rekan-rekan Universitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya, Ibu Sari Mandiana,

  S.H., M.S, Dr. Jusup Jacobus Setiabudhi, S.H., M.S, Vicarya Retnowati Boong, S.H., M.Hum, dan Paula, S.H., M.Kn., M.Hum , atas dukungan moril dan supportnya selama ini.

  Surabaya, February 2017 Penulis Andyna Susiawati Achmad, S.H., M.Kn., M.H


  Pasal 1 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004 Tentang Jabatan Notaris (untuk selanjutnya disebut UUJN) menentukan bahwa Notaris adalah pejabat umum. Istilah pejabat umum diambil dari istilah Openbare Ambtenaren yang dapat dimaknai sebagai pejabat yang diberikan tugas dan kewenangan untuk membuat akta otentik untuk melayani kepentingan umum. Notaris menjalankan suatu jabatan dengan berdasarkan wewenang yang diberikan oleh undang-undang, yaitu Pasal 15 ayat (1) UUJN yang menegaskan bahwa kewenangan utama notaris adalah membuat akta otentik. Akta otentik dibuat oleh notaris guna memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap kekuatan pembuktian. Pasal 1870 Burgerlijk Wetboek menegaskan bahwa Akta otentik memiliki kekuatan pembuktian sempurna.

  Notaris berwenang membuat akta otentik sepanjang dikehendaki oleh pihak yang berkepentingan, berarti notaris hanya akan membuat akta mengenai suatu perbuatan hukum, perjanjian dan ketetapan yang senantiasa merupakan perbuatan hukum dari pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan tersebut, yang di tuangkan dalam bahasa hukum oleh notaris ke dalam sebuah akta otentik. Ciri utama akta otentik sesuai dengan pasal 1868 BW adalah bahwa Akta otentik di buat oleh atau/ dihadapan pejabat umum, dalam bentuk yang ditentukan oleh undang-undang, dan pejabat yang membuat haruslah memiliki kewenangan.

  Notaris dalam proses mengkonstantier kehendak para pihak ke dalam akta otentik wajib untuk memastikan bahwa apa yang dikonstantier itu sesuai dengan pengetahuan hukumnya, dan wajib memastikan akta tersebut tidak melanggar peraturan perundang-undangan, ketertiban umum, maupun kesusilaan. Proses pembuatan akta adalah perbuatan verlijden yaitu menyusun, membacakan dan menandatangani akta, bukan opmaken atau membuat akta. Konsep verlijden yaitu berarti menyusun dan membuat akta dengan benar. Syarat formil dan syarat materil dalam proses pembuatan akta harus terpenuhi. Pengetahuan notaris secara hukum harus diterapkan dalam proses verlijden.

  Apabila dalam proses pembuatan akta notaris sudah melaksanakan semua kewajibannya dengan benar, syarat materil dan formil telah dipenuhi dengan sempurna maka akta notaris itu menjadi akta otentik. Akta otentik memiliki kekuatan pembuktian sempurna. UUJN mengatur mengenai berbagai macam tindakan-tindakan yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai bentuk pelanggaran notaris dalam menjalankan jabatannya. Apabila notaris dalam melaksanakan tugasnya melakukan pelanggaran UUJN memberikan sanksi berupa sanksi perdata dan sanksi administratif. Sanksi perdata yang ditentukan oleh UUJN terkait dengan otentisitas akta, UUJN menentukan dalam beberapa pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh notaris akan dapat menyebabkan akta yang dibuat oleh notaris tersebut menjadi turun derajatnya, artinya menjadi memiliki kekuatan hukum yang sama dengan akta dibawah tangan. Sebagai akibat dari turun derajat akta yang dibuat notaris adalah bahwa pihak-pihak yang menderita kerugian karena hal tersebut dapat menggugat notaris untuk membayar ganti rugi, biaya dan bunga.

  Notaris dalam menjalankan tugasnya tidak lepas dari tanggungjawab hukum maupun moral. Notaris dikenal sebagai jabatan dan profesi, oleh karenanya ia juga terikat dengan kode etik profesi. Standart pembuatan akta harus diketahui oleh notaris dan dipatuhi dengan baik. Pelanggaran terhadap standart- standart tersebut bisa menyebabkan akta otentik yang dibuat oleh notaris berimplikasi hukum, baik dari sisi hukum perdata, pidana, maupun juga dari sisi penegakan kode etik.

  Penegakan dan perlindungan hukum bagi notaris sangat penting untuk dilaksanakan, notaris perlu diawasi karena ranah pekerjaannya berkaitan dengan kepentingan umum. Penegakan hukum bagi notaris dilakukan melalui UUJN dan Kode Etik Notaris. UUJN telah mengatur mengenai pelaksanaan perlindungan dan penegakan hukum bagi notaris, secara preventif dan secara represif. Secara preventif melalui pengawasan telah ditempatkan adanya lembaga Majelis Pengawas Notaris, mulai tingkat daerah, wilayah, dan pusat. Fungsinya sudah jelas untuk mengawasi notaris dalam pelaksanaan jabatannya bahkan termasuk pula pada tindakan notaris secara pribadi. Majelis Pengawas Notaris juga melakukan pengawasan secara represif yaitu dengan memberikan sanksi-sanksi terhadap notaris apabila terjadi pelanggaran.

  Selain Majelis Pengawas Notaris, ada pula Majelis Kehormatan Notaris yang

  mana memiliki tugas utama untuk melakukan pembinaan notaris dan kewajiban memberikan persetujuan atau penolakan untuk kepentingan penyidikan dan proses peradilan, atas pengambilan fotokopi minuta akta dan pemanggilan notaris untuk hadir dalam pemeriksaan yang berkaitan dengan akta atau protokol notaris yang berada dalam penyimpanan notaris sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal 66 UUJN . Intinya apabila ada notaris yang bersingungan dengan proses hukum, harus dikaji dulu oleh Majelis Kehormatan Notaris terkait dengan ada tidaknya indikasi pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh notaris terkait kasus hukum tersebut. Majlis Kehormatan Notaris memberikan ijin atau tidak terhadap pemanggilan notaris maupun pengambilan minuta. Selain kedua lembaga diatas, Kode Etik Notaris juga sudah mengatur berbagai kaedah untuk ditaati notaris guna dapat menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik dan benar, serta memperlengkapi dengan Dewan Kehormatan untuk melakukan penegakan kode etik terhadap notaris.

  Penegakan hukum mengandung makna penjatuhan sanksi terhadap notaris, dan sekaligus pemberian perlindungan bagi jabatan profesi notaris. Perlindungan hukum bagi notaris bukan menempatkan notaris pada posisi kebal hukum, perlindungan disini mengacu pada perlindungan jabatan dan tugas jabatannya serta perlindungan terhadap kepentingan umum atas kekuatan pembuktian aktanya. Termasuk pula perlindungan pada pembedaan perlakuan terhadap notaris yang taat menjalankan segala ketentuan dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya dan perlakuan terhadap notaris yang memang secara hukum dibuktikan telah melakukan pelanggaran.

  Ranah tugas notaris dalam hukum perdata ternyata memeiliki potensi persingungan dengan ranah hukum pidana. Salah satu masalah yang sering muncul adalah terdapat keterangan palsu di dalam akta notaris, keterangan palsu itu dapat berupa data, dokumen, maupun keterangan-keterangan yang palsu yang mendasari pembuatan akta. Adanya keterangan palsu dalam akta otentik merupakan salah satu tindak pidana sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal 263 ayat (1) KUHP juncto pasal 264 ayat (1) KUHP, yaitu tindak pidana pemalsuan surat.

  Indikasi adanya pelanggaran pidana tentunya membawa konsekuensi pertanggungjawaban pidana. Notaris sebagai pembuat akta seringkali dianggap terlibat dan karenanya selalu dianggap dapat dimintai pertanggungjawaban pidana manakala di dalam aktanya terdapat keterangan palsu. Notaris bukan pihak dalam akta, notaris bukan pihak yang berkepentingan dengan akta, posisi notaris adalah sebagai pihak yang memiliki kewenangan untuk membuat akta. Untuk dapat menuntut pertanggungjawaban pidana notaris harus dapat dibuktikan adanya keterlibatan notaris dalam proses memasukan keterangan palsu ke dalam akta tersebut. Apabila Notaris dianggap berindikasi pada pelanggaran hukum, maka dalam tahap prosedur pemanggilan noatris maupun pengambilan minuta akta notaris pasal 66 UUJN menentukan bahwa pihak penyidik harus terlebih dahulu meminta persetujuan dari Majelis Kehormatan Notaris. Majelis Kehormatan Notaris melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap notaris yang bersangkutan, dan akan memutuskan memberikan ijin atau tidak terhadap pemanggilan atau pengambilan minuta akta tersebut.

  Berdasarkan pasal 263 ayat (1) KUHP juncto pasal 264 ayat (1) KUHP pelaku dalam pasal ini pada umumnya adalah pihak penghadap/klien notaris.

  Namun seiring dengan lunturnya moral notaris tidak dapat dipungkiri banyak notaris yang terlibat di dalamnya. Apabila notaris melakukan tindakan tersebut tanpa paksaan, maupun alasan-alasan lain yang menyebabkan kepadanya tidak dapat dimintai pertanggungjawaban, maka terhadap pihak yang disuruh tersebut bisa dikualifikasi sebagai pelaku penyerta, sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal 55 ayat (1) KUHP. Pelaku penyerta melakukan tindak pidana bersama-sama dengan pelaku utamanya. Pada Penyertaan harus ada kebersamaan melakukan tindak pidana dari pelaku utama dan pelaku penyerta. Notaris dalam hal ini masuk sebagai pelaku yang dibujuk. dalam konsep pasal 55 ayat (1) KUHP yang dibujuk dan yang membujuk dapat dipidana.

  Untuk membuktikan unsur kesalahan notaris dalam tindak pidana tersebut tidak mudah, karena karakteristik jabatan notaris dengan berbagi konsep pembuatan akta seringkali bisa mengaburkan atau menghilangkan unsur kesalahan notaris. Beberapa konsep yang seringkali dipakai adalah konsep bahwa keterangan-keterangan yang ada didalam akta, khususnya pada bagian badan akta yang merupakan isi akta, adalah keterangan para pihak yang dikonstantier notaris ke dalam akta, sehingga notaris tidak dapat dimintai pertanggungjawaban untuk hal tersebut. Pemahaman tersebut kurang tepat, karena konsep pembuatan akta oleh notaris adalah konsep verlidjen, yang artinya ada kewajiban hukum bagi notaris secara jabatan dan kewenangan untuk memastikan akta yang dibuatnya benar. Syarat materil dan syarat formil pembuatan akta harus terpenuhi dengan sempurna. Notaris harus memastikan apa yang dikonstantiernya ke dalam akta memenuhi konsep verlidjen, terhadap hal tersebut notaris harus dapat mempertanggungjawabkannya, terlebih lagi apabila dalam indikasi pelanggaran hukum pidana, karena hukum pidana mencari kebenaran materil bukan hanya kebenaran formil seperti hukum perdata.

  Notaris disebut sebagai jabatan sekaligus sebuah profesi. Ciri utama Profesi adalah harus ada keahlian dari sisi keilmuan yang tidak dapat dimiliki oleh orang lain yang tidak menjalankan profesi tersebut. Sebagai sebuah profesi, maka notaris dalam melaksanakan tugas keprofesiannya mengenal adanya tindakan malpraktek. Malpraktek bisa saja dilakukan oleh notaris dalam rangka menjalankan tugasnya. Malpraktek merupakan pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh notaris dalam melaksanakan tugasnya yang tidak sesuai dengan prosedur standart keilmuannya, baik dilakukan secara sengaja maupun karena kelalaianya. UUJN pada dasarnya secara filosofis sudah menempatkan adanya pelanggaran- pelanggaran yang dikategorikan sebagai malpraktek notaris. UUJN secara konseptual telah memberikan landasaan pemikiran bahwa terhadap pelanggaran notaris yang bersifat malpraktek sanksi yang dapat diterapkan adalah berupa sanksi perdata dan sanksi administratif.

  Malpraktek dapat dilakukan secara sengaja maupun tidak sengaja oleh notaris dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Malpraktek yang dilakukan secara tidak sengaja disebut sebagai malpraktek murni, sementara malpraktek yang dilakukan secara sengaja disebut dengan istilah tindakan deliberate dishonesty. Istilah Deliberate dishonesty dipakai sebagai istilah untuk menggambarkan adanya unsur kesengajaan dari diri notaris untuk melanggar ketentuan-ketentuan yang seharusnya ditaatinya dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya. Dalam tindakan Deliberate dishonesty tidak ada unsur kelalaian di dalamnya.

  Apabila ditemukan fakta bahwa di dalam akta notaris terdapat keterangan palsu, maka yang harus dicari adalah sejauh mana keterlibatan notaris. Apabila ada indikasi keterlibatan notaris, maka harus mencari unsur kesalahan notaris yang dalam hal ini harus berupa tindakan Deliberate dishonesty. Secara konseptual dalam tindak pidana 263 ayat (1) KUHP juncto pasal 264 ayat (1) KUHP, dapat dipahami bahwa dalam tindakan tersebut unsur subjektifnya adalah secara sengaja, bukan karena lalai. Yang harus dibuktikan adalah unsur kesengajaan dari diri notaris, yaitu unsur Deliberate dishonesty.

  Sengaja berarti notaris secara sadar, menginsyafi dan mengetahui akibatnya serta jelas tujuannya adalah untuk menuangkan sesuatu yang tidak sesuai dengan kebenaran ke dalam aktanya. Kesengajaan notaris disini dapat disebabkan berbagai macam hal, biasanya adalah karena diiming-imingi dengan honorarium yang besar. pasal 263 ayat (1) KUHP juncto pasal 264 ayat (1) KUHP melalui unsur-unsurnya tidak dapat menempatkan notaris sebagai pelaku utama atau tunggal, terhadap notaris dikenakan sebagai pelaku penyerta. Perbuatan penyertaan dalam konsep hukum pidana adalah bahwa pihak yang melakukan tindak pidana tersebut secara sadar terlibat pada kejahatan yang dilakukannya tersebut, sehingga dianggap bersama-sama melakukan sebuah tindak pidana.

  Notaris secara sadar dan sengaja menempatkan sesuatu yang tidak benar tersebut ke dalam aktanya sehinga terwujudlah tindak pidana tersebut. Oleh karena itu kepadanya dapat dikatakan pelaku penyerta, sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal 55 ayat (1) KUHP. Notaris yang walaupun dengan sengaja memasukan keterangan palsu ke dalam aktanya tidak dapat dikenakan sanksi sebagai pelaku tunggal, karena tidak memenuhi unsur-unsur dari pasal 263 ayat (1) KUHP juncto pasal 264 ayat (1) KUHP. Notaris selalu terkait dengan tindak pidana penyertaan

  (delneming), karena notaris tidak melakukan sendirian tindak pidana tersebut. Notaris adalah sebagai pelaku yang dibujuk, pembujuk dan yang dibujuk menurut KUHP dapat dipidana.


  The first paragraph of article 1 of the Indonesian Notary Law (Undang- Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris juncto Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004 Tentang Jabatan Notaris) states that a notary is a public official. The word public official came from the Dutch term Openbare Ambtenaren, which can be interpreted as public official, an official given the task and authority to produce authentic deeds for the public. A notary performs his or her position based on the authority given to him or her by the law. Paragraph (1) Article 15 of the Indonesian Notary Law stresses that the main authority of a notary is to produce authentic deeds. Authentic deeds made by the notary can be used to fulfill the needs of the people as evidence in court. Article 1870 of the Indonesian Civil Law Book emphasizes that authentic deeds have perfect evidential strength.

  A notary may produce an authentic deed only if it was requested by the interested parties. A notary may not produce authentic deeds for his or her own interest. A notary may produce authentic deeds as long as it is wanted by the interested parties, this means a notary can only produce authentic deeds concerning a legal act, agreement, and ruling that are the actions of the aforementioned parties. The relation between notary and his or her client is a relation with special characteristics.

  A notary declares and states the wishes of all parties in the authentic deed according to his or her legal knowledge, and the notary has to make sure the deed does not violate the law, public order, or morality. The process of constructing a deed requires all parties to inform the notary of everything related to their legal action and it has to be complemented with supporting documents. The process of producing a deed is called the act of verleijden, which is to construct, read and sign the deed, not just merely opmaken or producing a deed, the concept of verleijden is to construct and produce a deed correctly. The formal and material requirements in the process of producing a deed must be fulfilled. The notary's legal knowledge must be applied in the process of verleijden.

  If in the process of producing a deed a notary has fulfilled all his or her obligations correctly, all parties have given data and supplements as required, then the notarial deed will become an authentic deed. Authentic deed has perfect evidential power. The Indonesian Notary Law regulates various types of Notarial violations and wrongdoings in the process of producing a deed, violations and wrongdoings covered in the Indonesian Notary Law is related to the authenticity of the deed. If a notary in performing his or her task makes a violation or mistake, the Indonesian Notary Law has legal consequences for the notary. The consequences for the notaries that are covered in the Indonesian Notary Law is related to the authenticity of the deed, the Indonesian Notary Law in various cases states that an authentic deed produced by a notary would suffer a step-down, which means it will end up having the same evidential power as an underhand deed. The notarial deed before loses its authenticity. Further repercussions from losing the authenticity is that the notary can be demanded for compensations, fee and interest as the result of the step-down. Aside from that, the Indonesian Notary Law also sets administrative penalties for the notary.

  Problem appears when typographical error or violation made by the notary implies legal accountability, not just liability. One of the common problem with notarial deed is when false statements are found in an authentic deed, the false statements could be data, fake documents or fake statements. The inclusion of false statements above into an authentic deed is a crime which is covered by Paragraph (1) Article 263 ayat (1) juncto Paragraph 264 ayat (1) of the Indonesian Criminal Law.

  As the issuer of authentic deeds, a notary is often assumed to be involved, and because of that, responsible when false statements are found in a deed made by him or her. A notary is not a party in the deed, a notary is not a party who has any interest or concern with the deed itself; a notary is only party who is authorized to produce the aforementioned deed. Most of the false statements found in authentic deeds came from the parties who have interest in the deed; however this does not mean a notary can't be involved. Many views construct the notary as if he or she is unaware of the false statements in the aforementioned deed. The statements in the deed are always assumed to be statements from the respective parties. This assumption can be used in proving the formal truth, but this concept cannot be used in assuming criminal accountability. Criminal law seeks the material truth, and material truth cannot be assumed that the notary has only reiterated the wishes of the involved parties; it is not impossible that the notary who made the deed in question has intentionally gotten involved and even acts as the brains for the idea of inserting false statements into the deed.

  Paragraph (1) Article 263 ayat (1) juncto Paragraph 264 ayat (1) of the Indonesian Criminal Law states notaries can not be qualified as sole doer of the crime, notaries as a participant of the crime as described in Paragraph (1) Article 55 of the Indonesian Criminal Law, in other words, an accomplice. An accomplice commits a crime along with the main actor; they must be working together to commit the crime.

  In practice a notary is often accused using Paragraph (1) Article 263 ayat (1) juncto Paragraph 264 ayat (1) of the Indonesian Criminal Law, as a fellow participant who inserts the false statements into the authentic deed. It is not easy to prove the mistake or wrongdoing of a notary in the aforementioned crime, because the characteristics of a notary's post along with the numerous concepts of deed constructions can often obscure or hide the mistake or wrongdoing of the notary. Some concepts that are commonly used are the concept that statements in a deed are statements given by the respective parties which are then reiterate or restated by the notary in the authentic deed made by him, thus the notary has no accountability. The above perception is erroneous, for the concept of producing a deed uses the concept of verlidjen. This practice often impedes the verification of a notary's mistake or wrongdoing, and it's not unusual that mistakes are often made during the verification process, that a notary who isn't involved in the forgery or false statements is instead assumed to be involved. The process of proving a notary's mistake or wrongdoing must be combined from multiple angles. The Indonesian Notary Law (UUJN), the Indonesian Criminal Law (KUHP), the Indonesian Civil Law (BW), the Ethical Code, and the characteristic of the execution of a notary's job must be carefully considered.

  A notary in performing his or her job is not free from responsibility or moral. Notary is a profession, and because of that, a notary is bound by an ethical code. A notary must know the standards of producing a deed and follow them well. Malpractice has consequences which need to be taken responsibility for, as regulated by the Indonesian Notary Law via its articles. Violation against the aforementioned standards has legal implications against the authentic deeds produced by a notary, whether from the angle of civil law, criminal law, or the enforcement of the ethical code.

  A notary in performing his or her position, which is also a profession at the same time, recognizes the existence of the act of malpractice. It is possible that a notary commits malpractice in the line of his or her job. Malpractice is a notary's failure to do his or her job in accordance to the code of conduct. Failure here can be both intentional or negligence. A malpractice that is also a violation of law has legal consequences for the notary.

  A notary's position is based on trust and should be carried out with high esteem, but in reality it is not uncommon that some notaries do not respect the value and dignity of their position. The term deliberate dishonesty is known when performing one's job. Deliberate dishonesty can be said as when a notary truly intentionally violates the rules and provisions that are required of him or her in performing his or her job, without the element of negligence. The deliberate dishonesty committed by a notary clear has consequences for the said notary. A notary can be asked to take responsibility in the case of deliberate dishonesty.

  In criminal law, the notary's involvement in forgery of an authentic deed must be proven first, before a notary can be held responsible. And to hold someone responsible in criminal law, there is the element of blame/fault. There are two types of faults, which are intentional wrongdoing and negligence. When a notary commits a violation because of negligence, that kind of violation can be categorized as malpractice. The deliberateness here means the notary has fulfilled the element of fault; what must be proven is that the notary has deliberately included the false statements into the deed.

  A notary who places false statements into his or her deeds can be held criminally responsible, whether intentionally or because of negligence. Intentional means the notary consciously and knowing of the consequences but still clearly tries to place false statements into his or her deeds. The notary being intentional here can be caused by a number of things, usually because the notary is coaxed to do so. Coaxing in criminal law implies that the party who commits the crime knowingly involves him or herself in the aforementioned crime. Even though intentional, a notary who puts false statement or commits forgery cannot be punished as the sole doer of the crime. A notary is always positioned as an accomplice, because a notary does not commit the aforementioned crime by him or herself. A notary cannot use a deed produced by him or herself, there must be another party to make use of the deed.

  Along with the raising standard of living, life style and advancing era, it is also easier to coax someone into committing a crime or an amoral act. Notaries are not immune from being persuaded to commit forgery or place false statements into his or her deed. Attention must be paid to the notarial post, remembering that their job is important in evidential law. It needs to be reminded that not every notary has faith or has the sense of responsibility toward his or her job, and not every notary would approve any way to seek material gain wrongly. The verdicts from the courts have proven that violations by notaries are not uncommon, and oftentimes the notary's wrongdoing can be proved. The above indicates that there are still needs for legal enforcement and legal protections for the notaries.

  It is important to uphold the legal enforcement and legal protection for notaries; notaries need to be supervised because their work is related to the public interest. Legal enforcement for notaries is done via statutes and ethical code. The notarial law has covered the execution of legal protection and legal enforcement for notaries, preventive or repressive-wise. Preventive-wise, there are the Supervisory Council of Notaries (Majelis Pengawas Notaris), starting from local, provincial, and central. Their function is clear; to supervise the notaries in performing their task, including supervising the acts of the notaries personally. Repressive-wise the law has set penalties for notaries.

  Proving a notary's wrongdoing in a criminal action is not easy, because the characteristics of a notary's post, such as by sharing the concept of producing a deed, can often blur or erase the fault of the notary. A few of the concepts often used are the concept that the details inside a deed, especially those in the body of the deed classified as the contents of the deed, were information from the related parties which were then certified by the notary into the deed, thus the notary cannot be held responsible for the contents above. The aforementioned view is incorrect, because the concept of producing a deed used by a notary is the concept of verlidjen, which means there is a legal responsibility for the notary, as his or her post and authority, to make sure that the deed is produced properly. The material and formal requirments of the deed must be fulfilled perfectly. A notary must ensure that what is certified in the deed has fulfilled the concept of verlidjen, and for that the notary can be held responsible, even more if there are indications of violating a criminal law, because criminal law searches for the material truth, not just the formal truth like in a civil law case.

  A notary can be said to be an official post as well as a profession. The main characteristic of a Profession is there must be academic expertise that is not possessed by people outside of the aforementioned profession. As a profession, then a notary, in the process of doing the task of his or her profession, recognizes the existence of malpractice. Malpractice is a violation by the notary in doing his or her task without following the standard procedure of its field, whether intentionally or due to negligence. The Indonesian Notarial Law philosophy-wise has basically set the violations to be categorized as notarial malpractice. The Indonesian Notarial Law in concept has given the rationale that, against notarial violations that are like malpractice, the sanctions that can be applied are civil sanctions and administrative sanctions.

  Malpractice can be committed intentionally or unintentionally by a notary in performing his or her task. Malpractice that is committed unintentionally can be called as a pure malpractice, while malpractice committed intentionally can be called as a deliberate dishonesty action. The term deliberate dishonesty is used as a term to explain the fault of a notary in violating the standard that he or she is supposed to follow in performing his or her task. In a deliberate dishonesty action there is no negligence.

  If forgery or false information is detected in a notarial deed, then what must be determined is how deep the notary's involvement is. If there are indications of a notary's involvement, then what must be found is the fault or wrongdoing of the notary, which in this case is a deliberate dishonesty action. Conceptually speaking in a criminal act of forgery or inserting false information in an authentic deed as regulated in Paragraph (1) Article 263 ayat (1) juncto Paragraph 264 ayat (1) of the Indonesian Criminal Law. What must be proven is the intent from the notary in placing false information in the deed.

  Intentional means the notary consciously, realizing and knowing of the consequences, has the clear aim of placing the false information in the deed. The notary intent here can be caused by various reasons, usually because the notary was lured by a large sum of honorarium. The act of being an accomplice in the concept of criminal law means the party who is committing the crime has consciously involved him or herself in the aforementioned crime, thus he or she is considered to have committed the crime together with the main actor. A notary in the concept of being persuadeed because of being lured by a large sum of honorarium or some other reasons, with that the notary certainly has consciously and intentionally placed false information into the deed, thus realizing the aforementioned crime. Because of that, the notary can be said to have participated in committing the crime (medepleger or mededader), as regulated in article 55 paragraph (1) in the Indonesian Criminal Law. The notary, even though intentionally inserting false information into a deed, cannot be penalized as a sole actor, because that does not fulfill the elements from Paragraph (1) Article 263 ayat (1) juncto Paragraph 264 ayat (1) of the Indonesian Criminal Law. A notary is always related as an accomplice or a crime of participating (delneming), because the notary cannot commit the crime by him or herself. A notary must be being persuaded by someone else.

  ABSTRACT The Concept Of Malpractice and Deliberate Dishonesty in Notary Duties

  Paragraph (1) of Article 1 of the Indonesian Notary Law states that: "A notary is a public official authorized to produce authentic deeds, as well as to perform other tasks stated by this statute or other laws (of Indonesia)". A notary must also perform his tasks according to the Notary's Ethical Codes. A notary in performing his job must fulfill the concept of Verlijden, which means to compose, read, and sign the deed. In practice, the deeds made by notaries oftentimes violate what is set by the law. Notary shall be responsible for the deed he had done, the basic concept is based on the responsibility notary error element. The concept of a notary error in running the office is malpractice, which consists of pure malpractice Dishonesty or deliberate action

  Notary task related with criminal responsibility. Another thing that often happens is that a notarial deed is assumed to contain information that is untrue. The notarial deed is questioned and the notary is accused of including false statement into the deed as regulated by article 263 paragraph (1) Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 264 paragraph (1) Criminal Code. As the party who produces the deed, the notary is often accused as an accomplice to the crime as stated in Paragraph (1) Article 55 of Indonesian Criminal Law, even though the notary's fault, especially the intention to commit the act, may not be present.

  The offenses referred to in article article 263 paragraph (1) Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 264 paragraph (1) Criminal Code is the act of telling entering false information into an authentic deed, the subjective unsure means a notary conscious and realize of his actions. Notaries who intentionally submit false information into his deed the measures it called an act of deliberate Dishonesty. A notary would be the party who is persuade to include false statement in the deed. A notary is positioned as an accomplice as described by Article 55 of Indonesian Criminal Law, Notary may not be located as independent actors.

  Key Words: Notary, Malpractice, Criminal Liability.