A Thesis
Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement
for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra


Handrian Nofry Emardos Sigalingging
Registration Number. 209220016


This thesis is aimed at fulfilling one of the requirements for the degree of
Sarjana Sastra at the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State
University of Medan.

Praise the Lord, the Almighty and the Merciful Lord, Jesus Christ, for
amazing love, blessing and strength to the writer in finishing this thesis.
The writer realized that this thesis could not have been accomplished
without the guidance; suggestions, comments and encouragement also help from
several people. Therefore, the writer would like to extend her special gratitude to:
1. Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M. Si., the Rector of State
University of Medan.
2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M. Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages
and Arts, State University of Medan.
3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M. Pd., the Head of English Department,
Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.
4. Rika, S.Pd., M. Hum., the secretary of English Department, Faculty
of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.
5. Dra. Meisuri, M. A., the Head of Study Program of English
Literature, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.
6. Drs. Lidiman Sahat Martua Sinaga, M. Hum., Thesis Consultant
who had given his valuable suggestions, advice, motivation, guidance
and precious time in completing and correcting this thesis.
7. Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M. Pd., Dra. Meisuri, M. A., Dr. Sri
Minda Murni, M. S., Thesis Advisers who had given valuable

suggestions, advice, and precious time in correcting this thesis.
8. Beloved parents, Tanto Sigalingging and Lasmaria Pasaribu, angels
who always give everlasting affection, support, and prayer. Handsome
brother Irson Permadi Surya Sigalingging and two beautiful sisters
Yoviananda Permatasari Sigalingging and Shinta Dewi Anggraini
Sigalingging for love, supports, and prayers.
9. Comrades in English Literature ‘09 class A and B for all
togetherness and supports.
10. Mam Euis for favors and suggestions.

There are still a lot of people that the writer wants to thank for, it is only
the matter of space in the paper and the rules that make the writer can not typed

their name one by one. At last but not at least thanks for all the love. Finally, there
is no rose without thorn.

April 2014
The writer

Handrian Sigalingging
Reg.No. 209220016



Sigalingging, Handrian Nofry Emardos. 209220016. Conversational Implicature
in Inception Movie Dialogue. A Thesis. The Faculty of Languange and Art
(FBS). State University of Medan (UNIMED). Medan. 2014.
This study dealt with Conversational Implicature in Inception Movie Dialogue. The
objectives of this study were to find out the most dominant types of Conversational
Implicature and the meaning of each implicature. This research on this thesis was
conducted by using qualitative descriptive design. The data were taken from
Inception movie script that was released in 2010. The data were analyzed and
classified into two types of conversational implicature in the procedures namely
Generalized Conversational Implicature and Particularized Conversational
Implicature. There were 36 conversational implicatures occured in the characters
dialogue from Inception movie. The findings indicated that there were Generalized

Conversational Implicature 21 (58,33%) and Particularized Conversational
Implicature 15 (41,67%). Generalized Conversational Implicature as the most
dominant type of conversational implicature was used in Inception movie, it means
that most of the dialogue could be drawn from linguistic feature and general fact
without considering the context.
Keywords: Conversational implicature, Generalized conversational implicature,
Particularized conversational implicature



ABSTRACT ........................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................ iv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.......................................................... 1
A. The Background of the Study ..................................................... 1
B. Problems of the Study ................................................................ 5
C. The Scope of the Study ............................................................... 5
D. The Objective of the Study ......................................................... 5

E. The Significance of the Study ..................................................... 6
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ..................................... 7
A. Conversational Implicature ......................................................... 7

Generalized Conversational Implicature .............................. 11


Particularized Conversational Implicature ........................... 13

B. Inception ...................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ............................................. 19
A. Research Design .......................................................................... 19
B. Source of Data ............................................................................. 19
C. Technique of Collecting Data ..................................................... 20
D. Technique of Analyzing Data ..................................................... 20
CHAPTER IV DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS ................................ 22
A. Data ............................................................................................. 22
B. Data Analysis .............................................................................. 23

A. Conclusions ................................................................................. 43
B. Suggestions ................................................................................. 43
REFERENCES ...................................................................................... 45
APPENDIX ............................................................................................ 47




From the findings, the writer found the total 36 occurances of

conversational implicatures. Belows are the complete conclusion:
1. The two types of conversational implicature were occurred in the
Inception movie dialogue. They were Generalized Conversational
Implicature (21) and Particularized Conversational Implicature (15). The

most dominant type of conversational implicature was Generalized
Conversational Implicature.
2. Finally, those findings prove that implicature was used as an effective tool
of communication. In majority, verbal communications with conversation
implicatures were successful when the meaning conveyed by the speaker
was recovered as a result of the hearer’s inference. The communication
was successful even though conversational implicatures were produced.
This meant that the hearers always manage interaction so that meanings
were successful exchanged with others.


The writer hoped that the learners can get the higher awareness and

understanding of predicting the conveyed meaning when communicating so that
meanings are successfully exchanged with others.



The writer also hoped that this study will contribute some useful
information to Indonesian users of English in understanding implicatures. The
writer suggested that the future researchers conduct similar topic of conversational
implicature but with different aspects, involving more complete data and the
different subjects in order to generalize these findings so that some contributions,
both the practical and theoretical ones, can be proposed.


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His name is Handrian Nofry Emardos Sigalingging, born in Pangaribuan, North
Sumatera on February 27th 1991. His family are one brother and two sisters of Tanto
Sigalingging and Lasmaria Pasaribu.
He was in Sekolah Dasar Negeri 085120 Sibolga (graduated in 2003), continued to
Sekolah Menengah Pertama Swasta Santo Fransiskus Central Tapanuli (2006), and then
Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Sibolga (2009). He began his undergraduate study at State
University of Medan in 2009, majoring in Applied Linguistics.