Students perception on the use of role play technique in speaking II class in English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University.




Amelia, Fanny.(2015).Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Role Play Technique

in Speaking II Class in English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University

The aim of this research was to answer the formulated questions as stated in the research problems. There were two research questions; first, “How is the role play technique implemented in Speaking II class?”and the second, “What are the students’ perceptions on the use of role play technique in Speaking II class?”This research wereconducted in order to understand how the role play technique implemented in Speaking II class and also to identify the students’ perceptions on the use of role play technique in speaking II class. The researcher chose Speaking II class F as the sample of this research.

This research used both quantitative and qualitative research method. Three research instruments were used in this research. They were questionnaire, observation sheet, and interview. The observation was conducted to identify the first research problem. The researcher also distributed a questionnaire to the students in order to answer the second research problem. The researcher also conducted an interview to strengthen the data found in the questionnaire and observation, to obtain additional information of the data, and to clarify the result of the questionnaire and the observation.

Based on the research conducted, two points could be concluded. Firstly, it could be concluded that the implementation of role play technique in Speaking II class was good. The students had good teamwork and good preparation. The theme of the play was from daily life situations so the students could be more sensitive about the phenomenon around them. The second conclusion was that most of the students had positive perceptions on the use of role play technique in Speaking II class.

Finally, the researcher addresses some recommendations based on this research. The first is for the lecturers of Speaking II class. It is better to continue using role play in Speaking II class. Based on the research result, it could be seen that most of the students had positive perceptions on the use of role play in Speaking II class and role play also have many advantages for the students. The second is for the students of Speaking II class. It is better if the students have good preparation and good teamwork during preparing and performing the play. The third is for the futureresearchers. The researcher hopes that the next researcher can do the better research and analysis on this topic.



Amelia, Fanny.(2015). Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Role Play Technique

in Speaking II Class in English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang terdapat dalam rumusan masalah. Terdapat dua rumusan masalah;

pertama,”Bagaimana penerapan role play di kelas Speaking II?” dan yang

kedua,”Bagaimana persepsi mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan teknik role play di kelas Speaking II?” Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memahami bagaimana penerapan teknik role play di kelas Speaking II dan juga untuk mengidentifikasi persepsi mahasiswa tentang penggunaan teknik role play di kelas Speaking II. Peneliti memilih kelas Speaking II F sebagai sampel dari penelitian ini.

Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Terdapat tiga instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Ketiga instrument penelitian tersebut adalah kuesioner, observasi, dan wawancara. Observasi dilakukan untuk memperoleh jawaban dari rumusan masalah pertama. Peneliti juga membagikan kuesioner yang bertujuan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah kedua. Peneliti juga melakukan wawancara yang bertujuan untuk memperkuat hasil penelitian yang telah diperoleh dari kuesioner dan observasi, untuk memperoleh tambahan informasi atau data, dan juga untuk mengklarifikasi hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari kuesioner dan observasi.

Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, terdapat dua hal yang dapat disimpulkan. Pertama, penerapan teknik role play di kelas Speaking II berjalan dengan baik. Para mahasiswa memiliki kerjasama yang baik dan persiapan yang matang. Tema dari role play tersebut berdasarkan kejadian hidup sehari-hari sehingga para mahasiswa dapat lebih peka terhadap fenomena yang terjadi di sekitar mereka. Kesimpulan kedua ialah bahwa mayoritas mahasiswa memiliki persepsi yang positif terhadap penggunaan teknik role play di kelas Speaking II.

Pada akhirnya, peneliti menyampaikan beberapa saran terkait dengan penelitian ini. Saran pertama ditujukan kepada dosen kelas Speaking II. Akan lebih baik jika role play tetap digunakan di kelas Speaking II. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian ini dapat terlihat bahwa mayoritas dari mahasiswa memiliki persepsi yang positif terhadap penggunaan role play di kelas Speaking II dan role play juga dapat memberikan banyak manfaat bagi para mahasiswa. Saran kedua bagi para mahasiswa kelas Speaking II. Akan lebih baik jika memiliki persiapan yang matang dan kerjasama yang baik selama persiapan dan pada saat menampilkan role play. Saran ketiga bagi peneliti selanjutnya. Peneliti berharap peneliti selanjutnya dapat melakukan penelitian yang lebih baik dan juga analisis yang lebih baik terhadap topik ini.





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education

By Fanny Amelia

Student Number: 101214018










Yallg bcianda tangan di bawah ini,saya rnahasiswa universitas Sanata Dharlna

Nama :Ftty Amclia

Nomor Mahasiswa :101214018

E)clni pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan,saya membenkan kcpada Pcrpustakaan

Un市crsitas Sanata Dhattna karya ilmitt saya yang bettudul:







Dcngan dcnlikian saya lncmbcnkan kcpada PcTustakaan Universitas Sanata

Dharlna hak ul■ttk mcnyimpan,mcngalihlcal■ dalaln bentuk media lain,mengclola dalam bentuk pangkalan data, melldistribusikallnya sccara tcrbatas dan

mcmpublikasikannya di intcmet atau mcdia lain untuk kepentingan akadclnis

tanpa pcJu meminta」in dari saya maupun membe五 kan royald kepada saya

selalna tetap mencanmmkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Dcrnikiall perllyataan ini saya buat dcngan scbcnanlya.

E)ibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal:30 Juli 2015

Yang menyatよal■





Amelia, Fanny.(2015).Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Role Play Technique

in Speaking II Class in English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University

The aim of this research was to answer the formulated questions as stated in the research problems. There were two research questions; first, “How is the role play technique implemented in Speaking II class?”and the second, “What are the students’ perceptions on the use of role play technique in Speaking II class?”This research wereconducted in order to understand how the role play technique implemented in Speaking II class and also to identify the students’ perceptions on the use of role play technique in speaking II class. The researcher chose Speaking II class F as the sample of this research.

This research used both quantitative and qualitative research method. Three research instruments were used in this research. They were questionnaire, observation sheet, and interview. The observation was conducted to identify the first research problem. The researcher also distributed a questionnaire to the students in order to answer the second research problem. The researcher also conducted an interview to strengthen the data found in the questionnaire and observation, to obtain additional information of the data, and to clarify the result of the questionnaire and the observation.

Based on the research conducted, two points could be concluded. Firstly, it could be concluded that the implementation of role play technique in Speaking II class was good. The students had good teamwork and good preparation. The theme of the play was from daily life situations so the students could be more sensitive about the phenomenon around them. The second conclusion was that most of the students had positive perceptions on the use of role play technique in Speaking II class.

Finally, the researcher addresses some recommendations based on this research. The first is for the lecturers of Speaking II class. It is better to continue using role play in Speaking II class. Based on the research result, it could be seen that most of the students had positive perceptions on the use of role play in Speaking II class and role play also have many advantages for the students. The second is for the students of Speaking II class. It is better if the students have good preparation and good teamwork during preparing and performing the play. The third is for the futureresearchers. The researcher hopes that the next researcher can do the better research and analysis on this topic.



Amelia, Fanny.(2015). Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Role Play Technique

in Speaking II Class in English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang terdapat dalam rumusan masalah. Terdapat dua rumusan masalah;

pertama,”Bagaimana penerapan role play di kelas Speaking II?” dan yang

kedua,”Bagaimana persepsi mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan teknik role play di kelas Speaking II?” Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memahami bagaimana penerapan teknik role play di kelas Speaking II dan juga untuk mengidentifikasi persepsi mahasiswa tentang penggunaan teknik role play di kelas Speaking II. Peneliti memilih kelas Speaking II F sebagai sampel dari penelitian ini.

Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Terdapat tiga instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Ketiga instrument penelitian tersebut adalah kuesioner, observasi, dan wawancara. Observasi dilakukan untuk memperoleh jawaban dari rumusan masalah pertama. Peneliti juga membagikan kuesioner yang bertujuan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah kedua. Peneliti juga melakukan wawancara yang bertujuan untuk memperkuat hasil penelitian yang telah diperoleh dari kuesioner dan observasi, untuk memperoleh tambahan informasi atau data, dan juga untuk mengklarifikasi hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari kuesioner dan observasi.

Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, terdapat dua hal yang dapat disimpulkan. Pertama, penerapan teknik role play di kelas Speaking II berjalan dengan baik. Para mahasiswa memiliki kerjasama yang baik dan persiapan yang matang. Tema dari role play tersebut berdasarkan kejadian hidup sehari-hari sehingga para mahasiswa dapat lebih peka terhadap fenomena yang terjadi di sekitar mereka. Kesimpulan kedua ialah bahwa mayoritas mahasiswa memiliki persepsi yang positif terhadap penggunaan teknik role play di kelas Speaking II.

Pada akhirnya, peneliti menyampaikan beberapa saran terkait dengan penelitian ini. Saran pertama ditujukan kepada dosen kelas Speaking II. Akan lebih baik jika role play tetap digunakan di kelas Speaking II. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian ini dapat terlihat bahwa mayoritas dari mahasiswa memiliki persepsi yang positif terhadap penggunaan role play di kelas Speaking II dan role play juga dapat memberikan banyak manfaat bagi para mahasiswa. Saran kedua bagi para mahasiswa kelas Speaking II. Akan lebih baik jika memiliki persiapan yang matang dan kerjasama yang baik selama persiapan dan pada saat menampilkan role play. Saran ketiga bagi peneliti selanjutnya. Peneliti berharap peneliti selanjutnya dapat melakukan penelitian yang lebih baik dan juga analisis yang lebih baik terhadap topik ini.




First of all, I would like to praise the Lord for His blessing, love, and help so that I can complete this thesis. I would like to thank my advisor, FX. Ouda

Teda Ena, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ed.D., who has guided me in writing and revising this

thesis; thank for all of the advices, comments, suggestions, and corrections. I would also thank Laurentia Sumarni, S.Pd., M.Trans who allowed me to conduct this research in her Speaking II Class. I also thank to the students of Speaking II class F academic year 2013/2014 as the participants of this research.

I sincerely thank for all of the ELESP lecturers, staffs, and students for all help, support, advice, and also for giving all their best during I studied in this beloved campus. My special thank goes to my academic advisor, bunda Caecilia

Tutyandary, S.Pd., M.Pd for all the support, advice, and guidance during my

study in this university. I also thank for all of ELESP students in the class A (2010) for the togetherness during the journey in this campus.

I also deliver my greatest gratitude for my parents; Bapak Hendra and

Ibu Yenny Lawi, and also my brother Ricardo William. Thank for always be

with me and gave me support, strength, and all their best when I was dispirited during completing this thesis. You are the reason I survive.

I would like to thank for my best roommates, Ce Villy Unike, Sari

Wulandari, Wuri Lukito Sari, and also the other roommates. I thank them for



best friends who cannot be mentioned one by one for the help and support during completing this thesis.

I also express my thankfulness to all secretariat staffs of the English Language Education Study Program, the secretariat staffs of the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, and the library staffs of Sanata Dharma University. I thank them for the help and the good service during my study.

Finally I want to express my gratitude to all the people and friends that cannot be mentioned here one by one. I really appreciate all the support, help, and suggestion during completing this thesis.

















A. Research Background 1

B. Research Problems 2

C. Problem Limitation 3

D. Research Objectives 3

E. Research Benefits 4

F. Definition of Terms 5


A. Theoretical Description 8

1. Perception 8

a. Definition of Perception 8



c. Factors Influencing Perception 9

2. Role Play 10

3. Teaching Speaking 13

B. Theoretical Framework 14


A. Research Method 15

B. Research Setting 16

C. Research Participants 16

D. Research instruments 16

1. Questionnaire 17

2. Observation 18

3. Interview 19

E. Data Gathering Techniques 20

F. Research Procedure 21


A. Research Result 25

1. Implementation of Role Play 26

2. Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Role

Play in Speaking II Class 28

B. Discussion 30

1. Implementation of Role Play 31

2. Students Perceptions on the Use of Role

Play in Speaking II Class 32


A. Conclusion 39







Tables Page

3.1Categories of Statements 17

3.2Example of Questionnaire Form 17

3.3Observation Guidelines 18

3.4Value of Statements 19

4.1 The Implementation of Role Play 32

4.2 The Advantages of Role Play 34




Figure Page

2.1The Perceptual Process 8

4.1 The Implementation of Role Play 33

4.2 The Advantages of Role Play 35





A. Students’ Questionnaire 46

B. Raw Data of Students’ Questionnaire 47

C. Sample of Students’ Questionnaire 50

D. Observation Sheet 56





This chapter provides the background information of the research dealing with the research topic. In this chapter, the researcher is going to discuss the research background, research problems, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and the definition of terms.

A. Research Background

In this globalization era, English had been one of the languages that is used widely by people in the world, so it is essential for people to learn English. In Indonesia, English has been taught at school in the early age. English is taught from kindergarten until Senior High School and also university. Hence, there are four skills in language learning; one of them is speaking.

In reality, many students have difficulties in learning English. One of the reasons is because English is a new language for them and they rarely or even never use English in their daily conversations. According to Nunan (2003), many people feel that speaking in a foreign language is harder than the other skills. Looking at that fact, it is important to find out an effective technique that can increase the students’ interest and motivation in learning speaking English.

There are many techniques that can be used to teach speaking. One of them is role play. Role play provides the learners to practice speaking English as if they were in the real environment (Nunan, 2003). Besides the teaching


technique, there is also the perception. Perception plays an important part in the learning process since it influences someone’s behavior or attitudes and motivation to learn (Szilagyi and Wallace, 1980). According to Altman (1985) the result of the individual’s perception will lead them to different behavior response. The more positive their perception in the learning activities, the higher motivation they will have.

Personally, the researcher had positive perceptions on the use of role play in speaking class. The researcher assumed that in the role play, the students could explore their speaking skill better because they could practice using the expression directly. Role play also allows the students to work in a group. It would explore the students’ social skills such as team work, cooperation, tolerant, patience, etc. Then, the researcher wanted to know whether the other students had the same perception on the use of role play in speaking class.

This research was conducted in English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The participants of this research were the students of Speaking II class F. In order to get the data, the researcher used three instruments; questionnaire, observation, and interview.

B. Research Problems

The researcher conducted this research in order to identify the answers of these formulated questions:


2. What are the students’ perceptions on the use of role play technique in speaking II class?

C. Problem Limitation

In this research, the researcher focuses on the students’ perception on the use of role play technique in Speaking II class in the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. This research also focuses on answering the questions stated in the problem formulation. The survey research is used since this research is about perception. Research instruments used in this research are questionnaire, observation sheet, and interview. The researcher focuses more on the observation and the questionnaire. The interview is used to strengthen the data found from the questionnaire and the observation and to collect some additional information on the use of role play in Speaking II class.

The participants or the subjects of this research are the students of Speaking II class in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University academic year 2013/2014 class F.

D. Research Objectives

There are two objectives in conducting this research based on the problem formulation. The first objective is to identify how the role play technique was implemented in Speaking II class. The second objective is to identify the students’ perception on the use of role play technique in Speaking II class.


E. Research Benefits

This research is expected to give some benefits for educational field related to the language teaching, especially for:

1. The lecturers of Speaking II Class

This study will help the lecturers to understand the students’ perception on the use of role play technique in speaking class. The students’ perceptions on the use of role play might be different from one student to another; whether positive or negative. The lectures might consider whether role play technique is still useful in Speaking II class.

2. The students of Speaking II Class

It is expected that the students will know how role play technique develop their speaking skill. The students will also realize their problems related to the use of role play technique in Speaking II class and also find the solutions of the problems.

3. Future Researchers

The researcher hopes that this research can inspire the future researchers who are interested in this topic to make further research. Hopefully, they can obtain more information dealing with the use of role play technique; not only in Speaking II class, but also in other speaking classes.


F. Definition of Terms

This section will discuss the definition of the terms related to the keywords of the topic discuss in this research. The keywords are perception, role play, speaking, and speaking II class.

1. Perception

Perception is an idea, believe, or an image you have as a result of how you see or understand something. Perception can also be described as a process by which individual attend to income stimuli, organize, and then interpret such stimuli into a message that in turn indicates an appropriate action or behavior (Szilagyi and Wallace, 1980). Perception is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data into usable mental representation of the world. (Huffiman, Vernoy.M and Vernoy.J, 1997). According to Robins (2001), perception is a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.

According to Altman, Valenzi, and Hodgetts (1985: 85), perception is “the result of interpreting the stimuli meaningfully by which people select and group the stimuli”. George and Jones (2005), state that perception is “the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting the input from individual’s senses (hearing, smell, touch, vision, and taste) in order to give meanings to their environment”. McShame and Glinow (2005) also define perception as the process of receiving information and making sense of the world around us. Based on the definitions


above, it was concluded that perception is the opinion or point of view of the perceiver of an object or an event which exists or happens in the environment or in the world. It is possible that each person has his/her perception of a phenomenon based on his/her way of thinking.

2. Role Play

Role-play is an exercise where the students are assigned a role from which they have to improvise some kind of behavior toward the other role character in the exercise (Paulston and Bruder, 1976). Another definition comes from Joyce and Weil (2000), role-playing is a teaching strategy (that emphasize the social nature of learning, and see cooperative behavior as stimulating students. both socially and intellectually) that fits within the social family of models.

3. Speaking

According to Tarigan, (1990) speaking is a language skill that is developed in a child, which is produced by listening skill, and at that period speaking skill is learned. Ladouse (as cited in Nunan, 1991) describes speaking as an activity to express oneself in the situation, or the activity to report acts, or situation in precise words or the ability to converse or to express a sequence of ideas fluently. Another definition stated by Nunan (2003) which defines speaking as a productive aural or oral skill which involves two or more people.


4. Speaking II Class

Speaking II is a compulsory course in the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. This subject is offered in semester II. According to Academic Guideline’s Book (2011:34), “On completing this course, the students are able to express their own personal feelings and options using appropriate vocabulary words, opinions of others, and use appropriate technical terms and expressions in various contextual English discourse.”





In this chapter, the researcherdiscusses the theories related to the study. This literary review consists of two major parts. They are theoretical description and theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

In this theoretical description, the researcher discusses and focuses on the theoriesrelated tothis research. There are three parts; perception, role play, and speaking.

1. Perception

a. Definition of Perception

According to Altman, Valenzi, and Hodgetts (1985: 85), perception is“the result of interpreting the stimuli meaningfully by which people select and group the stimuli”. In addition, George and Jones (2005) states that perception is “the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting the input from individual’s senses (hearing, smell, touch, vision, and taste) in order to give meanings to their environment”. McShame and Glinow (2005) also define perception as the process of receiving information and making sense of the world around us. Based on the definitions above, itcan be concluded that perception is the opinion or point of view of the perceiver of an object or an event which exists or happens in the


environment or in the world. It is possible that each person hashis/her own perception of a phenomenon based on his/her own way of thinking.

b. The Process of Perception

According to Altman at al. (1985:86), a perceptual process begins when the individual’s sensor select the data from the stimulus. Sensory receptors store the stimulus that are obtained from the environment and then transfer it to the brain. Altmanat al. (1985:86) also states that “the sensor selects the data from stimulus and allow individual to interpret to the sensory message”. Next, perception is formed after the stimulus isinterpreted by the brain. Finally, the result of the individual’s perception will lead them to different behavior response. Furthermore, Altman at al. (1985: 86) defines the perceptual process as shown in figure below:

Figure 2.1 The Perceptual Process (Altman at al., 1985, p. 86)

c. Factors Influencing Perception

According to Altmanat al. (1985), there are four factors that can influence someone’s perception; there are selection of stimuli, organization of stimuli, situation, and the person’s self concept. The first factor that can influence

Stimuli Sensors’ selection of


Perception, organization,

and interpretation

of stimuli

Behavioral response


perception is the selection of stimuli. People focus on only small number of stimuli, whereas there are a lot of stimuli surrounded. This process is known as selection. It is the reason why people perceive things differently.

The second factor is the organization of stimuli. After the information has undergone the screening process (that is, been selected), it must be arranged so as to become meaningful.

The next factor is situation. A person familiarity with, expectation about, a situation, as well as his or her past experience, affect what that person perceives. Perceiving a situation accurately is also related to how well a person adjusts his or her behavior to situations.

The last factor is self concept. Self concept is the way people feel about and perceive themselves. The way people see themselves affects their perception of the world around them. Self concept is important because people’s mental picture of themselves determine much of what people perceive and do. In most cases, an individual’s self concept changes as the person matures.

2. Role Play

According to Paulston and Bruder (1976), role play is an exercise where the students are assigned arole from which they have to improve some kind of behavior toward the other role characters in the exercise. In role playing, learners are asked to imagine that they were in the real situation that happens in the daily live. And then, they are asked to adopt a specific role from the situation and act as if they were in that situation (Littlewood, 1981).


Another definition comes from Joyce and Weil (2000), in which they state that Role-playing is a teaching strategy (that emphasizes the social nature of learning, and see cooperative behavior as stimulating students both socially and intellectually) that fits within the social family of models.(Joyce and Weil, 2000).

Mcguire and Priestly (1981) divide Role play into three types; simple role play, modeling exercise, and structurer role play. The first type is simple role play; is a role play that can be used on fairly simple level, concentrates and begins with the situation that will be familiar to the students, and involving only two or four people at the same time.

The second type of role play is modeling exercise. This type consists of the role-played demonstrations of social skill or response by someone who is competent in its executions for someone who is not. It can be directly or recorded (video).

The third type of role play is structurer role play. In this type, it is possible to run role play in which individuals are given more elaborate instruction about who they are supposed to be and what would happen in the play.

The principle behind role-playing is that the student assumes a particular personality of a different person, such as a historical character. According to Jones (1982), the students must accept the duties and responsibilities of their roles and functions, and do their best in the situation in which they find themselves.

Role play can be used to introduce a topic, using the students’ background knowledge (schema) to introduce and interest them in a new unit of study (Lloyd, 1998). Furthermore, role play can be used as a strategy in which the students use


their background knowledge in addition to acquiring new information about the character in order to better play the role (Lloyd, 1998).

In role-playing, the student is representing and experiencing a character which is known in everyday life (Scarcella and Oxford, 1992). The use of role-playing emphasizes personal concerns, problems, behavior, and active participation. It improves interpersonal skills (Teahan, 1975), improves communication skills (Huyack, 1975), and enhances communication (Ettkin& Snyder, 1972). In role play, the students need to imagine a role, context, and improvise a conversation. One of the benefits of role play is that it allowsthe students to express who they are, their sense of humor, and their personal communication style (Doff, 1992).

According to Hawley (1975) the benefits of role play can be derived in terms of five general and overlapping categories: problem solving, rehearsing, reporting, developing empathy, and managing the class. Furthermore, Poorman (2002) claims that role play as a teaching strategy offers several advantages for both the teacher and the students. Firstly, student’s interest in the topic is raised. Integrating experiential learning activities in the classroom increases the interest in the subject matter and the understanding of the content. Secondly, it is increasingthe involvement on the part of the students in a role playing lesson. The students are not passive recipients. The third advantage is that role play can built the students’ empathy and understanding of different perspectives.


3. Teaching Speaking

Rivers (1968) states that teaching speaking skill is more demanding on the teacher than teaching other language skills. The teacher needs to give many opportunities for the students to practice their speaking skill. When the teacher provides more complicated matter of foreign speech to be answered, the learners’ speaking ability will be more developed too. The teacher will need to use the imagination in devising situations which lead the students to the use of the language in the expression of their own meaning.

Sometimes people feel afraid or nervous to speak in front of many people or a large group, for example, in front of a class. Davies (2000) states that some strategies for teaching speaking: the first is creating relaxed atmosphere in the class, so the students will not be frightened to speak in front of the class. At the beginning, do speaking activities as many as possible in pairs or in groups so they will speak with smaller groups of people; this is used to build up their confident before speaking in front of the whole class. The second is speaking in natural pronunciation and add some pronunciation work into the lesson. The third is gettinglearners to combine listening and speaking in natural interaction.

B. Theoretical Framework

This study focuses on students’ perception on the use of role play technique in Speaking II class. In order to identify the result of this study, the researcher needs to search theories related to the topics of the study that are stated


in the theoretical description. In this section, the researcher will relate the theory in theoretical description tothis research.

According to Altmanat al. (1985), students’ perception towards something can influence their behavior response. In this research, the researcher wants to identify the perception of the students of Speaking II class F about the use of role play technique. Their perception might be positive or negative, yet their perception will influence their motivation to learn. The more positive their perception the higher their motivation is.On the other hand, the more negative their perception the lower their motivation will be. Thus, their perception will determine the effectiveness of the role play technique in Speaking II class F.

Speaking II is a compulsory course in the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. This subject is offered in semester II. According to the Academic Guideline’s Book (2011), “On completing this course, the students are able to express their own personal feelings and options using appropriate vocabulary words, opinions of others, and use appropriate technical terms and expressions in various contextual English discourse.” Role play technique can be used as one of the activities in this course because it needs the real practice in order to develop the speaking skill especially in the pronunciation.





This chapter discusses the methodology used in conducting the research. The research methodology consists of six parts; research method, research setting, research participants, instruments and data gathering technique, thedata analysis technique, and theresearch procedures.

A. Research Method

In this research, the researcher used survey method since the goal of the study is to identify the students’ perceptions on the use of role play technique in speaking II class. “Survey is used to measure attitudes, opinions, or achievements –any number of variables in natural setting” (Wiersma, 1995:169). Furthermore, this research will accommodate the researcher to identify the answer of the problem formulations.

Besides conducting a survey, the researcher also used qualitative research. Qualitative research is used because this research focused on theunderstanding on social phenomenon from the perspective of the participants in a natural setting. Furthermore, according to Denzin and Lincoln (2000),qualitative research described as qualities of entities, processes, and meanings; not experimentally examined or measured in terms of quantity, amount, intensity, or frequency. Qualitative research method used observation, interview, and document analysis


to collect the data. The researcher also used quantitative method in this research since the concept of quantitative research was focusing on discovering facts of thesocial phenomena and assuming a fixed and measurable reality. The research instruments used in this research were questionnaire and interview.

B. Research Setting

This research was conducted on Monday, 25 May 2014 and Wednesday, 4 June 2014 in the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The researcher distributed the questionnaires on Monday, 25 May 2014 and did the observation and interview on 4 June 2014.

C. Research Participants

The participants of this research were the students of Speaking II class of the academic year 2013/2014. The researcher chose one Speaking II class as the participants ofthis research; the class chosen was class F. There were 27 students in class F.

D. Research Instruments

This research used three kinds of research instruments to collect the data. Those research instruments used were questionnaire, observation, and interview.


1. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is a research instrument in which the respondents or theparticipants provide the answer whether in the form of written responses or mark items that indicates their responses.

The questionnaire which was used in this research consists of two parts. The first part was open-ended question and the second part is close-ended questions. According to Foddy(as cited in Reja at al, 2003), the open-ended questions allow theparticipants to express their opinions without being influenced, while in theclose-ended questions, the participants only chose the answer based on the options given.

For the implementation of this research, the researcher used questionnaire as the main instrument to collect the data. The questionnaire consisted of 30 close ended questions which were divided into three categories. The first category consisted of thirteen statements about the implementation of role play in Speaking II class. In this category, the students were asked about the whole activity of role play done in the class. The second category consisted of ten statements about the advantages of role play in Speaking II class. In this category, the students were asked about what they have learned from therole play activity in Speaking II class. The third category consisted of seven statements about the students’ perception on the use of role play technique in Speaking II class. In this part the students were asked about their general opinionon the use of role play in Speaking II class.


. Table 3.1. Categories of Statements

No. Categories of Statement Number of Statement

1. The Implementation of Role play 2 – 14 2. The Advantages of Role play 15 – 24 3. Students’ perceptions on the Use of Role Play 1, 26 – 30

To evaluate the questionnaire, the researcher used Likert scale. Likert scale is a summated ratings method which assessed the attitudes towards the topic by presenting a set of statement about the topic and asking the respondents to indicate for each whether they are strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree, and strongly disagree(Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen, and Razavieh, 2010). In this research, the researcher used numerical symbol to represent the indicator of the responds.

Table 3.2. Example of Questionnaires

No Statement SA A D SD

4 I am cooperative in preparing the role play. 5 I pay attention to the lecturer’s explanation and

instruction before performing the role play.

SA : strongly agree A : agree

D : disagree SD : strongly disagree

2. Observation

The second technique used in this research was observation. In this research, the researcher used a checklist to collect the data needed. According to Ary at al. (2010), checklist is the simplest devise that can be use in qualitative research; it is made in a list of some points that is observed. In the observation, the researcher focused on 8 points in order to get some supporting data. The example of the observation sheet can be seen in the Table 3.3:


Table 3.3. Observation Guidelines

3. Interview

The third instrument used in this research was interview. Generally, interview is described as a process of oral questioning of a subject (Ary at al, 2010). According to Bogdan and Biklen(as cited in Hoepfl, 1997), interview can be used as the primary strategy for the data collection or in conjunction with observation, document analysis, or other technique. The researcher used the interview to strengthen the data from the questionnaire and the observation, to gain additional information or data, and toclarify the results of the questionnaire and the observation.

In this interview, the researcher took ten students of the participants as the sample of interview. These ten students consisted of five students who had positive perception and five students who had negative perception on the use of role play in Speaking II class. This interview used purposive sampling in deciding the sample who were interviewed.

No. Statement Yes No Notes

1. There are 2-3 members in a group of role play.

 2. The topic of role play is based on a

daily life situation.

 3. The role play is done by memorizing


E. Data Gathering Techniques

In this research, the researcher used three techniques to collect the data. The techniques used in this research were questionnaire, observation, and interview. Furthermore, all of the collected data were explained and described clearly in the Chapter four.

The results of the questionnaire were presented in theform of tables and charts. The questionnaire had values in eachoption as shown in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4. Value of Statement

No. Numerical Symbol Indicator Value

1. SA Strongly agree 4

2. A Agree 3

3. D Disagree 2

4. SD Strongly disagree 1

In this research, the researcher counted the average score to find the major response of each question. The formula used to calculate the average score as follow.

̅ = mean score (average score) = total score

Raw score n= total respondents

The researcher also calculated the median score of each statement to find out the middle score. This score was used to decide the most negative perception and the most positive perception. After all of the calculation, theresearcher put the


data into charts and tables and made the explanation about the data that had been put into those charts and tables.

F. Research Procedure

This research was conducted through eight steps; they were planning, defining population, sampling, asking permission, conducting instrument, conducting survey (distributing questionnaires, observation, and interviews), processing the data, and reporting the data obtained.

1. Planning

In this first step, the researcher defined the problem and chose the topic. Then, the researcher formulated the research problems related to the topic. Next, the researcher put some theories related to the topic and some references that can be used to strengthen the theories.

2. Defining Population

In this step, the researcher chose the target population who would be used as the participants of the research. The participants of this research were the students of Speaking II class in academic year 2013/2014 class F. The participants of the research were not only the students, but also the lecturer of Speaking II class F in academic year 2013/2014.


3. Sampling

In deciding the sample of this research, the researcher used purposive sampling. The researcher decidedwhich Speaking II class would be used as the participant of this research. Then, the researcher decided one Speaking II class which used role play technique as one of the learning activities. Finally, the class chosen was class F of Speaking II class. That class consisted of 27 students. The researcher distributed the questionnaire to all of the students in that Speaking II class. Then, the researcher also conducted an observation in the same speaking class.

After distributing the questionnaire and conducted an observation, the researcher did an interview. This interview also used purposive sampling. The researcher chose the interviewee who had the most positive perceptions and also who had the most negative perceptions. The researcher did the interview with 10 students; 5 students who had the most positive perception and 5 students who had the most negative perception. Overall, the interviewee consisted of ten students of class F of Speaking II class.

4. Constructing the Instrument

The next step of this research was constructing the instrument. In this step, theresearcher set a questionnaire consisting of 35 questions which were divided into two parts. The first part was close-ended questions which consisted of 30 questions. The second part was open-ended questions which consisted of 5


questions. The researcher also made a set of interview guideline which consisted of 5 questions.

5. Asking Permission

Before distributing the questionnaire and conducting theobservation and theinterview, the researcher asked permission to the lecturer of Speaking II class F.

6. Conducting Survey

The researcher distributed the questionnaires to the Speaking II class students. After that, the researcher conducted an interview with 10 students of speaking II class. Those interviewees were 5 students who had the most positive perceptions and 5 students who had the most negative perceptions on the use of role play in Speaking II class.

7. Processing Data

After collecting the data, the researcher identified the result of the questionnaire, observation, and interview. In processing the data from theobservation, the researcher explained the result into paragraphs. Then, the researcher processed the data obtained from the questionnaire. The researcher calculated the answers of the questionnaire to choose the interviewee of this research. After that, researcher divided the statements of the questionnaire into three categories.Then the researcher calculated the average of each indicator of


those three categories. After that, the researcher presented the data in theforms of charts and tables.

8. Reporting the Data

The last step of this research was reporting the data. The researcher wrote the report of the research based on the questionnaire and theinterview data and made the conclusionof the research.





In this chapter, the researcher presents the result of the research and discusses the use of role play in the Speaking II class. This chapter is divided into two parts; the first part is research results and the second part is discussion. In the first part, the researcher presents the data from the observation and questionnaire. In the second part, there will be the further discussion about the observation and the questionnaire. The researcher also adds the result of the interview. In this chapter, there are also some charts and tables used as the representation of the data found from the research.

A. Research Results

This section discusses the result of the research. In the first part of this section, the researcher discusses the implementation of role play in Speaking II class. This part presents the result of the research based on the observation of the use of role play in Speaking II class. The second part of this section is the discussionon the students’ perceptions on the use of role play in Speaking II class. Furthermore, this part analyzes the data from the questionnaire and consisted of some charts and tables that represent the students’ perceptions on the use of role play in Speaking II class.


1. Implementation of Role Play

This part answered the first research question stated in the first chapter. The first research question was “How is the role play technique implemented in

speaking II class?” The researcher answered this research question by conducting an observation in class F of Speaking II class. In conducting the observation, the researcher used a checklist to collect the important data about how Role Play was developed in Speaking II class.

From the observation, the researcher identified that the students did good preparation before performing the play. They even brought some properties to support their performance. Some groups used power point and the other groups brought some electronic tools such as blender, and others. They also wore costume and make up to support their characters in the play. As stated by Littlewood (1981), in role playing, the learners are asked to imagine that they were in the real situation that happens in the daily life. Then, they are asked to adopt a specific role from the situation and act as if they were in that situation. From the facts which were taken from the observation, it was concluded that the students were well prepared in performing their play.

The researcher also identified that while performing the play, the students were cooperative; not only in their group but also to the other groups. They paid a lot of attention while the other groups performed the play. The researcher also identified that every group had good teamwork. They helped each other during the performance. They gave some clues if there was/were group member(s) who forgot the dialogue or forgot what should be done during the performance. The


students were looked enthusiastic while they were watching other groups’ performance. They paid a lot of attention when the other groups were performing their play. They focused on the other groups’ play; they did not disturb the other

groups’ performance and did not make a lot of noise. They also were not busy

preparing their own group’s performance because they had already a good preparation before the D-day of the play. In the whole activity of the play, the students learned how to work in a group and how to interact with the other people from other groups. As stated by Joyce and Weil (2000), that role-playing is a teaching strategy (that emphasizes the social nature of learning, and see

cooperative behavior as stimulating students’ booth socially and intellectually)

that fits within the social family of models.

Another factor that the researcher observed was the script of the play. The students were given one general topic from the lecturer. The topic was about a talk show. The students were given freedom to decide the theme of their talk show. Every group prepared the script and the movement, and did some preparation as well as they could. During the performance, there were some students who forgot the script or the act. To solve that situation, they started to speak and act spontaneously. It could increase their speaking ability by speaking spontaneously. From that fact, role play had some advantages to improve interpersonal skills (Teahan, 1975), improve communication skills (Huyack, 1975), and enhance communication (Ettkin& Snyder, 1972).


2. Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Role Play in Speaking II Class

This part used the data from the questionnaire about the use of role play in Speaking II class. The first theme was about the students’ previous experience in using role play in the speaking class; whether in junior high school, senior high school, or in the previous semester. From the statement, the researcher found that there were 59.25% or sixteen students out of 27 students strongly agree that they had previous experience in using role play in speaking class; whether in junior high school, senior high school, or in the previous semester. There were 29.62% or eight students out of 27 students agree that they hadprevious experience in using role play in speaking class; whether in junior high school, senior high school, or in the previous semester. On the other hand, 11.11% or three students disagree that they have previous experience in using role play in speaking class; whether in junior high school, senior high school, or in the previous semester. This statement was used to identify the students’ first impression of role play in the speaking class; whether they had been accustomed with role play in the speaking class.

From the data resultof the questionnaire, the researcher found that there were 33.33% or nine students out of 27 students strongly agree that they were interested in the use of role play in Speaking II class. There were 51.85% or fourteen students agreed that they were interested in the use of role play in Speaking II class while 14.81% or four students disagreed that that they were interested in the use of role play in Speaking II class and none of them were strongly disagreed that they were interested in the use of role play in speaking


IIclass. It was concluded that most of the students were interested in the use of role play in Speaking II class.

Furthermore, 29.62% or eight students strongly agreed that role play was an effective technique that should be used in Speaking II class, 62.96% or seventeen students. There were 7.40% or two students who disagreed that role play was an effective technique that should be used in Speaking II class and none of the students strongly disagreed. From the result of the questionnaire, it was concluded that role play was an effective technique to be used in Speaking II class.

Role play was effective because the students couldgain knowledge from the role play. The students could improve their pronunciation, fluency, creativity, and also the critical thinking skill. The other effectiveness of role play was it allowedthe students to speak naturally and to learn some new expressions from

their play and the other groups’ play.

In role play, the students had to imagine the role and the context. Then, they improved a conversation. One of the benefits of role play was role play allowed students to express who they are, their sense of humor, and their personal communication style (Doff, 1992). Based on the data collected from the statements of the questionnaire about the advantage of role play in Speaking II class, it was concluded that most of the students could feel the benefit of role play in Speaking II class. From the questionnaire in questions number fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen there were 74.04% or twenty students who strongly agreed that role play improved their pronunciation, fluency, and accuracy. While 25.92% or seven


students chose to agree and none of the students chose to disagree and to strongly disagree. For question number eighteen, the students were asked whether role play could improve their creativity. The result showed that 59.25% or sixteen students strongly agreed with this statement while 40.74% or eleven students agreed and none of the students disagreed and strongly disagreed. The students also gave positive response on the statement that role play could improve their critical thinking skills. There were 40.74% or eleven students who strongly agreed with this statement, 48.14% or 13 students agreed, and 11.11% or 3 students who disagreed, and none of them strongly disagreed. Question number twenty stated that role play allowed students to speak naturally. The result showed that there were 44.44% or twelve students who strongly agreed 55.55% or fifteen students agreed. It was concluded that the most of the students had a good perception that role play gave them advantages in improving their English skill.

B. Discussion

This section was divided into two parts. The first part was the implementation of role play in the speaking II class. The second part was the

students’ perceptions on the use of role play in Speaking II class. In this section, the researcher explained the details of the research results related to the use of role play in Speaking II class.


1. Implementation of Role Play

This part explained the resultof the observation conducted inSpeaking II class. The researcher presented the observation data conducted on 4 June 2014.

In the role play activity, the lecturer divided the students into groups of five to six students. The topic of the play was given by the lecturer. The topic of the play was talk show. The lecturer gave the general topicwhich was talk show, and then the students had freedom to choose the theme of their talk show. There were five groups in the class. Every group had different theme of the play. The themes were gay, horror film, election, health, and family. Every group was given fifteen minutes to perform their play.

The students prepared the play very well. They brought some properties to support their performance. Some of them wore make up based on the character of the play. The dialog of the play was done by memorizing the dialogue of the script, but sometimes the students did some improvisations spontaneously especially when they forgot their dialogue. The students were cooperative in their group. They helped each other when performing the play. They helped the other members to set the properties and the settings of their play. They also gave some clues when the other member forgot the dialogue by doing some gestures, whispering the words, or by doing improvisations to cover the other members’ mistakes. The whole dialogue of the play was done in English. However, sometimes the students used Indonesian if they forgot their dialoguewhile performing their play or if they gave some cluesto a member who forgot the dialogue.


When a group was performing their play, the other groups paid a lot of attention to that play. They watched the performance seriously even though sometimes they still did some preparation on their play, but overall they gave a lot

of attention to the other groups’ play.

On the day of performance, the lecturer gave a little bit explanation in the beginning of the class. The lecturer gave the explanation in English. After that, the lecturer just observed the play by sitting at the middle row of the class and gave the score to the performance. Sometimes the lecturer took some pictures of the play and became the time keeper of the show. After all of the groups did their play, the lecturer gave some additional information and explanation about the play.

As the conclusion, the whole play was done smoothly. The students had a good preparation. They were cooperative to their group. When a group was performing their play, the other groups paid a lot of attention to watch the play

even though some time was busy with their own group’s preparation. All of the

play was done in English. The students sometimes used Indonesian among their group to give some clues.

2. The Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Role Play in Speaking II Class

The researcher divided the statements of the questionnaire into three categories. The first category was about the implementation of role play. The second category was about the advantages of role play in Speaking II class, and


the last category was the students’ perceptions about the use of role play in Speaking II class.

In the first category, the researcher presented the detailed data about the

students’ perceptionson the implementation of role play that had been done in Speaking II class. This category consisted of thirteen statements. In order to gain the detailed data, the researcher presented the average score of each statement in this category in the form of table and chart.

Table 4.1. The Implementation of Role Play in Speaking II Class

No Option Number of Students

1. Strongly agree 7

2. Agree 13

3. Disagree 6

4. Strongly disagree 1

Total (N) 27

Table 4.1 presented the number of the students who had positive and negative perceptions about the implementation of role play in Speaking II class. There were seven of 27 respondents who had negative perception about the implementation of the role play in Speaking II class. There was a respondent who chose to strongly disagree and six respondents who chose to disagree. On the other hand, there were twenty respondents who had positive perception about the implementation of the role play in Speaking II class. There were seven respondents who chose to strongly agree and thirteen respondents chose to agree.


Figure 4.1. The Implementation of Role Play in Speaking II Class

Furthermore, Figure 4.1. described the percentage of the data about the implementation of the role play in Speaking II class. From the Figure 4.1., it was concluded that most of the respondents had positive perception about the implementation of role play in Speaking II class. There were 25.93% chose to strongly agree and 48.15% chose to agree. Therefore, there were also respondents who had negative perception about the implementation of role play in Speaking II class. There were 22.22% chose to disagree and 3.70% chose to strongly disagree about the implementation of the role play in Speaking II class.

The second category of the statement in the questionnaire was about the advantages of role play in Speaking II class. There were ten statements used as the indicators of the advantages of role play. The indicators were 1) role play developed the students’ pronunciation, 2) role play developed the students’ speaking fluency, 3) role play developed the students’ speaking accuracy, 4) role

play developed the students’ creativity in speaking English, 5) role play developed 26%

48% 22%

4% Category 1

The Implementation of Role Play in the Speaking II Class

Strongly agree



the students’ critical thinking, 6) role play allowed the students to speak naturally, 7) the students learned some new expression from the other groups’ play, 8) the students fell more confident in speaking English after doing the role play, 9) the students were able to visualize the material by using role play well, and 10) the students were interested in the use of role play in the speaking class. The detailed data of the second category could be seen in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2. The Advantages of Role Play in the Speaking II Class

No Option Number of Students

1. Strongly agree 13

2. Agree 11

3. Disagree 3

4. Strongly disagree 0

Total (N) 27

Table 4.2. described the detailed data about the advantages of role play in Speaking II class. From the table, it was concluded that most of the respondents had a good perception about the advantages of role play in Speaking II class. There were thirteen respondents chose to strongly agree and eleven respondents chose to agree. On the other side, there were also some respondents who had negative perception about the advantages of role play in Speaking II class. There were three respondents who chose to disagree and none of the respondents chose to strongly disagree.


Figure 4.2. The Advantages of Role Play in Speaking II class

Figure 4.2. presented the percentage of the second statement category about the advantages of the role play in Speaking II class. It was concluded that there were 48.15% of the respondents chose to strongly agree and 40.74% chose to agree about the advantages of role play in Speaking II class. There were 11.11% respondents chose to disagree and none of the respondents chose to strongly disagree. Based on the result about the second category, it was concluded that most of the respondents had positive perception about the advantages of role play in Speaking II class.

The last statement category of the questionnaire was about the students’ perceptions on the use of role play in Speaking II class. This category consisted of six statements. From the data result, the researcher identified that most of the respondents had positive perception on the use of role play in Speaking II class. The detailed data of the third category could be seen in the Table 4.3.

48.15% 40.74%

11.11% 0% Category 2

The Advantages of Role Play in Speaking II Class

Strongly agree




Table 4.3. Students’ Perceptions on The Use of Role Play in Speaking II Class

No Option Number of Students

1. Strongly agree 8

2. Agree 14

3. Disagree 4

4. Strongly disagree 1

Total (N) 27

Table 4.3 presented that most of the respondent had positive perception on the use of role play in Speaking II class. There were eight respondents chose to strongly agree and fourteen respondents chose to agree. There were also respondents who had negative perception on this category. There were four respondents who chose to disagree and 1 respondent chose to strongly disagree. Moreover, it was concluded that twenty two respondents had positive perception and five respondents had negative perception on the use of role play in Speaking II class.

Figure 4.3. Students’ Perception on the Use of Role Play in Speaking II Class


51.85% 14.81%

3.70% Category 3

Students' Perception on The Use of Role Play in the Speaking II Class

Strongly agree



Strongly disagree


Figure 4.3. described the detailed result finding on the third category. It could be seen that the total respondents who had positive perception were more than the respondents who had negative perception on the use of role play in Speaking II class. There were 29.63% of the respondents chose to strongly agree and 51.85% chose to agree in this category. Therefore, there were 14.81% of the respondents chose to disagree and 3.70% chose to strongly disagree about the use of role play inSpeaking II class.

Furthermore, from the result of the questionnaire, it was concluded that most of the students had positive perception on the use of role play in Speaking II class. Based on the data found from the questionnaire, it was concluded that the implementation of role play in speaking II class was good. It proved by the result of the first category that most of the students chose to strongly agree and toagree on the thirteen statements of the category. It could also be concluded that role play gave advantages to the students. Role play improved the students’ pronunciation, fluency, accuracy, creativity, and critical thinking skills. Role play also allowed students to speak naturally and learn some new expression from the role play. The students also felt more confident in speaking English. Overall, the students were interested in the use of role play in Speaking II class.





This chapter consists of two parts. The first part is the conclusions and the second part is recommendations for the students, Speaking II lecturers, and for the future researchers.

A. Conclusions

The aims of this research were to identify how the role play technique was implemented in Speaking II class and to identify the students’ perceptions on the use of role play in Speaking II class; as stated in the research question in Chapter I. In order to collect the data of this research, the researcher used questionnaire, observation sheet, and interview. The observation was used to answer the first research question about the implementation of role play in Speaking II class. The researcher also distributed questionnaires to answer the second research question

about the students’ perceptions on the use of role play in Speaking II class.

From the observation, the researcher identified that the implementation of role play in Speaking II class was good. The students had a good preparation in performing the play; they prepared the dialogue and brought some properties to be used in their play. The researcher also identified that the students were cooperative in the class, not only among their own group but also to the other group. They paid a lot of attention to the other groups’ play. When the students


were performing their play, the lecturer watched the play and give score to the play. The topic of the play was about daily life situation.

The researcher also used questionnaire and interview to collect the data. The questionnaire and interview were used to answer the second research question

in identifying the students’ perceptions on the use of role play in Speaking II class. The respondents of the questionnaire were 27 students of Speaking II class F. The questionnaire consisted of 30 closed-ended questions and 5 open-ended questions which were divided into three parts. The first part was about the implementation of the role play in Speaking II class, the second part was about the advantage of role play in Speaking II class, and the third part was about the

students’ perception on the use of role play in Speaking II class.

From the result of the first category, it could be concluded that most of the students had positive perception on the use of role play in Speaking II class. There were seven respondents or 25.93% who chose strongly agree and thirteen respondents or 48.15% who chose to agree. But, there were also respondents who had negative perception about the implementation of role play in Speaking II class. There were six respondents or 22.22% who chose to disagree and one respondent or 3.70% who chose to strongly disagree.

The positive perception was also identified in the second statement of the category. The majority of the respondents had positive perception about the advantages of role play in Speaking II class. There were thirteen respondents or 38.15% who chose to strongly agree and eleven respondents or 40.74% who chose to agree. On the other hand, there were also respondents who had negative


perception about the advantages of role play in Speaking II class. There were three respondents or 11.11% who chose to disagree and none of the respondents chose to strongly disagree.

The third category also had almost the same result as the first and the second category. The respondents who had positive perception about the use of role play in Speaking II class were more than those who had negative perception. There were eight respondents or 29.63% who chose to strongly agree and fourteen respondents or 51.85% who chose to agree. However there were also respondents who had negative perception on the use of role play in Speaking II class. There were four respondents or 14.81% who chose to disagree and only one respondent or 3.70% who chose to strongly disagree. From the entire statement category in the questionnaire, it was concluded that most of the students had positive perception on the use of role play in Speaking II class.

B. Recommendation

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher has some recommendations to the lecturers of Speaking II class, the students of Speaking II class, and also for future researchers.

The result of the research presented that most of the students had positive perception on the use of role play in Speaking II class. The implementation of the role play was also good. It is better if role play is still used in Speaking II class.

The next is for speaking II students. Based on the result of the research, role play gives advantages for the students to improve their English skill. It will


be better if the students do the role play as well as they can. A good preparation is important to make the performance better. Pay a lot of attention and be cooperative not only to their group but also to the other groups, the students will get much new knowledge.

The last suggestion is for future researchers. The researcher of this research realizes that this research is far from perfect and has many weaknesses. The researcher hopes that future researchers can do a better research about this topic and make a better analysis on this topic. The researcher also hopes that the next researchers can do a more in depth research on this topic and have more respondents.




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A. Students’ Questionnaire

No. Statement SA A D SD


I had experience of using role play in the speaking class before (in junior high

school/senior high school/previous semester). 2. There are 2-3 members in a group of role play. 3. There are more than 3 members in a group of role


4. I am cooperative in preparing the role play. 5. I pay attention to the lecturer’s explanation and

instruction before doing the role play.

6. The topic of role play is based on a daily live situation.

7. I feel enthusiastic in role play activity. 8. The role play is done by memorizing the


9. The dialogue of the role play is done spontaneously.

10. I can speak naturally in performing my role play. 11. I am eager to speak English actively during the

role play.

12. I pay attention when other groups present their play.

13. The lecturer correct the students’

mispronunciation(s) after the role play activity. 14. The lecturer correct the students’ grammar


15. Role play improves my English pronunciation. 16. Role play improves my speaking fluency. 17. Role play improves my speaking accuracy. 18. Role play improves my creativity in speaking


19. Role play improves my critical thinking skill. 20. Role play allows me to speak naturally.

21. I learn some new expression from other groups’ play.

22. I feel more confident in speaking English after doing the role play.

23. I am able to visualize the material by using role play well.

24. I am interested in the use of role play in the speaking class.

25. Role play is an effective technique in speaking class.

26. It is challenging to use role play in the speaking class.

27. The material given is suitable to be done by using role play.

28. Role play is more interesting if the topic is based on the daily situation.


Role play is more interesting if the topic is based on the situation(s) that is (are) new for the students.

30. I get more experience in speaking English through role play.


Please answer questions below and explain

1. What do you think about the use of role play in speaking II?

2. What challenges do you find in doing role play?

3. In your opinion, what is a good role play?

4. What are the topics of role play that you prefer to play in speaking II?

5. Please give your suggestion for the better implementation of role play in speaking II class


52 20. Role play allows me to speak naturally. 44.44 55.56 0.00 0.00 21. I learn some new expression from other

groups’ play. 33.33 62.96 3.70 0.00 22. I feel more confident in speaking English

after doing the role play. 33.33 51.85 14.81 0.00 23. I am able to visualize the material by using

role play well. 18.52 59.26 22.22 0.00

24. I am interested in the use of role play in the

speaking class. 33.33 51.85 14.81 0.00

25. Role play is an effective technique in

speaking class. 29.63 62.96 7.41 0.00

26. It is challenging to use role play in the

speaking class. 29.63 70.37 0.00 0.00

27. The material given is suitable to be done by

using role play. 14.81 66.67 18.52 0.00

28. Role play is more interesting if the topic is

based on the daily situation. 29.63 44.44 22.22 3.70 29.

Role play is more interesting if the topic is based on the situation(s) that is (are) new for the students.

25.93 55.56 18.52 0.00 30. I get more experience in speaking English

through role play. 40.74 59.26 0.00 0.00

C. Sample of Students’ Questionnaire










56 D. Observation Sheet

No. Statement YES NO Notes

1. There are 2-3 members in a group of

role play. 

2. There are more than 3 members in a

group of role play. 

3. Students cooperative in performing

the role play. 

Not only among their own group but

also with another group 4. The topic of role play is based on

daily live situations. 

5. The role play is done by memorizing

the dialogue. 

6. The dialogue of the role play is done

spontaneously. 

But sometimes they did (when they forgot the dialogue) 7.

The lecturer correct the students’

mispronunciation(s) after the role play activity.


The lecturer correct the students’

grammar mistakes after the role play activity.




E. Interview Guideline

1. What do you think about the use of role play in Speaking II class? (Why?)

2. What challenges do you find in doing role play?

3. In your opinion, what is a good role play? (Requirements of a good role play)

4. What are the topics of role play that you prefer to play in Speaking II class?

5. Please give your suggestion for the better implementation of role play in speaking II class

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