1446T - Algorithm and Programming

  Course Outline 1446T - Algorithm and Programming

  ` Study Program Computer Science

  Effective Date: 01 February 2016 Revision 1

  1. Course Description

  This course comprises the fundamental approach and programming concept. The fundamental approach includes the basic programming concept and techniques before object and classes. To build the foundation of the programming concept, the students should be learnt about the basic logic and fundamental techniques as data types, basic class, arithmetic operations, loops, array methods, etc. The course will give the basic knowledge how to construct an effective algorithm and a strong understanding about the programming structure in advance of applying the object oriented concept.

  2. Graduate Competency

  Each Course in the study program contributes to the graduate competencies that are divided into employability and entrepreneurial skills and study program specific outcomes, in which students need to have demonstrated by the time they complete their course. BINUS University employability and entrepreneurial skills consist of planning and organizing, problem solving and decision-making, self management, team work, communication, and initiative and enterprise.

  2.1. Study Program Specific Outcomes Study Program Specific Outcomes

  [SPSO skill and capability 1] [SPSO skill and capability 2] etc

  2.2. Employability and Entrepreneurial Skills Aspect Key Behaviour

  [EES Aspect 1] [EES skill and capability 1] [EES Aspect 2] [EES skill and capability 2] etc etc

  3. Topics

   Introduction to Algorithm and Java Programming  Data Type, Wrapper Class and Input/ Output

   Arithmetic, Logic and Relational Operations  Selection Statement

   Iteration Statement and Jump Operations  Single and Two-Dimensional Arrays

   Methods and Exception Handling  Generic Types, ArrayList dan Vector  Sorting  Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Concept

  4. Learning Outcomes

   LO1: Describe the algorithm in problem solving

   LO2: Explain the usefulness of java syntax  LO3: Demonstrate the algorithm using Java syntax

   LO4: Choose the best sorting in problem solving  LO5: Summarize the object oriented concept

5. Textbooks and Other Resources

5.1. Textbooks 1. Y. Daniel Liang,. (2011). Introduction to java programming: comprehensive version.


International edition. 08. Pearson Education. New Jersey. ISBN: 9780132472753.

  The book in the first list is a must to have for each student.

5.2. Other Resources

  1. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html 2. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/accesscontrol.html 3. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/String.html 4. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/arrays.html 5.

  6. Lesley Anne Robertson, 2006, Simple program design : a step by step approach, Vol.05, Course Technology.

6. Schedule


  Session/ Mode Related LO Topics References

  01 Online LO 1 LO 2

  Introduction to Algorithm and Java Programming

  • Daniel Liang, Y., 2011,
    • Algorithm and the characteristic
    • Programming language
    • Six basic operation
    • Expression of algorithm

  • Lesley Anne Robertson, 2006,
    • Introduction to Java • Java language specification and
    • Java Edition, JRE and JDK
    • Creating, compiling, and executing
    • Simple Java program

  • Identifiers and Variables - Assignment Statement and
  • Comment and reserved Words - Separators/Punctuations
  • Data type
  • Numeric data type and numeric casting
  • Character data type and character casting
  • String types and Boolean Variables - ASCII and escape sequence
  • Input using Scanner class
  • Output format
  • Wrapper class and the conversion methods
  • Methods in String

  Simple program design : a step by step approach, Vol.05,

  Course Technology. Chapter 1 and 2.

  02 Online LO 1 LO 2 LO 3

  Data Type, Wrapper Class and Input/ Output


  Daniel Liang, Y., 2011, Introduction

  to java programming, vol.08, Pearson Education, New Jersey.

  Chapter 2, 3, 8.


  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/ api/java/lang/String.html

  Introduction to java programming, vol.08, Pearson


  (Pseudocode and Flowchart)

  Education, New Jersey. Chapter 1.

  • Math class
  • Math methods
  • Numeric operators
  • Shorthand operators
  • Increment and decrement operators
  • Assignment statement and operators
  • Arithmetic expression
  • Relational operators and operations
  • Logical operators and operations
  • Truth table
  • Selection statement
  • One-way if statement
  • Two-way if statement
  • Nested if statement
  • Common errors in selection statements
  • Switch statements
  • Conditional expressions

  to java programming, vol.08, Pearson Education, New Jersey.

  to java programming, vol.08, Pearson Education, New Jersey.

  Daniel Liang, Y., 2011, Introduction

  Methods and Exception Handling

  07 Online LO 1 LO 2 LO 3

  Chapter 6. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/ java/nutsandbolts/arrays.html

  to java programming, vol.08, Pearson Education, New Jersey.

  Dimensional Array

  Single and Two-Dimensional Arrays

  06 Online LO 1 LO 2 LO 3

  Chapter 4.

  Daniel Liang, Y., 2011, Introduction

  • Iteration statement
  • The while Loop - Loop design strategies
  • The do-while Loop - While vs do-while Loop - The for Loop - Nested Loops - Break and continue Operations - Break and continue Operations in
  • break and continue labels
  • Array definition
  • Array declaration
  • Creating an Array - Array initialization
  • Array Duplication - Two dimensional array
  • Declaring and Creating Two-
  • Initializing Two-Dimensional Array - foreach Loop Daniel Liang, Y., 2011, Introduction
  • Method definition
  • Method declaration
  • Calling a method
  • Scope of variables
  • Passing by value
  • Passing Arrays (passing by references)
  • Return Arrays - Overloading method
  • Exception definition
  • Exception Handling overview
  • Runtime Exception types
  • throwing exceptions
  • catching exceptions

  Nested Loops

  Iteration Statement and Jump Operations

  05 Online LO 1 LO 2 LO 3

  Chapter 3.

  to java programming, vol.08, Pearson Education, New Jersey.

  Chapter 2, 3. Online LO 2 LO 3

  to java programming, vol.08, Pearson Education, New Jersey.

  Daniel Liang, Y., 2011, Introduction

  Arithmetic, Logic and Relational Operations

  03 Online LO 1 LO 2 LO 3

  Session/ Mode Related LO Topics References

  Chapter 5, 18.

  • introduction to Generic types
  • introduction to list data structure
  • ArrayList Class - Vector Class - ArrayList vs Vector Classes Daniel Liang, Y., 2011, Introduction
  • Sorting definition
  • Bubble sort
  • Selection sort
  • Insertion sort
  • Merge sort
  • Introduction to OOP
  • Class and Object concept
  • Method concept
  • Encapsulation concept
  • Inheritance concept
  • Polymorphism concept

  Personal Assignment 30% x x x x x Team Assignment 20% x x x x Final exam 30% x x x x x






  6 Discussion Forum Activity 20%

  8. Class Policies


  Some policies and requirements of the course:

  Onsite Class Online Class

   Student must attend class, and participate in classroom discussions

   The ringing, beeping, buzzing of cell phones, watches, and/or pagers during class time are extremely rude and disruptive to your fellow students and to the class flow. Please turn all cell phones, watches, and pagers off or change into silent mode prior to the start of class.

   Student must active in classroom discussion forum, responding to lecturer’s questions and discussing with classmates  Student must active in team room, especially discussing team assignment

   Student must read learning material and other references before class, reading/case will be distributed before class, team/group and group discussion/presentation will be notified before class

   Student must complete and submit all personal assignment and team assignment  Do not rely on handout distributed by lecturer, student can use other references



  Session/ Mode Related LO Topics References

  to java programming, vol.08, Pearson Education, New Jersey.

  08 Online LO 3 LO 5

  Generic Types, ArrayList dan Vector

  to java programming, vol.08, Pearson Education, New Jersey.

  Chapter 21. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/ java/nutsandbolts/arrays.html

  09 Online LO 4 Sorting

  Daniel Liang, Y., 2011, Introduction

  Chapter 26.


  10 LO 5 Introduction to Object Oriented

  Daniel Liang, Y., 2011, Introduction Pearson Education, New Jersey.

  Chapter 7, 9, 10.


  7. Evaluation Assessment Activity Weight Learning Outcomes Employability & Entrepreneurial Skills



   Achieve a satisfactory average grade on assignments and examinations.  Penalty for cheating and plagiarism will be extremely severe. If you are not sure about certain activities, consult the instructor. Standard academic honesty procedure will be followed and active cheating and plagiarism automatically results FAIL in the final grade.

  9. Submission and Collection of Assignment

   All assignments must be typed not hand-written and must be submitted with your name and student ID typed on coverpage.

   Assignment is due exactly at the prescribed time. Late assignments will be accepted, but 20% penalty will apply for each day of lateness, unless approved in advance.  Any questions or complaints regarding the grading of an assignment or report must be raised within one week after the score or the grade assignment is available (not when you pick it up).  All assignments and reports should be your original work/concept.

  10. General Information Students are required to be familiar with the Bina Nusantara University, and abode by its terms and conditions. Copying of Copyright Material by Student

  A condition of acceptance as a student is the obligation to abide by the University’s policy on the copying of copyright material. This obligation covers photocopying of any material using the University’s photocopying machines, the recording off air, and making subsequent copies, of radio or television broadcasts, and photocopying textbooks. Students who flagrantly disregard University policy and copyright requirements will be liable to disciplinary action under the Code of Conduct.

  Academic Misconduct

  Please refer to the Code of Conduct for definitions and penalties for Academic Misconduct, plagiarism, collusion, and other specific acts of academic dishonesty. Academic honesty is crucial to a student's credibility and self-esteem, and ultimately reflects the values and morals of the University as a whole. A student may work together with one or a group of students discussing assignment content, identifying relevant references, and debating issues relevant to the subject. Academic investigation is not limited to the views and opinions of one individual, but is built by forming opinion based on past and present work in the field. It is legitimate and appropriate to synthesize the work of others, provided that such work is clearly and accurately referenced. Plagiarism occurs when the work (including such things as text, figures, ideas, or conceptual structure, whether verbatim or not) created by another person or persons is used and pres ented as one’s own creation, unless the source of each quotation or piece of borrowed material is acknowledged with an appropriate citation. Encouraging or assisting another person to commit plagiarism is a form of improper collusion and may attract the same penalties. To prevent Academic Misconduct occurring, students are expected to familiarize themselves with the University policy, the Subject Outline statements, and specific assignment guidelines. Students should also seek advice from Subject Leaders on acceptable academic conduct.

   Guidelines to Avoid Plagiarism

   Whenever you copy more than a few words from any source, you must acknowledge that source by putting the quote in quotation marks and providing the name of the author. Full details must be provided in your bibliography.

   If you copy a diagram, statistical table, map, etc., you must acknowledge the source. The recommended way is to show this under the diagram. If you quote any statistics in your text, the source should be acknowledged. Again full details must be provided in your bibliography.  Whenever you use the ideas of any other author you should acknowledge those, using the APA (American Psychological Association) style of referencing.  Students are encouraged to co-operate, but collusion is a form of cheating. Students may use any sources

  (acknowledged of course) other than the assignments of fellow students. Unless your Subject Leader informs you otherwise, the following guideline should be used:  Students may work together in obtaining references, discussing the content of the references and discussing the assignment, but when they write, they must write alone.

   Referencing for Written Work

  Referencing is necessary to acknowledge others' ideas, avoid plagiarism, and allow readers to access those others’ ideas. Referencing should:

  1. Acknowledge others' ideas;

  2. Allow readers to find the source;

  3. Be consistent in format and 4. Acknowledge the source of the referencing format. To attain these qualities, the school recommends use of the Harvard or American Psychological Association style of referencing, both of which use the author/date.

  Prepared by Checked by

  D4985 - Novita Hanafiah, S. Kom. M.Sc Subject Matter Expert D4572 - Meiliana, S. Kom., M.Sc Subject Content Coordinator

  Approved by Acknowledged by D2923 - Yen Lina Prasetyo, S. Kom, M. CompSc.

  Head of Computer Science Program D1886 – Viany Utami Tjhin, S.Kom., M.M., M.Com(IS) AcademicAnd Product Development Manager Binus Online Learning