Maintaining The Attention of Some of The 3-Year-Old Pupils in Class A, B, C, and D Of The Pre-K Level in TKK BPK Penabur.

Pada saat saya menjalankan proses magang di TKK BPK PENABUR 638
yang berlangsung selama satu bulan sejak tanggal 16 Juli – 16 Agustus
2012, saya menemukan kesulitan yaitu saya tidak dapat mempertahankan
perhatian murid-murid di kelas pre-kindergarten yang berusia tiga tahun
terhadap pelajaran yang diajarkan. Dalam proses belajar mengajar saya
mendapati beberapa murid mengalami kesulitan untuk tetap berkonsentrasi
terhadap pelajaran yang saya ajarkan selama lebih dari lima menit.
Masalah yang saya alami ini memiliki beberapa sebab akibat. Ada empat
penyebab, yaitu murid-murid berusia tiga tahun memiliki rentang waktu
berkonsentrasi yang pendek, kemampuan murid-murid untuk memperhatikan
pelajaran terganggu oleh karena perasaan yang timbul dari diri mereka
sendiri, dan juga terdapat banyak benda-benda visual yang mengganggu
konsentrasi murid-murid, serta pada saat proses belajar mengajar posisi
duduk murid-murid yang tidak beraturan menghadap kepada saya sebagai
gurunya yang berada di depan kelas. Akibatnya, saya sebagai guru merasa
frustasi, murid-murid yang tidak memperhatikan pelajaran akan menggangu
rencana ajar yang telah dipersiapkan, dan mereka juga akan menggangu
murid-murid lainnya di kelas. Saya telah menemukan beberapa kemungkinan
solusi untuk memecahkan masalah ini yaitu saya menggunakan teknik
mengajar yang bersifat non-verbal, menggunakan alat bantu visual, dan

mengatur posisi duduk murid-murid di kelas.
Solusi yang terbaik dalam mengatasi masalah yang saya alami yaitu
dengan menggabungkan ketiga solusi, yaitu, menggunakan teknik mengajar
yang bersifat non-verbal, menggunakan alat bantu visual, dan mengatur
posisi duduk murid-murid di kelas. Hal ini akan membuat perubahan besar
bagi murid-murid sehingga mereka dapat lebih berkonsentrasi dan
memperhatikan pelajaran yang sedang di ajarkan di kelas.



DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY……………….……………………….…..ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………..…………………………………………iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION……………………………..………………….1
A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of the Problem
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

D. Description of the Institution
E. Method of the Study
F. Limitation of the Study
G. Organization of the Term-Paper
CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS……………...………………………….7
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION………………………………..………………20



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Causes of the problem:
1. Pupils’ attention span is short.
2. The pupils’ attention was
distracted by their own feeling.

3. There were visual distractions in
class that made the pupils hard to
concentrate during the lessons.


Effects of the problem:

I have difficulty in maintaining the
attention of some of the 3 years old
pupils in class A, B, C, and D of the
between 16 July 2012 and 16
August 2012

1. I was frustrated when I could not keep
some of the pupils’ attention during the
2. Some pupils who did not pay attention
interrupted the lesson plans.

3. Some of pupils who lost their focus
interfered other pupils when they were
studying in classroom.

4. During the lessons, the pupils
were seating in disordered rows,
facing me as the teacher at the
Potential POSITIVE effects:
1. My gesture can hold pupils’
attention longer.

Potential Solution 1:
I use non-verbal teaching

2. Eye contact can increase the
pupils’ understanding of the
concepts taught.
Potential Solution 2:

1. The use of teaching aids will give
motivation to pupils to pay attention
to the lessons in class.

I use teaching aids to keep pupils’
attention longer.

2. Use of teaching aids will help the
teacher to clarify the lessons to the
pupils more easily.

1. Pupils enjoy an orderly
2. Pupils will be well-organized and
can concentrate well in class.

1. My posture can be perceived as
threatening to pupils.
2. Extended stares can cause pupils lack of

attentiveness in class.

Potential POSITIVE effects:

Potential POSITIVE effects:

Potential NEGATIVE effects:

Potential NEGATIVE effects:
1. Some pupils will feel curious to touch the
teaching aids I use during the lessons, and it
interrupts the lesson.
2. If the teaching aids are not colorful, some
pupils will not really be interested in the lesson
that I explain.

Potential Solution 3:
I adjust pupils’ seating arrangement
that can help them concentrate

Chosen Solution:
I choose to combine all of the potential solutions.

Potential NEGATIVE effects:
1. If the talkative pupils sit together with the
other talkative pupils, they will make noises.
2. Pupils can be bored to sit with the same
pupils every day and they will not make a
good relationship with the other pupils

Name of interviewer

: Amelia Christiani Tanu

Name of respondent

: Miss Christine

Day & date of interview : Wednesday, September 18, 2012
Place of interview

: TKK BPK PENABUR 638, teachers’ room

1. What do you think about classroom seating arrangement?
2. Does seating arrangement give benefits to both the teacher and pupils
during the teaching process in class?
3. Are there any negative effects caused by seating arrangement?
4. Do the negative effects of seating arrangement affect the lessons?
5. As a teacher, what can you d to solve those negative effects?

Name of interviewer

: Amelia Christiani Tanu

Name of respondent

: Miss Ika Djatnika

Day & date of interview : Wednesday, October 16, 2012
Place of interview

: TKK BPK PENABUR 638, K1-B room

1. Cara seperti apa yang akan di gunakan oleh Miss Ika untuk menjaga
konsentrasi murid-murid saat belajar di kelas?
2. Apakah dengan menggunakan alat bantu visual dapat membantu muridmurid sehingga mereka lebih mudah untuk memperhatikan guru ketika
sedang mengajarkan sesuatu?
3. Alat bantu visual apa sajakah yang dapat digunakan pada saat mengajar?
4. Alat bantu visual apakah yang paling dapat membantu murid-murid untuk
dapat lebih berkonsentrasi lagi di kelas?
5. Apakah ada efek negatif yang disebabkan oleh penggunaan alat bantu
visual tersebut?
6. Apa sajakah penyebab dari kesulitan murid-murid untuk dapat
berkonsentrasi pada saat belajar di kelas?

Name of interviewer

: Amelia Christiani Tanu

Name of respondent

: Miss Vivi Liana

Day & date of interview : Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Place of interview

: TKK BPK PENABUR 638, PreK-D room

1. Bagaimana pendapat Miss Vivi mengenai penggunaan eye contact dalam
proses belajar mengajar?
2. Apakah penggunaan eye contact pada saat mengajar memberikan efek
yang baik bagi murid-murid?
3. Apakah ada efek negative bagi murid-murid dari penggunaan eye contact
pada saat mengajar?
4. Apa sajakah manfaat dari penggunaan alat bantu visual ketika mengajar?
5. Akankah alat bantu visual membantu murid-murid untuk dapat lebih
memperhatikan pelajaran yang diajarkan?
6. Apakah ada kerugian yang ditimbulkan dari penggunaan alat bantu visual?

Name of interviewer

: Amelia Christiani Tanu

Name of respondent

: Miss Christine

Day & date of interview : Wednesday, September 18, 2012
Place of interview

: TKK BPK PENABUR 638, teachers’ room

Amelia : Good morning Miss Christine. I would like to interview you for a
moment. Is it ok?
Miss C : Yeah. Sure. What is it about?
Amelia : It’s about classroom management, sitting arrangement of students
in the class. What do you think about it?
Miss C : Sitting arrangement?
Amelia : Yeah. I mean.. Do you think that by controlling sitting arrangement
can make students able to pay attention more to the lessons?
Miss.C : Ohh I see.. Yeah sure.. Controlling students’ sitting arrangement will
help students to be more focus on the lessons.
Amelia : Ok. And next question is.. By controlling seating arrangement, is it
good for both students and teacher?
Miss. C : It depends. There are good things and bad things about sitting
arrangement. The good things about it are the students will be wellorganized and they can concentrate well. But if we put talkative
students together, they will make noise and disturb others.

Amelia : What’s the effect when the talkative students make noise in the
class? Will it affect the lessons? Like maybe they will not pay
attention to the lessons.
Miss C : Yes of course. It will affect some of the children in the class,
especially the students who are making noise. They will not learn
well and will not concentrate to teacher’s explanation. The teachers
also cannot explain well, because they need to take action to the
talkative students.
Amelia : Oh I see. What else are the negative effects of sitting arrangement?
Miss C : I think the other effect of sitting arrangement is the students can be
bored to sit with the same students everyday or they won’t play with
other children as they play only with the ones who sit beside them.
Amelia : What can we do to solve the problem?
Miss C : We can change the sitting arrangement every week or every two
weeks to avoid the boredness situation. But, remember not to put
talkative students together.
Amelia : Okay. Thank you for your time Miss Christine. It is a great
opportunities to interview you.
Miss C : You’re welcome Amel.

Name of interviewer

: Amelia Christiani Tanu

Name of respondent

: Miss Ika Djatnika

Day & date of interview : Wednesday, October 16, 2012
Place of interview

: TKK BPK PENABUR 638, K1-B room

: Selamat siang Miss Ika. Saya ingin meminta waktunya sebentar
untuk interview mengenai tugas akhir yang sedang saya

Miss Ika : Oh iya boleh Mel. Ini mengenai apa ya?

: Ini tentang psikologi murid-murid di kelas Miss, khususnya
mengenai bagaimana cara untuk membuat anak-anak TK dapat
tetap konsenterasi selama pelajaran berlangsung?

Miss Ika : Ok. Saya jawab sekarang ya Mel. Kalau menurut saya sebagai
orang yang sudah cukup lama berprofesi sebagai guru, ada
beberapa cara yang dapat di gunakan di kelas sehingga muridmurid dapat fokus terhadap apa yang sedang dipelajarinya.
Pertama, bisa menggunakan alat bantu visual. Misalnya berupa
gambar, atau video. Akan tetapi penggunaan video jauh lebih
menarik bagi anak-anak. Gambar yang disaksikan di dalam video
itu dapat bergerak dan mengeluarkan suara, dan itulah yang dapat
membuat anak dapat lebih berkonsentrasi lagi.


: Saya setuju dengan Miss.Ika bahwa penggunaan alat bantu visual
dapat membantu anak-anak jadi lebih konsenterasi lagi. Namun,
adakah sisi negative dari penggunaan video atau gambar

Miss Ika: Iya tentu saja ada. Kalau misalnya kita menggunakan gambar yang
tidak berwarna pada saat menerangkan di kelas, maka anak-anak
tidak akan merasa tertarik untuk mendengarkan. Selain itu gambar
tidak dapat bergerak, dan hal ini pun membuat anak-anak tidak
mengerti dengan jelas gambar apakah itu. Karena gambar tidak
dapat mengeluarkan suara ataupun gerakan.

: Oh begitu ya Miss. Ok. Saya mengerti. Sekarang, saya ingin
bertanya mengenai apa penyebab dari murid-murid yang
kesulitaan untuk berkonsenterasi saat di kelas.

Miss Ika : Mmm… Salah satu penyebabnya ya Mel karena di kelas itu
temboknya dipenuh dengan berbagai warna dan juga banyak
gambar-gambar lucu dan menarik. Sehingga ketika proses
belajar mengajar, jika pelajaran yang di ajarkan kurang menarik
bagi mereka, mereka akan melihat-lihat sekitarnya dan
memperhatikan gambar-gambar yang ada di sekeliling mereka.
Karena menurut mereka, gambar-gambar di tembok lebih
menarik dari pada yang sedang di ajarkan gurunya di kelas.

: Ooohh begitu. Ok miss, segitu dulu aja interviewnya. Makasih
banyak ya Miss Ika atas waktu dan bantuannya.

Name of interviewer

: Amelia Christiani Tanu

Name of respondent

: Miss Vivi Liana

Day & date of interview : Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Place of interview


: TKK BPK PENABUR 638, PreK-D room

: Selamat siang Miss Vivi, boleh minta waktunya sebentar untuk
wawancara sedikit tentang penggunaan eye contact?

Miss Vivi : Oh iya boleh Mel. Mau tanya apa?

: Mmm.. Menurut miss apakah ada manfaat dari penggunaan eye
contact terhadap murid-murid di kelas waktu proses belajar
mengajar berlangsung?

Miss Vivi : Iya jelas ada Mel. Kalau kita menggunakan eye contact pada saat
mengajar, otomatis ini akan membuat daya tangkap anak lebih
baik sehingga akan memudahkan kita sebagai pengajar untuk
menyampaikan bahan yang diajarkan.

: Oh gitu ya miss. Sekarang Amel mau tanya bagaimana dengan
manfaat dari penggunaan alat bantu visual di kelas?

Miss Vivi : Manfaat alat bantu visual….. ??

: Iya miss. Bener ga kalau kita menggunakan alat bantu visual akan
membantu murid-murid untuk jadi lebih memperhatikan apa yang
kita ajarkan?

Miss Vivi : Oh.. Iya Mel. Betul itu. Karena murid-murid akan merasa tertarik
dengan alat bantu visual yang kita bawa, entah itu berupa
gambar, video ataupun benda yang real. Hal ini akan membuat
mereka jadi lebih memperhatikan bahan yang kita ajarkan Mel.

: Oh ok ok Miss Vivi. Yaudah segitu dulu aja ya.. Makasih miss
buat waktu nya.

Miss Vivi : Iya sama-sama Mel.


This is the picture of seating
arrangement while I was doing my

This is semi-circular arrangement as my third potential solution.


Name of the class : PREK-A, PREK-B, PREK-C, PREK-D

: PRE-Kindergarten

Goal of the lesson : 6 pupils come in front of the class to say out loud all the
vocabularies I had taught on that day.

: 20 – 30 minutes

1 Teacher greets pupils. (Good
morning children! How are you?)
2 Introduction to the topic of the
lesson (Today, we are going to
study about new thing. It is about
parts of body. Does anyone know
what that is? Ok, let’s begin
3 Start the lesson. (Now everybody
look at me. I have some pictures
over here. Who knows what this
is? This is “Head”. Touch your
head children. How many head do
you have? One! Good job! Now
follow me, “Head” “Head” “Head”.
Let’s continue to the next picture.
What is this? This is called
“Shoulder”. Please touch your
shoulder children. So, this is
shoulder. The third picture that I
have is “knee”. This is knee. Knee.
Knee. I want you all to touch your
knee now. The last picture is
“Toes”. Everybody say, “Toes”
“Toes “ “Toes”. Now, touch your
toes. Where’s your toes?)
4 Sing a song to pupils. (I have a
new song for you. Here it is,
“Head, Shoulder, knees, and toes

2 minutes

Teaching Aid

3 minutes


10 minutes

Flash card of
head, shoulder,
knees, and toes.

3 minutes



Sing “Head, shoulder, knees, and
toes” together with pupils.
Let 6 pupils to come in front to say
all the vocabularies out loud.
Closing (Ok children. We are
going to continue next week. I will
ask about these vocabularies
again. See you all!)

3 minutes


7 minutes


2 minutes



A. Background of the Study
In this term paper, I would like to discuss about the problem I experienced
during my internship at TKK BPK PENABUR 638. One of the reasons why I
chose to do my internship in BPK PENABUR is because this institution was
established in 1950; thus, the school has a long history that makes it as
successful as today. Besides, I decide to choose kindergarten level so I could
learn how to be a good teacher for 3-year-old pupils from the teachers by
doing internship in this institution.
While I was doing my internship I experienced a difficulty in maintaining
the attention of some of the 3-year-old pupils in class A, B, C, and D of the
PRE-K level. Totally there were 53 pupils in the four classes (12 pupils in
class A, 14 pupils in class B, 13 pupils in class C, and 14 pupils in class D).
My difficulty was found in all the classes. Out of the 53 pupils, I found that 16
of them (4 pupils in class A, 3 pupils in class B, 3 pupils in class C, and 5
pupils in class D) could not focus on the lessons for a long time.


Maranatha Christian University

I experienced the difficulty every time I taught in the classes. In each
class, I taught for three times; each teaching time took twenty to thirty
minutes. Every time I taught, the main teachers were sitting behind their
desks and watching me. During the teaching process, all pupils sat on the
parquet in disordered rows. The first time I taught, the topic was boy and girl.
In the second and third time, the topic was parts of body; such as head,
shoulder, knees, and toes. When I started to teach, almost all pupils were
ready to listen to my explanation; while the 16 of problematic pupils had
difficulties to sit still and stay focused for long time. Some of the problematic
pupils talked with other pupils, looked around the class, and also daydreamed
while I was explaining the lessons. This situation made me hard to deliver the
lessons to the pupils.
This problem is important to discuss because it is a common problem
nowadays, as the article “Paying Attention: What Does it Mean for Infants and
Toddlers?” says that problems with paying attention are increasing lately
(par.1). Based on the observation I did in the school and the supporting
theories I gathered, I analyze the causes, the effects, and the potential
solutions to solve this problem.

B. Identification of the Problem
These following questions will be answered in this term paper:


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1. Why was it difficult for me to maintain the attention of some of the 3-yearold pupils in the class?
2. How did my difficulty in maintaining the attention of some of the 3-year-old
pupils affect the other pupils, lesson plan, and myself as the teacher?
3. How can I as the teacher maintain the pupils’ attention in the class?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The objective of this research is to find out the causes and the effects of
my difficulty in maintaining the attention of some of the 3-year-old pupils in
class A, B, C, and D of the PRE-K level in TKK BPK PENABUR. Besides, I
would like to find the best solution for this problem.
I hope that the readers of this term paper as well as all the teachers in
TKK BPK PENABUR and myself as the writer can learn about the good ways
to maintain the pupil’s attention from the solutions and will practice all the
potential solutions in the future when facing this kind of problem.

D. Description of the Institution
Badan Pendidikan Kristen Penabur or well-known as BPK PENABUR is
one of the best educational institutions in Bandung which was established on
26 May 1959. Based on the information that I read from the book Sejarah dan
Perkembangan BPK PENABUR (1950-2010), written by Widjaya et al., it is
stated that after the independence day of Indonesia (17 August 1945), there


Maranatha Christian University

were some abandoned schools which were formerly owned by the Dutch.
Then, the Dutch organizations gave all the assets to Indonesia. THKTKHKH
(Tiong Hoa Kie Tok Kauw Hwee Khu Hwee) Djawa Barat or was also known
as GKI SW (Gereja Kristen Indonesia Sinode Wilayah) was one of the
receivers of the assets. In May 1984, THKTKHKH Djawa Barat with the
committee planned to rebuild all the schools. In 1948-1950, four elementary
Kristen Petang Schools were established in Jakarta.
On 1 July 1989, BPK PENABUR was officially approved by Majelis Sinode
ke-46 GKI Jawa Barat. In 1984, the motto, the vision, and the mission of this
institution were stated. The vision is to be a Christian institution of excellence
in faith, knowledge, and service. The mission is to develop students’ potential
optimally through quality education and teaching based on Christian values.

E. Method of the Study
In writing this term paper, I apply two methods of research to support my
analysis of the causes, effects, and solutions. First, I did a library research to
get supporting data from printed and Internet sources. Also, I did field
research to get data from my observation which was recorded in my
internship journal and from an interview I did with Miss Christine, the English
teacher in TKK BPK PENABUR.


Maranatha Christian University

F. Limitation of the Study
This term paper will discuss about my difficulty in maintaining attention of
3-year-old pupils in Pre-K level in TKK BPK PENABUR 638 Bandung. There
were 53 pupils (21 boys and 32 girls) in Pre-K level in this institution when I
did my internship there. However, for this research I focus on 16 of these
students whose attention was difficult to be maintained. This research is
based on my internship that I experienced between July 16, 2012 and August
16, 2012.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
First of all, the term paper starts with the abstract which provides the
sumary of the content of this term paper in Indonesian. Then, there is the
acknowledgements part to say my gratitude to those people who have helped
in writing this term paper. Next, there is a table of contents which shows the
content of this term paper. These parts are followed by the chapters.
Chapter I provides all the information about the background of the
problem. Chapter II contains an analysis of the causes and effects of the
problem. Then Chapter III discusses the potential solutions of this problem,
and also the positive and negative effects of the potential solutions. Chapter
IV is the last chapter of this term paper, and it concludes all the things that
are explained in the previous chapters. Moreover, in this chapter, the chosen
solution to overcome the problem is explained. There is also a bibliography


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which lists all the references that I use in this term paper. The last part of this
term paper is the appendices which consist of a flowchart, lists of interview
questions, and the interview transcripts.


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In this chapter, I would like to discuss about my chosen solution for my
problem which is difficulty in maintaining the attention of some of the 3-yearold pupils in class A, B, C, and D of the PRE-K level in TKK BPK PENABUR
638. There are three causes of my problem. First, the pupils’ attention span is
short. Second, the pupils’ attention span was distracted by their own feeling.
The third is there were visual distractions in class which made them hard to
concentrate while studying in class. The last cause is during the lessons, the
pupils were seating in disordered rows, facing me as the teacher at the front.
These causes made me, as the teacher frustrated. Besides, some pupils who
did not pay attention interrupted the lesson plans. Furthermore, the pupils
who did not pay attention interfered other pupils when they were studying in
the classroom. There are three potential solutions for my problem. The first
potential solution is I use non-verbal teaching techniques. The second
potential solution is I use teaching aids. Then the last potential solution is I
adjust pupils’ seating arrangement that can help them concentrate better.


Maranatha Christian University

Combining all of the three potential solutions will be the best solution. This
is my conclusion after I analyze all the potential solutions, and the positive
and negative effects of each of them.
The reason why combining the three potential solutions is the best way to
solve this problem is that it will show a great improvement in the pupils’
attention. They will be able to concentrate for longer time during the teaching
process. The result will be much better than if I only do either one or two of
the potential solutions at the same time. Doing only one or two potential
solutions will not make the pupils able to focus on the lessons for longer time.
For example, if I only create a proper seating arrangement without keeping
eye contact with the pupils, they will not pay attention to my explanation and
they might disturb the other pupils. Likewise, if I only do non-verbal teaching
techniques without using teaching aids while I teach, the pupils will not be
interested in the lesson and this will make them feel bored. Thus, teaching
aids are also needed, as Roberson explains in her article, “The many benefits
of teaching aids include helping young learners relieving anxiety or boredom
by presenting information in a new and exciting way” (par.1). Without the use
of teaching aids, the pupils may still get bored. Therefore, to be able to
maintain pupils’ attention, I, as their teacher will do all these three potential
solutions at the same time. I will use teaching aids, such as pictures and then
I maintain non-verbal teaching techniques. I also should arrange the seats for
pupils in class in order to keep their concentration during the lessons.


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As a conclusion, combining all the potential solutions will make a great
impact on the pupils’ attention. As explained in the previous paragraph that all
the potential solutions are better done at the same time. Unfortunately there
is a possibility that the pupils will not show a great improvement on paying
attention to the lessons if I do not do all the potential solutions carefully. For
example, if I use black and white pictures even though I do seating
arrangement and maintain eye contact with the pupils, it can make the pupils
still not interested in the lessons because of the black and white pictures. I
should use colorful pictures instead. Thus, I have to be really careful in doing
all the potential solutions.


Maranatha Christian University


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Maranatha Christian University

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Maranatha Christian University