THE POWER OF TWO STRATEGY AND THE MASTERY OF RECOUNT TEXT” (Classroom Action Research in the Tenth Grade Students of MA Al-Manar Tengaran in the Academic Year of 2015/2016) - Test Repository




(Classroom Action Research on the Tenth Grade Students of MA

AL-Manar Tengaran in Academic Year of 2015/2016)



Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) English Education

Departement of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for


Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga



  “Failure occurs only when we give up” ~ The Researcher ~ “Kegagalan berawal dari rasa takut” ~ Maudy Ayunda ~


  ~This graduating paper is especially dedicated to: My beloved parents (Supawitno and Metin Triyani) thank you very much for everything .

  ~ My sister and Brother thank you for your support.

~ My closest friends (Fitri, Ida, Mbak Khafid, Novi, Tiara, Mbak yusi, Vika and

Asna), thank you for being my best friends.

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah SWT, God the almighty for the

  blessing given to the writer in completing this graduating paper as one of requirement to finished study in English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

  This graduating paper would not have been completed without support, guidance and help from individual and institution. Therefore, she would like to express special thanks to: 1.

  Dr. H. Rahmat Haryadi, M.Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

  3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D, as the Head of English Education Department.

  4. Ruwandi, S.Pd, M.A as councelor who has educated, supported, directed and given the writer advice, suggestion and recommendation to her for

  7. My belove grandma thanks for everything.

  8. Makmun Santoso M.Pd.I as the head master of MA Al-Manar, Bener, Tengaran, teachers and staffs of MA AL-Manar Tengaran thank you for their help.

  9. Aliyati Fatmawati, S.Pd as the teacher at MAN Tengaran, as the validator for the value time to correcting the instruments and share about the research.

  10. My collaborator of research Ayusi Setyowati 11.

  All class members of X PK MA Al-Manar, thank for their cooperation during the teaching learning process.

  12. My closest friends (Fitri, Ida, Mbak Khafid, Novi, Tiara, Asna,Mbak yusi, and Vika), thank you for being my best friends.

  13. Thank you for my proofreader Faisal and Rif’an.

  14. All my friends in English Education Department who cannot be mentioned one by one.

  TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE I ………………………………………………………………………….

  DECLARATION Ii ……………………………………………………………...


  ’S NOTES…….……………………………… STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION Iv ……………………………………...

  MOTTO V ………………………………………………………………………..

  DEDICATION vi ………………………………………………………………...

  ACKNOWLEDGMENT vii ……………………………………………………...

  TABLE OF CONTENTS Ix ……………………………………………………..

  LIST OF FIGURE TABLES xii ………………………………………………...



  CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1 …………………………………………….

  8 G.

  Graduating Paper Organization…………………………………….......


  9 ……………………….

  9 A.

  Previous Researcher.................................................................................

  10 B.

  Reading Comprehension .......…………………………………………..

  10 1.

  Definition of Reading…………………………………….………...

  11 2.

  Purpose of Reading………………………………...................……

  12 3.

  Types of Reading………………………………………………

  13 4.

  Teaching of Reading……………………………………..................

  15 5.

  Reading Comprehension…………………………............................

  19 C.

  Recount Text………………………….............................................…...

  20 1.

  Definition of Recount Text…….................………....……………...

  21 2.

  Generic Structure of Recount Text...................................……....….

  35 F.

  Technique of Collecting Data.....…………….…………………………

  37 G.

  Research Instrument……………………….…………………………...

  38 H.

  Technique of Data Analysis…………………………………………….


  41 ……………

  41 A.

  Implementation of The Power of Two Strategy.........…………..……...

  41 1.

  Cycle I...................……………………….........................................

  47 2.

  Cycle II...............................……………………..................……….

  53 B.

  Result of the Using The Power of Two Strategy…….......……………..

  53 1.

  Cycle 1……………………………………………………………...

  58 2.

  Cycle 2……………………………………………………………...

  62 C.

  Research Summary………..........………………………………………


  65 ………………….......

  65 A.



  66 B.





List of Figure and Tables


  51 Table 4.4 Result of Observation Sheet in Second Meeting ………………....


Table 4.8 Result of Pre-test and Post-test Cycle II.........................................

  54 Table 4.7 Count Passing Grade of Post-test in Cycle I ………………….....


Table 4.6 Count Passing Grade of Pre-test in Cycle I....................................

  52 Table 4.5 Result of Pre-test and Post-test Cycle I...........................................


Figure 3.1 Action Research Classroom based on Arikunto ............................. 32 TABLESTable 4.3 Students Observation Sheet Cycle II...............................................

  45 Table 4.2 Result of Observation Sheet in First Meeting …………………...

  34 Table 4.1 Students Observation Sheet Cycle I …………...………………....

  33 Table 3.4 Steps of Cycle 2 …………………..................................................

  29 Table 3.3 Steps of Cycle 1 ……………………………………………......…

  19 Table 3.1 Time of Setting Research …………………….....................……..

Table 2.1 Rubric of Assessment for Reading Comprehension ……......…….


  ABSTRACT Nugrahaini, Anisa . 2016. “THE POWER OF TWO STRATEGY AND THE MASTERY OF RECOUNT TEXT ” (Classroom Action Research

in the Tenth Grade Students of MA Al-Manar Tengaran in the

Academic Year of 2015/2016). Graduating Paper. English Education

Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga

Counselor: Ruwandi, S.Pd, MA.

  The aims of this research are (1) to identify the implementation of The Power of Two strategy to improve reading comprehension in recount text for the tenth grade students of MA Al-Manar in the academic year of 2015/2016 (2) to find out the result of the research after using The Power of Two strategy in the students’ reading comprehension in recount text of the tenth grade students of MA Al-Manar in the academic year of 2015/2016.

  The methodology of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). To improve the students comprehension in recount text, the reseacher has undertaken two cycles to give students more opportunity to improve their understanding. The number of students in this research was 24 students. In completing the research, the researcher used observation sheet, documentation, and written text as the instruments of collecting data. The observation during the process of English teaching and learning was conducted by the observer.The result of this research showed that the implementation of The Power of Two strategy is satisfying based on the observation sheet there was improvement. It showed from the mean score of pre-test and post-test. In cycle I, post-test was higher than pre-test: 75.41>62.08, and in cycle II, post-test was higher than pre-test: 85>72.08. It was also proved by the score of t-test from cycle I (4.79) was lower than t-tes cycle II (7.72). It means The Power of Two strategy improves the students’ reading comprehension in recount text.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research Language is a means of communication that is used to transfer

  information, ideas, and feelings from one person to another. Considering the importance of language, we know that English is an important subject that should be learned by people in Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School and University. It demands the people to understand English language. In English, there are four aspects of language such as: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. From those four aspects, reading is an important aspect for everyone to get message from written text or other printed text.

  Everyone reads everyday but has a different purpose when he or she reads. Commonly the purpose of reading is to know every paragraph well.

  For example, a teacher reads the learning material about their subject when he or she wants to teach in the classroom and also students usually read enjoy and imagine what we read. The other hand, academic reading is different. Sometime, students or teachers read to get some information and must give full attention to understand comprehensively. Different with what they want to read to get some information they must give full attention to get reading comprehension.

  Harmer ( 2005:68) says reading is one of language skills which able needed be taught in language classroom. Students need to be able to read English either for their careers, for study, or simply for pleasure. Reading also plays an important role for language acquisition. When students are provided with comprehensible linguistic inputs, some of the language will stick in their minds as part of the language acquisition process. When reading text are very interesting and engaging, the acquisition process will be more successful. Reading text also provide opportunities for students to learn vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and even good models for English writing the way sentence, paragraphs, or texts are constructed.

  Some people are uninterested in reading activities. There are several

  Thus, when people talk about reading, it might be automatically related to comprehension or understanding. For instance, a reader who understands what he or she has read can answer the question about it. It means that understanding something is the main goal of reading.

  Reading becomes an important part of language teaching which is complicated. Some teachers considered that reading is not a favorite activity for many students. Therefore, English teachers should find a strategy to overcome this problem. They are expected to find an appropriate strategy or activities to make students understand in reading text and moreover enjoy in reading. The teacher must consider the strategy that suitable for teaching in order to make the learning process becomes effective. The strategy itself should be appropriate for the condition of the class and the ability of the students. It is cause by differnt condition of every class. also will determine the suitable strategy itself.

  The strategy used by English teachers in teaching reading must be appropriate of the kinds of reading text. There are several text which is reading comprehension of recount text of the students is still not good enough.

  When the researcher did the observation, some difficulties were faced by students on recount text. The first students were difficult to identify the information in the generic structure of recount text. The second difficulty was students did not really understand about language features on recount text. The third difficulty was student lack of vocabulary. The last students had difficulty to understand the meaning and conclusion of the text.

  This information was gotten based on the explanation of the teacher when the researcher conducted observation in MA Al-Manar Tengaran.

  There are many ways to solve the problems. One of them is by improving the use of learning strategy. The researcher is interested in improving students’ reading comprehension in recount text using “The Power of Two” strategy. The Power of Two strategy included as part of cooperative learning in a small group through learning activities by his own friends with members of the two people to achieve basic competence. The

  The researcher tries to use “The Power of Two” strategy to improve reading comprehension in recount text on the tenth grade students of MA Al-Manar Tengaran.

  Based on the explanation above, gives inspiration to the researcher and carrying out the research entitled THE POWER OF TWO

  STRATEGY AND THE MASTERY OF RECOUNT TEXT (Classroom Action Research in the Tenth Grade Students of MA Al- Manar Tengaran in the Academic Year of 2015/2016) B. Limitation of the Research

  This research is focusing on the students’ reading comprehension in recount text of the tenth grade students of MA Al-Manar Tengaran. In this research, the researcher takes one class of the tenth grade students. The action research is used to know the reading comprehension in recount text of the tenth grade students by using the power of two strategy.

C. Problems of Research

  In this research, the researcher would like to focus on:

  D. Purposes of the Research

  The general purpose of the research is to know the degree of The Power of Two strategy that is suitable with class condition. The specific purposes of this research are:

  1. To identify the implementation of The Power of Two strategy to improve reading comprehension in recount text for the tenth grade students of MA Al-Manar Tengaran in academic year 2015/2016.

  2. To find out result of the study after using The Power of Two strategy in the students’ reading comprehension in recount text of the tenth grade students of MA Al-Manar Tengaran in the academic year 2015/2016.

  E. Benefits of the Research

  The result of the research can provide useful information for : 1.

  To the Teacher The result of this research will be useful for teachers as input in classroom management and provide innovative learning strategy to improve reading comprehension in recount text.

3. To the Readers or Other Researchers

  The use of The Power of Two strategy can be used as the references for those who want to conduct a research in improving reading recount text. Furthermore, for the next researcher who conduct The Power of Two strategy to improve reading recount text in other areas or scope.

F. Definiton of the Key Terms 1.

  The Power of Two The Power of Two means to combine the power of two people.

  Combining the power of two people in this case is form pair work. This activity is used to promote cooperative learning and reinforce the importance and benefit of synergy, that is, that two heads are indeed better than one (Ramayulis,2006:110).

2. Recount Text

  According to Knapp (2005:224) recount texts are the types of text which retell event or experience in the past. Commonly, recount text

G. Graduating Paper Organization

  The researcher wants to arrange the graduating in order to the reader can catch the content easily. It is divided into five paper chapter.

  Chapter I is an introduction. In this chapter, the researcher comes up to be background of the research, limitation of the research, problem of the research, purposes of research, benefits of the research, definition of the key terms, and also graduating paper organization.

  Chapter II is underlying theories. It consists of underlying theories that include reading comprehension and The Power of Two strategy Chapter III explains about research methodology, research setting, type of the research, research procedures, technique of collecting data, research instrument, and technique of data analysis.

  Chapter IV presents about the implementation and result of using The Power of Two strategy to improve the students’ reading comprehension of tenth grade of MA Al-Manar Tengaran. Chapter V is conclusions and suggestions. It consist all of data

CHAPTER II UNDERLYING THEORIES A. Previous Researcher There are many aspects of reading, sych as word recognition,

  comprehension and reflection. In this research, the researcher took three previous researches which support this research.

  The first previous research was written by Romli (2014) conducts resear ch about improving reading comprehension using “Story Mapping” method. The finding of Romli’s work shows improvement. The students’ reading comprehension after Story Mapping was implemented.

  The second previous research was written by Yuniarti (2013) cond ucts research about improving reading comprehension using “Know-

  Want- Learn” technique. The finding of Yuniarti’s work shows improvement. The students’ reading comprehension after Know – Want –

  Learn technique was implemented.

  The last previous research was written by Prihastuti (2013) conducts tenth grade students of MA Al-Manar Tengaran in the academic year of 2015/2016.

  This research is different from the previous research, because the researcher will use “The Power of Two” strategy to improve students’ reading comprehension in recount text.

B. Reading Comprehension 1. Reading a. Definition of Reading

  There are many definitions of reading presented by the experts. One of the definitions is given by Beene and Kopple (1992: 12). According to Beene and Kopple, reading is the process of finding meaning in written reconstructioncharacters or symbols and of interpreting and analyzing text. It can be assumed that reading is complement of writing

  Reading is process of matching information in a text to internally activated information. Thus, reading is not information

  Reading plays an important role in the individual development and the most important activity for the students. By reading activity, we can get more knowledge and much information. For language students, reading is a good thing to do as it provides apportunities to study language: vocabulary, grammar, puntuation, and the way to construct sentence, paragraph, and text at one (Harmer, 1998: 68)

  For the conclusion of the definitions above, it considers that reading is one of the four skills that should be mastered by the students beside speaking and listening. Moreover, comprehending text is sometimes difficult to be achieved by the reader. The reader need more than recalling information given in a text. Reading is the interaction of the text and the reader.

b. Purposes of Reading

  Accroding to Grabe (2009: 8-9), there are some purposes for comprehensive reading, such as:

  2) Reading to learn from text

  It happens in academic and professional contex, it also requires remembering the main idea and supporting idea making a relation with the reader’s knowledge. Reading to learn is usually carried out at a reading rate somewhat slower than general reading comprehension. This activity makes stronger inference because it is to help remember information.

  3) Reading to inegrate information, write and critique texts

  This skill needs critical information being read so that the reader can decide what information to integrate and how to integrate it for the reader’s goal. Both of reading to write and reading to critique texts may be task variants of reading to integrate information. Then, it involves abilities such as composing, selecting, and making critique from the material.

  4) Reading for general comprehension

  It can be done by fluent readers very fast and able to predict the purpose of the passage, the main topic or message, and possibly some of the developing or supporting ideas (Brown, 1994: 320). 2)

  Scanning It means quickly searching for some particular piece or piece of information in a text. The purpose of scanning is to extract certain specific information without reading through the whole text (Brown, 1994: 308).

  3) Intensive Reading

  It means reading activity that focuses to learn composition of the text which is the variants of the text depends of the purpose of the reader (Harmer, 2001: 210). 4)

  Extensive Reading Is carried out to achive a general understanding of a usually somewhat longer text (Brown, 1994: 313).

  In this research, the researcher implemented scanning as

  1) Reading is not passive skill. Reading is incredibly active occupation. To do it successfully, we have to understand what the words mean, see the pictures the words are painting, understand the arguments, and work out if we sgree with them.

  2) Students needs to be engaged with what they are reading. As with everything else in lessons, students who are engaged the reading text, not interested in what they are doing, are less likely to benefit from it.

  3) Students should be encouraged to respond to the content of a reading text, no just to the language. It is important to study reading text for the way they use language, the number of paragraph they contain and how many times they use relative clauses.

  4) Prediction is major factor in reading. When we read texts in our own language, we frequently have a good idea of the content before we actually read. the topic for discussion and futher tasks, using the language for study and later activation.

2. Reading Comprehension a. Definition of Reading Comprehension

  Before defining reading comprehension, it is better for the writer to define the meaning of comprehension itself. The definition of comprehension comes from (Smith, 1982; in Dubin et al,. 1986: 6) stated that comprehension means relating what we don’t know, or new information, to what we already know, which is not a random collection of fact but cognitive structure. Comprehension is the process of thoughtfully making meaning of a witten communication through the interaction of the reader’s prior knowledge, experiences, and expectations and the information available in the text

  Snow (2002: 11) stated that reading comprehension as the process of extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvment with written language.

b. Levels of Comprehension

  According to Hamra (2012: 3) reading comprehension devided into three levels, they are: 1)

  Literal reading This refers to the simple understanding of the information that explicitly stated in the text. The readers are expected to express the core message of the text. Some skills that are necessary for this level include following directions, remembering facts, recognizing skills the main ideas, and knowing the organization of the texts.

  2) Inferential Comprehension

  Refers to information that is implied, or not explicitly stated in the text. The readers are expected to integrate information and draw conclusion or inference, and they need to know not only what the writers write but also what they mean.

  Literal level of comprehension the most important information or ideas. Involves the reader making judgments about various aspects of the text. The literary quality of the text, and the competency of the author. This level of comprehension obviously relies on the text, but to an even greater extent, it requires the reader to make personal judgments about the text. In a sense, these are inferences also, but they are highly dependent on the individual and unique background of the reader.

  In this research, the researcher implemented literal reading to capture the information of the text explicitly. The readers quite capture the information contained literal (reading the lines) in reading text. The reader does not try to explore or capture further.

c. Reading Activities

  Reading activities that are meant to increase communicative competence should be success and build students confidence in their text or activate the wxiting knowledge that he students process to comprehend the process.

  According to Byrnes (2002) as quoted by Fauziati (2010: 41) pre-reading are most important at lower level of language proficiency and at ealier stages of reading instruction. As the students become more proficient at using reading strategies, we will be able to reduce the amount of guided pre-reading and allow the students to do thse activities themselves. 2)

  While- reading While- reading is used to monitor comprehension, to evaluate ideas gleaned from each paragraph, and to begin to organize ideas within the structure of the text as students are reading (Johnson, 2008: 128). In while-reading activities, the students check their comprehension as they read. The purpose for reading determines the appropriate type and level of comprehension. For example, when reading for specific

  In this research, the researcher choose post-reading as reading activity in the class. Post reading activities function as a closing mark for a reading class. The activities for post reading like answering questions to show comprehension of massages to mutiple choice or true/false questions.

d. Rubric Assessment of Reading Comprehension

  Rubric is an academic term which refers to performance standards that are designed for specific students (Marija, 2014: 1).

  Rubric make assessing student work quick and efficient and also rubric is teaching tools that support students learning. Rubric assessment for reading comprehension contains two indicators, there are: grammar and content. The criteria of assessment for reading as follow:

Table 2.1 The criteria of assessment for reading comprehension No Description Score

C. Recount Text

  There are some genre should be studied by senior high school one of them is recount text. Recount grammar and stucture is similar with narrative genre that retell past event. However, between them have different generic stucture.

1. Definition of Recount Text

  There are many text that have learned by students one of them recount text. Recount text is a reconstruction of something which happened in the past (Djuharie, 2007:44).

  Hyland (2004: 29) states that recount is a kind of genre that has social function to reconstruct past experience by retelling in original sequence. The tense that use in recount text is past tense.

  According to Anderson (2003: 48), recount text is a piece of text that retells past events, usually in the order in which they happened. The purpose of a recount text is to give the audience a description of what occured and when it occured.

  2. Generic stucture of recount text a.

  Orientation Provides the setting and produces participants. It provides information about (who, where, and when).


  Event Tell what happened, present event in temporal sequence. It is usually in chronological order. Personal comments and evaluative remaks, which are interpersed.


  Re –orientation Optional-closure of events. It is rounds off the sequence of events.

  3. Language Features of Recount text

  According to Mark and Kathy Anderson (2002: 50), the language features of recount text are: a.

  Proper noun to identify those involved in the text.


  Descriptive words to give details about who, what, when, where, and how.

  We arrived to Bali on Saturday. We stayed in the hotel. Bali was a really great place. The people were Descriptive


  friendly, the food was great, and the weather was a lot better than at home.

  Most days were pretty. At the first day, I swam


  two or three times in a day, but my brother (Niko) just

  Events Time

  spent all his time lying on the beach with his eyes closed. The next day, we got on the bus and went to the north of the island. It was much quieter there than

  Word Showing

  here very beautiful, but not tourist. Then, we went

  When across to the east coast to see some of the old villages.

  I learned Balinese. I couldn’t say much, but it was fun to try. Niko actually spoke it quite well, but he


  was afraid to open his mounth. So, I was the one who talked to people.

  The language feature of recount text of the passage above is to skillful way, and the skill of planning the movement of armies in a battle or war an example of doing this.

  According to Ahmadi and Prasetya (2005: 11), the term strategy orginally used in the military and it means as the art of tactics in war, especially related with the movement of army navigation in which position they feel the most advantage to get victorious. Today, the term strategy borrowed by many other sciences and it also educational science. Generally, strategy is a activity to achieve the determined goals. If this relates to learning and teaching, the strategy can mean as decscribing the teacher and students activity in teaching and learning to achive determined goal.

  Strategy are specific methods of approaching a problem or task, modes of operation for achieving a particular end, planned designed for controlling and manipulating certain information (Brown, 2000: 199)

  Based on the definition above, the researcher can summarize that learning strategy is a plan that contain a series of activities designes to

  According to Sanjaya (2008: 126), The Power of Two is combination of two people. In this case is form small groups, each group consist of two people. This activity was carried out in order to appear synergy. It is two or more person is better than one person.

  Siberman (2009: 151) states that The Power of Two included active learning. It is the right strategy to improve active learning which gives a task for students in a small group. Support each friend in the class in variety of opinion, knowladge, and their skill. It is made learning as something that important in class. The Power of Two strategy designed to maximize collaborative learning and minimize the gap between students to each other.

  According to Hisyam (2008: 52), the power of two strategy have principle that think two are far better than thingking own. Agus (2011: 100) states that the learning activity in this strategy started by the teachers’ questions. The students answer the teachers’ question themselves. After all of the students answer the question, the students achive basic competence. This activity is used to promote cooperative learning and to reinforce the importance and benefit of synergy, thart is, that two heads are better than one. Strategy the power of two is designed to maximize the learning collaborative and minimize the gap between students with the other students. So, this strategy has principle that thingking of two students is better than a lone (Djamarah, 2010: 395).

3. Procedure of The Power of Two Strategy

  According to Siberman (2009: 161), there are some steps considered important in the implementation of the power of two strategy in classroom: a.

  The teacher gives a students some question that need reflection and thought b.

  The teacher asks all of students to answer the questions individually.


  The students finish answer the teachers’ question, after that make a students in pair and ask them to share their answer with their partner a.

  The students are not depend to the teacher but can thinkself, find information from various sources, and learn from other students.


  To develop students’ ability to express or compare the idea with other.


  The students can cooperation with other and realize about their limitation and accept all of weakness.


  Make a students to be more responsible in carried out their task e. Increase the motivation and give support to think.


  Increase academic achievement and social skill.


  It is relatively quick and easy to organize h. Help classroom to become a more relaxed and friendly place. i.

  It recognizes the old maxim that ‘two heads are better than one’, and promoting the cooperation between students.

5. Disadvantages of the Power of Two Strategy

  Beside has advantages the power of two strategy has disadvantages, there are : d.

  The actual choice of paired partner can be problematic, especially if students frequently find themselves working with someone they are not keen on (Harmer, 2001:116-117).

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Setting of the Research The research was conducted at MA Al-Manar Tengaran in academic

  year of 2015/2016. The school is located at Jl KH Djalal Suyuthi, Bener Tengaran Semarang. The school has three grade of classes. Each grade is devided into two classes which named social and religious class.

  MA Al-Manar Tengaran uses curriculum regulated by education departemen of Indonesian goverment. The current curiculum is call KTSP

  (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) . The instructional process is

  conducted in six day from Monday to Saturday. The lesson started at 07.15 am and finish at 13.45 p.m except in Friday that finish the lesson at 11.00 a.m.

B. Subject of the Research

  enthusiastic learned about religion. The majority of them came from Salatiga and some of them from Lampung. They come from high and middle economy families and most of them have high motivation to study.

C. Time of the Research


  2016 to May 19


  in the academic year of 2015/2016. Table 3.1 shows the schedule of the research :

  Table. 3.1 Time Setting of the Research No Date and Time Activities Place

  1 January 8


  This research is conducted at XPK class of MA AL-Manar, May 16

  MA Al-Manar Tengaran

  2 April 8


  2016 Permit validator application MAN Tengaran

  3 April 12


  2016 Consultation of the MAN

  2016 Pre research : Interview to the teacher and observation of teaching learning process

D. Type of the Research

  This research is a kind of Classroom Action Research (CAR) that tries to solve the problems of classroom activity in the teaching and learning process. As starting point, it is necessary to present the definition of action research.

  According to Arikunto (2010:138), that classroom action research is formed from three words they are : a.

  Research : an action to get details form an object using certain way or methodology to get useful data or information in increasing the quality of something that attract the researcher interest and important for him/ her.


  Action : activity that intentionally done in certain aim, that has a form of cycle sequence activity to students.


  Class : a group of students in the some time and have the same lesson from their teacher. research has been employed in school-based curriculum development, professional development, school improvement. Then, Nunan (1992:229) stated that action research is a form of self- reflection inquiry carried out by practitioners, aimed at solving problems, improving practice, or enchancing understanding. It is often collborative.

  From the definition above, it can be summarized that action research is the syatematic study of effort to overcome educational or to change things related to educational problems for improvement. It is done by practitioners or teacher, or in collaboration of teacher and researcher by means of their own practical action.

E. Research Procedures

  The researcher followed model of classroom actio n research’s method by Arikunto (2010). The implementation of CAR are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. These stage can be draw as follow: 1.

  Planning Developing plan of action to identify the problems in order to proces of learning and teaching applied be appropiate to concept. about accurrences or behaviors that drawn will be happened (Arikunto, 2010:272).

4. Reflection

  Reflection is activities to restate what occurred (Arikunto, 2010:140). The result of the observation is analyzed. It is to record what happens that in observation. Then, thr researcher examinied the result of the acting that has been conducted. Through the reflection researcher was know the strength and weakness of implementing “the power of two” strategy in reading class. Beside that there is problem in the cycles

  I the researcher must solve the problem in the next cycles.

Figure 3.1 The model of action research based on (Arikunto, 2010:137)



Cycle I

  Reflaction implementation


Planning a.

  Cycle I The steps of the first cycle are explained bellow:

Table 3.2 The steps of the cycle I

  Planning a.

  Make some agreement with the teacher from MA Al-Manar that she will be a teacher.


  Preparing the material for teaching process like lesson plan and designing the step in doing the acting.


  Preparing list of students’ name and scoring.


  Preparing sheet for classroom observation (to know the students’ motivation of teaching process when method is applied).


  Preparing pre-test and post-test. Acting a.

  Greeting : introduction, call the name of students to fiilthe presence Obsevation a.

  Observing the students’s capability in understanding of the lesson.


  Observing the students’s attention and all the activities in the learning process.

  Reflection a.

  Analyzing the data of the cycle I.


  The researcher analyze the result of the cycle I.


  Make a conclusion of cycle I.


  Cycle II The step of the second cycle are explained bellow:

Table 3.3 The step of the cycle II

  Planning a.

  Preparing leson plan of cycle II b.

  Preparing the material for teaching c. Preparing list of students’ name and scoring d.

  Preparing the sheet of classroom observation d.

  The power of two startegy activities e. The teacher concludes the material related with explanation te lesson f.

  Giving post-test Observation a. Observing the students’s capability in understanding of the lesson b.

  Observing the students’ attention and all the activities in the learning process Reflection a.

  Analyzing the data of the cycle 2 b.

  The researcher make a conclusion after comparing the students’ s score between cycle

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