Analysis of Suspense, Surprise and Artistic Unity in Michael Crichton's 'Jurassic Park'.


Dalam tugas akhir ini saya membahas sebuah novel berjudul Jurassic
Park yang ditulis oleh Michael Crichton. Jurassic Park adalah sebuah buku yang
bergenre Techno-thriller. Buku ini telah difilmkan oleh seorang sutradara yang
bernama Steven Spielberg. Karena difilmkan, Jurassic Park semakin dikenal oleh
orang banyak. Novel ini bercerita tentang sekumpulan orang yang berkunjung ke
sebuah pulau untuk melihat dinosaurus. Sewaktu kunjungan, banyak hal buruk
terjadi dan menyebabkan mereka dikejar-kejar oleh dinosaurus-dinosaurus yang
ada di pulau itu.
Setelah membaca buku ini saya menemukan bahwa unsur yang penting
dalam novel ini adalah plot, antara lain: suspense, surprise dan artistic unity.
Saya memutuskan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara suspense, surprise dan
bagaimana keduanya terhubung sehingga membentuk sebuah artistic unity yang
masuk akal sehingga dapat dipercaya oleh pembaca. Selain itu, Michael Crichton
menyajikan novel ini dengan ceritera yang terinci sehingga pembaca akan
dengan mudah membaca dan mengerti ceriteranya.




dari novel ini


perkembangan plot nya yang luar biasa, pada khususnya suspense, ceritera
novelnya mudah dimengerti, dan topiknya juga sangat menarik. Suspense
disajikan secara sistematis sehingga pembaca akan selalu merasa tegang ketika
membaca buku ini.

Maranatha Christian University


TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. ii

Background of the Study..............................................................................1
Statement of the Problem ............................................................................2
Purpose of the Study ...................................................................................3
Method of Research .....................................................................................3
Organization of the Thesis ...........................................................................3

UNITY IN MICHAEL CRICHTON’S JURASSIC PARK..............................4
CHAPTER THREE: CONCLUSION ......................................................................17
BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................20
Synopsis of Jurassic Park ..........................................................................21
Biography of Michael Crichton ...................................................................22

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Synopsis of Jurassic Park
The story starts in an island near Costa Rica named Isla Nublar, in which
strange activities take place. Some people who live in the island near Isla Nublar
are attacked by mysterious animals which are later known as InGen’s
experimental animals. InGen is a company owned by John Hammond. InGen
performs experiments by cloning animals. Hammond has a plan to build a socalled theme park on Isla Nublar.
In opening the park, Hammond faces a problem: all of his investors are
not convinced enough about his plan; therefore, they send a lawyer named
Donald Gennaro to inspect the island. To prove that his island is safe for
recreation, Hammond invites some experts from the main land to take a tour in
the island. The experts on the list include Dr. Allan Grant, a paleontologist, Dr.
Ellie Sattler, a graduate student studying under Grant who specializes
in paleobotany and Dr. Ian Malcolm, a mathematician. Hammond also invites his
grandchildren Tim Murphy and Alexis “Lex” Murphy. Upon the arrival, the visitors
discover that the island is a huge park with dinosaurs as the attraction. While they
are taking a tour, the electricity in the island goes off because of heavy storm.


Since the electricity goes off all the dinosaurs can move freely; so, the park turns

to be a dangerous place for all visitors. A tyrannosaur attacks the Convoys and
causes the convoys to separate. Grant, Tim and Lex are forced to hide in the
jungle because they are being chased by a tyrannosaur. Luckily, they can survive
from all threats, and they plan to escape from the island through the raptor's nest.
Biography of Michael Crichton
John Michael Crichton was born in Chicago, Illinois on October 23, 1942.
He is the son of John Henderson Crichton and Zula Miller Crichton. He spent his
childhood life on Long Island, New York with his two sisters, Kimberly and
Catherine, and his younger brother, Douglas. Michael Crichton has shown his
interest in writing since he was young. At the age of fourteen, he wrote a column
about traveling and published it in The New York Times.
Michael Crichton was a student in Harvard University; his first course was
English Literature. However, he changed his subject because he had a problem
with one of his professors. He changed his course to biological anthropology as
an undergraduate and obtained his bachelor’s degree with summa cum laude in
1964. Then, Crichton continued his studies at Harvard Medical School and
started to write novels under pen-names John Lange and Jeffery Hudson. He
graduated from Harvard and got his M.D. in 1969, and he undertook a postdoctoral fellowship studies at the Jonas Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La
Jolla, California from 1969 to 1970. Most of his writings are fictional, such as
Jurassic Park(1993), The Andromeda Strain(1969), Congo(1980), Sphere(1987),

Rising Sun(1992), The Lost World(1995), Timeline(1999), Prey(2002), State of
Fear(2004), and Next(2006). Moreover, most of his works were influenced by his
studies in medicine and anthropology. He died on November 4, 2008 in Lost
Angeles, California at the age of 66 because of cancer.
Source: “About Michael Crichton”




Background of the Study
Michael Crichton is famous for his techno-thriller novel. He writes many
best-seller novels and one of his famous novels that I will analyze in my thesis is
Jurassic Park. Techno-thrillers are defined as:
Techno-thrillers are a hybrid genre, drawing subject matter generally from
spy thrillers, war novels, and science fiction. They include a
disproportionate amount (relative to other genres) of supporting detail on
its subject matter; only science fiction tends towards a comparable level of

supporting detail on the technical side...They are often criticized for
overwhelming the human characters with machinery (Ishkhneli).
Jurassic Park, the novel that I analyze in this thesis presents the
development of modern science in biotechnology or so-called genetic
engineering. This novel attracts a lot of people to read because it is categorized
as sub-genre of thriller so it always tenses the readers.

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The significant literary elements in this novel are the development of suspense,
surprise and the connection between both of them to be plausible; therefore,
while reading this novel one will always feel curious about what will happen next.
Based on Perrine’s theory, there are three laws of plot in which a play or
novel must fulfill; hence, it will become a good play or novel. The first is
suspense, which is “the quality in a story that makes the reader ask, ‘What’s
going to happen next? Or how will this turn out’ and such question compel them
to keep reading” (Arp 109). The second is surprise; it is stated that “The surprise
is proportional to the unexpectedness of what happens.” (111) In other words,
surprise means the element of reader’s unexpectedness about the plot. The third

is artistic unity. It is said that
“artistic unity is essential to a good plot. There must be nothing in the
story that is irrelevant, that does not contribute to the meaning; there
should be nothing there for its own sake or its own excitement….Authors
place the story’s incidents and scenes in the most effective order, which is
not necessarily the chronological order (Although, when we place them in
chronological order, they must form a logical progression)” (113)

Statement of the Problem
The problems are stated as follows:

What suspense is revealed in the novel?


What surprise is revealed in the novel?


How is artistic unity presented in the novel?

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Purpose of the Study

To reveal suspense in the novel.


To reveal surprise in the novel.


To show how artistic unity is presented in the novel.

Method of Research
I use library research for writing my thesis. First, I read Jurassic Park as

the primary text. Second, I read as well as compile some references from the
Internet to support my analysis of suspense, surprise, and artistic unity of the
novel. Finally I arrive at some conclusions for my analysis.

Organization of the Thesis
This Thesis consists of three chapters, which are preceded by Abstract
and Table of Contents. The first chapter is Introduction, which consists of
Background of the Study, Statement of the Problems, Purpose of the Study,
Method of Research, and Organization of the Thesis. The second chapter is
Analysis of Suspense, Surprise, and Artistic Unity in Michael Crichton’s Jurassic
Park. The third chapter is Conclusion. Finally, the thesis ends with Bibliography
and Appendices, which contain Synopsis of the Novel and the Biography of the

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After reading and analyzing the novel, I conclude that Jurassic Park is
brilliant in holding the readers' attention. The book is full of suspense, so readers
will always thrilled and curious to find out what will happen in the next page. In
my opinion, the most important element in this book is the element of plot.
Therefore, I will first conclude the development of suspense, second surprise and
last the artistic unity. Based on my analysis, I have found six main suspenses. I
divide them into three stages. The first stage consists of two suspenses, the
second three suspenses and the third one suspense.
The first suspense is the story about Dodgson’s contact person in
Jurassic Park. He is presented as a mysterious man who is assigned by Dodgson
to steal some dinosaur’s embryos. This suspense is answered by a surprise that
Dodgson contact’s is actually Nedry, who is a programmer who design Jurassic
Park control system. To steal the embryos, he surprisingly turns off all the
security system in the park. He can turns off the security system of the park
because he is the one who designs the control system of the park.

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The second suspense is when Grant finds pieces of dinosaurs’ eggshells. It is
said that all the dinosaurs cannot breed because all of them are female. This
suspense is answered by a surprise that the entire dinosaurs apparently breed.
The dinosaurs can breed because to complete dinosaurs DNA, Wu uses frogs
DNA. I categorize these suspenses as the first stage. I conclude that at this stage
Crichton wants to tell the readers that the park is no longer under control. The
raptors breed beyond the programmer’s expectation and the security system is
turned off by Nedry. Consequently, people in the park might be harmed by the
The third suspense is when the tyrannosaur attacks the convoy. Malcolm,
who gets out of the car, is attacked by the tyrannosaur; however, Grant, who is
getting out after Malcolm, is not attacked. The tyrannosaur does not attack Grant
because it cannot see unmoving object; therefore, it cannot see Grant when he
stop moving. The fourth suspense is when the tyrannosaur catch Tim by its
tongue in the small room behind the waterfall. Tim has been dragged out by the
tyrannosaur’s tongue and he is almost killed. Luckily, the tyrannosaur uncoils its
tongue and leaves Tim unhurt. The tyrannosaur release Tim from its tongue
because it have been shot by Malcolm with a tranquilizer dart. The fifth suspense
is when the raptor attacks Wu. In this suspense, Wu sees Ellie try to attract the
raptors to attack the fence. Wu thinks that it is not Ellie, who attracts the raptors.
In fact it is the raptors which attract Ellie to stay behind the fence. Then, Wu gets
outside and tells Ellie to get inside the building. Surprisingly, a raptor jumps from
the roof and attacks him. I categorize these suspenses as the second stage. I
conclude that in this second stage Crichton wants to tell the readers that the
dinosaurs in the park are lethal. One of them is extremely strong while some of
them are extremely smart. Therefore, the readers are curious to know whether
the people will be able to survive or not.

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The sixth suspense is when Grant and friends are inside a raptor’s nest. A
baby raptor sees them and starts to make a noise. The baby raptor attracts an
adult raptor to come, yet the adult raptor leaves without doing any further search.
I categorize these suspenses as the third stage. In this third stage I conclude that
Crichton wants to tell the readers that this is the last suspense. This suspense
leads the readers to the answer that they finally can escape from the island. I
conclude that all the suspenses in the novel lead the reader to think about the
survival of all people in the park from the dinosaurs' attack.
In my opinion, Jurassic Park is an excellent novel because it has a great
development of suspense. I discover that the suspense is more significant than
the surprise. Based on my analysis above, the suspense is systematically
presented by Crichton, and all suspenses is answered by great surprises. In
finding the suspense readers will find that it is logically answered by the surprise;
therefore, readers will find the suspense thrilling and worth reading. Moreover,
the topic of the novel is very interesting as it is about extinct dinosaurs. The novel
has excellent details; they help readers to visualize the content. Hence, the
readers will feel that the book is easy and enjoyable to read. He can write
excellent details because he has pursued a further study about dinosaurs, as
stated in the novel acknowledgements. I conclude that Crichton’s success of this
book can be seen from the following: the subject of the book is interesting, the
content is understandable, the plot especially the suspense has a good
development and the artistic unity is plausible and may not lead the readers into

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Primary Text:
Crichton, Michael. Jurassic Park. New York: Ballantine Books, Sept. 1991. Print.

“About Michael Crichton.” Constant C Production, 1997. Web. 24 Apr. 2012.
Arp Thomas, R. Perrine’s Literature: Structure, Sound and Sense. New York:
Hartcourt Brace & Company, 2002. Print.
Irina, Ishkhneli. “Minor Subgenres.” Film Genres. The First of September, Aug.
2008. Web. 10 Sep 2012.

Maranatha Christian University