



PREFACE……….. iii




LIST OF TABLES………..………xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study……… 1

1.2 Problem Statement..………...……….. 6

1.3 Objective of the study….………. 6

1.4 The Scope of the Study...……… …… 6

1.5 The Significance of the Study....………... 7

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ...………7

1.7 Organization of the Thesis..……….. 8

CHAPTER II LITERARY REVIEW 2.1 The Nature of English Teaching for Vocational School ……….… 10

2.2 Cases Portraying Some Problems in the Teaching of English at Vocational School ……….……13

2.3. The Nature of KTSP………15

2.3.1 What is KTSP ( 2006 Curriculum)? ………..15


2.4 The English Evaluation Based on SBC..………...…………... 18

2.4.1 The Definition of Evaluation………...18

2.4.2 The Role of Evaluation in Teaching ………...19

2.4.3 The Evaluation System Based on SBC.. ………...20

2.3.4 The Evaluation of English Language Skills…………...……...25

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1 The Site and The Participants ………...31

3.2 The Design of The Research ………...32

3.3 The Data Collection Techniques ………...32

A. Observation ………...…..32

B. Interview ……….33

a. The Teacher’s Interview ..………..………...34

b. The Students’ Interview ………….………..35

c. The Headmaster’s Interview ………35

C. Questionnaire ………..35

D. Document Analysis ……… 36

3.4 Data Analysis ………...37

3.5 Validating the Findings ………....38

CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 The Answers to The First Research Question.……….… …... 41

4.1.1 Data Analysis from The Teachers’ Interview………41

4.1.2 Data Analysis from The Observation……….51


4.1. 3.1 The SBC Document ………….……… 55 The English Syllabus……… 60 The Lesson Plan ……….61 MMC Value ………..61 The Students’ Score Lists ……….……...62 The Sample Test Item. ……….………. 65

4.2 The Answers to The Second Research Question……… 69

4.2.1 Data Analysis from The Teachers’ Interview………69

4.2.2 Data Analysis from The Headmaster’s Interview…………. 73

4.3 The Answers to The Third Research Question……… ....75

4.3.1 Data Analysis from The Students’ Questionnaires..………..75 The Analysis on The Close-ended Questionnaires..………76 The Analysis on The Open-ended Questionnaires………..95


5.2 Recommendation ………109




Table 2.1 The Change of Paradigm of the Previous Curriculum and SBC……..….….19

Table 2.2 The Technique and Instruments of the Test ………...21

Figure 2.1 The Flow of Activities in Designing MMC Value………...22

Table 3.1 The Coding of the Data Based on Cresswell………..…. 38

Table 4.1 The CB/BC mapping ………58

Table 4.2 The MMC Values for All Grades ………. 61

Table 4.3 The Students’ scores mean compared with the MMC value………...64

Table 4.4 The Test Mapping………65

Table 4.5 The Result of Item Difficulty Analysis……….67

Table 4.6 The Discriminating Power Analysis ………..68

Figure 4.1-4.22 The Representation of the Students’ Responses to The Questionnaire.77 Table 4.7 The Students’ Responses on The Open-ended Questionnaire………. 96

Figure 4.23 The Representation of the Table 4.11 ………97

Table 4.8 The Conclusion of the Students’ Response to the Suggestion ……….98

Figure 4.24 The Representation of the Table 4.8 ……….100 Table 4.9 The Teachers’ Responses to the Interview………App 3 Table 4.910 The Students’ Responses to the Interview………App 5





This chapter presents a general description of the study. It covers the background of the study, the problem statements, the objectives of the study, the scope of the study, the significance, and definition of key terms. At the end of this chapter, the organization of the thesis will be presented.

1.1 Background of the Study

A curriculum is concerned with the plan, implementation, evaluation, management, and administration of education programs (Nunan,1988:8). This definition is in line with what the Government (BSNP, 2006) has maintained that curriculum is a set of plans and rules about goals, contents, and learning materials as well as the way of using it as a guidance for the implementation of learning activities aimed at a specific goal. The National Education Department has developed (since 2006) the new curriculum called Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) which is later on called School Based Curriculum (SBC). SBC was designed to be one of the educational innovations to enhance the quality of education.

SBC is viewed as an operational curriculum which is prepared and implemented in each educational unit. In designing SBC, each educational unit should take into account competency standards and basic competence designed by the National Education Standard Bureau or BSNP. Regarding this, Bolstad (2004:7) maintains that:

However, schools needing to be responsive to their environment alludes to what is arguably the most important rationale for SCBD: the view that SCBD


provides a means for shaping curriculum to suit unique local needs and resources of students and communities (2004:7).

In relation to the characteristics of School Based Curriculum, Bolstad (2004:13) points out some points that teachers are responsible for developing the curricula besides the implementation of the curricula. It means that the teachers should be involved in decision making, relating to the curriculum development and implementation. The teacher should also design and implement their own curriculum in the form of syllabus and lesson plan. Moreover, in Indonesian context, SBC is adaptive in the sense that the teachers can adapt the existing curriculum to meet the local needs.

Unfortunately, since SBC was released in Indonesia, based on the researcher’s observation, the process of learning has not shown changes in the teaching of English particularly at the research site where the researcher teaches. The teaching strategies or approaches that the teachers are used seem merely the same as in the previous curriculum. Although there are usually a lot of trainings such as IHT (In House Training) and socialization of SBC in each school unit, SBC has not been fully implemented. This has been reported by Mulyasa (2007) that the implementation of SBC does not immediately solve the problems because there is an important question emerging, namely, have any educational units, school managers, education holder, teachers, and headmaster, made the existing curriculum as a base in implementing their duties and functions? (translated from Mulyasa:2007:4-5).

Similarly, Zainurrahman (2009) in his study points out that School Based Curriculum which is being applied in Indonesia is now perceived by a curriculum that gives place to the variations of the school. The curriculum is built by the school based on consideration of some internal and external significance variables related to the school


itself. However, as autonomous curriculum, it also demands teacher and school to be CSilled and trained. This demand then causes different perception of the teachers as the curriculum user on the SBC.

Moreover, Suharto (2009) in his study maintains that the implementation of SBC seems not to run well due to some factors such as the teacher’s teaching competence, no detailed information in SBC needed by the teachers.

Previous studies investigating SBC have been conducted by some researchers such as Hasbullah (2007) ; Halawa (2008) among others.

The first research was conducted by Hasbullah (2007) in his study entitled ‘Desain dan Implementasi SBC Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam’. He conducted a comparative study at secondary high schools. The study reveals that the implementation of SBC in the teaching Pendidikan Agama Islam needs to be improved and completed. There are some aspects in the curriculum implementation such as instructional planning, the teaching learning process, and the evaluation that are still far from the expectation of the curriculum. Moreover in the evaluation stage, the teachers did not do the evaluation during the teaching process but only the evaluation after the teaching has been ended, and there is not much variation of the evaluation aspects.

Another study was conducted by Halawa (2008) in his study about ‘Implementasi KTSP Mata Pelajaran Matematika di SMAN Sirombu’. The result of the research describes that there were a good participation from teachers in making syllabus and lesson plan. But, the implementation of the teaching and learning process was not suitable with the plan that had been made.


The two studies above gave an idea to conduct a further study on the implementation of SBC in the researcher’s field of study, that is English. In addition,through this study, the researcher chose different participants in the other level of education which have not been investigated yet, such as vocational students.

Therefore, looking at the fact in the field on the implementation of SBC and related previous studies, the researcher was motivated to conduct a study on the implementation of SBC. To make deeper research, the focus of the research is on the evaluation system. The evaluation is one of the important aspects in teaching besides the planning and the process of English instruction. As Gronlund (1985:6) maintains:

The main purpose of classroom instruction is to help pupils achieve a set of intended learning outcome. These outcomes would typically include all desired pupil changes in the intellectual, emotional, and physical spheres. When classroom instruction is viewed in this way, evaluation becomes an important part of the teaching – learning process. Intended learning outcomes are established by the instructional objectives; the desired changes in pupils are brought about by the planned learning objectives; and the pupils’ changes in learning progress is periodically evaluated by tests and other evaluation devices.

Similarly, Sudjana (2006:v) points out that evaluation is one of the strategies in enhancing the quality of teaching learning process and of the learning outcome.

The writer is more interested in the evaluation because she considers this aspect of teaching is not well-administered and well-defined based on her observation on the teaching practice at the schools where she teaches. Based on the discussion with her fellow teachers, it is found that evaluation is very hard to do in measuring the students’ achievement fairly, at the same time, some of the teachers did not have a complete format in their evaluation. Therefore, a deep investigation of the evaluation is expected to give a new vision and a refreshment of how evaluation should be like. Also, it is


hoped that the writer will find the real description of the English evaluation. Later on, the fact found in the field is contrasted with the related theory of the evaluation system. Therefore, if there is a gap, there will be a solution. If there is not, there will be a suggestion for the betterment of the evaluation system in the future.

The researcher also tries to explore the problems faced by the teachers related to the evaluation, and the students’ responses toward the evaluation in a private vocational school in south Bandung.

The researcher chose the vocational school due to the fact that the researcher is a teaching staff at a vocational school. This was expected to make the researcher’ access easier in conducting the research since the teachers, the students, and the personnel of the school are familiar with the researcher. At the same time, it is also expected that the result of the study will be natural. Moreover, nowadays a vocational education is paid a serious attention from the government (Sinar Harapan,12/2/2010). Vocational schools are an alternative in drive to reduce unemployment (Khalik, 2008). New graduates from the junior high school are recommended to enter this kind of education. Therefore, the study is expected to give much contribution to society as vocational school students are given a high expectation to reduce unemployment.

Finally, the results of the study can provide teachers with knowledge about the evaluation system of the existing curriculum in the teaching of English. The results of the study can give a clear description of how SBC is implemented in term of the evaluation aspect for English teaching, some problems and its solution, for better practice of the implementation of SBC in the future.


1.2 Problem Statements

This study was focused on answering the following research questions.

1. How is SBC implemented with the specific reference to the evaluation system in English teaching for the students of a vocational school?

2. What are the problems faced by the teachers in administering evaluation? 3. What are the students’ responses toward the evaluation system?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

Based on the research problems, the study were:

1. To find out the implementation of SBC in the teaching of English for the first, the second, and the third grades students at a private vocational school in South Bandung in terms of the evaluation system.

2. To explore the problems of the evaluation system based on SBC Curriculum at a private vocational school in South Bandung.

3. To describe the students’ responses toward the evaluation system at a private vocational school in South Bandung.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

The scope of the study was limited to exploring the implementation of the evaluation system in English teaching of the students in all grades at the school in the second semester, then finding out some problems faced by the teachers related to the evaluation system, and at last elaborating the students’ responses toward the evaluation


system. The instruments used in collecting the data were observation, questionnaires, interview and document analysis.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The result of the study is expected to give some beneficial contributions to the theory, educational practice and professional practice in EFL context in Indonesia. The theoretical significance of this study is that it is expected to enrich the literature about the curriculum development of English, especially the implementation of evaluation system for vocational school. Moreover, practically, the study provides a real description of the implementation of SBC in the real situation especially in term of the evaluation system. For the teachers themselves, the result of the study will hopefully give a solution of the problems they face or a suggestion for betterment in the teaching of English. For the school decision maker, the result of the study will give a second consideration in making the certain policy relates to the evaluation. Finally, in terms of professional practice, the results of the study will hopefully give a meaningful input or as a reference for English teachers on how to implement the SBC curriculum especially in the evaluation system at a vocational school.

1.6 Definitions of Key Terms

There are some key terms used in the paper, such as evaluation, SBC and vocational school. Evaluation refers to “ the systematic inquiry into instructional sequences for the purpose of making decisions or providing opportunity for reflection and action”. Evaluation program often makes use of data from language assessment, along with


non- assessment data, to arrive at its conclusion (Lynch,2005:1). Evaluation in the study refers to the assessments that the teachers have been carried out during the teaching process and after the teaching process. It is also included the evaluation on the midterm test and final test. Therefore, evaluation and assessment stated here in the paper are interchangeable. Meanwhile SBC stands for Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (School Based Curriculum). It refers to the curriculum that has been regulated to be applied at schools in Indonesia since 2006. Finally, vocational School in the study refers to a private vocational school majoring in automotive and mechanical engineering, located in Soreang, South Bandung as the site of the study.

1.7 Organization of the Thesis

Title: The Evaluation System of English Teaching in the Implementation of SBC for Vocational School

(A Case Study at a Private Vocational School in Soreang, South Bandung, West Java) Chapter I Introduction

In this chapter, it is elaborated some general background information about the study, starting from the reason of choosing the topic, the purpose of the study, the scope and the problems statement, and finally, the clarification of the main terms used in the paper.

Chapter II Literary Review

It presents some relevant literature as the basic points of the study, especially dealing with evaluation in the English teaching for vocational school. It is also elaborated some


previous research which support the study and the gap that the study will fill (Emilia, 2008: 164).

Chapter III Methodology

It presents the research design that is used in the study, also the methods used to collect the data, and to analyze the obtained data. The instruments of the study are also stated in this chapter.

Chapter IV Result and Discussion

In the chapter IV, it is explored the findings of the study that have been gained from the collected data and the result of the data analysis. The discussion of the findings is also elaborated here.

Chapter V Conclusion and Recommendation

This is the end of the paper, presenting the conclusion of the findings of the study. The recommendation for future research is also defined here.

1.8 Synthesis

This chapter has discussed the introduction part of the study. It provided the background of the study, the problem statements, the objectives of the study, the scope of the study, the significance, the definition of key terms, and the organization of the thesis. Moreover, the details of the theoretical foundation will be explained in the next chapter.



This chapter elaborates the description and account of the steps that have been taken to conduct the study.

1.1 The Site and Participant

The research was conducted in a private vocational school in South of Bandung. This site was chosen due to the fact that the researcher is a teaching staff in the site. Therefore, it would make the researcher’ access easier in administering the research since the students, the teachers and the personnel of the school are familiar with the researcher. It was also expected that the result of the study will be natural.

The choice of conducting the research in a vocational school was chosen by the researcher’ high interest to explore the implementation of SBC in the vocational school which is based on the fact that vocational education has recently got a great concern from the government and the society around. In addition, some studies that the researcher has been read (see Hallawa;2008, Hasbullah;2007; Dasep;2008; Zainurahman;2007; among others) dealing with SBC were conducted at Junior and Senior high school, so this research would be a pioneer of the Implementation of SBC at a vocational school and it is hopefully to give a slight difference.

The participants of the study were English teachers, and the students in the first, the second and the third grade at the site. There are two majoring departments in the school – automotive and mechanical Engineering departments. Those students in all grades in these two departments who were at school were involved in the research.


However, some students who were having a field practice (PKL) in some workshops throughout West Java were not included in the study.

1.2 The Design of The Research

The researcher conducted descriptive and qualitative research (Sugiyono;2007, Hatch and Lazaration;1991, Hatch and Farhady ; 1982, Emilia;2008) as it is suitable for gathering an in-depth understanding of human behavior. Qualitative researchers aim to gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior. In the study, the teachers’ and the students’ responses including their behavior, their opinion and attitude were investigated to find answers to the research questions. The qualitative method investigates the why and how of decision making, not just what, where, when as applied in the study. A case study was conducted in this study as it is an intensive study of a specific individual or specific context (Thomas: 2003). Qualitative methods produce information only on the particular cases studied, and any more general conclusions are only hypotheses (informative guesses).

1.3 The Data Collection Techniques

In research, there were some techniques used in collecting the data :

3.3.1 Observation

The researcher observed how the teachers taught in the class, in terms of how the teachers delivered the assessment during the process of teaching and learning and after the teaching instruction had been ended. This instrument was intended to answer the first research question.


The researcher took as a non participant observer. The researcher sat at the back and took notes about “what was said and done “(Van Lier: 1998) by the students and the teacher in the classroom. A handy camera was used to help a clear recording of what was going on in the class. The observations were conducted in 6 classes for 6 times lasting for 2 - 4 teaching periods. The observations were conducted in order to observe closely how the teachers did the evaluation system during the process of teaching instruction by employing the note takings. There were some points to take into account when observing other teacher (Brown, 2001:432-434) and some categories of a good language-teaching characteristics (Brown, 2001: 430; Harmer, 2001:38). Those principles which elaborated by the theorists were applied in observation. Moreover, in term of procedures of language assessment and evaluation, the points stated by Lynch (2003), Lynch (2005), BSNP (2006) were also employed. After the sessions had been over, the researcher also analyzed how the teachers carried the assessment in the form of homework, assignments or project work. Those collected data were then transcribed and organized into some groups for further description and analysis. After categorizing all the observation data- an empirical generalization was then formulated.

1.3.2 Interview

The researcher conducted a one-on-one interview to the English teachers, the students, and the headmaster in which in the interview process, the researcher asked some questions to and recorded the answers from only one participant in the study at a time (Cresswell, 2008). The participants were given opportunities to speak up their ideas or opinions frankly. The interview was conducted to enhance the validity of the


data. The interview was recorded by a recording tool and then the data were transcribed. The research used a semi structured life word interview (Dawson, 2009:28-29), that is an interview which purpose is to know specific information which can be compared and contrasted with information gained in other interviews. The same questions were asked in each interview which were prepared beforehand. Teachers’ Interview

The open-ended question was delivered in the interview. The interviewee were 4 English teachers who teach the first, the second and the third grade students at the school. They were voluntarily involved in the study, meanwhile one of the English teachers was not included because he did not want to involve in the study. The question was about how the implementation of SBC at the school and the evaluation system in English teaching. There were about 42 guiding questions to answer in the interview, to obtain the data as much as possible. The question of the interview and the transcribed of the interview can be found in the appendix 2 and 3 (see “Guiding questions on the Interview and The Transcribed Data of The Teachers’ Interview).

The interview was conducted in a certain place at school (teacher’s room and a library) in which all respondents felt comfortable to speak and had a more private situation. Therefore, it was expected that there would be a valid data gained from the teachers to answer the first and the second research questions.

(19) The students’ interview

There were 4 students who were interviewed voluntarily. The open ended question was delivered. The question was similar to the question on the questionnaire. The interview was taken outside the class, as the interviewees wanted. There were 25 guiding questions to answer. All questions relating to learning English and its problems. The researcher took into consideration the students’ responses as the answer to the third research question. The data was recorded and transcribed. The question and the transcribed data can be seen in the appendix 5. The Head Master’s Interview

The interview of the Headmaster was carried out to find out some policies relating to the implementation of SBC from the decision maker’s view. There was 10 guiding questions to answer, and the Headmaster attentively responded the question. There were a lot of data obtained from the interview relating to teaching English at the school. This data is very useful as the additional data which presents the description of how SBC is implemented based on the Head master opinion. The interview was conducted in the Head master’s office and it was lasted for about 30 minutes. The question and the transcribed data can be seen in the appendix 4.

3.3.3 Questionnaires

The researcher also administered open and closed questionnaires to the participants, the students, in this case, to support the data collection and made the research much more valid. There were two types of questionnaires in the way that is a


closed-ended questionnaire, it was hopefully to make the students easier to answer as there will be several options. As Dawson (2009) points out that in open questions, respondents use their own words to answer a question, whereas in closed questions, prewritten response categories are provided. Thus, the students just selected the appropriate answer by crossing it. If the options did not cover all the students’ choice, there was a space available to provide the other responses based on the students own choices. There were also 2 questions in the open ended form to get the students’ opinion about the evaluation and their suggestion for the future. They had the opportunity to tell deliberately what their opinion. The questionnaire was conducted after the teaching session has been over. The questions were 21 questions closed ended and 2 open ended. The questionnaire was done in order to obtain detail information and to crosscheck the information gained from the interview. The total amount of respondents were 243 students but 4 papers were discarded because of technical errors. The obtained data was then organized and analyzed. The result is expected to answer the third research question. The questions and the students’ responses to the questionnaire can be found in the appendix 6.

3.3.4 Document Analysis

The documents to be analyzed in this research were English Syllabus of each teachers, MMC or mastery criteria, sample tests, the students’ score lists and the Curriculum of SMK Merdeka document, as the supporting data of the research. The analysis looked at closely on the assessment system that had been planned in the syllabus, the SBC document, MMC, sample test and the description of score lists.


1.4 Data Analysis

The obtained data from the observation, questionnaire, interview, and document analysis were analyzed in the study through some stages.

Firstly, the researcher videotaped the activities in class. The researcher took a role as a non participant observation. Then, a questionnaire was distributed to the students after the teaching session had been ended. This was expected to gain more accurate data and the students still had fresh memory about the activities.

Secondly, Having obtained the data from observation, the researcher transcribed it. While transcribing, the researcher observed closely and designed some questions to be given to the students in the interview about the problems faced by the teachers and the students’ response toward the evaluation. The questions for the interview were more or less similar to those in the questionnaire. The interview was conducted in order to gain more accurate data in answering the second and the third research questions. The researcher also interviewed the headmaster to get additional data about the implementation of SBC based on the decision maker side. During the research was still in progress, the researcher also analyzed the school Curriculum documents such as English syllabus, lesson plans and many others, to give a supporting data from the observation.

The gained data from observation, questionnaire, interview, and document analysis were then categorized based on their relevance to the research questions on how the teaching of English is implemented based on SBC specifically in the evaluation system of English for the students in the research site, also what the problems are faced by the teachers in administering the evaluation/assessment and what the students’


response toward evaluation system. Therefore, the collected data was then analyzed whether they had answered all the research questions or not.

The overall analysis after the data had been gained, followed some steps which can be elaborated as follows:

1. Coding the obtained data as the table 1.3 below (Cresswell,2008): Table 3.1 Coding process of the obtained data

Initially read Divide the text Label the segments Reduce overlap Collapse codes through into segments of information with and redundancy into themes text data of information codes of codes

many pages many segments 30-40 codes codes reduced codes reduces

of text of text to 20 to 5-7 themes

2. Interpret the findings

Interpretation involves making sense of the data. Interpretation in qualitative research means that the researcher steps back and forms some larger meaning about the phenomenon based on personal views, comparisons with past studies, or both (Cresswell,2008). The interpretation involved a review of the major findings and how research questions were answered, personal reflections of the researcher about the meaning of the data, and personal views compared or contrasted with the literature. The result of the findings can support, modify, or reject the underlying theory.

1.5 Validating the Findings

It is necessary to make sure that the findings and interpretation are accurate. Qualitative researchers do not typically use the word bias in research; they will say that


all research is interpretive and that the researcher should be self-reflective about his or her role in the research, how he or she is interpreting the findings, and his or her personal and political history that shapes his or her interpretation (Cresswell,2008). Thus, accuracy or credibility of the findings is of upmost importance.

The strategies to determine the accuracy of the findings in the study are as follows:

a. Triangulation

Triangulation is the process of corroborating evidence from different individuals (the teachers and the students), types of data (observational field notes and interview) or methods of data collection (documents and interviews) in descriptions in the qualitative study. In the study, the researcher examined each information source and found evidence to support a theme. This ensures that the study will be accurate because the information draws on multiple sources of information, individuals and processes (Cresswell,2008).

b. Member Checking

Member checking is a process in which the researcher asks one or more participants in the study to check the accuracy of the account (Cresswell,2008). The check involved taking the findings back to the participants and asking them in an interview about the accuracy of the report. The questions to the participants were about many aspects of the study, such as whether the description was complete, or the interpretation was fair and representative.


c. External Audit

External audits were also involved in the study to conduct a thorough review of the study and report back, the strength and weaknesses of the study. The auditors reviewed the study and communicated an evaluation of the study. Both of the researcher’s supervisors played a role as the auditors. Also some of the researcher’s best friend took a part as the auditors at the end of the study.

3.6 Synthesis

In this chapter, it has treated the design of the study, some techniques employed in collecting the data, the data analysis, the instruments used and the site of the study. The chapter has also stated strategies of validating the findings based on the outlined principles. The data presentation and findings will be discussed in the next chapter.






The thesis reports the results of a study of the implementation of SBC especially in term of the evaluation system for the vocational school. The purpose of the research was to find out the implementation of SBC especially in term of the evaluation system in English teaching for the first, second, and the third grades students of a private vocational school in South Bandung.

The research also sought to investigate the problems dealing with the evaluation system and also to describe the students’ responses toward the evaluation system at the school. The study used a case study research design which employed multiple data collection techniques, i.e. class observation, questionnaire, interview, and document analysis. The obtained data were, then, analyzed based on the related theories on the language evaluation system which were validated by triangulation.

The study reveals three major findings related to the research questions. Firstly, results of the observation, interview, and document analysis shows that the concept of evaluation was various among teachers but in the practice of evaluation was quite similar. In the practice, the evaluation session is not only conducted during the tests or the assignments, but also any students’ responses in the learning activity and at the end of the class are considered to be the evaluation as well. The aspects to be evaluated including cognitive, affective and psychomotor. However, regarding the techniques of


evaluation should be improved and completed as there was not much variation used by the teachers.

The Evaluation takes some processes to conduct, starting with determining the mastery criteria value in the beginning of the academic year. In the process of evaluation, the students’ competence in achieving the competence standards being taught is the focus, which is compared with the mastery criteria value. Therefore, the evaluation is criterion-referenced based as well. At the decision of final score, the teachers take into consideration the attitude/behavior and the presence besides the tests score. The evaluation is in line with what the government has suggested (BSNP).

Secondly, as the interview data reveals, lack of facility, the big number of the students in the class, and the less motivation among students were often viewed as the main problems of the teachers faced in teaching. However, interestingly, instead of being one of the research questions, the teachers found no problem at all in evaluation system.

The result of the students’ questionnaire and interview indicated that English has still been viewed as a difficult subject to master. At the same time, students had a great expectation on the teachers to change the view. They expected that the teaching learning should be more interesting by employing various techniques and media.

There is also a good participation of the teachers in the administration of the English teaching including in designing the lesson plan, syllabus, MMC and the tests items. This condition is supported by the headmaster’s great concern who often tries to do the best to support the successful learning although the facility is still inadequate. Finally, despite some limitations, it can be said that the implementation of SBC in that


school is in accordance with what the government has suggested through National Education Standard Bureau (BSNP). The findings also suggest that the teachers should be creative, innovative, and productive in designing an interesting teaching so that the students would feel enjoyable and convenient.

Compared to the previous research of Hasbullah (2007) that the teachers did not do the evaluation during the teaching process, the result in this study reveals that the teachers evaluate the students during and at the end of the lesson through some variation of the types of evaluation. Dealing with Halawa’ finding (2008) that there is change in the process of the teaching with the lesson plan being made, the finding in this study indicates the same phenomena in which the teachers often change their teaching to fulfill the existing condition in the class.

Though the research is maintained to be valid in the process and the findings, the research still has a lot of limitation such as there is no observation for the third grade students. The limitation could influence the findings in which the students’ activity in the class were not portrayed. Moreover, the findings of the study can not be generalized to other circumstance or other sites. The findings only described the site under study.



The results of the study suggest some recommendation for language teachers, School Manager, for the Government, and further research. Firstly, for language teachers, they are challenged to be creative, innovative and productive in designing an interesting teaching so the students will feel enjoyable and convenient in learning. The teachers are given very high expectation to be the best teachers in skills, attitude and


knowledge. It is hard to do but for the successful learning, it is not impossible. In reference to the evaluation, the aspects of evaluation should cover all aspects in the students’ knowledge, skill and attitude, in order to make the evaluation fair enough and the students will feel satisfied.

Secondly, for the School Manager, the socialization of SBC should be ongoing process to get a better understanding on the existing curriculum. The socialization is not only for the teachers but also the students should be familiar with the curriculum at least the name. Moreover, the facility should be more improved and completed to support the learning.

Thirdly, for the Government, it is expected that the implementation of the existing curriculum is not fully implemented because of some weaknesses of the curriculum. It is expected that the government revised the weaknesses that are often felt by the teachers to implement the curriculum. One of the problems is the existing of National Exam. There is an expectation that the test is not too influencing the students’ graduation. The test is also viewed to violate the spirit and the nature of SBC.

At last, for further research, it is recommended for other researchers to conduct a quantitative research in the topic of curriculum design, curriculum implementation and the evaluation of the curriculum at the different level of the education.



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Vocational and Technical Education (JVTE) Volume 16, Number 1, available at :

Barclay, R., Pinelli, M., Keene, M., Kennedy, J., & Glassman, M. 1991. Technical

communication in the international workplace: Some implications for curriculum development. Technical Communication, 38 (3), 324-335.

Brady, L. (1983) Curriculum Development in Australia. Australia: Prentice Hall Pty. Ltd

Bolstad, R.(2004). School-Based Curriculum Development: Redefining the Term

for New Zealand Schools Today and Tomorrow. Available at http :


Bolstad, R.(2004). School-Based Curriculum Development: principles, processes,

and practices. Available at http : ///

happening e.php.

Brown, H. D. (1987).Principles of Language Learning and Teaching.2nd Edition.USA: Prentice Hall Regents.

Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to

Language. USA: Prentice Hall Regents.

BSNP.(2008). The Design of the Evaluation of Learning Outcome. Jakarta: Depdiknas BSNP.(2006). Guidance for Developing SBC in Primary and Secondary Education.


BSNP.(2005) Government Rule, No. 19/ 2005, about National Education Standard, Jakarta : Depdiknas

BSNP. (2003) .Government Rule, No. 20/ 2003, about National Education System, Jakarta: Depdiknas

BSNP.(2006) .Government Rule, No. 22/ 2006, about Content Standard, Jakarta: Depdiknas

BSNP. (2007). Government Rule no.41/2007, about Graduate Standard. Jakarta: Depdiknas

Cresswell, J.(2008). Educational Research: Planning, conducting, and

Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research .Prentice Hall : Pearson

Education Ltd.

Caroline, H. (2005). Effective EFL Education Through Popular Authentic

Materials .Asian EFL Journal March Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 90-101. British Virgin Islands : the Asian EFL Journal Press.

China Papers. (March 9, 2011). A Study of Improving English Application Ability of

Students in Vocational School through TaCS-based Language Teaching. Available


Chen, Y.(2006). EFL Instruction and Assessment with Portfolios:

A Case Study in Taiwan. ASIAN EFL Journal Volume 8 March. British Virgin

Islands : the Asian EFL Journal Press

Chung, S.(2005). Putting Students’ Differences in Perspectives: An

Introduction to the Individual Developing Model. ASIAN EFL Journal Volume 7

June. British Virgin Islands : the Asian EFL Journal Press

Dawson, C.(2009). Introduction to Research Methods : A Practical Guide for

Anyone Undertaking a Research Project. United Kingdom : How to Books Inc

El-OBCa, M. (Dec 2005).A Proposed Mode for EFL Teacher Involvement in On-

going Curriculum Development. ASIAN EFL Journal Volume 7, pdf.

Ellis. R. (1983). Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. ELT Journal 37/3


Fulcher, G and Fred, D.(2007). Language Testing and Assessment.

Newyork : Routledge Applied Linguistics.

Gebhard, G.J. (2000). Teaching English as Foreign or Second Language. United States of America : University of Michigan press

Gronlund, N. E. (1985). Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching. Fifth Edition. United States : Macmillan Publishing Company

Gordon, H.(1999). Relationship Between Personality Characteristics and

Observable Teaching Effectiveness of Selected Beginning Career and Technical Education Teachers. JVTE Journal Volume 16,Number 1, Available at http :

//scholar. journal/

Hatch, E and Farhady, H.(1982).Research Design and Statistics for Applied Linguistics. Los Angeles : Newbury House Publishers, Inc

Hatch, E and Anne L.(1991). The Research Manual: Design and

Statistics for Applied Linguistics. Los Angeles : Heinle & Heinle Publishers

Halawa, M.R.(2008). Implementasi KTSP Mata Pelajaran Matematika di SMAN

Sirombu’. Thesis at SPS UPI : Unpublished

Hasbullah, A.(2007) .Desain dan Implementasi SBC Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan

Agama Islam . Thesis at SPS UPI : Unpublished

Hasan, H. (1988). Evaluasi Kurikulum. P2LPTK. Jakarta

Harmer, J.(2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.

Heaton ,JB.(1995).Writing English Language Tests. New York: Longman Heaton, JB. (1988). Writing English Language Tests. USA: Longman Inc.

Hughes, A.(2003). Testing Language Teachers. Second Edition. UK: Cambridge University Press.

Heigham, J and A. Croker, R.(2009).A Qualitative Research in Applied


Herrick, M. J.(1996). Assessment of Student Achievement and Learning, What

Would Dewey Say? A “Recent” Interview with John Dewey. JVTE Journal

Volume 13, Number 1, Fall.

Hill, J. E. (1981). The educational sciences: a conceptual framework. Farmington, MI: Oakland Community College.

Hui, Y.H.(2006). An Investigation into the TaCS Features Affecting EFL Listening

Comprehension Test Performance .ASIAN EFL Journal Volume 6 June. British

Virgin Islands : the Asian EFL Journal Press

Hughes . A. (2003). Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press

Jeon, I, and Jung, H. (2006). Exploring EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of

TaCS-Based Language Teaching: A Case Study of Korean Secondary School Classroom Practice. ASIAN EFL Journal Volume 8 March. British Virgin

Islands : the Asian EFL Journal Press

Khalik, A. (Fri,o5/02/2008). Vocational Schools an alternative in drive to reduce

unemployment. The Jakarta Post. Available at drive-reduce-unemployment.htm

Kunandar. (2007). Guru Professional : Implementasi KTSP dan Sukses dalam Sertifikasi Guru. Jakarta : Rajawali Pers

KTSP SMK Merdeka Soreang .(2006). Soreang : unpublished

Lewy, A. (1991). National and School based Curriculum Developmennt. Paris : UNESCO:International Institute for Educational Planning.

Lynch, R.(1996). In Search of Vocational and Technical Teacher Education. JVTE Journal Volume 13, Number 1, Fall.

Lynch, B.K. (2003). Language Assessment and Programme Evaluation. UK: Edinburgh University Press

Marsigit.(2008). English for Vocational Education. A paper presented at the

Workshop of Teachers Professional Development at SMK Muhammadyah Klaten. the Yogyakarta State University: unpublished.


Marsh, C, and Mary,H.(1999). Understanding Commonalities between

School-Based Curriculum Development (SBCD) and Curriculum Differentiation(CD).

Available at Mulyasa, E .(2002). Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi. Bandung : PT. Remaja Rosdakarya.

Mulyasa. E.(2007). Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan : Suatu Panduan

Praktis.Bandung : PT Remaja Rosdakarya.

Mc. Neil, J. (2006). Contemporary Curriculum : In Thought and Action. United States of America: John Wiley and Sons,Inc.

Mc. Neil, J. (1990). Curriculum :A Comprehensive Introduction. United State of America: Scott, Foresman, Brown Higher Education

Nunan, D. (1988). Syllabus Design. Oxford : Oxford University Press.

Nunan, D.(1998). Language Teaching Methodology : A Textbook for Teachers. Malaysia: International Book Distributors Ltd.

Posner, G. (1992). Analyzing The Curriculum. United States of America : Mc Graw Hill, Inc.

Richards, J, and Rodgers. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. United States of America : Cambridge University Press.

Rudiana, Tim Pengembang MBCP Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran.(2006). Kurikulum

dan Pembelajaran Bandung. FIP UPI Bandung: Jurusan Kurtekpend

Singh,V. (1997).Assessment of Workplace Writing and Incorporation

into Curriculum. JVTE Journal Volume 13, Number 2, Spring

Smith, C. L. Initial Analysis of Youth Apprenticeship Programs in Georgia. JVTE Journal Volume 14, Number 1, Fall. Available at http : //scholar. journal/

Suharto. (2009). From Competence Based Curriculum to School Based Curriculum in

the Post Method Era (A SWOT Analysis). In Ragam, Volume 9. Number 2.


The News at Sinar Harapan ,12/2/2010.

Sundayana, W.(2010). School Level Based Curriculum: from Policy to Practice. A Presentation Paper in a SBC Seminar. SPs UPI. Unpublished

Suherdi, D .(2009). MikroCSop Pedagogik : Alat Analisis Proses Belajar Mengajar. Bandung : Celtics Press

Thomas, M.(2003). Blending Qualitative and Quantitative : Researach Methods in

Theses and Disertations. California : Corwin Press, Inc

Van Lier, L. (1998). The Classroom and The Language Learner. Essex : Longman group limited.

Wang, Victor C.X. (2010). China’s Vocational Education: An Insider’s Views in light

of Western Vocational Education. International Journal of Vocational Education

and Training, Volume 17, Number 2. USA : The IVETA Association. Wang, H, and Cheng, L.(2005).The Impact of Curriculum Innovation on the Cultures of Teaching. ASIAN EFL Journal 2005 Volume 7 December. British Virgin Islands : the Asian EFL Journal Press.

Wonacot, M.E.(2000) Vocational Education Myths and Realities: Benefits of

Vocational Education. The ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, &

Vocational Education.

Yamin, M. (2009). Profesionalisme Guru dan Implementasi KTSP. Jakarta : Gaung Persada Press

Zainurrahman. (May 20, 2009). Teacher’s Perception and Problems on School Based

Curriculum Implementation : A Research on the School Based



Abu, R and Jim,F.(1996). The Effect of Cooperative Learning Methods on

Achievement, Retention, and Attitude of Home Economics Students in North Carolina. JVTE Journal. Available at http : //scholar.


Andrews,W and Andrews, D. (1992). Business Communication (2nd edition), New York: Macmillan.

Adams, E.(1999). Vocational Stress and Internal Characteristics. Journal of

Vocational and Technical Education (JVTE) Volume 16, Number 1, available at :

Barclay, R., Pinelli, M., Keene, M., Kennedy, J., & Glassman, M. 1991. Technical communication in the international workplace: Some implications for curriculum development. Technical Communication, 38 (3), 324-335.

Brady, L. (1983) Curriculum Development in Australia. Australia: Prentice Hall Pty. Ltd

Bolstad, R.(2004). School-Based Curriculum Development: Redefining the Term for New Zealand Schools Today and Tomorrow. Available at http :


Bolstad, R.(2004). School-Based Curriculum Development: principles, processes, and practices. Available at http : /// happening e.php.

Brown, H. D. (1987).Principles of Language Learning and Teaching.2nd Edition.USA: Prentice Hall Regents.

Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language. USA: Prentice Hall Regents.

BSNP.(2008). The Design of the Evaluation of Learning Outcome. Jakarta: Depdiknas BSNP.(2006). Guidance for Developing SBC in Primary and Secondary Education. Jakarta: Depdiknas


BSNP.(2005) Government Rule, No. 19/ 2005, about National Education Standard, Jakarta : Depdiknas

BSNP. (2003) .Government Rule, No. 20/ 2003, about National Education System, Jakarta: Depdiknas

BSNP.(2006) .Government Rule, No. 22/ 2006, about Content Standard, Jakarta: Depdiknas

BSNP. (2007). Government Rule no.41/2007, about Graduate Standard. Jakarta: Depdiknas

Cresswell, J.(2008). Educational Research: Planning, conducting, and

Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research .Prentice Hall : Pearson Education Ltd.

Caroline, H. (2005). Effective EFL Education Through Popular Authentic

Materials .Asian EFL Journal March Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 90-101. British Virgin Islands : the Asian EFL Journal Press.

China Papers. (March 9, 2011). A Study of Improving English Application Ability of Students in Vocational School through TaCS-based Language Teaching. Available at

Chen, Y.(2006). EFL Instruction and Assessment with Portfolios:

A Case Study in Taiwan. ASIAN EFL Journal Volume 8 March. British Virgin Islands : the Asian EFL Journal Press

Chung, S.(2005). Putting Students’ Differences in Perspectives: An

Introduction to the Individual Developing Model. ASIAN EFL Journal Volume 7 June. British Virgin Islands : the Asian EFL Journal Press

Dawson, C.(2009). Introduction to Research Methods : A Practical Guide for Anyone Undertaking a Research Project. United Kingdom : How to Books Inc El-OBCa, M. (Dec 2005).A Proposed Mode for EFL Teacher Involvement in On- going Curriculum Development. ASIAN EFL Journal Volume 7, pdf.

Ellis. R. (1983). Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. ELT Journal 37/3


Fulcher, G and Fred, D.(2007). Language Testing and Assessment. Newyork : Routledge Applied Linguistics.

Gebhard, G.J. (2000). Teaching English as Foreign or Second Language. United States of America : University of Michigan press

Gronlund, N. E. (1985). Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching. Fifth Edition. United States : Macmillan Publishing Company

Gordon, H.(1999). Relationship Between Personality Characteristics and

Observable Teaching Effectiveness of Selected Beginning Career and Technical Education Teachers. JVTE Journal Volume 16,Number 1, Available at http : //scholar. journal/

Hatch, E and Farhady, H.(1982).Research Design and Statistics for Applied Linguistics. Los Angeles : Newbury House Publishers, Inc

Hatch, E and Anne L.(1991). The Research Manual: Design and

Statistics for Applied Linguistics. Los Angeles : Heinle & Heinle Publishers Halawa, M.R.(2008). Implementasi KTSP Mata Pelajaran Matematika di SMAN Sirombu’. Thesis at SPS UPI : Unpublished

Hasbullah, A.(2007) .Desain dan Implementasi SBC Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam . Thesis at SPS UPI : Unpublished

Hasan, H. (1988). Evaluasi Kurikulum. P2LPTK. Jakarta

Harmer, J.(2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.

Heaton ,JB.(1995).Writing English Language Tests. New York: Longman Heaton, JB. (1988). Writing English Language Tests. USA: Longman Inc.

Hughes, A.(2003). Testing Language Teachers. Second Edition. UK: Cambridge University Press.

Heigham, J and A. Croker, R.(2009).A Qualitative Research in Applied


Herrick, M. J.(1996). Assessment of Student Achievement and Learning, What Would Dewey Say? A “Recent” Interview with John Dewey. JVTE Journal Volume 13, Number 1, Fall.

Hill, J. E. (1981). The educational sciences: a conceptual framework. Farmington, MI: Oakland Community College.

Hui, Y.H.(2006). An Investigation into the TaCS Features Affecting EFL Listening Comprehension Test Performance .ASIAN EFL Journal Volume 6 June. British Virgin Islands : the Asian EFL Journal Press

Hughes . A. (2003). Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press

Jeon, I, and Jung, H. (2006). Exploring EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of

TaCS-Based Language Teaching: A Case Study of Korean Secondary School Classroom Practice. ASIAN EFL Journal Volume 8 March. British Virgin Islands : the Asian EFL Journal Press

Khalik, A. (Fri,o5/02/2008). Vocational Schools an alternative in drive to reduce unemployment. The Jakarta Post. Available at drive-reduce-unemployment.htm

Kunandar. (2007). Guru Professional : Implementasi KTSP dan Sukses dalam Sertifikasi Guru. Jakarta : Rajawali Pers

KTSP SMK Merdeka Soreang .(2006). Soreang : unpublished

Lewy, A. (1991). National and School based Curriculum Developmennt. Paris : UNESCO:International Institute for Educational Planning.

Lynch, R.(1996). In Search of Vocational and Technical Teacher Education. JVTE Journal Volume 13, Number 1, Fall.

Lynch, B.K. (2003). Language Assessment and Programme Evaluation. UK: Edinburgh University Press

Marsigit.(2008). English for Vocational Education. A paper presented at the

Workshop of Teachers Professional Development at SMK Muhammadyah Klaten. the Yogyakarta State University: unpublished.


Marsh, C, and Mary,H.(1999). Understanding Commonalities between School-Based Curriculum Development (SBCD) and Curriculum Differentiation(CD).

Available at Mulyasa, E .(2002). Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi. Bandung : PT. Remaja Rosdakarya.

Mulyasa. E.(2007). Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan : Suatu Panduan Praktis.Bandung : PT Remaja Rosdakarya.

Mc. Neil, J. (2006). Contemporary Curriculum : In Thought and Action. United States of America: John Wiley and Sons,Inc.

Mc. Neil, J. (1990). Curriculum :A Comprehensive Introduction. United State of America: Scott, Foresman, Brown Higher Education

Nunan, D. (1988). Syllabus Design. Oxford : Oxford University Press.

Nunan, D.(1998). Language Teaching Methodology : A Textbook for Teachers. Malaysia: International Book Distributors Ltd.

Posner, G. (1992). Analyzing The Curriculum. United States of America : Mc Graw Hill, Inc.

Richards, J, and Rodgers. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. United States of America : Cambridge University Press.

Rudiana, Tim Pengembang MBCP Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran.(2006). Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran Bandung. FIP UPI Bandung: Jurusan Kurtekpend

Singh,V. (1997).Assessment of Workplace Writing and Incorporation into Curriculum. JVTE Journal Volume 13, Number 2, Spring

Smith, C. L. Initial Analysis of Youth Apprenticeship Programs in Georgia. JVTE Journal Volume 14, Number 1, Fall. Available at http : //scholar. journal/

Suharto. (2009). From Competence Based Curriculum to School Based Curriculum in the Post Method Era (A SWOT Analysis). In Ragam, Volume 9. Number 2. Sugiyono.(2009). Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: Alfabeta


The News at Sinar Harapan ,12/2/2010.

Sundayana, W.(2010). School Level Based Curriculum: from Policy to Practice. A Presentation Paper in a SBC Seminar. SPs UPI. Unpublished

Suherdi, D .(2009). MikroCSop Pedagogik : Alat Analisis Proses Belajar Mengajar. Bandung : Celtics Press

Thomas, M.(2003). Blending Qualitative and Quantitative : Researach Methods in Theses and Disertations. California : Corwin Press, Inc

Van Lier, L. (1998). The Classroom and The Language Learner. Essex : Longman group limited.

Wang, Victor C.X. (2010). China’s Vocational Education: An Insider’s Views in light of Western Vocational Education. International Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Volume 17, Number 2. USA : The IVETA Association.

Wang, H, and Cheng, L.(2005).The Impact of Curriculum Innovation on the Cultures of Teaching. ASIAN EFL Journal 2005 Volume 7 December. British Virgin Islands : the Asian EFL Journal Press.

Wonacot, M.E.(2000) Vocational Education Myths and Realities: Benefits of Vocational Education. The ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, & Vocational Education.

Yamin, M. (2009). Profesionalisme Guru dan Implementasi KTSP. Jakarta : Gaung Persada Press

Zainurrahman. (May 20, 2009). Teacher’s Perception and Problems on School Based Curriculum Implementation : A Research on the School Based

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