The Pill Helpful or Harmful

The Pill: Helpful or Harmful?
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This article is about the birth control pill as a means of contraceptive.

It briefly discusse

birth control pill, cramp, bacterial infection,

Article Body:
Whenever one decides to raise a family, the decision regarding how many kids to have will alwa

History of the birth control pill
The development of the birth control pill was put in motion by lifelong women’s rights advocat

Benefits of using birth control pills:
Birth control pills, when used as instructed, are an effective way to minimize accidental preg
Pills also help improve excess hair and acne as androgen and testosterone are suppressed. Abno

Heavy and irregular menstrual bleeding patterns are also improved.
Menstrual cramps and pre-menstrual pain are significantly reduced when using oral contraceptiv
Pills are used to treat endometriosis by regulating hormone production that may help develop t
Pills help reduce the risk of ovarian cyst formation as it prevents ovulation. Ovarian cysts
Pills protect women against uterine cancer.
Pills lower the risk of having Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). PID is a bacterial infectio
The contraceptive function is reversible.

Risks and side effects of using birth control pills:
Birth control pill users may encounter mild, physical side effects such as: nausea, headaches,
Increased risk of breast cancer has been noted with birth control pill users.
Increased risk of stroke and heart attack for pill users who smoke.
Pill users experience unusual mood changes, including depression.
A decision to be made
Choosing to use the pill is a decision only you can make for yourself.

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