Analysis of Suspense, Surprise and Plausibility in Robert Ludlum's 'The Bourne Identity'.


Dalam tugas akhir ini, saya akan membahas sebuah novel thriller yang
berjudul The Bourne Identity karya Robert Ludlum, seorang penulis novel fiksi
berkebangsaan Amerika. Novel ini menceritakan serangkaian peristiwa pencarian
identitas tokoh utama yang menderita amnesia akibat tertembak.
Dalam tugas akhir ini, saya memutuskan untuk meneliti elemen alur cerita.
Tiga elemen yang dibahas adalah suspense, surprise dan plausibility. Unsur
suspense dalam cerita ini membuat pembaca merasa penasaran dan ingin
mengetahui kelanjutan cerita sampai akhir. Selain unsur suspense, Robert Ludlum
juga sangat pandai dalam menyajikan surprise yang menjadikan cerita ini yang
sangat menarik. Surprise ini bertujuan membuat pembaca tercengang setelah
ekspektasi mereka tidak tercapai karena munculnya surprise yang tidak mereka
duga sebelumnya. Surprise dalam novel ini juga disajikan dengan cara-cara yang
logis dan sesuai dengan dengan teori plausibility.
Setelah saya menganalis novel ini, saya berpendapat bahwa novel ini
mempunyai unsur-unsur pembentuk alur cerita yang menarik dan saling
melengkapi sehingga terbentuklah sebuah cerita yang harmonis, masuk akal dan
sesuai dengan teori plausibility. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Robert Ludlum
berhasil dalam mengembangkan unsur-unsur suspense, surprise dan plausibility
sehingga menciptakan alur cerita yang menarik sekaligus menegangkan.


Maranatha Christian University

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... iii
Background of the Study ...................................................................................... 1
Statement of the Problem ..................................................................................... 3
Purpose of the Study............................................................................................. 3
Method of Research.............................................................................................. 3
Organization of the Thesis.................................................................................... 4

Suspense ............................................................................................................... 5
Surprise .............................................................................................................. 11
Plausibility ......................................................................................................... 12

CHAPTER THREE: CONCLUSION ............................................................... 15
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 18
Synopsis of The Bourne Identity......................................................................... 19
Biography of the Author ..................................................................................... 20


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Synopsis of The Bourne Identity
A man is found by the local fishermen in the Mediterranean Sea barely
alive with several gunshot wounds, including a wound on his head, which results
in amnesia. When a doctor treats him, he finds that a message is surgically
embedded in his hip. The message leads to a bank account in Zurich. When the
man goes to Zurich, the man learns that his name is Jason Bourne and he also has
four million dollars in his bank account.

In the process of finding his true identity, Jason is forced to defend his life
from people who try to kill him, including Illich Ramirez Sanchez a.k.a. Carlos,
the world’s most dangerous professional assassin.
In Zurich, he meets a woman named Marie St. Jacques, who helps him to
reveal his identity and becomes his lover. Together with Marie, Jason goes
through the good and the bad times just to find out who he really is. He meets
various people in Paris, some of whom lead him more closely to the revelation of
his true identity.
In the end, it turns out that Jason Bourne is not the man’s real name. His
real name is David Webb and he works as a CIA Foreign Service officer and a
specialist in Far Eastern affairs. Jason Bourne is a created name given to a CIA

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special secret agent who has special skills and abilities. He is involved in a secret
operation to capture Carlos, a dangerous assasin.

Biography of the Author
Robert Ludlum was an American author of 21 thriller novels. There are

more than 210 million copies of his book in print, and they have been translated
into 32 languages. Ludlum also published books under the pseudonyms Jonathan
Ryder and Michael Shepherd. Some of Ludlum’s novels have been made into
films and mini-series, including The Osterman Weekend, The Holcroft Covenant,
The Apocalypse Watch, and The Bourne Trilogy. A non-Ludlum book supposedly
inspired by his unused notes, Covert One: The Hades Factor, has been made into
a mini-series.
Ludlum was

educated at Wesleyan University in


Connecticut. Prior to becoming an author he had been a theatrical actor and
producer. His theatrical experience may have contributed to his understanding of
the energy, escapism and action that the public wanted in a novel.
Ludlum died in 2001, reportedly leaving behind several unpublished
manuscripts and rough outlines which continue to be dusted off and published
with the help of ghostwriters.

Source: “Biography of Robert Ludlum”

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Background of the Study
In this thesis, I would like to analyze the suspense, surprise and
plausibility in Robert Ludlum’s novel entitled The Bourne Identity. I have chosen
Robert Ludlum because he is best known for his thriller novels, such as The
Apocalypse Watch, The Gemini, The Bourne Trilogy, The Holcroft Covenant and
The Osterman Weekend. The definition of thriller novel is “a genre of fiction in
which tough, resourceful but essentially ordinary heroes are pitted against villains
determined to destroy them, their country, or the stability of the free world”
(Bennett, par. 2). Some characteristics of a thriller novel are ”fast-paced plots,
numerous action scenes and limited character development” (Bennett, par. 6).
Ludlum wrote twenty-one novels published in thirty-two languages and
forty countries, and most of his works have been internationally bestselling books.

Most of his novels become major feature films and mini series, and there are more
than 200 million copies of his books in print throughout the worldwide sales.

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Ludlum is popular and has the “skill to capture the imagination of his
readers from the first pages, and keep them absorbed in the story” (Liukkonen
and Pesonen, par. 1). In his Bourne Trilogy, he uses “material from current events
in international politics” (Liukkonen and Pesonen, par 1). which makes the story
more interesting to read.
One of his bestselling novels, The Bourne Identity, is a thriller novel
which really catches my interest. It uses everyday language as well as having an
exciting plot. I have chosen the first book of Ludlum’s Bourne Trilogy because of
his ability to make his readers absorbed in the process of reading it. This book has
made his readers curious about the story and also made them surprised at the end
of it.
I am certain that the main key for this novel to become interesting to read
is the elements of suspense, surprise and plausibility in the novel. These three
elements have been successfully presented in the novel and have caused millions

of readers to feel amazed after reading the novel.
According to Perrine, “suspense is the quality in a story that makes the
reader ask ‘what’s going to happen next?’ and impels him to read on to find the
answer to these questions. Suspense is greatest when the reader’s curiosity is
combined with anxiety about the fate of some sympathetic character” (45).
Surprise is said to be “proportional to the unexpectedness of what happens; it
becomes pronounced when the story departs radically from our expectation”
(Perrine 47). The story also must have a plausibility to make the suspense

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answered by logical surprise. “To say a story has plausibility is simply to say that
it is convincing on its own term” (Kenney 20).

Statement of the Problem
Based on the Background of the Study, the statement of the problem in my
thesis is formulated in the following questions:
1. Which events in the novel contain elements of suspense?
2. Which events in the novel contain elements of surprise?

3. Are suspense and surprise elements in the novel plausible?

Purpose of the Study
The Statement of the Problem leads to the purposes of the study, which are
1. to identify the events in the novel that contain the elements of suspense;
2. to identify the events in the novel that contain the elements of surprise;
3. to show the plausibility of the suspense and surprise elements in the novel.

Method of Research
I used library research in doing the analysis. Firstly, I read The Bourne
Identity as the primary text. Secondly, I also read and compiled some information
from the Internet and reference books to support my analysis of suspense, surprise
and plausibility in the novel. Finally, I analyzed the elements of suspense, surprise
and plausibility in the novel and drew some conclusions from my analysis.

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Organization of the Thesis
This thesis is divided into three chapters, which are preceded by the

Acknowledgements, the Table of Contents and the Abstract. The first chapter is
the Introduction, which consists of the Background of the Study, the Statement of
the Problem, the Purpose of the Study, the Method of Research and the
Organization of the Thesis. The second chapter presents the analysis of suspense,
surprise and plausibility in Robert Ludlum’s novel The Bourne Identity. Finally,
the third chapter is the Conclusion. After the Conclusion there are the
Bibliography and the Appendices, which contain the Synopsis of the Novel and
the Biography of the Author.

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After analyzing the elements of suspense, surprise and plausibility in The
Bourne Identity, I am going to draw a conclusion of the analysis of suspense and
surprise presented in the previous chapter.
Robert Ludlum is a brilliant thriller novelist because in this novel he

succeeds not only in producing a good story which makes the reader surprised and
satisfied but also in creating the elements of suspense, surprise and plausibility
that are legitimate and valuable. So skillful is Robert Ludlum in applying the two
elements that The Bourne Identity becomes interesting to read and has become
one of the most popular thriller novels until now.
Most of the elements of suspense in Robert Ludlum’s The Bourne Identity
are mysteries, which are intended to make the reader wonder as well as question
both the identity of the protagonist and the plot of the story. The suspense keeps
the reader guessing and the more the reader reads the novel and gets significant
information in it, the more questions he/she will ask.
In this story, the author also creates suspense regarding the mystery of the
protagonist’s identity. The suspense makes the reader curious about the identity of
the protagonist and the plot of the story. The reader may ask whether the
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protagonist will find his true identity and whether or not he can survive after a
series of murder attempts. Not only does the suspense make the reader curious
about what will happen next, but it also creates tension in the reader’s mind. It
makes the reader feel that he/she is directly involved in the story and so he/she

will keep on reading until the end of the story.
Robert Ludlum also creates elements of surprise which answer the
suspense with unexpected answers. The surprise elements also make the reader
”stunned” on the grounds as what he/she formally expects is not the same as what
really happens in the story. The elements of surprise give the reader logical and
plausible explanations. As a result, the story has a logical cause and effect
One of the events which show Robert Ludlum’s skills in applying
suspense and surprise can be seen in the first suspense which is answered by the
first surprise. The protagonist is found by the fishermen floating in the
Mediterranean Sea with gunshot wounds in several places of his body and he has
no identity. The reader will question who the person really is and why the person
has been shot in several places of his body. After the reader is made curious,
Ludlum eventually gives the reader a surprising answer by revealing that the man
who floats in the sea is a CIA special agent who is on a dangerous mission. This
fact surprises the reader because he/she expect that the man who floats in the
Mediterranean Sea is an ordinary person who becomes the victim of a criminal
Based on my analysis, the suspense and surprise in the story are linked
together by the plausibility of the surprise so that the plot in the story is well

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organized. Robert Ludlum puts suspense as well as surprise in the right order and
interestingly gives the reader unexpected events so that the readers will enjoy the
novel. He/she will not feel bored in reading it until the end of the story because
he/she gets important information gradually. In other words, the suspense and
surprise in The Bourne Identity are related to one another to make the story
entertaining and easily understood.
Generally, in a thriller novel, suspense must be the most important element
since the purpose of a thriller novel is to make the reader feel the tension and
curiosity in his/her mind. I would like to say that the elements of suspense in
Robert Ludlum’s The Bourne Identity are the most prominent aspect of the story
because the genre of the novel is thriller. On the other hand, the elements of
surprise in this novel are also important because they answer the elements of
suspense and they make the readers feel surprised after they learn the real fact
which they have never expected before.
Having studied the novel, I have the opinion that the more skilful the
author is in applying suspense and surprise in a novel, the more interesting the
story becomes, and it can make the reader get involved in the story. Personally, I
love this book not only because of the story but also because Ludlum shows a
great deal of skills in bringing his complex plot together. I am also of the opinion
that The Bourne Identity is as worthy as other literary works to be analysed
because the author has created very well arranged elements of plot.

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Primary text
Ludlum, Robert. Bourne Identity. New York: Marek Edition Published, 1980.

Bennet, Steve. “Brief Definition of the Thriller Fiction Genre.” Web. 22 Sept.
Kenney, William. How to Analyze Fiction. New York: Monarch Press. 1996.
Liukkonen, Petri and Ari Pesonen. “Robert Ludlum.” 2008. Web. 30 Oct. 2009
Meekale. “Biography of Robert Ludlum.” Web. 2007. 6 Nov. 2009
Perrine, Laurence. Story and Structure. Sixth ed. New York: Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich Inc. 1947. Print.

Maranatha Christian University