Teachers` perception of professional development through in-service training programs - USD Repository





  A THESIS Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M.Hum) in English Studies












Drs. FX. Mukarto, M.S., Ph.D. ________________________

Supervisor Yogyakarta, April 18, 2008










Defended before the thesis committee and declared acceptable.



Chairperson : Dr. BB Dwijatmoko, M.A . ___________________

Secretary : Drs. FX. Mukarto, M.S., Ph.D. ___________________

Members : 1. Dr. J. Bismoko ___________________

   2. Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A. ___________________ Yogyakarta, August 14, 2008 The Graduate School Director Sanata Dharma University Dr. F.X. Baskara Tulus Wardaya, S.J.


  This is to certify that all ideas, statements, and sentences, unless otherwise stated, are ideas, statements, and sentences of me. I understands the consequences if taking the ideas, statements, and sentences without proper references.

  Yogyakarta, April 11, 2008 Suwastanto



There are many people to thank in the process of completing this thesis.

  First and foremost, I thank my consultant, FX Mukarto, Ph.D, for his advice and help in writing this work. Without his advice and willingness to share ideas and for allowing me to get materials, this thesis would have not been completed yet.

  I am most grateful to English Language Studies lecturers for the chance to participate in their classes. Participating in their classes have indeed give me awareness and real experience of learning.

  I wish to thank my classmates, Kis, Tama, Bu Nita, Pak Sigit, and Ning for your detailed comments, ideas, and useful suggestions. I also thank Wiwid, Endri, and Titin for your willingness to find references for me in LPMP library. Likewise, my thanks also go to mbak Leli for her help during my study in KBI.

  I cordially thank my beloved Mei and Rizal for your support during the process of writing this thesis.

  My apologies are due if I have unintentionally omitted anyone to whom acknowledgements should be directed.



  Data Setting and Sources ………………………………. Data Gathering Instruments and Data Collection ………

  17 3. Related Studies …………………………………….

  22 B. Theoretical Framework………………………………….


  A. Research Method ..………..….…………………………

  25 B. Nature of Data …….………………….…………………

  26 C.




  27 E. Data Processing ………………………………………..

  33 1. Processing Interview Data ………………………….

  33 2. Thematizing Teachers’ Comment ………………….


  3. Constructing Tentative Profile of Teachers’ Perception of Professional Development through In- Service Training ……………………………….


  4. Conducting Reflection of Individual Teacher’s Perception …………………………………………

  b. Teacher In-Service Training……………………

  a. Teacher Professional Development ……………

  Page Title Page ……….………………………………...………… i

  5 C. Problem Delimitation and Limitation …………………

  Approval Page …………………………………………...…. ii Thesis Defense Approval Page ……..……………………… iii Statement of Originality .…………………………………. iv

  Acknowledgements …………………………….…………… vi Table of Contents ………………………………………...…. vii List of Tables ……………………………………………..… x List of Figures …………………………………………….....

  Coding System ……………………………………………… xi xii

  Abstract ………………………………………...…………… xiii


  A. Background ……………………………………………

  1 B. Problem Identification ………………………………...

  6 D. Research Questions …………………………………….


  7 E. Research Goals ……………. ………………………….

  7 F. Research Benefits ………………………………………

  7 G. Definition of Terms ……………………………………

  9 II. THEORETICAL REVIEW A Literature Review ………………………………………

  11 1.

  2. Perception ………………………………..………… Teacher Professional Development through In- Service Training…………………………………….



  5. Analyzing Teachers’ Perception ………………….

  34 F. Research Procedure …………………………………..

  34 IV. ANALYSIS A. Findings ……………………………………………….


  1. Teacher’s Perception of Professional Development

  37 through In-Service Training …………………….… a. Hotman’s Perception of Professional

  38 Development through In-Service Training ……...

  b. Niswa’s Perception of Professional Development

  42 through In-Service Training …………………….

  c. Wijaya’s Perception of Professional

  47 Development through In-Service Training ……...

  d. Lusi’s Perception of Professional Development

  51 through In-Service Training …………………….

  e. Teachers’ Perception of Professional

  56 Development through In-Service Training : A Summary………………………………………...

  2. Teachers Professional Development after Participating in the In-Service Training …………….

  57 a. Hotman’s Professional Development …………...

  57 b. Niswa’s Professional Development …...………...

  60 c. Wijaya’s Professional Development …..………...

  62 d. Lusi’s Professional Development ……..………...


  e. Teachers’ Professional Development: A

  68 Summary……………………………... …………

  B. Discussions …………………………………...…………


  1. Teachers’ Perception of Professional Development

  69 through In-Service Training ………………………...

  a. Teacher Understanding on Professional

  69 Development …………………………………… 1) Teacher Understanding on Professional

  69 Development Process …………………….. 2) Teacher Understanding on Professional

  70 Development System …………………….. 3) Teacher Understanding on Increasing

  71 Teacher Experience ………………………. 4) Teacher Understanding on Continuous

  72 Process …………………………………….

  b. Teachers’ Past Experience …………………….

  72 1) Teacher Past Experience on Improving Teacher

  69 Competence ………………...................…….… 2) Teacher Past Experience on Improving

  71 Certain Development ………….…………… c. Teachers’ Expectation …………………………..


  1) Teachers’ Expectation on Inset Material …..

  74 2) Teachers’ Expectation on Inset Instructors …

  75 3) Teachers’ Expectation on Inset Organizing

  76 Committee …………………………………..

  d. Teachers’ Perception of Professional

  77 Development through In-Service Training: A summary ….……………………………………..

  2. Teachers Professional Development after

  79 Participating in the In-Service Training ……..…….

  a. Teachers’ Competence Improvement …………..


  b. Teachers’ Development in Other Aspects ………


  c. Teachers’ Professional Development after

  82 Participating in the In-Service Training: A summary …………………………………………..


  A. Conclusion ………………………………………………

  83 B. Recommendation ……………………………………….

  85 Bibliography 87

  Appendices Appendix 1: Interview Data ……………………………………….

  90 Appendix 2: Data Gathering Schedule …………………………… 113 Appendix 3: Recap of In-Service Training Evaluation ………… 119 Appendix 4: Materials Teachers’ Used in Dissemination Activities 124



Table 3.1 Blue prints of components and indicators …………..……

  28 Table 3.2 First interview questions of Hotman: a sample………..….

  29 Table 3.3 Second interview questions of Hotman: a sample…….…..

  30 Table 4.1 Hotman’s perception of professional development through

  39 in-service training …………………………………………

Table 4.2 Niswa’s perception of professional development through in-

  43 service training ………………………………….…………

Table 4.3 Wijaya’s perception of professional development through

  48 in-service training ………………………………….………

Table 4.4 Lusi’s perception of professional development through in-

  52 service training ………………………………….…………

Table 4.5 Hotman’s professional development ………………………

  58 Table 4.6 Niswa’s professional development ……………...…………

  60 Table 4.7 Wijaya’s professional development …………….…………

  63 Table 4.8 Lusi’s professional development ……………..……………




Figure 3.1 Triangulation of teachers’ perception of professional

  32 development through in-service training …………………...

Figure 3.2 Research procedure …………………………………………



  To ease the readers find interview scripts cited in the discussion section, I applied coding system as follows: Example : I:25/5/2007/HA30 I : refer to interview 25/5/2007 : refer to date of interview HA : refer to participants’ initial

  H for Hotman N for Niswa W for Wijaya L for Lusi A for answer 30 : refer to number of participants’ answer



  Suwastanto. 2008. Teachers’ Perception of Professional Development through In-


service training programs. Yogyakarta: English Language Studies, Graduate

Program, Sanata Dharma University.

  Professional development is a lifelong, collaborative learning process that nourishes the growth of educators both as individuals and as team members. The focus of it must be to improve student learning. As any other profession, teacher needs to keep updated on the current development of their profession. An attempt to increase teachers’ professional development is through in-service training programs.

  Teachers tend to disregard in-service training, as such training does not seem to give an adequate incentive and career development. Nevertheless, formal evaluation showed that in-service training was needed and received a good response from the participants. Therefore, this study aimed at revealing teachers’ perception of their professional development through in-service training programs. Two research questions were addressed in this study: (1) What is teachers’ perception of professional development through in-service training programs? (2) How do teachers develop professionally after participating in the in-service training programs?

  To answer these questions, the study adopted the progressive qualitative method. This study focused on the vocational high school English teachers’ professional development through in-service training. Participants were chosen from the alumni of in-service training held by Lembaga Penjamin Mutu


Pendidikan (Educational Quality Assurance Institution) of Yogyakarta. There

  were four participants in this study. The choice of participants was based on the accessibility and maximum variations. The nature of data was narrative. Data were collected from interview with participants and documents. Interview data were transcribed and thematized according to the components and categories of teachers’ professional development and in-service training. The result of thematized data was the tentative profile of teachers’ perception of professional development through in-service training. This tentative perception was verified with the participants through reflection to get the verified profile of teachers’ perception of professional development through in-service training and their professional development as a result of their participation in the in-service training.

  The results of this study covered both teachers’ perception of professional development through in-service training and teachers’ professional development after participating in the in-service training. Teachers’ perception showed that the understanding of teachers’ professional development was not parallel with teachers’ length of service. It is also showed that in-service training supports teachers’ professional development, especially to support teacher certification. Teacher professional development depended not only on the in-service training but also on teacher’s participation in school. In-service training is also perceived as a strategic program to support teachers’ competence as a requirement of teachers’ certification.

  The answer to the second research question showed that teachers developed professionally after participating in the in-service training through discussion with their colleagues about in-service training results. Informal discussion was a common activity of teachers in disseminating in-service training results. Nevertheless, that teachers’ professional development after participating in the in-service training is relatively shallow. Another way to professional development was through the activities of sharing experiences in English foreign language teaching with colleagues. Sharing teaching experiences was an impressive activity in teachers’ professional development through in-service training. However, in-service training materials and focus should be improved to provide teachers with actual materials in English language teaching. Teachers believed that in-service training was an appropriate program to develop their professionalism but there should be follow-up programs to ensure the dissemination of training results.



  Suwastanto. 2008. Teachers’ Perception of Professional Development through In-


Service Training Programs. Yogyakarta: Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Program Pasca

Sarjana, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Pengembangan profesionalisme adalah sebuah proses panjang yang merupakan kolaborasi proses belajar yang memperkaya pertumbuhan pendidik baik sebagai individu maupun anggota sebuah kelompok. Fokus pengembangan professional adalah peningkatan belajar siswa. Sebagaimana profesi yang lain, guru perlu memperbaharui pemahaman mereka tentang perkembangan profesi guru. Salah satu cara untuk memperbaharui pemahaman tersebut adalah melalui program in-service training.

  Pada umumnya guru menganggap ringan pelatihan dalam jabatan karena pelatihan tersebut dirasakan tidak memberikan insentif dan perkembangan karir yang menjanjikan. Namun demikian, evaluasi formal menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan dalam jabatan diperlukan dan mendapat respon yang bagus dari para partisipan. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap persepsi guru terhadap perkembangan profesionalisme guru melalui pelatihan dalam jabatan. Kesenjangan antara realitas dan evaluasi formal menunjukkan bahwa para guru memiliki persepsi yang unik tentang pelatihan dalam jabatan. Terdapat dua pertanyaan penelitian dalam studi ini. Pertanyaan tersebut adalah: (1) Apa persepsi guru tentang perkembangan profesionalisme melalui pelatihan dalam jabatan? (2) Bagaimana perkembangan profesionalisme guru setelah mengikuti pelatihan dalam jabatan?

  Untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian tersebut, penelitian ini mengadopsi metode progresif kualitatif. Penelitian ini terfokus pada perkembangan profesionalisme guru sekolah menengah kejuruan melalui pelatihan dalam jabatan. Partisipan dipilih dari alumni pelatihan dalam jabatan yang diselenggarakan oleh Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Yogyakarta. Pemilihan empat partisipan dalam penelitian ini didasarkan pada keterjangkauan dan variasi maksimum. Sifat data dalam penelitian ini adalah narativ. Data diperoleh dari interviu dengan partisipan dan penelaahan dokumen. Data interviu di transkrip and ditematisasi menurut komponen and kategori dalam perkembangan profesionalisme guru dan pelatihan dalam jabatan. Hasil tematisasi data berupa gambaran sementara persepesi guru. Gambaran sementara ini dikonfirmasi kepada guru untuk mendapatkan gambaran persepsi guru tentang perkembangan profesionalisme mereka melalui pelatihan dalam jabatan dan perkembangan profesioanlisme guru setelah mengikuti pelatihan dalam jabatan.

  Hasil kajian ini menjawab kedua pertanyaan penelitian. Persepsi guru terhadap pengembangan profesionalisme melalui in-service training menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman terhadap profesionalsime guru tidak paralel dengan lama tugas guru. Selain itu terungkap bahwa bahwa terdapat relasi positif antara pengembangan profesionalisme guru dengan in-service training, terutama untuk mendukung sertifikasi guru. Pengembangan profesionalisme guru tidak hanya tergantug pada in-service training tetapi juga partisipasi guru di sekolahan. In- service training merupakan program strategis untuk mendukung kompetensi guru sebagai persyaratan dalam sertifikasi guru. Untuk mendukung pengembangan profesionalisme guru, pelatihan dalam jabatan harus jelas dan mewadahi topik- topik yang relevan. Materi pelatihan harus disesuaikan dengan tantangan guru seperti penggunaan teknologi, penelitian, dan pengembangan materi atau program.

  Temuan dari pertanyaan penelitian yang kedua menunjukkan bahwa setelah mengikuti pelatihan dalam jabatan, para guru melakukan pengembangan profesionalisme dengan cara diskusi dengan rekan sejawat membahas hasil-hasil pelatihan. Pengembangan profesionalisme yang lain dengan cara bertukar pengalaman mengajar dengan teman sejawat. Namun demikian, materi dan fokus pelatihan harus diperbaiki sehingga tersedia materi yang aktual untuk guru. Para guru merasa bahwa pelatihan dalam jabatan merupakan program yang sesuai untuk mengembangkan profesionalisme guru. Namun program ini perlu diikuti dengan program tindak lanjut untuk menjamin keberlangsungan diseminasi hasil pelatihan.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background information of the importance of this research will be presented

  in this chapter. The discussion is commenced with the general information of teacher professional development. This chapter discusses the background, problem identification, problem delimitation and limitation, research questions, research goals, research benefits, and definition of terms.

A. Background

  There are several options in professional development for teachers to accomplish, which can be categorized into two main types: formal and informal development as Ganser (2000 as cited in Reimers, 2003). The first is formal development which provides formal experiences to add teacher qualifications and is often linked to the teachers’ career. Formal development consists of in-service training programs, workshop, conferences, seminars, and short courses (Davies, 2000). In-service training is an important program to raise teachers’ professional competence since initial training is not enough to support teachers to function in the best performance. Apart from improving teacher’s teaching skills, in-service training will raise teachers’ professional status. Seminars, conferences, and short courses give teachers opportunity to hear first hand information on what is happening in English language teaching development and exchange experiences and ideas with other teachers.

  The second is informal experiences, which consist of self-development and cooperative development and are not linked to formal credits. Self-development accommodates constant reflection, diary writing, recording lessons, and reading. It is important to have constant reflection on each lesson to underlying reasons for the success and failure in teaching and learning process. Self-observation is a key element in teacher professional development as Bailey, Curtis and Nunan (2001 as cited in Gebhard, 2005). Through self-observation, teachers have something to do a peer discussion, do action research, and say in journals. Diary writing is necessary in helping constant reflection. Recording the lessons is useful in analyzing and reflecting the teaching and learning process. Reading is the best way to keep the self-development of teachers.

  Cooperative development consists of sharing knowledge with colleagues and peer observation. Sharing knowledge with colleagues may increase teachers’ experiences and ideas and give a better perspective on teaching and learning process. Peer observation is aimed to get a feedback from colleagues. Friendly and collaborative peer observation will be useful and make teacher notice on some simple but important elements usually unnoticed in teaching learning process.

  Related to the teacher formal development, in service training is a crucial point in the development of teachers’ professionalism. In-service training program is a suitable process to enrich teachers in improving and developing their teaching technique. Whinch (1996) states that “training concerns with the developing certain technique rather than with preparation for adult life”. This training encourages teachers to accommodate the principles in teaching as Hayes (2003) claimed. The principles are reputation, enthusiasm, caring about students, establishing a working relationship, attitude to achievement, encouragement and praise, and equal opportunities.

  To give a reasonable and efficient problem solving of the gap of teachers’ competence and the professional demand upon teachers, suitable teachers in- service training have been developed in several educational institutions. It is relevant to Johnson (1998 as cited in Cheng and Wang, 2004) that “teachers are not empty vessels waiting to be filled with theoretical and pedagogical skills; they are individual who enter educational programs with prior experiences, personal values, and belief.” The basic aim of teacher in-service training is to improve teachers’ competence and professionalism. Davies (2000) states that the initial training and knowledge teachers acquire are not sufficient for the teachers to function satisfactorily for the whole of their career. It means that educational authorities and teachers’ consideration of the importance of in-service training, to secure a systematic improvement in the quality and content of education and teaching technique, are a crucial point.

  In-service teacher training programs serve different purposes, ranging from the renewal, updating of teachers’ subject area knowledge, and teaching techniques to training in the application of new curriculum. Most of in-service teacher training programs apply short duration and narrow scope. Normally, in- service training is a short course lasting in few days and focus on selected aspects of subject area knowledge, teaching technique, or classroom management.

  The main problem of in-service training is teachers’ incentive. Qualified in- service training program that enables teachers to get career development and improvement of salaries does not have any problem in teacher participation. It means the existence of structure career development rewards is top down solution, but the improvement of professional capabilities is bottom up solution of teacher participation in the in-service training.

  Teachers’ participation on the in-service training program is closely related to the benefit they get during and after this program (Siddiqui, 2004). This statement resonances to Perraton et al. (2002 as cited in Lebeau, 2006) that teachers perceive the benefit from in-service training, which is referred to professional development continuation. Psychological perception states that purpose causes human action which is aroused by a set of goal and pursued by choice (Locke and Latham, 1990 as cited in Dornyei, 2001). This theory works in the in-service training programs. Teacher participation in the in-service training is caused by purpose and training participants pursues a set of goal in the in-service training programs.

  Teachers’ perspective on the in-service training cannot be separated to their incentive and career development. The obscure rewards and less benefit are common reasons of teacher unenthusiastically participating in the in-service training. This phenomenon creates a unique characteristic of teachers’ perception of the in-service training. Teachers shape their own perception on the in-service training based on their previous experience related to the in-service training involvement or the experience of their colleague. Unenthusiastic in-service training participants are an interesting phenomenon related to teachers’ perception of the in-service training.

  Evaluation on the effectiveness of in-service training shows that training program is commonly acceptable and teachers need it (National Education Departement, 2006). Unenthusiastic in-service training participants usually give good response on the training effectiveness evaluation sheet. This paradox on the in-service training program shows that teachers have a unique perception on the in-service training programs. They know how to respond formal evaluation and how to adjust their participation during the in-service training programs.

  Evaluation of the effectiveness of training program on the Competence Improvement of Vocational High School Teacher 2005 in-service training program conducted by Lembaga Penjamin Mutu Pendidikan Yogyakarta (Educational Quality Assurance Institution of Yogyakarta) shows that the average point is between Good and Fair. Trainers’ competence grade average is Good (National Education Department, 2005). Informal evaluation normally gives lower score on those aspects of in-service training. Considering the phenomenon, research on teachers’ perception of the in-service training is crucial to find the essence of the teachers’ perception of the in-service training.

B. Problem Identification

  Teachers’ perception of the in-service training programs is closely related to the benefit they get during and after their participation in this program.

  Psychological perception states that purpose causes human action, which is aroused by a set of goal and pursued by choice. Locke and Latham (1990 as cited in Dornyei, 2001) stated, “Human action is caused by purpose, and for action to take place, goal has to be set and pursued by choice”. This assertion works in the in-service training program. Unconsciously, teachers state a certain goal in their participation in the in-service training program. It can be the increase of substantial competence, career development, or even financial benefit.

  Teachers’ perspective on the in-service training cannot be separated from their incentive and career development. The obscure rewards and less benefit are common reasons of teacher unenthusiastically participating in the in-service training. This phenomenon creates a unique characteristic of teachers’ perception of the in-service training. Teachers shape their own perception on the in-service training based on their previous experience related to the in-service training involvement or the experience of their colleague. Unenthusiastic in-service training participants are an interesting phenomenon related to teachers’ perception of the in-service training.

  Evaluation on the effectiveness of in-service training showed that training program is commonly acceptable and teachers need it (Department of National Education, 2006). Unenthusiastic in-service training participants usually give good respond on the evaluation sheet of training effectiveness. This paradox on the in-service training program showed that teachers had a unique perception on the in-service training program. They knew how to respond formal evaluation and how to adjust their participation during the training.

C. Problem Delimitation and Limitation

  This research focused on the teachers’ perception of the in-service training programs. The in-service training of Vocational High School English Teacher held by LPMP Yogyakarta was the focus of this research. This training aimed at adjusting the competence of vocational high school English teachers to the development of science and technology in English learning and strengthening their teaching technique.

  The focus of Vocational High School English teachers as the participants of the research decreased the generalization of the findings. This study did not generalize other subjects and level of schools in the in service training.

  D. Research Questions

  Research questions that want to be revealed in this study are: 1.

  What is teachers’ perception of professional development through in-service training programs?

  2. How do teachers develop professionally after participating in the in-service training programs?

  E. Research Goals

  Teachers’ professional development through in-service training will be specified into teachers’ understanding, teachers’ past experience, and teachers’ expectation to reveal the research goals that are: 1.

  To understand English teachers’ perception of the professional development through in-service training programs.

2. To understand teachers’ professional development as a result of in-service training programs.

F. Research Benefits

  Scientific and technological benefits are obtained in this research. At least, there are two scientific and four technological benefits.

1. Scientific benefits

  This study may have two scientific benefits to empower teachers and promote their autonomy to express their understanding on professional development.


  This study may provide narrative description of teachers’ perception of their professional development through in-service training programs as an attempt to understand teachers’ understanding in professional development to support teachers’ and their students’ continuous learning opportunities.


  Through the interpreted narratives, this study may contribute in the development of education in general and English language teaching.

  2. Technological benefits This study has several technological benefits to contribute in the improvement of teacher professional development program. Moreover, it also facilitates teachers to communicate their opinion on professional development they have done.


  This study may encourage teachers and the in-service training stakeholders to improve their role in this program.


  This study may encourage teachers to maximize the potential of in-service training programs as a means to develop their professionalism c.

  This research may bridge the gap of teachers’ needs and the training authority’s practice provided in the in-service training programs d.

  This study may reveal teachers’ professional development as a result of in- service training programs

G. Definition of terms

  To gain the same understanding of the important constructs of this study, it is necessary to define the following key words:

  1. Perception

  Perception is a description of the most meaningful personal experience of the world that involves further process of sensory input and brain process relating the input to past experience and further expectation (Crow, 1978; Lumsden/Lumsden, 1996 as cited in Dunn, 2003; Freeman, 1991; Syeno and Budaken, 1975 as cited in Leather, 1992).

  Relevant to this theory, in this study the term perception is operationally defined as the most meaningful personal experience of the world that involves sensory input and brain processes relating the input to past experience and projecting expectation.

  2. Teacher Professional Development

  Teacher professional development is a long-term process which is systematically planned to increase teacher experience from the first step in teachers’ education and is continued throughout their career (England, 1999; Siddiqui, 2004; Lange, 1983; Glatthorn, 1995 as cited in Reimers, 2003; Reimers, 2003).

  Resonance to this theory, in this study the term teachers’ professional development is operationally defined as long-term process that is systematically designed to increase teachers’ experience from the first step in teacher education and is continued throughout their career.

3. In-Service Training

  In-service training for teachers is an intended program to improve teachers’ competence and development in certain knowledge of teaching and learning process in teachers’ career (Atay, 2006; Kennedy, 1995 as cited in Atay, 2006; Sprinthall, Reiman, & Thies-Sprinthall, 1996 as cited in Atay, 2006)

  Pertinent to this theory, in this study the term in-service training is operationally defined as an intended program to improve teachers’ competence and development in certain knowledge of teaching and learning process in teachers’ career.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW In this section, the discussion focuses on literature review and theoretical

  framework. Several previous research related to the topic of this research are discussed to support construct understanding of the study. Theoretical framework is described to get the tentative answers to research questions.

A. Literature Review

  The literatures on related topics are discussed in this section. The discussion cover perception, teachers’ professional development, teachers in-service training, inset goals, process, materials, types of inset in Indonesia, scope, purpose, and function of inset in Indonesia, and related studies.

1. Perception

  Perception is a description of the most meaningful personal experience of the world that involves further process of sensory input and brain process relating the input to past experience and further expectation (Crow, 1978; Lumsden/Lumsden, 1996 as cited in Dunn, 2003; Freeman, 1991; Syeno and Budaken, 1975 as cited in Leather, 1992)

  Crow (1978) states that perception is “a process of organizing and interpreting data according to the result of previous experience.” Moreover, Lumsden/Lumsden (1996 as cited in Dunn, 2003) stresses four aspects to describe the meaning in perception process. He states perception as “a process of sensing, selecting, shaping, and assigning meaning to stimuli from one’s environment.” Likewise, Freeman (1991) points out the brain process in perception phases. He states that perception is “a process of brain that moves beyond the mere extraction of features-how it combines sensory messages with past experience and with expectation to identify both stimulus and its particular meaning to the individual.” Another definition is stated by Syeno and Budaken (1975 as cited in Leather, 1992) that describes perception as a complex process. They state perception as “the complex process by which individuals select, organize, and interpret stimuli or sensory stimulation into a meaningful view of the world.” There are three factors in perception: stimuli, brain process, and past experiences.

  Stimuli in the form of sensory can be reached from human sensory receptors. Information through the eyes presents major information in perception process. Information from the eyes cannot be fully reached the brain. As a result, brain reacts in the model of guessing and selecting the past experiences and stores information a person has. Perception of certain phenomena is based on past experiences and stored information one has.

  There are three factors affecting the perception, namely the preceptor, situation, and target. Perception to a certain object is closely related to individual characteristic of the preceptor. The unfulfilling needs stimulate the preceptor and highly influence the perception. Personal interest also affects deeply in the individual focus. This interest unconsciously narrows the focus.

  The prior experiences support the way the actor of perception perceive a certain object. Prior experience on the same object tends to decrease the perception to that object. On the other hand, new experience to a certain object will raise the strong perception to that object and becomes the standard perception of that object.

  The characteristic of target makes an actor of perception give different perception. The specific and glaring target will get the most attention and tend to represent the perception of its group. Receptor creates a perception based on the specific and glaring target in a group. Situation plays an urgent role in arising perception. The improper activities or objects in certain situation will affect the perception to them.

  Basic principles of perception declare that perception is relative, subjective, and vary. Mean perception is personally subjective and depends on the actor of perception. Consequently, different individuals have a different perception to a certain object even though in the same situation and time. Individual perception depends on the interest, choice, and personal advantage.

  Teachers’ perception to the in-service training is closely related to their prior experiences in joining this program. Negative perception arises when teachers find unenthusiastic participants, unsuitable materials, and unwell-organized in-service training programs. Positive perception arises when teachers find a suitable material, enthusiastic participants, and well-organized program. Peer perception also gives significant aspects on teachers’ perception of that phenomenon.

2. Teachers’ Professional Development through In-Service Training Teachers’ professional development activities are discussed in this section.

  The discussion cover teachers’ professional development, teachers in-service training, inset goals, process, materials, types of inset in Indonesia, scope, purpose, and function of inset in Indonesia.

a. Teachers’ Professional Development

  Professional development is a lifelong, collaborative learning process that nourishes the growth of educators both as individuals and as team members. The focus of it must be to improve student learning (Speck, Marsha and Phyllis H Lindstrom, 2006). As any other profession, teacher needs to keep update on the current development of their profession. Teacher professional development is a long-term process which is systematically planned to increase teacher experience from the first step in teachers’ education, continued throughout their career, and support their own and their students’ continuous learning opportunity (England, 1999; Siddiqui, 2004; Lange, 1983; Glatthorn, 1995 as cited in Reimers, 2003; Reimers, 2003).