Information System Development and Programming Languages

  Information System Development What is an information system (IS) ?


What are the phases of the system development cycle ?

Phase 2. Analysis

  What are guidelines for system development? Who participates in the system

  What is a systems analyst ?

  What is the project team ?

  What is project management ?

  • Process of planning, scheduling, and controlling activities

  What is a Gantt chart?

  • Popular tool used to plan and schedule time relationships

  What is feasibility ? Operational

  feasibility What is a Gantt chart?

  • Popular tool used to plan and schedule time relationships

  What is documentation ?

  What are six data and information gathering techniques?

  • Review documentation
What are some reasons to create or modify an information system?

  What is a request for system services?

  • Formal request for

  What is the planning phase ?

  Begins when steering committee receives project request What is the analysis phase ?

  What is the preliminary investigation ?

  • Determine exact nature of problem or improvement and

  What is detailed analysis? What is the

  system proposal ? Assesses Assesses feasibility

  What are possible solutions? Horizontal market software—meets needs

  Horizontal market of many companies software —meets needs of many companies What is the design phase ?

  What is needed to acquire new hardware and software? What are three basic documents used to summarize technical specifications?

  What is a value-added reseller (VAR) ?

  • Complete system provided by value-added reseller

  How do systems analysts test software products?

  • References from vendor

  What is a detailed design?

  What is a mockup?

  • Sample of input or output that contains actual data

  What is a layout chart?

  • Input or output that contains programming-like notations for

  What is a prototype ? What is computer-aided software engineering (CASE) ?

  • Software tools designed to support activities of system

  What is the implementation phase ?

  • Purpose is to construct, or build, new or modified system and
What are the four types of tests performed by system developers?

  What is training ?

  • Showing users exactly how they will use new hardware

  What are conversion strategies?

  • Used to change from old system to new system


What is the operation, support, and security phase ?

  • Provides ongoing assistance after system is implemented

  What is a computer security plan ?

  • Summarizes in writing all of the safeguards that are in place to

  What is a computer program ?

  • Set of instructions that directs computer to perform tasks

  What are low-level languages and high-level languages?

  What is machine language ?

  • Only language computer

  What is assembly language ?

  • Instructions made up of

  What is a procedural language ? What is a compiler ?

  • Program that

  What is an interpreter ?

  • Program that

  What is COBOL ?

  • Designed for business applications

  What is C ?

  • Powerful language originally designed to write system


What is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language ?

  What is Java ?

  • Developed by Sun

  What is C++ ?

  • Includes all elements of C, plus additional features

  What is Visual Studio ? Comprised of Visual Basic .NET is set of technologies that allows program to run on Internet , Visual C++ , Visual C# , and Visual J#

  What is Delphi ?

  • Powerful visual programming tool

  What is a visual programming language ?

  What is RPG (Report Program Generator)?

  • Used for generating reports, performing computations, and

  What is a fourth-generation language (

  4GL ) ?

Nonprocedural language that allows access to data in database

  • Popular 4GL is SQL , query language that allows users to manage

  What are other available programming languages?

  What is an application generator ?

  • specification

  Program that creates source code or machine code from What is HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)?

  • Used to create Web pages

  What is a scripting language?

  • Typically easy to learn and use

  What is dynamic HTML (DHTML) ?

  • Allows developers to
What are


  XML , and WML ?


  XHTML What is Ajax ?

  • Method of creating interactive Web applications designed to

  Stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML What is Ruby on Rails (RoR)?

  • Open source framework that provides technologies for developing

  Also called Rails What is Web page authoring software ?

  • Creates sophisticated Web pages without using HTML

  What is multimedia authoring software ?

  • animation, audio, and

  Combines text, graphics, What is the program development cycle ?

  • Steps programmers use to build computer programs

  What is a sequence control structure ?

  • Control structure that shows actions following each other in

  What is a selection control structure ?

  Tells program which

What is a case control structure?

  • Yields one of three or more possibilities

  What is a repetition control structure ?

  • Enables program to perform one or more actions repeatedly