mega Wulandari, S.Pd. and Dr. Retno Muljani, M.Pd. who gave their precious

  time and opportunity for me to conduct my research in their classes. I would also like to give thanks to Drs. Y.B.Gunawan, M.A. for his posting of proverbs and advices in Facebook that give me spirit. I am also grateful for the help from the students of Basic Writing classes C and F 2011/2012 for answering my questionnaire and for giving me an opportunity to interview some of them.

  I give my special and deepest gratitude to my wonderful Dad, Lensus


Kandri, S.H., M.H. and my amazing Mom, Dra. Martha Sinyor for their care,

  prayers, support, advice, love and for everything that they have given to me. I also brother Andreas Tri Putra for their prayers and supports. My family is my big motivation and inspiration in finishing my study.

  Moreover, I would like to give my big hug and thanks to my best friends,


Desya, Fidelis, Bella and Clara for their laugh, supports, care, and attention to

  me. They also give me beautiful and precious memories of all my life in Sanata Dharma University. I also give thanks to my wonderful senior high school friends,


Desy, Agus, Ayuka and Mimi. I would like to thank to Miss Patrice, Pak

Tangguh, Nora, Niken, Siwi, Rei, Okta, Topan, Marsel, Mbak Wichan,

Grace, Mila, Anggie, Irine, Rean and Monique for their support. Then, I give

  my big thanks to all PBI students of Sanata Dharma University especially PBI 2008 for their support and motivation.

  Furthermore, I give my gratitude to all events and communities that I have joined such as EMC, Cantus Firmus, Gandroeng, TYG dance community,


EAD, EWD, SEATTA and other events that I cannot mention one by one. These

  communities and events have given me many experiences and have taught me precious learning.

  Finally I give applause to myself for finishing this thesis and also I give my appreciation and endless thanks to all people who helped me in writing.

  Dwi Rapita


  TITLE PAGE………………………………………………................................... i APPROVAL PAGE ……………………………………….................................... ii BOARD OF EXAMINERS ………………………………………………………. iii DEDICATION PAGE ………………………………………………………......... iv STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY………………………………........ v



  ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………........ vii


ABSTRAK…………………………………………………………………………. viii

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS………………………………………………………. x TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………. xii LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………………………………...... xv LIST OF APPENDICES………………………………………………………….. xvi


  1 A. Research Background ……………………………………………..

  1 B. Research Problems ………………………………………………...

  4 C. Problem Limitation ………………………………………………..

  4 D. Research Objectives ……………………………………………….

  5 E. Research Benefits …………………………………………………

  5 F. Definition of Terms ………………………………………………



  9 A. Theoretical Description …………………………………………...


  1. Perception ………………………………………………………

  9 2. Blog …………………………………………………………….

  11 a. Definition of Blogs ……………………………………………..


  b. Blogs in Language Learning and Teaching ……………………

  12 3. Writing Proficiency …………………………………………….

  15 B. Theoretical Framework ……………………………………………


  19 A. Research Method ………………………………………………….

  19 B. Research Setting ………………………………………………......

  20 C. Research Participants ……………………………………………...

  20 D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ………………………

  21 1. Instruments …………………………………………………......

  21 2. Data Gathering Technique ……………………………………..

  23 E. Data Analysis Technique ……………………………………….....

  24 F. Research Procedure …………………………………………….....


  29 A. Students’ Perception on the Use of Blogs in Basic Writing Class...


  Writing Class …………………………………………………..


  2. Students’ Perception on the Impact of Blogs in Students’ Writing in Basic Writing Class ………………………………...


  3. Students’ Personal Evaluation of the Use of Blogs in Basic Writing Class …………………………………………………...


  4. Students’ Perception on the Advantages of the Use of Blogs in Basic Writing Class……………………………………………..


  5. Students’ Perception on the Problems Faced in the Use of Blogs in Basic Writing Class …………………………………..

  49 B. Students’ Suggestions in Solving the Problems Faced in the Use of Blogs in Basic Writing Class …………………………………...


  56 A. Conclusions ………………………………………………………..

  56 B. Recommendations …………………………………………………

  58 REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………

  60 APPENDICES …………………………………………………………………….



  Table Page 4.1 Students’ Perception on the Implementation of Blogs ……………………….


  4.2 Students’ Perception on the Impact of Blogs in Students’ Writing in Basic Writing Class ………………………………………………………………… 4.3 Students’ Personal Evaluation of the Use of Blogs in Basic Writing Class ….

  4.4 The Advantages of the Use of Blogs in Basic Writing Class ………………...

  4.5 The Problems Faced in the Use of Blogs in Basic Writing Class ……………

  4.6 The Students’ Suggestions in Solving the Problems Faced in the Use of Blogs in Basic Writing Class ………………………………………………...







  Appendix A: Letter of Permission ……………………………………………………………...

  65 Appendix B: The Questionnaire Blueprint ……………………………………………………...

  68 Appendix C: Interview Protocol ………………………………………………………………...

  71 Appendix D: Samples of Questionnaire of Basic Writing Class C………………………………

  73 Appendix E: Samples of Questionnaire of Basic Writing Class F ……………………………...

  80 Appendix F: Samples of the Interview Transcript ……………………………………………...


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, the researcher is going to discuss and provide background

  information related to the research topic. This chapter consists of six parts. They are research background, problem formulation, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits and also the definition of terms.

A. Research Background

  It has been a long time since the English language became an international language. Perceiving this issue, people are barely able to evade the effects which may come. Therefore, it becomes something essential for people to learn it. In English, there are four skills which are learned. One of them is the writing skill, which is important for people to express themselves in writing, to share their opinions and ideas and also to develop their writing skills. “Writing is a skill like driving, typing, or preparing good meal. Like any skill, it can be learned” (Longan, 1996: 12). The writing skills can train people to use their creativity, imagination and their thoughts into written works. Furthermore, writing also has an essential role for people to deliver the messages.

  When looking at the historical development of writing, someone can also understand how the process of writing from the outset until this time. In the past, people wrote something on a leaf or on the ground. Then, the media for writing development of writing did not stop with that kind of media. Due to the existence of new technology which started to be a dominant role in society, one can write now.

  In this new modern era, learning English by using technology has become something which is familiar and common. One of the technologies used in learning English language is by using the Internet. Considering this case, the Internet becomes popular in the context of learning nowadays, especially in learning English. “You can also go one stage further and use the Internet as the basis for your course; or even as your course book” (Teeler & Gray, 2000: 81). In using the Internet, there are many elements which are also the parts of the Internet media such as emails, blogs, chat, YouTube and surely there are still many other parts of Internet media. However, in this case the researcher merely discusses one element of the Internet parts which is known as a blog. Since it is a medium to explore writing skills, people can publish their journal, thesis or ideas in the form of online writing for the world to read and respond to in a blog (Teeler & Gray, 2000: 17). The blog is an online diary or online writing used to provide opportunities for people to explore their eagerness to write by not using papers.

  The blog is designed interactively and it is updated routinely. The contents of a blog can be various. It can provide various topics and also can express various opinions (Prakoso, 2008: 4). In the teaching area, a blog can be a requisite medium for teachers or lecturers to teach writing in English.

  In the English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University aimed at the students of the first semester. Pertaining to this course, one of the lecturers in Basic Writing class who taught classes C and F used blogs as the media for him in teaching Basic Writing. The lecturer also asked the students to use blogs for submitting their writing assignments. The students were also able to check their friends’ writing through blogs. The class itself was in the language laboratory which contained a lot of computers. The Internet connection could be accessed in that area. Therefore, the students were able to utilize internet connection there to log in to web log (blogs). Nevertheless, the activities of writing using blogs in the class often could not be completed merely in one time in the class. Thus, the students had to submit their writing assignments in blogs outside the class. As known, not all of the students had Internet access at home. Moreover, the feedback of the writing result was also given by accessing the blogs site. It made the students need to check and update the news or assignments posted on their blogs.

  Indeed, in the process, the use of blogs in writing fields nowadays is already prevalent enough to use especially in a college. It is also similar to the use of blogs in Basic Writing class in the English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. However, the things needed to be considered on the use of blogs in Basic Writing class are the points of view from the students. They may have various views on the use of blogs in their classes such as whether they are interested in blogs or not, they are motivated or not, they are encouraged to develop writing skills or not and even they are happy or not to use blogs. These all Considering these backgrounds, the researcher would like to discover the students’ perception towards the use of blogs in Basic Writing class.

  B. Research Problem

  The researcher is going to discuss two questions related to the study. The questions are as follows.

  1. What is the students’ perception on the use of blogs in Basic Writing class in English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University?

  2. What are the students’ suggestions to improve the use of blogs in Basic Writing class?

  C. Problem Limitation

  In conducting this research, the researcher focuses on students’ perception on the use of blogs in Basic Writing class in the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. This study also focuses on answering two main questions stated in the problem formulation. The researcher will conduct this study using survey research since this study is about the student’s perception on the use of blogs in Basic Writing class.

  The subjects of this study are the students who have taken Basic Writing class in the academic year 2011/2012. There are two classes of Basic Writing class which use blogs as learning media in carrying out writing activity. The classes are class C and class F. The Basic Writing class is held in the multimedia laboratory of Sanata Dharma University.

  D. Research Objectives

  There are two objectives in conducting this research. They are:

  1. This research aims to know the students’ perception on the use of blogs in Basic Writing class.

  2. This research aims to identify the students’ suggestions to improve the use of blogs in Basic Writing class.

  E. Research Benefits

  There are some benefits that can be obtained from this research. Since this research is conducted in the educational area, the researcher expects that this research can give contribution to English language teaching, especially for:

1. Students of Basic Writing Class

  This research will show the students’ perception on the use of blogs in Basic Writing class, so through this research the students will know further about the use of blogs as media for them in developing their writing skills. This research will also be able to help the students to know their problems related to the use of blogs and concurrently, they can also find the solutions and suggestions of what they should do in facing those problems. The use of blogs might also affect students’ learning and result in writing skills. Therefore, they need to know the blogs, it will be a reference for other students outside Basic Writing class. They will attempt to use blogs if they find positive effects on the use of blogs.

  2. Writing Lecturers This research is the research about students’ perception on the use of

  blogs. The results of this research might be various. Students’ perception on the use of blogs could have positive or negative responses. When it comes to positive results, the Writing lecturers especially Basic Writing lecturers may consider this kind of media which will be useful for them to attract students’ attention in doing activities of writing skills. Otherwise, when it comes to the negative results, the writing lecturers also need to consider the use of blogs in teaching which may cause the disadvantageous learning for them and their students so that they may change their teaching media. Furthermore, the writing lecturers can also make a reflection or an evaluation towards the things needed to be improved in the use of blogs.

  3. Future Researchers Through this research, the researcher expects that this research can inspire

  other researchers. The next researchers will also be able to learn from this research on how to conduct their future research related to this topic. They may discuss further the discussion related to this topic in writing class. For instance, they may discuss the implementation on the use of blogs or the new material design on the use of blogs in writing class.

F. Definition of Terms

  In this section, the researcher would like to discuss the definition of terms of the keywords from the study related to the researcher’s topic. The keywords are Perception, Blog and Basic Writing class.

  1. Perception Based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (Hornby, 1995: 859),

  perception could be defined as the sense and the way of someone to hear, see, understand or interpret something. Another expert also states the definition of perception as “perception is a mental and cognitive process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings” (Kreitner and Kinicky, 1992: 26).

  There are also sensations which the subjects feel when they describe what happens in their environment that can create their perception (Ponty, 1962: 207).

  In this research, the perception itself could be defined as the way of students of Basic Writing class in seeing, hearing, feeling, understanding, or interpreting the use of blogs in Basic Writing class.

  2. Blog rd

   Based on Electronic Cambridge Advanced Learners’ Dictionary (3 ed),

  “a blog is a diary which contains regular record of someone thoughts and experiences that someone put in the Internet for other people to read” (Walter, 2005). The blog is updated routinely. It is usually written by one person. Someone can express their mind and choose the particular topic for his or her writing in a blog. (Guttler, 2011: 60). In this research, the blog itself could be defined as an online diary which contains of students’ thoughts, opinions, reflections or views on supporting the students’ writing activities in Basic Writing class.

3. Basic Writing (KPE 154)

   Basic Writing course is one of the compulsory courses in the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta.

  Based on Buku Panduan Akademik Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris


2011, Basic Writing is designed to introduce students to the requirements needed

  by the students in writing such as tenses, spelling and diction which will be able to facilitate students in composing good English sentences. Another expert says about writing as a skill which can be learned and it is a hard work for almost everyone (Longan, 1996: 12). Specifically, Basic Writing in this research is Basic Writing in the classes C and F in the English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University which use blogs as learning media in writing.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE In this chapter, the researcher will discuss the theories related to this study. This review of related literature consists of two parts. They are theoretical description and theoretical framework. A. Theoretical Description This theoretical description discusses and focuses on the theories related to

  the keywords in this research. They are the description of perception, definition of blogs, blogs in language teaching, and writing proficiency.

1. Perception

  There are some definitions related to perception. The description and theories of perception are needed because they are related to the research purpose.

  They are also essential to know the students’ perception on the use of blogs in Basic Writing class.

  People’s perception does not merely come from their own thoughts. It is also influenced by the information received from society, newspaper, magazines, radio, television, family, friends and environment. People even use the information that they obtain to interpret the phenomenon around them. (Kreitner and Kinicky, 2008, p. 182). Kreitner and Kinicky (2008) also say “Perception is a

  183). Then, Lahey (2009) adds that people’s perception is formed due to the process of interpreting of information which creates an image of situation (p.


  According to Ponty (1962), there is also the sensation’s feeling which is felt by people when they describe something that happens in their environment which can lead them to make perception (p. 207). Then, Vernon (1971) also adds that there is a relation between people’s perception with people’s motivation and emotion. At first, people start to perceive about something because there is an interest in them that affects their perception. However, actually the perception itself is not merely influenced by interest but also by other motives and desires (p. 178). Weisman (1980) also states about the perception according to psychologists. It is said “Perception is a complex process involving the sensations specific to a sensory modality interacting with past experience and other ongoing sensations from other systems” (p. 6).

  On the other hand, perception is defined as “a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment” (Robbins, 2005, p. 134). He also states that there are some factors which can affect people’s perception. People’s perception comes from their interpretation of something that they see. The interpretation is mostly affected by their personal characteristics such as an attitude, motives, personality, interests, expectations and past experiences of them. Sweeney and McFarlin (2002) also add that “Attitudes may be formed by repeated perceptions of events or people,

  Perception is not solely a definition in this review of related literature. Perception is something essential because someone behaves based on her or his interpretation of situation, events and condition. Sometimes, people fail to behave or act also because of wrong perception that they have. Therefore, perception is really important to know what inside people’s mind. People may see different things when they are faced by the same things. “Perception-like beauty-is in the eye of the beholder” (Sweeney and McFarlin, 2002, p. 25).

2. Blog

  In discussing the theories related to blogs, the researcher divides the theories into two parts. They are definition of blogs and blogs in language learning and teaching.

a. Definition of Blogs

  There are also some theories related to the description of blogs. The term of blogs is already prevalent among people, especially in this globalization era.

  Hence, related to the use of blogs which has been already popular nowadays, there are also many definitions propounded by the experts.

  Prakoso (2008) notes that the blog is designed interactively and it is updated routinely. The contents of a blog can be various. It can tell various topics and also can express various opinions (p. 4). Warschauer (2010) also agrees that a blog is updated frequently especially in giving comments and adding new content. He added that the blog is a particular medium for discussing and publishing students’ be updated all the time and he added that blogs also give an opportunity for people to create and design their own blogs (p. 14).

  Lewis (2004) also states that in this new era many people have turned to blogs as alternative media for them to do discussion. He also defines the blog as a kind of web diary and a tool which allows the blogs users to publish the information on a web. It is the same thing as what the users do when they use a text program. Blogs can also contain pictures, videos, audios files and links in a blog postings or blog messages (pp. 19-20). Then, Godwin (2003) defines a blog as a tool which is available on the Internet for people to write, edit and publish their writing (as cited in Zhang, 2009, p. 64).

  Other experts Dudeney and Hockly (2007) also add that “a blog is essentially a web page with regular diary or journal entries. The term is short for


web log” (p. 86). The blog is an example of social software and also one of the

  computer tools which can make people connect, communicate and collaborate online activity to each other.

b. Blogs in Language Learning and Teaching

  The blog is also implemented in language teaching. There are some theories related to this. Dudeney and Hockly (2007) state that most blogs allow the users and readers to comment on blog postings. They also add that this kind of social software such as blogs can motivate the learners and the teachers in studying and teaching (p. 87). Furthermore, using blogs in the classroom environment provides classmates and also from anyone in the world because there is a comments feature in a blog. (Drexler, Dawson, and Ferdig, 2007, p. 140; Kirk, Manatee, and Johnson, 2009, p. 3). Drexler, Dawson and Ferdig also add that giving comments and obtaining feedback can build students’ ability in writing indirectly (p. 140).

  Besides, blogs are media which are easy to use, to create, and to maintain in the online communities (Pinkman, 2005, p. 14; Zhang, 2009, p. 67; Guttler, 2011, p.


  Then, blogs in a classroom can increase students’ motivation, students’ interest in learning technology and their critical thinking skills because in a blog they may share their writing, videos and pictures with their friends, family and even with other people that they did not know (Sawmiller, 2010, p. 44; Fageeh, 2011, p. 42 ). Sawmiller also adds that blogs in a classroom also provides the opportunities for the learners to develop their skills in writing and reading. Hence, it makes blogs interesting for the learners and also for the educators (p. 47). Ward (2004) also states the similar thing as Sawmiller that using blogs is one of the ways in increasing students’ interest in learning reading and writing (as cited in Pinkman, 2005, p. 14). In addition, a blog gives an opportunity for people to practice writing (Tseng, 2008, p. 179; Nepomuceno, 2011, p. 103). The students can also express their ideas and mind using blogs (Tseng, 2008, p. 179; Kim, 2008, p. 1346). Arena and Jefferson (2008) also add that “students have the choice to organize their ideas and content in their own ways, leading to divergent and creative thinking” (p. 3). students to analyze their content of writing. They will be aware of their writing mistakes such as grammar, mechanics, unity, and coherence. (p. 96). Moreover, he discovers that most of the students enjoy using blogs and the students think that a blog is challenging for them. Blogs also make them more confident in writing (p. 103). Walker (2005) also agrees and states that most of the students enjoy using blogs and they find the blog as something valuable (as cited in Kavaliauskienė, Anusienė and Mažeikienė, 2006, p. 135). Besides, Zhang (2009) propounds that a blog gives opportunities for students to improve their writing skills and also to develop their ideas in writing by interact with other students (p. 68). Furthermore, there is also the expert who reveals the advantages of using blogs in language teaching. Wu (2004) describes the advantages of using blogs in an EFL class as follows:

  (i) it is very easy to design and maintain; (ii) teachers can access and create, edit, assign homework, and review materials in a very organized way and in chronological order; (iii) blogs can promote exploration of websites in English, once the teacher can be able to place links to their source websites and students can have the chance to read articles; (iv) with the automatic date-stamping function, both teachers and students are able to know clearly when assignments are turned in; (v) most students will write more carefully if they know that they are going to publish their articles online for authentic readers who may comment on their postings (as cited in Guttler, 2011, pp. 62-63). However, each medium certainly has disadvantages. Similarly, a blog also has its disadvantages. Tseng (2008) says some disadvantages of blogs such as disturbance from the outside, issues of privacy, plagiarism and difficulty in maintaining blogs everyday (pp. 170-171). Furthermore, students are usually distracted easily by browsing other websites when they write on their blogs.

  In addition, in learning language through blogs, the educators’ role is also important. The blog is one of the technologies used in learning and teaching. The technology should not be separated from learning itself. The teachers have roles in selecting the lesson objective, the method of learning, the evaluation, the feedback and also the follow-up activities for learning. The relationship between teachers and technology directly and indirectly has also important roles in determining the success of the implementation of technology used in learning (Venkatsatish, 2012, pp. 53-54). Arena and Jefferson (2008) also add that teacher as an educator should support the students by giving the questions and comments as well as by doing discussion together. The teachers also need to know further the use of features of blogs so that they can relate the use of blogs with students’ learning (p. 3).

3. Writing Proficiency In this research, it is also important to discuss the theories related to writing.

  It is because the main point of this research is about students’ perception on the use of blogs in Basic Writing class. There are also some experts who discuss the theories related to the writing aspect.

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