Legal Protection Against Patients Due to Malpractice - Politeknik Negeri Padang


Legal Protection Against Patients Due to Malpractice

Ikhsan Yusda PP


Department of Information Technology

Politeknik Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia.

  Abstract :

  The emergence of malpractice began in the patient-physician relationship. These relationships that provide the presence of fundamental rights and obligations between the parties. In the transaction therapeutic doctors must use intelligence and its science in the treatment of a patient and the patient's obligation to pay the fee and so on. Their negligence of doctors due to the relationship that has occurred can cause harm patients. Changes in values that took place in the community will lead to conflicts of interest that does not result in a person will act rarely deviate from the norms that have been there before. Code of Medical Ethics is the embodiment of moral values that apply to the medical profession, which until now tried to keep the glory and honor of the medical profession. Transactions between doctor and patient rights and obligations are reciprocal, and if the rights and duties are not met by one of the main parties have agreed to hold the deal, it was natural if the party who feels aggrieved perform action lawsuit. So lately many problems arise that lead to allegations of malpractice to the medical profession. As end users of the service, so patients are consumers who use health services. Because of customer concerns all individuals, then the consumer has the right to legal protection, both Human Rights and the European Economic Community has discovered the existence of the essential rights of the consumer.

  Keywords : Doctor-Patient, Therapeutic Transactions, Malpractice, Legal Protection.


  Lately among busy clinicians discuss the Code of Medical Ethics. For example, in December 1978 has held the Code of Medical Ethics Symposium Indonesia with the theme Revaluation of implementing the Code of Ethics Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine Airlangga was in April 1981 held a Panel Discussion The Role of Medical Education in Indonesia Enforcing the Code of

  Medical Ethics and Image Stabilization Physicians in the community. Even recently taken place Panel Discussion Legal Aspects in the Medical Profession in Bandung. The existence of a wide variety of these discussions gives us a clue, which in fact the doctor himself felt their doctor's services are lacking or inconsistent with the intent of the Code. Also, doctors currently are being highlighted by the public through the mass media, whether it's TV media or several daily newspapers published in the capital. In general, public complaints in the form of health care which resulted in the loss of the patient or may cause further suffering. For example, due to the actions of doctors who are the less precise cause of a patient dies.We now do live in a time of transition, because significant changes in the structure of society that affect the joints of our lives and for the other major changes are more profound in nature, ie shifting cultural values that influence the nature of mind, mentality as well as our souls. (Kuncaraningrat.1975: 17). This is due to the development that we are now doing, where future development is the future imbalances. (Soemardjan. 1976).

  Changes in values that occurred in the community will lead to conflicts of interest that does not cause a person will act rarely deviate from the norms that have been there before. Code of Medical Ethics is the embodiment of moral values that apply to the medical profession, which until now tried to keep the glory and honor of the medical profession. Therefore the Code contains a meaning that is closely linked to:

  1. Conduct setting out their rights and obligations under the moral sense, and 2. Conduct appropriate to support profession. (Koeswadji, 1981: 3). The relationship of trust between the two (2) beings, namely; the healer and the patient, in this modern era called therapeutic transactions between doctors and patients. As for what is meant by "therapeutic transaction" is a transaction-seek to determine the most appropriate therapy for patients and physicians. (Koeswadji, 1981: 4). Transactions between doctor and patient rights and obligations are reciprocal, and if the rights and duties are not met by any of the parties have agreed to hold the deal, it was natural if the party who feels aggrieved perform action lawsuit. So lately many problems arise that lead to allegations of malpractice to the medical profession. As end users of the service, so patients are consumers who use health services. Because of consumer concerns all individuals, then the consumer has the right to legal protection, both Human Rights and the European Economic Community has discovered the existence of the fundamental rights of the consumer. Based on some basic description above, the review of malpractice in this article the authors associated with the transaction between the doctor-patient relationship is based on civil cases guaranteed by the Human Rights. Problems arising from the study is: to what extent the legal protection of the patient due to malpractice? From here raised several issues, namely:

  1. Are there rights pass in are protected by law?

  2. What factors are inhibiting implemented patient rights that?

  3. Efforts what can be done to reduce the incidence of malpractice?


2.1. Understanding of Malpractice

  Malpractice is an act less carefully than someone in their profession. The size of the behaviors that inadvertently were not we meet in the law but rather lies in the provision of a judge or jury. (Hayt, 1964: 328-329). The term malpractice broad connotations and is often used for bad practice; once called the malapraxis, in terms of treatment of a patient. In the Legal Aspects of Medical Records thing 329, we can read the formula malpractice as: 1. the failure of a physician or surgeon in the treatment of the patient to possess and employ the reasonable degree of learning that skill, and experience the which ordinarily is possessed by others of his profession; or 2. his failure to exercise reasonable and ordinary care and diligence in the exertion of his skill and the application of his knowledge; or 3. his failure to exert his best judgment as to the treatment of the case entrusted to him; or 4. his failure to bestow such reasonable and ordinary care skill, and diligence as physician and surgeens in the same neighbourhood in the same general practice of ordinary have and exercise in like cases. From the writings of the above it can be concluded that the incidence of malpractice began in the patient-physician relationship. These relationships that provide the presence of basic rights and obligations between the parties. In the transaction therapeutic doctors must use intelligence and its science in the treatment of a patient and the patient's obligation to pay the fee and so on. Their negligence of doctors due to the relationship that has occurred can cause harm patients. Black's Law Dictionary detailing the requirements for the emergence of a medical malpractice into 4 (four) areas: 1. the existence of a physician's duty to the plaintiff, usually based upon the existence of the physician-patient relationship; 2. the applicable standard of care and its violation; 3. a compensable injury; 4. a causal connection between the violation of the standard of care and the harm complained. Terms rose illustrates to us that malpractice can occur when there is a doctor-patient relationship. The emergence of malpractice should be preceded by a doctor-patient relationship that each party bears the rights and liabilities. Because of doctor-patient relationship in the therapeutic transaction rests on 2 (two) kinds of rights, namely; 1. the right to determine their fate; and 2. the right to information. (Koeswadji, 1981: 17).

  So understanding malpractice discussed in this atikel strongly associated with patients' rights are not met by a doctor. Of course, the requirements for the emergence of misconduct as described above, there still will be discussed along with the relevance of the underlying problem.

2.2. Relationships Doctor and Patient

  Transactions between the doctor-patient regulated in Article 1320 of the Civil Code Book of the Law. A transaction or agreement can be said to be valid if it meets the following requirements: 1. agreed from those who bound themselves;

  2. The ability to make an engagement; 3. a certain thing; and 4. due to a cause that halal.

  Transactions between the doctor-patient therapeutic must meet the requirements mentioned above, and if the transaction had taken place then the two sides burdened with rights and obligations are protected and guaranteed by the Human Rights as the fundamental rights that are universal.

  In principle, the doctor-patient relationship in the therapeutic transaction rests on two (2) kinds of rights, namely;

  1. The right to self-determination ("the right to self-determination"); and 2. The right to information ("the right to be informed"). (Koeswadji, 1981: 5). The presence of two (2) of such rights have consequences for a doctor in their profession to communicate any corrective actions it to the patient. Surely doctor can be selective in what should be communicated and how to communicate it. The information the doctor is required by a patient, so that he can select or determine the fate of her, care whether he wants.

  In 1914 by a Justice Cardozo in Schloem-Dorff v. Society of the New York Hospital stated that: "Every human being of adult years and sound mind has a right to determine what shall he does with his body, a surgeon who performs an operation without his patient's consent, commits an assault for which he is liable in damages". (Florence: 8). A similar statement also expressed by a judge Natenson V. Kline:

  A man is a master o his body. He may expressly prohibit the performance of lifesaving surgery or other medical treatment. A doctor may well believe that an operation or another form of treatment is desirable or necessary, but the law does not permit him to substitute his judgement for that of the patient by any kind of article or deception". (Florence: 8).

  From 2 (two) judges the statement mentioned above, in the doctor-patient relationship, then the problem of information relating to the treatment, diagnosis or prognosis impose a burden on doctors to act cautiously and carefully in response to the trust bestowed by the patient him. This means, if the doctor has met the provisions that have been listed in the Code of Medical Ethics Indonesia contradictory to the patient, then the sense of seeing the possibilities that occur to any therapeutic action that should be communicated to the patient. Communication is very important for a patient to make a decision whether she would want. Of course, that decision must also be approved by her doctor.

  So the rights of patients that need attention in the transaction. This is caused by the therapeutic nature of the transaction is to provide relief assistance ("hulpver-lending contract" ), in which on the one hand that the patient had given him the belief that dokterlah armed with the knowledge and skills he has will be able to help himself. (Koeswadji, 1981: 7). Physicians have an obligation to act cautiously and carefully in serving patients' trust that has been given to him. The nature of such transactions, consequently the burden of proof. How if the actions of doctors because of her carelessness can lead to disability or death of a person? In other words, it raised the question of malpractice.

2.3. Code of Conduct as guidelines Doctor

  Code of Ethics should be interpreted as guidelines of conduct for implementing the medical profession. Ethics in relation to philosophy can be read in two (2) things: 1. the conditions required to provide limits to what is called the right actions, good and 2. what is referred to as the summum bonum, namely; limit to say something good and right. (Koswadji, 1981: 3).

  Ethics about the profession is none other than a consensus, an agreement between the opinion of experts in determining matters related to professional standards. In such means, the ethics are closely related to: 1. behavior setting out their rights and obligations under the moral sense, and 2. appropriate behavior to support professional standards. So that ethics can be called as a philosophy of human action.

  In order to implement the values contained in the Code of Ethics Indonesia (KODEKI) the then caretaker/executor profession should live and practice the contents of it. The issue of compliance or adherence to a matter of knowledge, recognition and appreciation of the contents KODEKI. One of the factors that influence adherence to a profession carrier is determined by the term of value investment KODEKI, ie long or in short period in efforts to infuse it done and is expected to give results. (Soekanto, 1976: 45). Therefore, adherence to KODEKI controlled on and by himself. Medicine is referred to as a profession, namely; a job which is to provide services and containing two (2) elements, namely:

  1. Implement a set of knowledge systematically arranged against certain problems.

  2. Problems that have great relevance in relation to the values considered a staple in the community. (Rahardjo. 1978: 144). Code of ethics as a code of profession is a crucial factor in the framework of the approach to the patient and normative. Norms of medical ethics are inseparable from the values seen as a staple in the community as a whole. There arises a dynamic interaction between the norms of medical ethics and norms of conduct so that the physician community as a profession carrier is expected to reflect the values shared by the world medical profession as the value of his outlook on life. Efforts to instill norms of medical ethics is a long process. Thus the educational process should be seen as a process of socialization, not just the technical skills required, but also establish a commitment to the values and norms that have a central position for professional duties. (Rahardjo, 1978: 149).


3.1. Social Factors Affecting A Doctor Doing

  Malpractice Commission reported that in 1970 in the United States has recorded about malpractice claims involving 12,000 events. This claim can be resolved before the examination in court a total of 90% where 65% of them resolved without preceded by lawsuits (King I: 28). In Indonesia, a problem concerning this malpractice can not be known the amount. Only lately did a lot of public attention in various media, especially daily newspapers concerning the implementation issues of the profession, of course, lead to their malpractice. Section Anesthesia Dr. Kariadi Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University has conducted a preliminary study of mortality in 7348 patients associated with general anesthesia act retrospectively in the Department of Surgery Hospital Kariadi Semarang, during the period 1978-1979. It is absorbing from the report it is mentioned the possibility of some of the factors that lead to the death:

  1. The physical status of the patient.

  2. The kind and nature of the operation.

  3. The role of the ability of the surgeon and anesthesiologist.

  4. The other means that support the smooth surgery/anesthesia and management of post-surgical patients. (Bulletin, 1981: 12).

  It is unfortunate that in the report was not mentioned in detail what percentage of patients who died as a result of the physical status of patients, how many patients die from the role of surgeons and anesthesia capabilities and what percentage died from other factors. But apparently the death of the patient as a result of these factors can indicate the presence of malpractice. Doctors in carrying out their profession can not be separated from the disik surrounding environment. As a member of society, the doctor was always interacting with other community members. Interaction is the result of the communication process is a tool of social interaction and process tools.

  Every social process always involves the system problem of values which can be grouped into: 1. welfare values and 2. difference values.

  As for welfare values are the values that are important to and for human life so that he can live decently, to have enough revenue everyday purposes, the value of health corporal includes feeling safe in obtaining or continue its work, so that life remains guaranteed. While deference values are a group of higher values, moral values are what is considered good, bad, dishonest, and so on. (Susanto, 1977: 41). The involvement of these values in social interaction largely determines behavior/actions that will be taken by someone who incidentally she is the carrier of the medical profession. Both the welfare benefits or deference values are the forces which tend to influence the behavior of someone. Behavior that violates every norm whether the legal norms, norms habit, usually defined as a deviation. The theory of aberration teaches that all the stakeholders (here the medical profession) that can be motivated, good will to conform to the norm (in this case concerns the norms of conduct) as well as those willing to not conform to the imperative norm (motivation for conformity, and motivation for non-conformity).

  Behavior that is not in accordance that may arise together with the motivation to conform, and vice versa, behavior that corresponds to the sound of the norm can also occur together with the motivation that is willing not to be in conformity. Incompatibility behavior can occur even if the role holder has willed earnestly to adjust. It can happen to judge actions in which he was not aware of the norm or where the standards that guide the behavior is not in harmony with the objectives set for the position of the holder of that role.

3.2. Giving Legal Protection of the Rights of Patients

  The right to livelihood, freedom, safety can be encountered in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Similarly, President J.F. Kennedy has found 4 (four) basic rights, namely: 1. The right to security.

  2. The right to vote.

  3. The right to receive information, and

  4. The right to be heard. In the meantime, the European Economic Community also has made five (5) basic rights of consumers as follows:

  1. The right to health protection and safety.

  2. The right to protection of economic interests.

  3. The right to receive compensation.

  4. The right to information, and 5. The right to be heard. (Badrulzaman, 1981: 23). The fundamental rights are the rights that are universal. If so then the question arises whether the basic rights that are universal it is accepted in Indonesia. Is the fundamental rights that have no place in Pancasila and 1945 of Constitution. In 1945 of Constitution can be encountered clause concerning the rights of citizens. Articles that guarantee the rights of citizens it has been stipulated in article 27 paragraph 2 and Article 28 of the Constitution we nor explanation. Article 27, paragraph 2: "Every citizen has the right to work and a decent living for humanity". The statement of this article states that this provision concerning the rights of citizens. This may include any rights of the people who are universally recognized. For example, the right to a decent livelihood for humanity, then human rights are viewed as a whole. It is not only to pursue their outward or inward satisfaction but harmony, harmony and balance between the two. Similarly, Article 28 reads: "Freedom of association and assembly, issued thoughts with oral and written, and so on are set by law". The explanation determines that contains the desire of the Indonesian nation to build democracy in the country and who want to hold your thoughts with spoken and written in order to achieve social justice and humanity. He implies that a person has the right to self-determination that is reflected by issuing what is desired, whether written or oral form. To be able to unload his mind about what you want, of course, was preceded by the information he knows. The existence of this information is important to him, so that he can participate in building the country. So implicitly the right to information and the right to self-determination itself is the legal basis of Article 27 paragraph 2 and Article 28 of 1945 of Constitution. Furthermore MPR Decree No. II / MPR / 1978 confirms that every human being has rights and obligations of the same rights. It is desirable that the rights and obligations were fulfilled by each person. The use of human rights and responsibilities must be balanced, harmoniously so as to create mutual love our fellow humans. Similarly, of course, the right to an obligation of doctor- patient, should be adhered to, in order to achieve the results expected by each party. Although the arrangement is firmly on patient's rights can not be found, but through legislation existing or MPR, the fundamental rights of patients can be concluded and the need to have protection. The question now, can the core rights were implemented or in other words how the embodiment of the fundamental rights that has its place in our legislation.

3.3. Law on Execution

  Therapeutic transactions between doctors and patients are both relief aid. A patient has hope that doctor has the only one who can help him. Physicians should be cautious in making the therapeutic action in response to that trust. Therefore patients had a right protected by the law, namely; the right to information and the right to self-determination, then it imposes obligations on doctors to communicate to him the fullest. In general, the information provided by the doctor is oral although there are times when writing. This information is critical for a patient to be able to approve or reject a treatment that will be given by the doctor concerned. Patients under the right to self-determination may deny the continuation of therapy or move on another doctor.

  If the actions of doctors who have done it without the permission of the patient, while the risk of action that can lead to disability, then the patient can sue a doctor based on breach of contract and onrechtmatig daad set forth in Article 1843 s / d 1889 of the Civil Code and Article 1365, Civil Code 1366. Similarly, if a doctor gives false information, the patient may be in order to research a new drug, for example, and this is off the record or for other experiments, it acts without the consent of the patient's doctor can be subject to Article fraud or cheating. The problem now is how a patient can prove that the doctor had done the malpractice action.

  To demonstrate the existence of negligence, generally arise trouble, primarily to determine whether the loss suffered by the patient no direct connection or not with the actions of doctors. For example, in a hospital in Semarang never performed surgery on a victim of persecution. By operators performed suturing the torn tissue hipar. Dear careless operator, which is sewn to the central part hipar course, being the dorsal aspect which should also be sewn suturing is simply not done. As a result, the victim was bleeding and eventually died. (Santoso, 1981).

  Here death and carelessness is no direct relationship. As with the next case, namely; a patient who underwent surgery Ketalar as biusnya. After surgery all went well and normal. However, at some point the patient has operated on again by wearing Ketalar as his drug. By the time the patient was treated by a doctor anesthetist, suddenly died. Here 's hard to prove the existence of wrongful acts/careless of doctors who do. So the earlier example of a direct link is hard to prove. (Santoso, 1981). In addition, the patient is unable to indicate the causes of malpractice, a doctor who had treatment in accordance with the principles of the expertise they have gained, will not declare, that what he did was to get the desired results. Sometimes doctors in providing help to the patients assisted by a team doctor or a paramedic. The actions of doctors resulting in loss of the patient, can not be accused of committing malpractice. This occurs when the actions of doctors in hospitals are not private, unless the operation is performed in clinics and private practices. Apart from that other factors, namely; The availability of facilities at the hospital, it determines the success of the actions of doctors who had done it. For example, the time of the operation of a power failure, so that doctors can not perform operations well. Or due to power outage, the auxiliaries of respiratory patients who are fully dependent on electricity to stop so that the patient will die instantly. Even doctors who perform malpractice can not escape the criminal law and the articles of the civil law, but there were several obstacles. Had to prove the existence of malpractice needs to ask an expert witness, then that may be a witness that none of the medical community itself. Here a witness is obliged to keep secret a job; then the witness could use his starting right under article 146 and article 277 HIR. In the opinion of Tjay Ko Sing, a witness may be warned that he is obliged to keep secret the work, which should use the right of departure, but if he is still willing to testify, the judge shall hear. Therefore, the starting right under those chapters is a right not an obligation. (Sing, 1978: 78-79).

  When a patient filed a lawsuit to demand compensation because he felt aggrieved, that he thinks happened malpractice, then the doctor will not let the name and honor sullied. According to Hazewinkel-Suringa, can not be expected from the taxpayers to keep secret that they let alone if they are insulted, Dima Luka N or would materially harm. Especially the doctors who are faced with such difficulties. (Sing. 1978: 70). The second opinion, according to Langemeyer, that does not by itself a physician is free to unlock the secrets of his job if he sued patients. In such case, a doctor must first try to defend himself without unlocking its secrets. Only when this defense was not enough, he can unlock the secret to inform that in connection with the tricks of the trade, he did not first submit the facts that he was obliged to keep secret. (Sing, 1978: 70). It can be concluded that the point mentioned above, compulsory secret storage work, in this case the doctor, the right to open the secret, if necessary, to defend themselves, but they should limit themselves not to reveal facts that are not necessary for his defense. (Sing, 1978: 70). A doctor who acts as power forced to defend himself, provided for in article 48 and article 49 of the Criminal Code. Although in its defense the doctor must limit itself, it brings the possibility of interest or the rights of patients harmed by it. Therefore, in realizing the rights of the patient, then our justice system needs to be addressed.

3.4. Efforts to Reduce the Occurrence Malpractice

  The cause of malpractice is an act physician with less caution in treating patients who cause harm patients. Also, a physician who perform maintenance without the consent of the patient, while the results of the treatments led to disability or death, then the doctor may be subject to provisions of the Civil Code. The occurrence of malpractice can involve not just one doctor, perhaps also the team doctors or other medical. In fact, other factors can also determine the success of the actions of a doctor. Therefore it is necessary for efforts to reduce the incidence of malpractice, namely: 1. Planting moral values contained in KODEKI as early as possible.

  2. Granting permission physician practices must be tightened, for example; specialist doctors may not practice as a general practitioner.

  3. Need to do periodic reviews of the license to practice.

  4. Increased knowledge and skills of doctors needs to be done through discussions and other means.

  5. The physician must meet patients' rights as explained in advance.

  6. Doctors who violate KODEKI should be subject to strict sanctions, for example; temporary revocation of his license. As for treatment failure caused by other factors, for example; hospital facilities that do not qualify as a hospital that does not qualify as a hospital we need to hold control of the state of the hospital as well as a review of the purpose of the establishment of the hospital. In addition, it needs to be made a strict requirement in order to establish a hospital, so that the element for profit solely can be avoided. For example, the recent protests of nurses Hospital Sane Source demanding salary increases. Hospital to violations or do not meet the requirements determined by the Government must be dealt with firmly.


4.1. Conclusion

  1. Transaction doctor-patient arises because of the confidence of the patient that the Doctor was the only man who can provide help. In the transactions that each party bears the rights and obligations that must be fulfilled.

  2. Information should be given by a doctor to a patient with more. The information is based on facts which lie either with the reason for the interest of the patient or to experiment, may be subject to criminal penalties of fraud or cheating.

  3. Treatment of patients by a doctor can be made after the approval of the patient. Patients' rights are violated, causing the loss; the doctor can be charged with malpractice.

  4. The emergence of losses suffered by patients is caused by other factors, then the doctor can not be prosecuted have done malpractice.

  5. Although patient rights as a fundamental right that is universal it is implicitly contained in our legislation, but the implementation of the embodiment of fundamental rights is still involved.

  6. Keep their diligent efforts in reducing the occurrence of malpractice.

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