JUrnal Adi Suarman LEARNING METHOD OF Dewny



Department of Mathematics Education FKIP HKBP University Nommensen




  This research is a quasi experimental. Experimental design used is One-Group-pretest-


posttest. The population of this research are three classes, namely 135 Math students Prodi FKIP

  HKBP Nommensen University Medan. Subjects in this study were 30 students who obtained the engineering cluster random sampling in group B. The aim of this study was to determine whether the effectiveness of teaching methods John Dewey effective to improve mathematical problem solving student based mastery learning, activity learning process and increase ability to learn student. In the early stages before it is treated, first performed a pretest. The average value was 61.36 pretest there are 12 students who completed the study and 18 did not thoroughly studied classical completeness of the obtained percentage of students reaching 40% and a standard deviation of 10.84 , With L count <L table is 0.138 <0.161. Thus, the data pretest normal distribution. The average value of the results of observations in the experimental class 64.83 and count table the results of the analysis of the experimental class observation data obtained L = 0.091 L = count table

  0.161 or L < L thus concluded the experimental classroom observation data are normally distributed. From observations obtained very high activeness 13 students, 10 students and 7 students high activeness activeness being. The average value 77.65 posttest there are 25 students who completed the study while 5 students do not complete with standard deviation of count table count table 13.28. L = 0.112 L = 0.161 for L <L then the data posttest normal distribution. t

  Therefore, the normal distribution of data followed by the T test. From the T test obtained = table t> table 19.39 , T = 2.045 for t then there increase learning ability of students to use learning methods John Dewey. So it can be concluded that John Dewey effective teaching methods to improve student math problem solving ability.

  Keywords: John Dewey Learning Method, Problem Solving Ability.


  Education is a process of human change in Indonesia at least use the four basic from not knowing to knowing, from can not strategies, namely: 1) Equity memproleh be able to, from not understanding come to opportunity for education. 2) Relevansi.3) understand so that they can become Quality Improvement. 4) Efficiency. In qualified human potential. Development in general, this strategy, can be divided into the field of education is an attempt to realize two dimensions, namely improving the the human resource master of science and quality and equity of technology. The development of education education. Development of quality efficiency, effectiveness and productivity of as poor quality of educators or teachers, lack education. Educational equity is expected to of facilities and infrastructure, lack of provide equal opportunity in education for relevance of the curriculum are made by the all age memproleh school (Soekidjo, 2003). government, especially for remote areas or

  The understanding of education rural areas, less concerned for otangtua according to Law No. 20 Year 2003, namely students towards their children's education Education is a conscious and deliberate especially in rural areas, students' lack of effort to create an atmosphere of learning motivation to learn, the adverse effects of an and the learning process so that students are electronic device such as a TV and a Play actively developing the potential for him to Station or game (Nurhayati, 2010). have the spiritual power of religion, self- Education needs to get the attention of control, personality, intelligence, noble government, society and the family as a character, and skills needed him the people form of shared responsibility in the of the nation and the state. While management of education. Therefore there understanding the education experts say that are some things that can be done by the Soekidjo (2003: 16) explains that education government for improved its quality of in general is all the effort planned to education according to the Hadith and influence other individuals, groups, or Nurhayati (2010: 3), namely: communities so that they do what is

  1. Learning curriculum expected by the educational actors. John change. Curriculum is the basis or Dewey mengemukaan that education is a schedule teacher education will be taught process of renewal of the meaning of the to students. This curriculum change must experience, this may occur in regular be carefully considered so that teachers association or association of adults with and students can carry it out properly. young people, may also occur accidentally

  2. Improving the quality of and instituted to generate social teachers. Increased teacher can be done sustainability. by selecting teacher educators before they

  The education process is done certainly teach at a school. With the proper has a purpose and the purpose of education selection is expected teacher really is a is often very general nature, like a good power option that can guide students human being, responsible, devoted to God well. Almighty, serve the community, state and

  3. School Operational Assistance nation.But in fact the purpose of education (BOS). In essence, government assistance to improve the quality of education in is designed to help schools that can not appropriate education of students.

  4. Infrastructures advanced education and decent. When education in our country want to advance the infrastructure of the education should be improved better.

  5. Equitable Education. Education is not just for those in remote areas in the city but also should get a decent education. Actually a lot of work done by the government to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, in particular the quality of mathematics education in schools, but the work done by the government not show satisfactory results, both in terms of the learning process and the results of student learning achievement.

  Learning is a process attempts to obtain a person's behavior changes bari overall, as a result of his own experience in the interaction in the environment (Slameto, 2013: 2). In other words, learning as a vital need for the rapid progress of science and technology that lead to various changes that swept all aspects of life and human livelihood. A person is said to have learned, in the event of certain changes, for example from typing can not be able to type. Not all the changes that occur in a person due to learning. For example, a child may not be able to face down on his stomach, on can not stand being able to stand.

  Mathematics is one of the subjects that must be followed by students ranging from primary school to secondary school level and even get to college because mathematics can improve the knowledge of students in logical thinking, rational, critical, accurate, effective, efficient. So can we say that learning mathematics is the process of student learning experience through a series of activities are planned so that students acquire competency in mathematics learned material. One of the components that determine the achievement of competence is the use of mathematical methods in accordance with the topic being discussed, the level of intellectual development of students, principles and theories of learning, involvement of students actively, relevance to students' lives everyday, development and understanding of mathematical reasoning (Situmorang, US 2014).

  The role of mathematics are very important in education because mathematics is used extensively in all areas of human life that is needed in everyday life. There are many reasons the importance of mathematics, as according to Cockroft (in Abdurrahman 2009: 253) also says that because: 1. Always used in life.

  2. All fields of study require keteramilan maematika accordingly.

  3. Is a powerful means of communication, concise and clear.

  4. Can be used to present information in a variety of ways.

  5. Menungkatkan kemamuan berikir logical, accuracy, and spatial awareness.

  6. Provide satisfaction terhada effort to solve challenging problems.

  In reality the role of mathematics to improve the ability of students is still low. Low ability of students due to the low interest of students to learn mathematics. Students always assume that the math is one of the lessons is quite difficult, unpleasant, boring for students who are not interest in studying mathematics and students' fear of math teachers, especially students always assume that the math teacher is cruel or killer, rarely appear teach face smile. So that students feel very happy if the teachers do not enter teaching mathematics. Actually, many factors that lead to mathematical considered difficult subjects, among which are the characteristics of abstract mathematical, logical, systematic, and full of symbols and formulas are confusing. In addition, some students do not like maths because full count and poor communication.

  Given the important role of mathematics, mathematics education. Efforts that have been made include holding Subject Teachers Council (MGMP), seminars, teacher training, curriculum improvement and others. But these efforts have not provided satisfactory results, because when seen in the field of mathematics learning outcomes are still low when compared with the results of studying other subjects. Ministry of Education (2003: 1) formulate that the purpose of learning math is as follows:

  1. Train the way of thinking and reasoning in drawing conclusions.

  2. Develop creative activities that involve imagination, intuition, and discovery by developing divergent thinking, original, curiosity, make predictions and conjecture and try.

  3. Develop the ability to deliver information or communicate ideas.

  Achievement of these objectives are described in the form of basic competencies such as knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the habit of thinking and acting. To assist students in mastering mathematics, need the maximum effort that mathematics learning objectives can be achieved as expected. One that can be done in mathematics learning is the teacher should be able to choose and use appropriate learning methods, so that students can understand mathematical concepts well and is able to develop problem-solving abilities of the mathematical concepts. Ministry of National Education Center (2008: 909) dikemukaan that "The ability is the ability". The ability of a person's ability to perform the activity. Every person has different abilities both in receiving, considering and using something that receives. Students may also differ in how to receive, organize the approach to learning situations and connecting experiences about learning and how they respond to the teaching method.

  In appendix Minister of National Education Ministerial Regulation No.20 of 2006 on standard content, mentioned that the aim of learning mathematics so that students have the following capabilities:

  1. Understand mathematical concepts, explain the link between concept and apply the concepts, accurate, efficient and precise in troubleshooting.

  2. Using reasoning on the pattern and nature, perform mathematical manipulation in making genralisasi or explain mathematical ideas and statements.

  3. Traffic solve problems that include understanding the problem, designing a mathematical model, solve the model and interpret the obtained solution.

  4. Communicate ideas with symbols, tables, diagrams, or other media to clarify the situation or problem.

  5. Have respect for the usefulness of mathematics in life, which has the tenacious attitude and confidence in solving problems.

  Whereas in the Great Dictionary of Indonesian, the problem is defined as something that must be resolved. An issue typically includes situations that encourage someone to finish it but do not know directly what to do to solve them. Then the issue is something that must be completed sesorang situation of individuals or groups, but individuals or groups do not know directly what to do to solve them.

  Problem solving is a basic ability to be possessed by the students. Problem solving ability become one of the competencies that must be developed students on certain materials. The importance of problem- solving skills by students in mathematics is confirmed also by Branca (Mahuda, 2012: 12) as:

  1. Problem solving ability is a common goal of teaching mathematics.

  2. Solving problems that include methods, procedures and strategies are core processes and major in mathematics curriculum.

  3. Problem solving is a basic ability to learn mathematics.

  SUMARMO (Febianti, 2012: 14) suggests indicators of solving the problem as follows: 1) Identify the elements that are known, were asked, and the adequacy of the to develop a mathematical model. and formulas. 3) Implement strategies to solve a variety

  d. Check back for all the measures that of problems (a kind and a new issue) have been undertaken. At this stage, the within or outside mathematics. students are expected to seek to re-check

  4) Explain or interpret the results as the carefully every stage he has done. Thus, initial problem. mistakes and errors in the resolution of 5) Using mathematical significantly. problems can be found.

  According to Polya (Suherman, 2003: The more the students can solve any 91), the solution contains about four-step mathematical problem, then students will be problem-solving phase of completion, rich in variations in solving math problems namely: in any form. This type of problem in

  a. Understanding the problems. This step mathematics there are four, namely: is very important as the initial stage of

  1. The translation issues are problems the problem solving so that students can related to everyday activities. easily find a solution to the problem

  2. Applications issue is a matter of posed. Students are expected to applying a concept, a mathematical understand the question or problem formula in a math problem. conditions which include: identify

  3. Process problems / pattern is a problems, analyze problems, and pattern that has a problem, the provisions translates the information known and in REMEDY. asked the questions.

  4. Puzzle problem is a matter that is or

  b. Planned completion. This planning can be a guessing game but still refers to issues important to do because at the the concept in mathematics. time the student is able to create a Thus the problem-solving ability is the relationship of data to known and ability of individuals to use their knowledge, unknown, students can finish of the skills and understanding in finding a knowledge that has been acquired settlement of the problem based on the data previously. and information that is accurate, so it can be c. Solve the problem according to concluded that the proper and careful. plan. This calculation step is important Teachers as one of the people who because at this stage students' pursue a field of science has a role in understanding of the problem can be improving student learning outcomes so that seen. At this stage students have been teachers need to be vigilant in ready to do calculations with all kinds of menyampaiakn a subject matter, the teacher develop learning topics thus increasing mathematical understanding and creativity of the students (Doerr and Thompson in Rajagukguk waminton, 20 07). This is in accordance with what is stated by Slameto (200 7), ie, g uru plays an important role in improving the quality of students in learning mathematics and teachers have to really pay attention, thinking and simultaneously planning a learning process that is of interest to students, so that students interested and the spirit of learning and want to be involved in the learning process, so teaching becomes effective.

  In an effort to improve the quality of education, the necessary breakthroughs, both in curriculum development, instructional innovation, and fulfillment of educational facilities so that students interested and challenged to learn to find the basic concept of a science based on the hypothesis itself. This learning process will be more memorable and meaningful so that the basic concept of this science will not quickly disappear. In order for a meaningful learning will require an understanding of the concept in order to connect between one concept with another concept (Dahar, 1989).

  Thus teachers can use teaching methods John Dewey. By using John Dewey students will participate actively with the concepts and principles to gain experience and experiments that allow them to discover the material presented , With the implementation of learning by using teaching methods of John Dewey in the learning activities, the expected ability to solve problems in mathematics students will be better.

  John Dewey was one of the figures offer an American education on the pattern of participatory education. Which aims to empower learners in the course of the educational process. Participatory education will bring learners to be able to deal directly with the realities that exist in the environment. Thus, learners can integrate the material that he had learned in the classroom with reality.

  The learning method John Dewey argued that learning depends on the experience and interests of students. The experience and knowledge gained through the process of sensing which will then be entered into memory and arranged in cognitive structure. In the next stage of experience and knowledge that has been arranged in such cognitive psychomotor will work for problem solving for students.

  This method occurs when students apply and experience what is being taught with reference to real-world problems related to their roles and responsibilities as family members, citizens, students and labor.

  The steps of John Dewey's teaching methods are: 1) Teacher creates a learning environment order to be ready to learn and membelajarkan. 3) Students discuss the problems set by the teacher. 4) Students present the results of focus group discussions and other students respond. 5) Through a question and answer teachers and students discuss ways of solving problems appropriately. 6) Teachers conduct an evaluation and reflection by asking the students about things that are not yet understood then make conclusions and assess the results of the task group of students. This learning process is the student activities conducted jointly in a situation of real experience, good experience in the tasks performed everyday life and experiences in the process of learning activities.

  This method emphasizes cooperation to achieve common goals. With the cooperation of the students can avail themselves of excess and surplus other students to achieve greater goals. From the steps of the methods described above, this method has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of this method are:

  1. Students may feel that his own learning, because students are given greater opportunities to collaborate / participate in the group.

  2. Have a stronger motivation to atmosphere in learning so that it will be dialogue and discussion for mutual learning among students membelajarkan.

  4. Can broaden the mind and knowledge for teachers because something is experienced and delivered the student may not be known in advance by the teacher. The downside of this method is: 1. Takes a relatively longer.

  2. Learning tends to be dominated by students who could or often speak, so that other students more following the path of the minds of students who love to talk.

  3. Talks may deviate from the direction of learning that has been designated.


  This research is a quasi experimental. Experimental design used is One-Group-pretest-posttest. The population of this research are three classes, namely 135 Math students Prodi FKIP HKBP Nommensen University Medan. Subjects in this study were 30 students who obtained the engineering cluster random sampling in

  group B. The aim of this study was to

  determine whether the effectiveness of teaching methods John Dewey effective to improve mathematical problem solving student based mastery learning, activity learning process and increase ability to learn students. The research design is visually described as follows:


  Group Pre-Test Treatment Post-Test Experiment O 1 X O 2 Description: X = Treatment or treatment.

  O 1 = Pre-test O 2 = Post-test

  Data processing begins by testing the statistical requirements necessary as a basis for hypothesis testing, among others, normality and homogeneity test, t-test is then performed, with the formula: t b = the above formula is used to test the hypothesis that adapted to the problem, in which the hypothesis is as follows. Ho : No increase learning ability of students to use learning methods John

  Dewey. Ha : There is an increase in learning ability of students to use learning methods John

  Dewey. By Criteria Testing: Accept Ho if t count <t Table Thank Ha, if t count> t table

  The pretest total of 30 the number of samples is 1840.7 while the lowest individual score of 46.6, and the highest 80 and the average value of 61.36 with a standard deviation of 10.84. Through normality test pretest obtained count value L <L table ie 0.138 <0.161 with a = 5%, n = 30. Thus, the data pretest normal distribution.

  Dewey. The overall value of this method is the observation in 1945 with the lowest score 30, top 95 and an average of 64.83. L obtained through the normality test count =

  0.091 n = 30 and the real level of a = 5% L can table = 0.161 because L count <L table then concluded that the class that uses learning methods John Dewey normal distribution. From this learning process there is a very high activeness 13 students, 10 students and 7 students high activeness activeness being.

  Through normality test posttest obtained L count = 0.112 with n = 30 and the real level of a = 5% L can table = 0.161 because

  L count <L table then the data posttest normal distribution. Of normality test pretest and posttest normal distribution so that the analysis can be continued by using one-way ANOVA analysis to tell whether or not an increase in learning ability. Based on t test obtained t = 19.39 with a significant level of 5%, df (N - 1) = 29, then t table = 2.045 for t > t table so there increase learning ability of students to use learning methods John

  Dewey.Dari results of the discussion above it can be concluded that John Dewey effective learning method to improve problem solving skills.


  Posttest value of the overall sample, found a finding that the total nilaipostest is 2329.6 while the lowest individual score of 55.5 and 97.7 the highest average of 77.65 with a standard deviation of Depdiknas.2006.permendiknas nomor 22

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