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  Interpreting legislation in a practical way, "Tolley's Company Law Handbook" provides salient guidance to ensure your continued compliance with company law. The A-Z format allows fast access to the information you need. Combining key understanding of company law as it relates to legal practice and accountancy, this work reflects all the needs of the modern day practitioners. This edition has been updated to include: new Companies House requirements for the filing of annual returns by certain types of companies; proposed reforms to disclose further details of executive remuneration and proposed reforms for further audit exemption for SMEs; the new requirements for companies with a premium listing on London Stock Exchange to publish details of boardroom diversity; substantial changes to the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers; changes to the requirements for overseas companies to register charges over property in the UK; and the new Charities Act 2011 in respect of charitable companies including publicising its name and altering company articles. Published on: 2012-08 Number of items: 1 Dimensions: 8.94" h x 1.14" w x 5.91" l, .0 pounds Binding: Paperback 1440 pages Most helpful customer reviews 0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.

  Incorporating the latest.... By Phillip Taylor MBE

  It also reflects significant and substantial changes to the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers. In another new development, the requirements for overseas companies to register charges over property in the UK have now been removed. Other company law provisions are also covered (with the exception of insolvency) including the Listing Rules, Prospectus Rules, Disclosure and Transparency Rules and the Takeovers Code, plus of course, case law. As a work of reference, this handbook offers in-built accessibility in that, first of all, chapters are alphabetized for ease of use, from Accounts, Annual Returns and Audit to Shares and Takeovers. Note that the category of ‘Accounts’ covers small, medium sized and large companies. A useful feature is that individual chapters are introduced by a summary of contents listed in order of paragraph numbers. If an appendix is required, it’s appended to the relevant chapter. For example, the chapter on Corporate Governance is followed by the appendix UK Corporate Governance Code… applicable to accounting periods beginning on or after 29 June 2010. The chapter on Takeovers has 4 appendices covering definitions… forms… fees… and standard articles of association. Resources for further research abound, including cross-references, and tables of statutes, cases, statutory instruments and EU material; plus there’s a detailed index of over 40 pages at the back.

  If your career requires you to demonstrate familiarity with the leading edge of company law matters, (and whose doesn’t?), you need this book. The publication date is July 2012. See all 1 customer reviews...


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