Developing Modality Materials Dealing with 2013 Curriculum of the Eighth Grade in Junior High School 2 Sunguminasa, Gowa - Repositori UIN Alauddin Makassar






A Thesis

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Department of

Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of


UIN Alauddin Makassar



Reg. Number: 20400113056








  Mahasiswa yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini: Nama : Fadillah Syam NIM : 20400113056 Tempat/Tgl. Lahir : Makassar, 23 September 1994 Jur/Prodi/Konsentrasi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas/Program : Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Alamat : Bumi Tamalanrea Permai Blok J No.257 Judul :

  Developing Modality Materials Dealing with

  2013 Curriculum of the Eighth Grade in Junior High School 2 Sunguminasa, Gowa

  ” Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya dan penuh kesadaran bahwa skripsi ini adalah benar hasil karya sendiri. Jika dikemudian hari terbukti bahwa ini merupakan duplikat, tiruan, plagiat, atau dibuat oleh orang lain, sebagian atau seluruhnya, maka skripsi dan gelar yang diperoleh karenanya batal demi hukum.

  Gowa, Penyusun,

  Fadillah Syam NIM: 20400113056



Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin , the researcher would like to express her

  deepest gratitude to the almighty Allah SWT, the only provider, the most merciful who gives His guidance, inspiration and good healthy for all time to conduct the writing of this thesis. Also shalawat and salam are always delivered to our great Prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness.

  During the writing of the thesis, the researcher received much assistance from a number of people, for their valuable guidance, correction, suggestion, advice and golden support. Without their assistance, the writing of this thesis would have never been possibly completed. Therefore, the researcher would like to express the greatest thanks and appreciation for those people, especially to: 1.

  The researcher’s father, H. Syafruddin Syam,S.H., and her lovely mother

  Rini Irawati who always pray, encourage, educate, and provide countless

  material supports, so that, she could finish this thesis writing and her study in UIN Alauddin Makassar.

  2. Prof. Dr. Musafir Pababbari, M.Si. The Rector of State Islamic University Alauddin Makassar.

  3. Dr. H. Muhammad Amri, Lc., M.Ag. The Dean and all of the staffs of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar.

  4. Dr. Kamsinah, M.Pd.I. The Head of English Education Department, Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar.

  5. Sitti Nurpahmi, S.Pd., M.Pd. The Secretary of English Education Department, Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar and all of the staffs of her.

  6. The researcher’s consultants, Dr. Hj. Djuwairiah Ahmad, M.Pd.,

  M.TESOL., and Dahniar, S.Pd., M.Pd., who have helped, guided, and supported the researcher during the writing of her thesis.

  7. All of the lecturers of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar for their guidance during her study.

  8. The Headmaster of SMPN 2 Sungguminasa, Gowa, thank you for your good respond to this research.

  9. The English Teacher of Eighth Grade SMPN 2 Sungguminasa, Gowa, Fitriani, S.Pd. who accepted and helped the writer in the school.

  10. The Eighth Grade students SMPN 2 Sungguminasa, Gowa who already support the writer on her research. Thank you for your cooperation.

  11. The researcher’s team in this project,Reski Amaliah, Husni Mubarak,

  Asyrah, Nurilmiah, and Raodhatul Jannah for their support and assistance during the accomplishing of this thesis.

  12. The researcher’s classmates in English Education Department, PBI 3 and 4 in

  13. All of the people around the researcher’s life who could not mention one by one by the researcher that have given a big inspiration, motivation, spirit and do’a to her.

  The researcher realizes that the writing of this thesis is far from perfect. Remaining errors are the writer’s own; therefore, constructive criticisms and suggestions will be highly appreciated. May all our/the efforts are blessed by Allah SWT. Aamiin.

  The researcher, Fadillah Syam


  Pages COVER PAGE ..................................................................................................... i PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI ............................................................ .. ii PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING ...................................................................... .. iii PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI …………………………………………………….. . iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................... v TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... viii LIST OF FIGURE AND TABLES......................................................................... .. x LIST OF APPENDIX ........................................................................................... xi ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... xii

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1 A.

  1 Background ..................................................................................


  4 Research Problem .........................................................................


  5 Research Objectives .....................................................................


  5 Research Significance ...................................................................


  7 Research Scope and Delimitation .................................................


  8 Operational Definition of Term ...................................................

  CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURES ..................................

  10 A. Previous Related Research Findings…………………………….. 10 B. Some Pertinent Ideas ……………………………………………. 12 C. Theoretical Framework ............................................................... 13 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD................. ...... .......................................

  15 A. Research Method .......................................................................... 15 B. Development Model ...................................................................... 16 C. Research Subject ........................................................................... 18 D.

  Types of Data ............................................................................... 19 E. Research Instruments ................................................................... 19 F. Data Collecting Procedures .......................................................... 19

  viii CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ................................................

  22 A. Findings ......................................................................................... 22 B. Discussion .................................................................................... 46 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS .....................................

  44 A. Conclusions .................................................................................. 50 B. Suggestions .................................................................................. 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................

  53 APPENDIXES .....................................................................................................

  54 CURRICULUM VITAE .......................................................................................





FIGURE 1. Theoretical Framework .................................................................. 14


  The ADDIE’s Model ...................................................................... 16

TABLE 3.1 Result of Questionnaire Part A ....................................................... 23TABLE 3.2 Result of Questionnaire Part B ....................................................... 25TABLE 3.3 Result of Questionnaire Part C ....................................................... 29




APPENDIX 1. Questionnaire ............................................................................ 54

APPENDIX 2. Blueprint ( Teaching Material Design) ...................................... 59

APPENDIX 3. Rubrics ( Expert, Teacher, and Student) ................................... 62



Thesis Title : Developing Modality Materials Dealing with 2013

Curriculum of the Eighth Grade in Junior High School 2 Sunguminasa, Gowa Year : 2017 Researcher : Fadillah Syam Consultant I : Dr. Hj. Djuwairiyah Ahmad, M.Pd., M. TESOL. Consultant II : Dahniar, S. Pd., M. Pd.

  This research aimed to develop Modality materials based on 2013 curriculum of the Eighth Grade Student at SMPN 2 Sungguminasa, Gowa. Based on the preliminary study on May 2016, teachers still did not understand about the implementation of the 2013 curriculum. There are still many obstacles faced by teachers in implementing the 2013 curriculum. First, the 2013 curriculum does not fit all schools for instance, uninadequate school assistance and different intakes of students such as, school in city is different from school in countryside. Second, the syllabus has a national principles so that the teacher does not have the authority to make their mark. Third

  , the lack of teachers’ competence toward the implementation of the 2013 curriculum. They do not have many specialized trainings dealing with it.

  Forth , related with both student’s book and teacher’s.

  The research design used in this study was Research and Development (R &

  D). The development model used was ADDIE model. It consists of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The procedures included analysing materials needed by students, designing the blueprint, developing the materials through the syllabus of 2013 curriculum. The product was tried out to the eighth grade students at SMPN 2 Sungguminasa, Gowa. Type of data obtained in this study is only qualitative. The instruments used in this study were questionnaire for the students and rubrics for students, teacher and expert.

  In this research, teacher and expert were involved in order to validate the product. There are three semantic aspects that they validated of the product: Semantic Organization of the Materials, semantic of the English Teaching, and semantic Con tent of English. Overall, the result of this student’s book analysis by the expert was well-defined goals. So that, the product was hoped be able to help both the teachers and students in learning English especially about Modality materials covered 3.2 and 4.2 basic competences about asking, saying ability and willingness.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter deal with background of the study, research focuses, research

  objectives, research significances, research scope, and operational definition of terms.


   Background In Indonesia, English as a foreign language to be taught based on Curriculum.

  Curriculum emphasizes competency is very crucial and needed. The implementation of competency-based curriculum is one of the strategies of national education building (Law 20 year 2003 on National Education System) (Kemendikbud, 2012: 3).

  According to Robinson (1983), He said that Curriculum denotes those experiences and activities which are devised by the school or other institutions of learning for the purpose of changing a learner’s behaviour, acquiring or reinforcing certain skills and preparing him to fit properly into his society.

  The curriculum can be defined as set of education instrument which is used as a guide for the teachers on what and how to teach the students. Generally, the curriculum include all subject or activities which the school has responsibility to follow it in teaching and learning process.

  The curriculum in Indonesia has been changed for several times but it must appropriate with decision of the central government throughout provision of instrument for directing students to be; (1) qualified people who are able and proactive answer the challenges of the times; (2) educated man whose faith and piety, creative, independent, and (3) citizens who are democratic and responsible (Kemendikbud, 2014). Besides that, the 2013 curriculum is begun by setting the competency standards based on forwardness of learners, national education goals and need. In addition, the competencies are set and determined the curriculum consisting of a basic framework curriculum and structure. In this case, the teachers are not given an authority to arrange the syllabus but it will be managed by the national level. Therefore, the teachers are given more opportunity to develop the lesson plan without having to be burdened with many syllabus tasks which take time and require a lot of technical mastery that is very hard for the teachers.

  Teacher is the main role for the students that should be able to applicate the 2013 curriculum principles . Consequently, the teacher should be able to apply the 2013 curriculum in teaching process well. In order to the activities expected between teacher and students are active, productive, creative, and innovative to create the situation of the classroom conducively so that the students’ competence will develop in terms of knowledge and character aspect.

  Based on the researcher interview on May 2016 with the English teachers and the eighth grade students at SMPN 2 Sungguminasa, Gowa the teachers stated that the English Teachers still did not understand about the implementation of the schools for instance, uninadequate school assistance and different intakes of students such as, school in city is different from school in countryside. Second, the syllabus has a national principles so that the teacher does not have the authority to make their mark. Third

  , the lack of teachers’ competence toward the implementation of the 2013 curriculum. They do not have many specialized trainings dealing with it. Forth, related with both student’s book and teacher’s. The book has actually been good but based on the interview that the students need some addition activities and assignments which consist of skills in the learning materials. So, it will fully be helpful in teaching process. On the other hands, teacher needs a stuff that can literally be a proper weapon in teaching. The teacher must have ability in developing teaching materials, but in other side the teacher book which is given by the government not to enough for develop the lesson materials. Also, the eighth grade students said that the book which they use, still need an upgrading because the design of materials in the book not too interest and also the exercise still not too enough to cover the materials. This will be a preliminary study of this research.

  In addition, the 2013 curriculum is a new curriculum which is implied in Indonesia, it make the teacher difficult to find the relevant supporting course book because still limited.

  Also, according to previous researcher who completed a related study, motivates us to carry out the similar object. She is Nurul Suciana Adam. She is a English materials dealing with 2013 Curriculum of the Seventh Grade in MTsN Balang-Balang. She found that there must be an immense introduction of the new curriculum, 2013 curriculum to the rest of teachers in Indonesia related with student’s book. Hence, they can literally master how to implement it properly. In addition, there must be an innovative research refer both students’ book and teacher’s based on their needs. Yet, she only conducted the seventh grade students’ book. So, we continue it for the eighth grade students’ book.

  After identifying the factors above, the researcher thinks one way to overcome inapplicable components on English teaching materials on 2013 curriculum is to designing English teaching materials covered module based on the 2013 curriculum which is aim to help both teachers and students easier in teaching and learning process.

  This research will be more focus on developing the Modality materials dealing with 2013 curriculum and specifically for KI (Basic Competence) 3.2 and 4.2 about How to asking, saying ability and willingness. Furthermore, this research will be formulated a study entitled " Developing Modality Materials Dealing


with 2013 Curriculum of the Eighth Grade in Junior High School 2

Sunguminasa, Gowa” B.

   Research Problem

  Based on the background described previously, arises problem statements as follows, “How to produce a compatible instructional material based on 2013

  By covering two subtopics: 1.

  What are the students’ needs dealing with the existence of modality materials based on 2013 curriculum for the eighth grade students in junior high school? 2. How is the development of the instructional materials for modality materials based on 2013 curriculum?


   Research Objective

  Based on the research problem stated previously, the research objective as follows, “to produce a compatible instructional material based on 2013 curriculum for the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Sungguminasa, Gowa?” by covering the subtopics below: 1.

  To identify the students’ need dealing with the existence of modality materials based on 2013 curriculum for the eighth grade in Junior High School 2 Sungguminasa, Gowa.

  2. To develop the instructional materials for modality materials based on 2013 curriculum for the eighth grade in Junior High School 2 Sungguminasa, Gowa.


   Research Significance

  The result of this research will be useful to enrich the reader and the research er’s knowledge about how to design a proper instructional materials based reference for other researchers especially for under graduated students who are interested in doing further study about the related.

  a. Theoretical Significance

  This study will be expected to develop modality materials in the 3.2 and 4.2 competence dealt with the expression of asking, saying ability and willingness materials for the eighth grade students in SMPN 2 Sungguminasa, Gowa.

  b. Practical Significances 1.

  Significance for the Students By this research, the students will understand the materials easily and they will have a big motivation to study the expression of asking, saying ability and willingness materials because the materials have developed with interest book design.

  2. Significance for the Teachers By this research really expects that it can be a sample or complementary source for teaching. The product of this research is also able to be used by the teacher to teach based on the students’ need in teaching process based on 2013 curriculum.

  3. Significance for the Researcher By this research, it can give an unforgettable experience and also add


   Research Scope

  This research was held to find out and solve the problem of the students’ lack of mastering the instructional materials. This research was conducted in the level of junior high school. The research focused on the developing of English teaching materials refer to 3.2 and 4.2 basic competences covering expression of asking, saying ability and willingness materials in the syllabus for the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Sungguminasa, Gowa.

  In developing English materials, it was determined systematically about the organization of the English materials dealing with observing, questioning, collecting information, associating, and communicating, contents of English materials, and assessing. In addition, the validity of the product was considered to determine the validity because of the limited time.

  The content of 3.2 competence was to analyse social function, text structure and language text elements to asking, saying ability and willingness of the students based on the context it was used. In this basic competence, the students listened what the teachers said about how to asking, saying ability and willingness by using modals, i nclude “Can and Will “for asking, saying ability and willingness and then the students will identify the expressions that the teacher use. Whereas the content of 4.2 competences was to arrange oral and written text which used the expressions about asking, saying ability and willingness materials that related to the social function, text structure, and language text elements in an before from their teacher. In the last section, the students presented their dialog in front of their friends by using role play. Therefore, the final of this research was to produce a module of English materials as a secondary source for the beginner of English learner particularly at the Eighth grade in SMPN 2 Sungguminasa, Gowa.

  As addition, this research applied ADDIE model as its development model. In this case, applying all the steps of ADDIE model was possible to create the instructional materials. In the evaluation phase, the formative and summative evaluation was applied. However, it was conducted in simple form for some consideration i.e., time and funds.


   Operational Definitions of Terms

  The title of this research is

  “Developing Modality Materials dealing with 2013 Curriculum of the Eighth Grade in SMPN 2 Sungguminasa, Gowa.” In

  understanding the topic of this research easily, the definition of key terms was explained. They were:

a. Developing

  Developing is process to design a new product innovatively by adding or changing some materials to make better than previous product.

  In other words, developing means the one of key terms for the writer in designing product by using research and development (R&D).

  Developing also refers to enrich materials of the product which can be benefical by people particularly the learners. Here, it means to design

  In this research, developing means there was a process of design and develop the materials innovatively about the outlook and the production of modality materials based on 3.2 and 4.2 basic competences covering asking, saying ability and willingness by used Can and Will as a modal.

  b. Modality Materials

  Modality Materials means that the student will learn how to asking, saying ability and willingness using some modal include can, and will based on 3.2 and 4.2 competences. In this case, it is about identify and arranging the materials dealt with the modality materials that relate to the social function, text structure, and language text elements in appropriate context.

  c. The 2013 Curriculum

  The 2013 Curriculum is a curriculum developed to improve the pervious curriculum, KTSP 2006 or School-Based Curriculum 2006. This curriculum stresses the cognitive, affective, and psicomotoric aspect as an instrument that the students need to be high quality in global in hardskills and softskills.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This part centres around the study of some previous research findings on

  the related topics to the descriptive text materials and the formulation of conceptual framework.


   Some Previous Research Findings

  Tegeh and Kirna (2013) revealed that the purpose of the study determined into measured the development of teaching materials for educational research method by using ADDIE model and the results of trials of teaching materials of research method for education development. The model used was the development of ADDIE Model (analyze, design, development, implementation, evaluation) because the research is the development of research. In the conclusion, it was said that the trial results showed individual instructional materials were in a good qualification and the field test results indicate that well-qualified teaching materials.

  Jacobson, Degener, and Gates(2005) conducted an RnD study to create authentic materials and activities for adult literacy classroom. In their study they have succeded in the developing a textbook entitled

  “ using and learning literacy

and contexts ” for a adult learners focused on two different aspects of adult

  literacy instruction.. The first was the nature of classroom activities and materials, and the second was the degree to which classes were collaborations between


  were more likely to say they have started new literacy practices or had increase the amount of time spent and enganging in literacy activities outside of school.

  This was true event when the resercher controlled for (or accounted for ) students’ literacy levels and the amount of time they had been attending class.

  Ghozali (2011) conducted RnD to create

  “english textbook for vocational high school ”. He concluded that, the newly designed textbook using RnD is signicantly

  more effective in enhacing students’ achivement in learning english. Based on the findings, he draws conclussions the increasing the quality of teaching english for students could be conducted through improving the quality of the textbook.

  Khair (2015) entitled

  “Developing English Learning Materials Based on

Needs Analysis”. The main objective of his research was to develop English

  speaking materials especially speaking as additional learning sources. He developed the materials based on the students’ need and rule of Ministry of Education in 2006 number 22 about Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. Moreover it presents color full pages with many pictures and presenting local content for the students.

  Based on the previous research findings it can be concluded that developed a material by using R n D and applied ADDIE model while analysed the students’ needs more effective in enhancing students’ achievement in learning English, thus be one of the reason why this research


1. Some pertinent ideas a.

  Materials Development According to Tomlinson (1998:2), material development is everything made by people (the writers, the teachers, or the learners) to give and utilize information and provide experience of the using language, which is designed to promote language learning. Hence, the researcher must do an analysis on the materials in order to make the students can understand the lesson. The materials can be grammar books, story books, video, song, etc.


  Modality Materials In this research, researcher designed and developed the materials by using modal include Can and Will which was used to express asking, saying Ability and Willingness to do something based on 3.2 and 4.2 competences at 2013 Curriculum. For examp le “Can you play a guitar? “.


  2013 Curriculum In Modul Pelatihan Implementasi Kurikulum (2014: 4), the 2013

  Curriculum is the development of curriculum with basic competence from the previous curriculum in KBK 2004 and KTSP 2006 which has attitude, knowledge, and skill. There are four competences for the 2013 Curriculum; 1.

  Kompetensi inti-1 (KI-1) for religious competence 2. Kompetensi inti-2 (KI-2) for social competence

  13 B.

   Theoretical Framework

  In this research applied ADDIE model to develop Expression of Asking, Saying Ability and willingness Materials.

  Firstly, the researcher analysed the result of questionnaire which has distributed to the students before. The result of analysis step was a need analysis and basic to the next step.

  Secondly, the researcher designed the outlook of materials by making a blue print based on the result of analysis step while looking for as much as sources which can support the designing materials.

  Thirdly, in development step there were some steps for finishing this phase. First, developed the previous materials on the syllabus by produced the materials innovatively about expression of asking, saying ability and willingness materials with curriculum 2013 objectives of the course and organized the English materials systematically. Second, validated the product to the expert to make sure whether the product wa s appropriate to the learners’ needs as well as the goals and objectivities of the course or not.

  Fourthly, in the implementation step the product implied to the students in real teaching situations by apply trying-out the product. This phase was also aim to know whether the product has fulfilled the objectives of course or not.

  Fifth, the data was collected in the evaluation step. The data was gathered from rubric about the product to make the product be better and can use in


  This is the theoretical framework of this research:

  Design Development Analysis

  1. Develop previous Designing the blue print learning materials. Analyzing the result of (Make list activities,

  2. Validate to the Questionnaire chose appropriate experts. learning methods) Implementation

  Evaluation Use the product in real teaching situations. Analyze the rubrics (Try-Out Product)

  Figure I: Theoretical Framework.

CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE RESEARCH A. Research Method The research design used in this research was Research and Development

  (R&D). R&D is a name of one research design involving the classroom problems, studying recent theories of educational product to experts, and field testing the product (Latif, 2012).

  Actually, Research and Development (R&D) has many models, which can be applied by researcher such as Sugiyono model, Addie model, Brog and Gall model, Dick and Carey model, Kemp model, and many others.

  Based on many models stated formerly, in this research applied ADDIE model. It developed by Florida State University to explain “the processes involved in the formulation of instructional System Development (ISD) program for military inter service training that will adequately train individuals to do a particular job and which can also be applied to any inter service curriculum developm ent activity “. The model originally contained several steps under its five original steps (Analyse, Design, Development,

  Implementation and Development). The idea was to complete each step before moving to the next. Over the years, practitioners revised the steps, and eventually the model became more dynamic and interactive than the original hierarchical version. By the mid-1990s, the version familiar today appeared. instructions effectively. It strived to strive to save time and money by catching problems while they were still easy to fix. It also provided simple procedures to design and development materials.


   Development Models

  In this research adopted ADDIE model. ADDIE is an acronym of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation.

  In choosing this model, the considerations were that ADDIE model was designed to ensure that the learners will achieve the goals and objectives of the learning purposes. It also allowed the evaluation of students’ needs and provides simple procedure to design and develop the materials.

  Figure 2.The ADDIE Model, Diagram by: Steven J. McGriff The procedures in developing deal with ADDIE model which provide five phases;

a. Analysis

  In analysis phase, the results of questionnaire which has been distributed to the students before analysed qualitatively. Finally, considered time and budget needed in this research. This phase was the most particular phase in ADDIE model because it was the basic for other phases of this model.

  b. Design

  In this phase designed English materials dealing with 3.2 and 4.2 competences at 2013 curriculum while considered the goals and objectives of the learning process. First, designed the blueprint or materials frame work of the organization materials, learning materials, contents and assessment.

  Second, identified as much as sources as a guiding for designing English material which was relevant with asking, saying ability and willingness covered in the 3.2 and 4.2 competences included make list of activities which can assist the students and choose the appropriate learning methods.

  c. Development

  In this phase, there were some steps for finishing this phase. First, developed the previous materials on the syllabus by produced the materials innovatively about asking, saying ability and willingness materials with curriculum 2013 objectives of the course and organize the English materials systematically. Second, validated the product to the experts to make sure whether the product wa s appropriate to the learners’ needs as well as the goals and objectivities of the course or not. Last, the final product was ready to be implemented in trying out.

  d. Implementation

  This phase deals with trying-out the product. The product was going to be implemented in the real learning and teaching. This phase also aimed to know whether the product has fulfilled the objectives of course or not.

  e. Evaluation

  This phase was designed to measure the rate of quality of the materials as being implemented. It was measured the appropriateness of the developing materials.

  There were two types of evaluation. They were formative and Summative evaluation. Formative evaluation was going during and between phases. It deals with the evaluation during the process of the materials development, whereas summative evaluation deals with the final evaluation of developed materials. It occurs after the final of materials implemented in trying-out the product (Sukirman: 2013).

  In this evaluation, one expert was involved to check the quality of the product while considering the comments from the teacher and students and it was a basic to make the product better than before without second try-out.


   Research Subject

  The subject of the research was the eighth grade students in SMPN 2 Sungguminasa, Gowa. The subject was selected because the English teacher of the second year students in this school has been using 2013 Curriculum in


   Types of Data

  The data of this research was only qualitative data. It was collected by use questionnaire, blueprint, and rubrics as the instruments.


   Research Instrument

  This research used three kinds of instruments. They were questionnaire, blueprint and rubrics. The questionnaire was given to students for conducting need analysis. (see appendix 1). The blueprint was used to make the product.


(see appendix 2). Rubric was consist of three part for the expert, teacher, and

  the students. The first and second rubric adapted from Ghobrani (2011: 517- 518) and Wodyatmoko (2011) as cited in Miftahul Khair (2015) is used to evaluate or validate the product. It consists of seventeen (17) criteria to be evaluated in term of cover design, letter, typing, spacing, layout, organization


of materials, instructional objectives, topics, examples, exercises, activities,

instruction, coverage of materials, language, summary, and glossary. In

  addition, this rubric is addressed to experts and teacher. The last rubric was for the students were used to know the comment of the student about the product when it was used in tried out process. (see appendix 3) F.

   Data Collecting Procedure Type of data being obtained on this research was only qualitative data.

  Qualitative data was gathered from questionnaire and rubric.

  Hence the procedure of collecting data, Firstly, made questionnaire and product before validate to the expert. Thirdly, the expert and teacher rubric were used to validate the product to know what the weakness of the product, and students rubric were used to know the comments of the students about the product which has been implemented in real teaching situation.


   Try Out

  In this step, the data collected based on the expert comment about the product before and after the product was implemented and also from the teacher and students’ response in learning materials by used the product.

  1. Try – Out Subject

  The subject of this research was the Eighth Grade students in SMPN 2 Sungguminasa, Gowa.

  2. Try – Out Design

  The try-out design of this study was in field try-out. In this case, the product was tried-out to the target subjects in the real learning and teaching situation. It was useful to know the appropriateness of the product. Furthermore, the expert and researcher worked together to evaluate the quality of result of field try-out.


   Data Analyzing Technique

  In this research, the data analyzed qualitatively. The data obtained from the result of the questionnaire and rubric.

  There was a kind of technique in analysing obtained data; qualitative.

  10) stated that qualitative data analysis consists of three concurrent flows of activity: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification.

  In data reduction phase, referred to select, focus, simplify, abstract, and transform data that appear in comments, notes, suggestions, rubrics, and questionnaires to short descriptions. Then, the data was determined relevance of strings of the data before by making codes. Thomas (2006) stated that the


goal of data reduction was to get the bigger picture from the data. While coding

helps break down the data into smaller parts, data reduction was the process of

abstracting back out from the particular to the conceptual.

  In the second phase, data display, organized the compressed information in the previous phase and assembling it in ways to help draw conclusions. It can be an extended piece of text or a diagram, chart, or matrix that provides a new way of arranging and thinking about the more textually embedded data.

  Silverman in Thomas (2000) stated that data displays, whether in word or diagrammatic form, allow the analyst to extrapolate from the data enough to begin to discern systematic patterns and interrelationships. At the display stage, additional, higher order categories or themes may emerge from the data that go beyond those first discovered during the initial process of data reduction.

  The last phase, conclusion drawing/verification, tried to represent and describe what she sees in the data (meanings, observations). The data displays and raw data referred back to as descriptions or causal statements are made. In

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS This chapter consists of two sections, namely findings and discussion. This

  section shows all the data which collected during the research and explained every component that was developed in this research. The problem statements of this study are also answered in this section.



  The results of the research finished based on ADDIE model which had been done on the development. Furthermore, this section presented some results in the developing Modality Materials for 3.2 and 4.2 basic competences about Asking, Saying Ability and Willingness. They included the result of analysis, the result of product design by utilizing the qualitative method, and the results of validation by analysing the correction and suggestion from expert and teacher.

1. The result of Analyzing Phase a.


The result of content analysis of materials based on the syllabus

  The result of need analysis based on the materials in the syllabus of 2013 Curriculum covering the 3.2 and 4.2 competencies were expected to the students to be able to ask, say ability and willingness. The 2 core topics had been designed into 4 meetings. Every meeting had a core skill that was questioning, collecting information, associating, and communicating. Last, the developed learning instruction referred to the type of activities was consisted of individual, pair, and group activitiy, the amount of activities, and text structure. These materials were developed in order to provide suitable materials for the Eighth grade students in Junior High School 2 Sungguminasa, Gowa.


   The result of need analysis of developing learning materials based on the students ’s questioinnaires

  The questionaires consisted of three parts. The first was systematic organization of integrated English material. The second was systematic content of English materials covered the syllabus of the 2013 curriculum, and the third was systematic English teaching which was appropriate with the learning activities. After distributing the questionaires, in systematic organization of integrated English materials part, then the findings were concluded in this part into a table as shown below;

Table 1.1 Result of questionnaire part A

  Part Number Question Answer Conclusion Recommendation A