1. PROGRAM MODUL UTAMA - Temu Kembali Citra Wajah berdasarkan Pengukuran Kemiripan Fitur dengan Menggunakan Jaringan Bayesian



  '------------------------------------- ' Program : Modul Utama ' Diprogram : Hendrik Siagian '------------------------------------- Public Const eps = 2.2204E-16 Public Const pi = 22 / 7 Public Const deg = pi / 180 Public Const binH = 18 Public Const binS = 3 Public Const binI = 3 Public Const nbinColor = binH * binS * binI Public Const nbinTheta = 72 Public Const Threshold = 255 Public Const NumLevel = 16 Public Type TipeBMP BMPType As String * 2 BMPSize As Long xHotSpot As Integer yHotSpot As Integer OffBites As Long HdrSize As Long Width As Long Height As Long End Type Public Type TImageRGB Width As Integer Height As Integer Red() As Integer Green() As Integer Blue() As Integer End Type Public Type TImageHSI Width As Integer Height As Integer H() As Single S() As Single I() As Single End Type Public Type TImageGray Width As Integer Height As Integer Gray() As Integer End Type Public Type TImageEdge Width As Integer Height As Integer Edge() As Integer Theta() As Single Bin() As Integer End Type Public Type TColorHSI H As Single S As Single

  I As Single End Type

  Public Type TMatrix Row As Integer Col As Integer Value() As Single End Type Public Type TRect x1 As Integer y1 As Integer x2 As Integer y2 As Integer End Type Public Type TipeColor Red As Integer Green As Integer Blue As Integer End Type Public Type TSimilarity Id As String * 8 Sim As Single End Type Public Type TGraycoprops Energy As Single Entropy As Single Contrast As Single Correlation As Single Homogenity As Single InvMoment As Single MaxProbability As Single End Type Public Declare Function GetPixel Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, _ ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long Public Declare Function SetPixel Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, _ ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long Public bmpX As Integer '-- Dimensi Citra Public bmpY As Integer Public ImgFileName As String Public IROption As Integer '-- Opsi Image Retrieval Public AdaCapture As Boolean Public NFileQuery As String Public NIDFace As Integer Public NFImgSource As String '-- Nama File Sumber Citra Wajah '-------------------------------------------------------------------- ' IMGREAD :Fungsi untuk membaca data warna citra dari kontrol Picture ' dan menyimpannya ke dalam variabel bertipe struktur array RGB ' hdc : kontrol Picture; x = picture width; y = picture height '-------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function ImgRead(ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Integer, _ ByVal y As Integer) As TImageRGB Dim r As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim nColor As Long ImgRead.Width = x ImgRead.Height = y ReDim ImgRead.Red(x, y) ReDim ImgRead.Green(x, y)

  ReDim ImgRead.Blue(x, y) For c = 0 To x - 1 For r = 0 To y - 1 nColor = GetPixel(hdc, c, r) ImgRead.Red(c, r) = nColor And RGB(255, 0, 0) ImgRead.Green(c, r) = (nColor And RGB(0, 255, 0)) / 256 ImgRead.Blue(c, r) = (nColor And RGB(0, 0, 255)) / 256 / 256 Next r Next c End Function '-------------------------------------------------------------- ' IMGCROP :Fungsi untuk membaca sebagiandata warna citra dari ' kontrol Picture dan menyimpannya ke dalam variabel bertipe ' struktur array RGB hdc : kontrol Picture; ' x1 = kolom pojok kiri atas; y1 = baris pojok kiri atas ' x2 = kolom pojok kanan bawah; y1 = baris pojok kanan bawah '--------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function ImgCrop(ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x1 As Integer, _ ByVal y1 As Integer, ByVal x2 As Integer, _ ByVal y2 As Integer) As TImageRGB Dim r As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim nColor As Long Dim nW As Integer '-- lebar kolom cropping Dim nH As Integer '-- tinggi baris cropping nW = Abs(x2 - x1) nH = Abs(y2 - y1) ImgCrop.Width = nW ImgCrop.Height = nH ReDim ImgCrop.Red(nW, nH) ReDim ImgCrop.Green(nW, nH) ReDim ImgCrop.Blue(nW, nH) For c = 0 To nW - 1 For r = 0 To nH - 1 nColor = GetPixel(hdc, x1 + c, y1 + r) ImgCrop.Red(c, r) = nColor And RGB(255, 0, 0) ImgCrop.Green(c, r) = (nColor And RGB(0, 255, 0)) / 256 ImgCrop.Blue(c, r) = (nColor And RGB(0, 0, 255)) / 256 / 256 Next r Next c End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' IMGSHOW : Subprogram untuk menampilkan citra ke kontrol Picture ' berdasarkan data warna citra dari variabel bertipe struktur array RGB ' hdc : kontrol Picture; w = picture width; h = picture height '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub ImgShow(ByVal hdc As Long, ByRef Img As TImageRGB) Dim W As Integer Dim H As Integer Dim nColor As Long Dim c As Integer '-- pencacah kolom Dim r As Integer '-- pencacah tinggi Dim p As Long W = Img.Width H = Img.Height For c = 0 To W - 1 For r = 0 To H - 1 nColor = RGB(Img.Red(c, r), Img.Green(x, y), Img.Blue(c, r)) p = SetPixel(hdc, c, r, nColor)

  Next r Next c End Sub '------------------------------------------- ' Program Konversi Desimal ke Heksadesimal ' dengan lebar format tampilan w karakter '------------------------------------------- Public Function DeciToHex(Desi As Integer, W As Byte) As String Dim BKar As Integer Dim nResult As String nResult = Hex(Desi) BKar = Len(nResult) If W > BKar Then nResult = String(W - BKar, "0") & nResult End If DeciToHex = nResult End Function '--------------------------------------------------------- 'BMPRead : Membaca data RGB dari suatu file Bitmap (*.BMP) ' secara langsung '--------------------------------------------------------- Public Function BMPRead(FileName As String) As TImageRGB Dim RekBMP As TipeBMP Dim vFile As Integer Dim nData As Long Dim bmpX As Integer Dim bmpY As Integer Dim nPixel As Long Dim n As Long Dim p As Long Dim c As Integer Dim r As Integer Dim DataBMP() As Byte '---Membaca header file bmp vFile = FreeFile Open FileName For Random As #vFile Get #vFile, , RekBMP Close #vFile '---Membaca Data BMP nData = FileLen(FileName) ReDim DataBMP(nData) Open FileName For Binary As #vFile Get #vFile, , DataBMP Close #vFile '---Menyusun Data BMP ke Matrik RGB bmpX = RekBMP.Width bmpY = RekBMP.Height BMPRead.Width = bmpX BMPRead.Height = bmpY ReDim BMPRead.Red(bmpX, bmpY) ReDim BMPRead.Green(bmpX, bmpY) ReDim BMPRead.Blue(bmpX, bmpY) nPixel = bmpX * bmpY c = 0 r = 0 p = RekBMP.OffBites For n = 1 To nPixel c = c + 1 BMPRead.Red(c, bmpY - r) = DataBMP(p + 2) BMPRead.Green(c, bmpY - r) = DataBMP(p + 1) BMPRead.Blue(c, bmpY - r) = DataBMP(p)

  If c = bmpX Then c = 0 r = r + 1 End If p = p + 3 Next n p = 0 Erase DataBMP End Function '---------------------------------------------------------- ' ArcCos : Fungsi untuk menentukan nilai Invers Cosinus '---------------------------------------------------------- Public Function ArcCos(x As Single) As Single ArcCos = (Atn(-x / (Sqr(1 - x ^ 2) + eps)) + 2 * Atn(1)) / (2 * pi) End Function '---------------------------------------------------------- ' MIN : Fungsi untuk menentukan bilangan terkecil dari dua ' bilangan X dan Y '---------------------------------------------------------- Public Function Min(x As Integer, y As Integer) As Integer If x < y Then Min = x Else Min = y End If End Function '---------------------------------------------------- 'RGBtoHSI : Fungsi mengkonversi Warna RGB ke ruang ' warna HSI '---------------------------------------------------- Public Function RGBtoHSI(cRGB As Long) As TColorHSI Dim r As Integer Dim G As Integer Dim B As Integer Dim num As Single Dim den As Single Dim Theta As Single Dim H As Single Dim S As Single Dim I As Single r = CInt(cRGB And RGB(255, 0, 0)) G = CInt((cRGB And RGB(0, 255, 0)) / 256) B = CInt((cRGB And RGB(0, 0, 255)) / 256 / 256) num = 0.5 * ((r - G) + (r - B)) den = Sqr((r - G) ^ 2 + CSng((r - B)) * CSng((G - B))) Theta = ArcCos(num / (den + eps)) H = Theta If B > G Then H = 2 * pi - Theta End If H = H / (2 * pi) num = Min(Min(r, G), B) den = r + G + B If den = 0 Then den = eps End If

  S = 1 - 3 * num / den I = ((r + G + B) / 3) / 255 RGBtoHSI.H = H RGBtoHSI.S = S RGBtoHSI.I = I End Function '-------------------------------------------------------- 'ImageRGBToHSI : Konversi Citra RGB ke Citra HSI '-------------------------------------------------------- Public Function ImageRGBToHSI(imgRGB As TImageRGB) As TImageHSI Dim c As Integer Dim r As Integer Dim cRGB As Long Dim cHSI As TColorHSI ImageRGBToHSI.Width = imgRGB.Width ImageRGBToHSI.Height = imgRGB.Height ReDim ImageRGBToHSI.H(imgRGB.Width, imgRGB.Height) ReDim ImageRGBToHSI.S(imgRGB.Width, imgRGB.Height) ReDim ImageRGBToHSI.I(imgRGB.Width, imgRGB.Height) For c = 1 To imgRGB.Width For r = 1 To imgRGB.Height cRGB = RGB(imgRGB.Red(c, r), _ imgRGB.Green(c, r), _ imgRGB.Blue(c, r)) cHSI = RGBtoHSI(cRGB) ImageRGBToHSI.H(c, r) = cHSI.H ImageRGBToHSI.S(c, r) = cHSI.S ImageRGBToHSI.I(c, r) = cHSI.I Next r Next c End Function '------------------------------------------------------ 'binHistoHSI : Menentukan posisi bin pada Histogram HSI ' sesuai dengan banyak bin H, S dan I '------------------------------------------------------ Public Function binHistoHSI(cHSI As TColorHSI, nbinH As Integer, _ nbinS As Integer, nbinI As Integer) As Integer Dim rH As Single '--range bin Dim rS As Single Dim rI As Single Dim nbH As Integer Dim nbS As Integer Dim nbI As Integer Dim nbin As Integer rH = 1 / (nbinH - 1) rS = 1 / (nbinS - 1) rI = 1 / (nbinI - 1) nbH = CInt(cHSI.H / rH) nbS = Int(cHSI.S / rS) nbI = Int(cHSI.I / rI) nbin = (nbH * nbinS * nbinI) + (nbS * nbinI) + nbI + 1 binHistoHSI = nbin End Function '------------------------------------------------------------ ' HistogramHSI : Membangun histogram HSI dari suatu citra HSI ' sesuai dengan banyak bin H, S dan I '------------------------------------------------------------

  Public Function HistogramHSI(imgHSI As TImageHSI, nbinH As Integer, _ nbinS As Integer, nbinI As Integer) As TMatrix Dim nbin As Integer Dim n As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim r As Integer Dim p As Single Dim cHSI As TColorHSI nbin = nbinH * nbinS * nbinI HistogramHSI.Col = 2 HistogramHSI.Row = nbin ReDim HistogramHSI.Value(2, nbin) For n = 1 To nbin HistogramHSI.Value(1, n) = n HistogramHSI.Value(2, n) = 0 Next n For c = 1 To imgHSI.Width For r = 1 To imgHSI.Height cHSI.H = imgHSI.H(c, r) cHSI.S = imgHSI.S(c, r) cHSI.I = imgHSI.I(c, r) n = binHistoHSI(cHSI, 18, 3, 3) p = HistogramHSI.Value(2, n) p = p + 1 HistogramHSI.Value(2, n) = p Next r Next c '----- Normalisasi p = 0 For n = 1 To nbin p = p + HistogramHSI.Value(2, n) Next n For n = 1 To nbin HistogramHSI.Value(2, n) = HistogramHSI.Value(2, n) / p Next n End Function '-------------------------------------------------------- ' GetColorFeature : Fungsi untuk memperoleh fitur warna ' dari sebuah file citra bitmap (*.BMP) '-------------------------------------------------------- Public Function GetColorFeature(NFile As String, _ nbinH As Integer, nbinS As Integer, nbinI As Integer) _ As TMatrix Dim imgFace As TImageRGB Dim imgFaceHSI As TImageHSI imgFace = BMPRead(NFile) imgFaceHSI = ImageRGBToHSI(imgFace) GetColorFeature = HistogramHSI(imgFaceHSI, nbinH, nbinS, nbinI) End Function '-------------------------------------------------------- 'CosineSim : Mengukur jarak dua vektor dengan menggunakan ' Cosine similarity '-------------------------------------------------------- Public Function CosineSim(A As TMatrix, B As TMatrix, nCol As Integer) As Single Dim temp As Single Dim SigmaA As Single Dim SigmaB As Single Dim SigmaAB As Single Dim r As Integer

  SigmaA = 0 SigmaB = 0 SigmaAB = 0 For r = 1 To a.Row SigmaA = SigmaA + (A.Value(nCol, r)) ^ 2 SigmaB = SigmaB + (B.Value(nCol, r)) ^ 2 SigmaAB = SigmaAB + A.Value(nCol, r) * B.Value(nCol, r) Next r temp = Sqr(SigmaA) * Sqr(SigmaB) If temp = 0 Then CosineSim = 0 Else CosineSim = SigmaAB / temp End If End Function '---------------------------------------------------- 'RGBtoGray : Fungsi mengkonversi Warna RGB ke Warna ' Grayscale '---------------------------------------------------- Public Function RGBtoGray(cRGB As Long) As Integer Dim r As Integer Dim G As Integer Dim B As Integer r = cRGB And RGB(255, 0, 0) G = (cRGB And RGB(0, 255, 0)) / 256 B = (cRGB And RGB(0, 0, 255)) / 256 / 256 RGBtoGray = CInt(0.299 * r + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B) End Function '--------------------------------------------------- 'ImageRGBToGray : Konversi citra RGB ke citra Gray '--------------------------------------------------- Public Function ImageRGBToGray(imgRGB As TImageRGB) As TImageGray Dim c As Integer Dim r As Integer Dim cRGB As Long Dim cGray As Integer ImageRGBToGray.Width = imgRGB.Width ImageRGBToGray.Height = imgRGB.Height ReDim ImageRGBToGray.Gray(imgRGB.Width, imgRGB.Height) For c = 1 To imgRGB.Width For r = 1 To imgRGB.Height cRGB = RGB(imgRGB.Red(c, r), _ imgRGB.Green(c, r), _ imgRGB.Blue(c, r)) cGray = RGBtoGray(cRGB) ImageRGBToGray.Gray(c, r) = cGray Next r Next c End Function '--------------------------------------------------------- 'BinTheta : Menentukan posisi bin berdasarkan sudut Theta ' dan banyak bin sudut '--------------------------------------------------------- Public Function binTheta(Theta As Single, nbinTheta As Integer) As Integer Dim stepDeg As Single stepDeg = 360 / nbinTheta binTheta = CInt((180 + Theta) / stepDeg) End Function

  '------------------------------------------------------- 'EdgeSobel : Fungsi mendeteksi tepi dengan metode Sobel '------------------------------------------------------- Public Function EdgeDetectSobel(Img As TImageGray, Threshold As Integer) As TImageEdge Dim r As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim Gx As Integer Dim Gy As Integer Dim G As Integer Dim Theta As Single EdgeDetectSobel.Width = Img.Width EdgeDetectSobel.Height = Img.Height ReDim EdgeDetectSobel.Edge(Img.Width, Img.Height) ReDim EdgeDetectSobel.Theta(Img.Width, Img.Height) ReDim EdgeDetectSobel.Bin(Img.Width, Img.Height) For c = 1 To Img.Width For r = 1 To Img.Height EdgeDetectSobel.Edge(c, r) = 0 Next r Next c For c = 2 To Img.Width - 1 For r = 2 To Img.Height - 1 Gx = (Img.Gray(c - 1, r + 1) + _ 2 * Img.Gray(c, r + 1) + _ Img.Gray(c + 1, r + 1)) - _ (Img.Gray(c - 1, r - 1) + _ 2 * Img.Gray(c, r - 1) + _ Img.Gray(c + 1, r - 1)) Gy = (Img.Gray(c + 1, r - 1) + _ 2 * Img.Gray(c + 1, r) + _ Img.Gray(c + 1, r + 1)) - _ (Img.Gray(c - 1, r - 1) + _ 2 * Img.Gray(c - 1, r) + _ Img.Gray(c - 1, r + 1)) G = Abs(Gx) + Abs(Gy) If G > Threshold Then EdgeDetectSobel.Edge(c, r) = 1 End If Theta = Atn(Gy / (Gx + eps)) / deg EdgeDetectSobel.Theta(c, r) = CInt(Theta) EdgeDetectSobel.Bin(c, r) = binTheta(Theta, nbinTheta) Next r Next c End Function '--------------------------------------------------------- 'CreateShapeVector : Membangun Vektor Shape / Fitur Shape '--------------------------------------------------------- Public Function CreateShapeVector(Img As TImageEdge, nbinTheta As Integer) As TMatrix Dim c As Integer Dim r As Integer Dim p As Integer Dim np As Single Dim stepDeg As Single CreateShapeVector.Col = 3 CreateShapeVector.Row = nbinTheta

  ReDim CreateShapeVector.Value(3, nbinTheta) stepDeg = 360 / nbinTheta For r = 1 To nbinTheta CreateShapeVector.Value(1, r) = r CreateShapeVector.Value(2, r) = (-180 + r * stepDeg) CreateShapeVector.Value(3, r) = 0 Next r For c = 1 To Img.Width For r = 1 To Img.Height p = binTheta(Img.Theta(c, r), nbinTheta) np = CreateShapeVector.Value(3, p) np = np + 1 CreateShapeVector.Value(3, p) = np Next r Next c '--- Normalisasi np = 0 For r = 1 To nbinTheta np = np + CreateShapeVector.Value(3, r) Next r For r = 1 To nbinTheta CreateShapeVector.Value(3, r) = CreateShapeVector.Value(3, r) / np Next r End Function '---------------------------------------------------- 'GetShapeFeature : Memperoleh fitur bentuk (shape) ' dari citra bitmap (BMP) '---------------------------------------------------- Public Function GetShapeFeature(NFile As String, _ nbinTheta As Integer, Threshold As Integer) As TMatrix Dim imgFace As TImageRGB Dim imgGray As TImageGray Dim imgEdge As TImageEdge imgFace = BMPRead(NFile) imgGray = ImageRGBToGray(imgFace) imgEdge = EdgeDetectSobel(imgGray, Threshold) GetShapeFeature = CreateShapeVector(imgEdge, nbinTheta) End Function '---------------------------------------------------- ' GrayScaleMatrix : Fungsi mengubah citra Gray ' ke dalam beberapa tingkat keabuan ' (citra GrayScale) '---------------------------------------------------- Public Function GrayScaleMatrix(imgGray As TImageGray, _ Level As Integer) As TImageGray Dim rangeLevel As Integer Dim binGray As TImageGray Dim c As Integer Dim r As Integer rangeLevel = 256 \ Level binGray.Width = imgGray.Width binGray.Height = imgGray.Height ReDim binGray.Gray(binGray.Width, binGray.Height) For c = 1 To binGray.Width For r = 1 To binGray.Height binGray.Gray(c, r) = imgGray.Gray(c, r) \ rangeLevel Next r

  Next c GrayScaleMatrix = binGray End Function '---------------------------------------------------- ' GrayCoMatrix : Fungsi membentuk Cooccurence Matrix '---------------------------------------------------- Public Function GrayCoMatrix(imgGray As TImageGray, _ Level As Integer, dy As Integer, dx As Integer) As TImageGray Dim r As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim startR As Integer Dim startC As Integer Dim endR As Integer Dim endC As Integer Dim q1 As Integer Dim q2 As Integer Dim M As Integer Dim n As Integer M = imgGray.Height n = imgGray.Width GrayCoMatrix.Width = Level GrayCoMatrix.Height = Level ReDim GrayCoMatrix.Gray(Level, Level) startR = 1 startC = 1 If Sgn(dy) = -1 Then startR = Abs(dy - 1) If Sgn(dy) = -1 Then startC = Abs(dx - 1) endR = M endC = n If Sgn(dx) = 1 Then endC = n - dx If Sgn(dy) = 1 Then endC = M - dy '--- Cooccurence Matrix For r = 1 To GrayCoMatrix.Height For c = 1 To GrayCoMatrix.Width GrayCoMatrix.Gray(c, r) = 0 Next c Next r For r = startR To endR For c = startC To endC q1 = imgGray.Gray(c, r) q2 = imgGray.Gray(c + dx, r + dy) GrayCoMatrix.Gray(q1, q2) = GrayCoMatrix.Gray(q1, q2) + 1 Next c Next r End Function '---------------------------------------------------- ' GrayCoMatrixNormal : Fungsi membentuk normalisasi ' Cooccurence Matrix '---------------------------------------------------- Public Function GrayCoMatrixNormal(gcom As TImageGray) As TMatrix Dim nlevel As Integer Dim gcomNormal As TImageGray Dim r As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim rP As Single nlevel = gcom.Width

  GrayCoMatrixNormal.Row = nlevel GrayCoMatrixNormal.Col = nlevel ReDim GrayCoMatrixNormal.Value(nlevel, nlevel) rP = 0 For r = 1 To nlevel For c = 1 To nlevel rP = rP + gcom.Gray(c, r) Next c Next r If rP = 0 Then rP = rP + eps '--- Normalisasi matriks cooccurence For r = 1 To nlevel For c = 1 To nlevel GrayCoMatrixNormal.Value(c, r) = gcom.Gray(c, r) / rP Next c Next r End Function '--------------------------------------------------- 'Graycoprops : Fungsi menentuk properti berdasarkan ' Cooccurence Matrix Normalisasi '--------------------------------------------------- Public Function Graycoprops(gcom As TMatrix) As TGraycoprops Dim nlevel As Integer Dim rEntropy As Single Dim rEnergy As Single Dim rContrast As Single Dim rHomogenity As Single Dim rInvMoment As Single Dim rMaxProbability As Single Dim rCorrelation As Single Dim r As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim p As Single Dim PMax As Single rEntropy = 0 rEnergy = 0 rContrast = 0 rHomogenity = 0 rInvMoment = 0 rMaxProbability = 0 rCorrelation = 0 nlevel = gcom.Row '--- Menghitung Properti PMax = 0 For r = 1 To nlevel For c = 1 To nlevel p = gcom.Value(c, r) rEntropy = rEntropy + p * (Log(p + eps)) / Log(10) rEnergy = rEnergy + p ^ 2 rContrast = rContrast + (r - c) ^ 2 * p rHomogenity = rHomogenity + p / (1 + Abs(r - c)) If Not (r = c) Then rInvMoment = rInvMoment + p ^ 2 / Abs(r - c) End If PMax = Max(PMax, p) Next c Next r rMaxProbability = PMax rCorrelation = Correlation(gcom) '--- Nilai akhri properti Graycoprops.Entropy = rEntropy

  Graycoprops.Energy = rEnergy Graycoprops.Contrast = rContrast Graycoprops.Homogenity = rHomogenity Graycoprops.InvMoment = rInvMoment Graycoprops.MaxProbability = rMaxProbability Graycoprops.Correlation = rCorrelation End Function '----------------------------------------------------- ' Correlation : Menghitung nilai korelasi dari suatu ' gray coocurence matrix '----------------------------------------------------- Public Function Correlation(gco As TMatrix) As Single Dim nlevel As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim r As Integer Dim gcor As TMatrix Dim f As Single Dim uvf As Single Dim n As Single Dim svf As Single Dim sv2f As Single Dim suvf As Single Dim suf As Single Dim su2f As Single nlevel = gco.Col gcor.Col = nlevel + 5 gcor.Row = nlevel + 5 ReDim gcor.Value(gcor.Col, gcor.Row) For c = 1 To nlevel + 5 For r = 1 To nlevel + 5 gcor.Value(c, r) = 0 Next r Next c For r = 1 To nlevel For c = 1 To nlevel gcor.Value(c, r) = gco.Value(c, nlevel - r + 1) 'gcor.Value(c, r) = gco.Value(c, r) Next c Next r For r = 1 To nlevel gcor.Value(nlevel + 1, r) = nlevel \ 2 - r gcor.Value(r, nlevel + 1) = (-nlevel \ 2) + r Next r For r = 1 To nlevel f = 0 For c = 1 To nlevel f = f + gcor.Value(c, r) Next c gcor.Value(nlevel + 2, r) = f Next r For c = 1 To nlevel f = 0 For r = 1 To nlevel f = f + gcor.Value(c, r) Next r gcor.Value(c, nlevel + 2) = f Next c For r = 1 To nlevel gcor.Value(nlevel + 3, r) = gcor.Value(nlevel + 1, r) * _ gcor.Value(nlevel + 2, r) gcor.Value(nlevel + 4, r) = gcor.Value(nlevel + 1, r) ^ 2 * _ gcor.Value(nlevel + 2, r) uvf = 0 For c = 1 To nlevel uvf = uvf + gcor.Value(c, nlevel + 1) * gcor.Value(nlevel + 1, r)

  • _ gcor.Value(c, r) Next c gcor.Value(nlevel + 5, r) = uvf Next r For c = 1 To nlevel gcor.Value(c, nlevel + 3) = gcor.Value(c, nlevel + 1) * _ gcor.Value(c, nlevel + 2) gcor.Value(c, nlevel + 4) = gcor.Value(c, nlevel + 1) ^ 2 * _ gcor.Value(c, nlevel + 2) uvf = 0 For r = 1 To nlevel uvf = uvf + gcor.Value(c, nlevel + 1) * gcor.Value(nlevel + 1, r)
  • _ gcor.Value(c, r) Next r gcor.Value(c, nlevel + 5) = uvf Next c n = 0: svf = 0: sv2f = 0: suvf = 0 For r = 1 To nlevel n = n + gcor.Value(nlevel + 2, r) svf = svf + gcor.Value(nlevel + 3, r) sv2f = sv2f + gcor.Value(nlevel + 4, r) suvf = suvf + gcor.Value(nlevel + 5, r) Next r gcor.Value(nlevel + 2, nlevel + 1) = n gcor.Value(nlevel + 3, nlevel + 1) = svf gcor.Value(nlevel + 4, nlevel + 1) = sv2f gcor.Value(nlevel + 5, nlevel + 1) = suvf n = 0: suf = 0: su2f = 0: suvf = 0 For c = 1 To nlevel

  n = n + gcor.Value(c, nlevel + 2) suf = suf + gcor.Value(c, nlevel + 3) su2f = su2f + gcor.Value(c, nlevel + 4) suvf = suvf + gcor.Value(c, nlevel + 5) Next c gcor.Value(nlevel + 1, nlevel + 2) = n gcor.Value(nlevel + 1, nlevel + 3) = suf gcor.Value(nlevel + 1, nlevel + 4) = su2f gcor.Value(nlevel + 1, nlevel + 5) = suvf Correlation = (n * suvf - suf * svf) / (Sqr(n * su2f - suf ^ 2) _

  • Sqr(n * sv2f - svf ^ 2)) End Function '------------------------------------------------------ 'GetTextureFeature : Memperoleh fitur Textur dari ' citra bitmap (*.BMP) '------------------------------------------------------ Public Function GetTextureFeature(NFile As String, _

  NumLevel As Integer) As TGraycoprops Dim imgFace As TImageRGB Dim imgGray As TImageGray Dim imgGraySc As TImageGray

  Dim Igco0 As TImageGray Dim Igco45 As TImageGray Dim Igco90 As TImageGray Dim Igco135 As TImageGray Dim Ngco0 As TMatrix Dim Ngco45 As TMatrix Dim Ngco90 As TMatrix Dim Ngco135 As TMatrix Dim gcoP0 As TGraycoprops Dim gcoP45 As TGraycoprops Dim gcoP90 As TGraycoprops Dim gcoP135 As TGraycoprops Dim AgcoP As TGraycoprops imgFace = BMPRead(NFile) imgGray = ImageRGBToGray(imgFace) imgGraySc = GrayScaleMatrix(imgGray, NumLevel) Igco0 = GrayCoMatrix(imgGraySc, NumLevel, 0, 1) Igco45 = GrayCoMatrix(imgGraySc, NumLevel, -1, 1) Igco90 = GrayCoMatrix(imgGraySc, NumLevel, -1, 0) Igco135 = GrayCoMatrix(imgGraySc, NumLevel, -1, -1) Ngco0 = GrayCoMatrixNormal(Igco0) Ngco45 = GrayCoMatrixNormal(Igco45) Ngco90 = GrayCoMatrixNormal(Igco90) Ngco135 = GrayCoMatrixNormal(Igco135) gcoP0 = Graycoprops(Ngco0) gcoP45 = Graycoprops(Ngco45) gcoP90 = Graycoprops(Ngco90) gcoP135 = Graycoprops(Ngco135) AgcoP.Contrast = (gcoP0.Contrast + gcoP45.Contrast + _ gcoP90.Contrast + gcoP135.Contrast) / 4 AgcoP.Correlation = (gcoP0.Correlation + gcoP45.Correlation + _ gcoP90.Correlation + gcoP135.Correlation) / 4 AgcoP.Energy = (gcoP0.Energy + gcoP45.Energy + _ gcoP90.Energy + gcoP135.Energy) / 4 AgcoP.Entropy = (gcoP0.Entropy + gcoP45.Entropy + _ gcoP90.Entropy + gcoP135.Entropy) / 4 AgcoP.Homogenity = (gcoP0.Homogenity + gcoP45.Homogenity + _ gcoP90.Homogenity + gcoP135.Homogenity) / 4 AgcoP.InvMoment = (gcoP0.InvMoment + gcoP45.InvMoment + _ gcoP90.InvMoment + gcoP135.InvMoment) / 4 AgcoP.MaxProbability = (gcoP0.MaxProbability + gcoP45.MaxProbability + _ gcoP90.MaxProbability + gcoP135.MaxProbability) / 4 GetTextureFeature = AgcoP End Function '------------------------------------------------------ ' Max : Fungsi untuk menentukan nilai terbesar dari dua ' buah bilangan '------------------------------------------------------ Public Function Max(Bil1 As Single, Bil2 As Single) As Single Max = Bil1 If Bil2 > Bil1 Then Max = Bil2 End Function '------------------------------------------------------------ ' FeatureVector : Konversi Properti Tekstur ke vektor ' Tekstur '------------------------------------------------------------ Public Function TextureVector(gtf As TGraycoprops) As TMatrix TextureVector.Col = 1

  TextureVector.Row = 7 ReDim TextureVector.Value(TextureVector.Col, TextureVector.Row) TextureVector.Value(1, 1) = gtf.Contrast TextureVector.Value(1, 2) = gtf.Correlation TextureVector.Value(1, 3) = gtf.Energy TextureVector.Value(1, 4) = gtf.Entropy TextureVector.Value(1, 5) = gtf.Homogenity TextureVector.Value(1, 6) = gtf.InvMoment TextureVector.Value(1, 7) = gtf.MaxProbability End Function Sub Main() NIDFace = 100

  IROption = 4 AdaCapture = False frmMain.Show End Sub


  '----------------------------------- ' Program : Form Main ' Jendela Utama Aplikasi FIR ' Diprogram : Hendrik Siagian '----------------------------------- Dim NFCapture As String Private Sub MDIForm_Load() mnuBayesian.Checked = True mnuSave.Enabled = False mnuRetrieval.Enabled = False mnuViewOut.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub mnuAbout_Click() frmAbout.Show End Sub Private Sub mnuNew_Click() frmKanvas.ResetKanvas mnuOpen.Enabled = True mnuViewOut.Enabled = False mnuRetrieval.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub mnuOpen_Click() cdlFile.ShowOpen ImgFileName = cdlFile.FileName With frmKanvas .Caption = ImgFileName .txtFileName.Text = ImgFileName .picImage.Picture = LoadPicture(ImgFileName) .picImage.AutoSize = True bmpX = .picImage.Width bmpY = .picImage.Height .shpCapture.Visible = False .vsbKanvas.Max = .picImage.Height .hsbKanvas.Max = .picImage.Width End With mnuRetrieval.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub mnuOption_Click() ChangeFileLink End Sub Private Sub mnuSave_Click() Dim nfFace As String '-- nama file citra wajah key Dim nfKoneksi As String '-- nama file koneksi Dim vfKoneksi As Integer '-- variabel file koneksi Dim nfSource As String '-- nama file citra sumber Dim stIdFace As String Dim stPosisi As String '-- Menyimpan file citra wajah stIdFace = Trim(frmKanvas.txtIdFace.Text) stPosisi = Trim(frmKanvas.txtPosition) stPosisi = Replace(stPosisi, "-", ", ") nfSource = Trim(frmKanvas.txtFileName.Text) nfFace = App.Path & "\FaceBMP\" & Trim(frmKanvas.txtIdFace.Text) & ".bmp" SavePicture frmKanvas.picFace.Image, nfFace '-- Mengupdate file koneksi vfKoneksi = FreeFile nfKoneksi = App.Path & "\ConnectDB.dat" Open nfKoneksi For Append As vfKoneksi Print #vfKoneksi, stIdFace; ", "; nfSource; ", "; stPosisi Close #vfKoneksi '-- Tambahkan informasi bahwa penyimpanan sukses mnuSave.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub mnuExit_Click() End End Sub Private Sub mnuFaceCapture_Click() frmKanvas.shpCapture.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub mnuIndexing_Click() 'mnuOpen.Enabled = True frmIndexing.Show End Sub 'Private Sub mnuRetrieval_Click() ' mnuImgRetrieval.Enabled = True ' frmImageRet.Show 'End Sub Private Sub mnuColor_Click() mnuColor.Checked = True mnuShape.Checked = False mnuTexture.Checked = False mnuBayesian.Checked = False

mnuViewOut.Enabled = True

  IROption = 1 frmImageRet.Show frmViewOut.Show Unload frmImageRet End Sub Private Sub mnuShape_Click() mnuColor.Checked = False mnuShape.Checked = True mnuTexture.Checked = False mnuBayesian.Checked = False mnuViewOut.Enabled = True

  IROption = 2 frmImageRet.Show frmViewOut.Show Unload frmImageRet End Sub Private Sub mnuTexture_Click() mnuColor.Checked = False mnuShape.Checked = False mnuTexture.Checked = True mnuBayesian.Checked = False mnuViewOut.Enabled = True

  IROption = 3 frmImageRet.Show frmViewOut.Show Unload frmImageRet End Sub Private Sub mnuBayesian_Click() mnuColor.Checked = False mnuShape.Checked = False mnuTexture.Checked = False mnuBayesian.Checked = True mnuViewOut.Enabled = True

  IROption = 4 frmImageRet.Show frmViewOut.Show Unload frmImageRet End Sub Private Sub mnuViewOut_Click() frmViewOut.Show End Sub '---------------------------------- ' Konversi file link Private Sub ChangeFileLink() Dim nfSource As String Dim vfSource As Integer Dim nfDest As String Dim vfDest As String Dim IdFace As Integer Dim IdSource As Integer Dim idfaceD As String * 8 Dim idSourceD As String * 8 nfSource = App.Path & "\filelink.txt" vfSource = FreeFile

  Open nfSource For Input As #vfSource nfDest = App.Path & "\filelinkX.txt" vfDest = FreeFile Open nfDest For Output As #vfDest Do While Not EOF(vfSource) Input #vfSource, IdFace, IdSource idfaceD = "face" & DeciToHex(IdFace, 4) idSourceD = "DSC-" & DeciToHex(IdSource, 4) Print #vfDest, idfaceD; ", "; idSourceD Loop Close #vfSource Close #vfDest End Sub


  '----------------------------------------------- ' Program : Form Kanvas ' Kanvas untuk menampilkan citra wajah query ' Diprogram : Hendrik Siagian '----------------------------------------------- Dim CaptureStatus As Integer Dim HScreen As Integer Dim WScreen As Integer Dim stCoord As String Dim FaceImage As TImageRGB Dim FaceBox As TRect Private Sub Form_Resize() WScreen = Me.ScaleWidth HScreen = Me.ScaleHeight If WScreen < 350 Then Exit Sub If HScreen < 100 Then Exit Sub picKanvas.Width = WScreen - fraFace.Width - vsbKanvas.Width - 2 picKanvas.Height = HScreen - hsbKanvas.Height - 2 vsbKanvas.Left = picKanvas.Width vsbKanvas.Height = picKanvas.Height hsbKanvas.Width = picKanvas.Width hsbKanvas.Top = picKanvas.Height + 1 fraFace.Left = picKanvas.Width + vsbKanvas.Width + 2 picFace.Left = fraFace.Left If picImage.Width < picKanvas.Width Then hsbKanvas.Enabled = False hsbKanvas.Value = 0 Else hsbKanvas.Enabled = True End If If picImage.Height < picKanvas.Height Then vsbKanvas.Enabled = False vsbKanvas.Value = 0 Else vsbKanvas.Enabled = True End If CaptureStatus = 0 End Sub Public Sub ResetKanvas() picImage.Picture = Nothing picFace.Picture = Nothing txtFileName.Text = "" txtIdFace.Text = "" txtPosition.Text = "" CaptureStatus = 0 shpCapture.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub picImage_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) Me.Caption = KeyCode Select Case KeyCode Case 67: Me.Caption = "Capture ..... sukses" txtPosition.Text = stCoord CaptureStatus = 3 FaceImage = ImgCrop(picImage.hdc, FaceBox.x1 + 1, _ FaceBox.y1 + 1, FaceBox.x2 - 1, FaceBox.y2 - 1) ImageShow FaceImage frmMain.mnuSave.Enabled = True Case 27: Me.Caption = "Capture ..... abort" CaptureStatus = 0 picFace.Picture = Nothing End Select End Sub Private Sub ImageShow(Img As TImageRGB) Dim W As Integer Dim H As Integer Dim nColor As Long Dim c As Integer '-- pencacah kolom Dim r As Integer '-- pencacah tinggi Dim p As Long W = Img.Width H = Img.Height picFace.BorderStyle = 0 picFace.Width = W picFace.Height = H For c = 0 To W - 1 For r = 0 To H - 1 nColor = RGB(Img.Red(c, r), Img.Green(c, r), Img.Blue(c, r)) picFace.PSet (c, r), nColor Next r Next c End Sub Private Sub picImage_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) If CaptureStatus = 1 Then CaptureStatus = 2 End If End Sub Private Sub picImage_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) If CaptureStatus = 0 Then shpCapture.Left = x shpCapture.Top = y End If If Button = 1 Then If CaptureStatus = 0 Then CaptureStatus = 1 End If End If

  If CaptureStatus = 1 Then shpCapture.Width = Abs(x - shpCapture.Left) shpCapture.Height = Abs(y - shpCapture.Top) FaceBox.x1 = shpCapture.Left FaceBox.y1 = shpCapture.Top FaceBox.x2 = FaceBox.x1 + shpCapture.Width FaceBox.y2 = FaceBox.y1 + shpCapture.Height stCoord = FaceBox.x1 & ", " & FaceBox.y1 & "-" & _ FaceBox.x2 & ", " & FaceBox.y2 End If End Sub Private Sub txtIdFace_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = 13 Then picImage.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Sub vsbKanvas_Change() picImage.Top = -vsbKanvas.Value End Sub Private Sub hsbKanvas_Change() picImage.Left = -hsbKanvas.Value End Sub


  '------------------------------------------ ' Program : Form Indexing ' Reindex fitur-fitur citra wajah kunci ' Diprogram : Hendrik Siagian '------------------------------------------ Private Type TColorFeature Id As String * 8 Value(nbinColor) As Single End Type Private Type TShapeFeature Id As String * 8 Value(nbinTheta) As Single End Type Private Type TTextureFeature Id As String * 8 Value(7) As Single End Type Dim n As Integer Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() n = 0 tmrTunda.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub tmrTunda_Timer()

  Dim NFile As String n = n + 1 NFile = App.Path & "\Face\face" & DeciToHex(n, 4) & ".bmp" imgFace.Picture = LoadPicture(NFile) lblReindex.Caption = "Extract Feature From : " & NFile CreateDBColorFeature NFile, n CreateDBShapeFeature NFile, n CreateDBTextureFeature NFile, n If n = NIDFace Then tmrTunda.Enabled = False n = 0 MsgBox "Reindex Finished!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Confirmation" Unload Me End If End Sub '----------------------------------------------- ' Membangun data base fitur warna dari semua ' citra wajah '----------------------------------------------- Private Sub CreateDBColorFeature(NFile As String, nRec As Integer) Dim r As Integer Dim IdFace As String * 8 Dim gcf As TMatrix Dim nFileDB As String Dim vFileDB As Integer Dim RecColorF As TColorFeature Dim pRec As Integer nFileDB = App.Path & "\Feature\ColorF.txt" vFileDB = FreeFile pRec = Len(RecColorF) Open nFileDB For Random As #vFileDB Len = pRec IdFace = "face" & DeciToHex(nRec, 4) gcf = GetColorFeature(NFile, binH, binS, binI) RecColorF.Id = IdFace For r = 1 To gcf.Row RecColorF.Value(r) = gcf.Value(2, r) Next r Put #vFileDB, nRec, RecColorF Close #vFileDB End Sub '---------------------------------------------------- ' Membangun data base fitur bentuk (shape dari semua ' citra wajah '---------------------------------------------------- Private Sub CreateDBShapeFeature(NFile As String, nRec As Integer) Dim r As Integer Dim IdFace As String * 8 Dim gsf As TMatrix Dim nFileDB As String Dim vFileDB As Integer Dim RecShapeF As TShapeFeature Dim pRec As Integer nFileDB = App.Path & "\Feature\ShapeF.txt" vFileDB = FreeFile pRec = Len(RecShapeF) Open nFileDB For Random As #vFileDB Len = pRec IdFace = "face" & DeciToHex(nRec, 4) gsf = GetShapeFeature(NFile, nbinTheta, Threshold) RecShapeF.Id = IdFace

  For r = 1 To gsf.Row RecShapeF.Value(r) = gsf.Value(3, r) Next r Put #vFileDB, nRec, RecShapeF Close #vFileDB End Sub '---------------------------------------------------- ' Membangun data base fitur Texture dari semua ' citra wajah '---------------------------------------------------- Private Sub CreateDBTextureFeature(NFile As String, nRec As Integer) Dim r As Integer Dim IdFace As String * 8 Dim gtf As TGraycoprops Dim tf As TMatrix Dim nFileDB As String Dim vFileDB As Integer Dim RecTextureF As TTextureFeature Dim pRec As Integer nFileDB = App.Path & "\Feature\TextureF.txt" vFileDB = FreeFile pRec = Len(RecTextureF) Open nFileDB For Random As #vFileDB Len = pRec IdFace = "face" & DeciToHex(nRec, 4) gtf = GetTextureFeature(NFile, NumLevel) tf = TextureVector(gtf) RecTextureF.Id = IdFace For r = 1 To tf.Row RecTextureF.Value(r) = tf.Value(1, r) Next r Put #vFileDB, nRec, RecTextureF Close #vFileDB End Sub


  '-------------------------------------------------- ' Program : Form Imager Retrieval ' Menyusu Ranking hasil temu-kembali citra wajah ' Diprogram : Hendrik Siagian '-------------------------------------------------- Private Type TColorFeature Id As String * 8 Value(nbinColor) As Single End Type Private Type TShapeFeature Id As String * 8 Value(nbinTheta) As Single End Type Private Type TTextureFeature Id As String * 8 Value(7) As Single End Type

  Private Sub Form_Load() Select Case IROption Case 1: Me.Caption = "Searching with Color Fiture" Case 2: Me.Caption = "Searching with Shape Fiture" Case 3: Me.Caption = "Searching with Texture Fiture" Case 4: Me.Caption = "Searching with Bayesian Methode" End Select If AdaCapture = False Then NFileQuery = ImgFileName End If lblQuery = "Query : " & NFileQuery Select Case IROption Case 1: ColorImageRetrieval NFileQuery SortFile App.Path & "\Output\IROutC.txt" Case 2: ShapeImageRetrieval NFileQuery SortFile App.Path & "\Output\IROutS.txt" Case 3: TextureImageRetrieval NFileQuery SortFile App.Path & "\Output\IROutT.txt" Case 4: BayesImageRetrieval NFileQuery SortFile App.Path & "\Output\IROutB.txt" 'SortFile App.Path & "\Output\IROutC.txt" 'SortFile App.Path & "\Output\IROutS.txt" 'SortFile App.Path & "\Output\IROutT.txt" End Select End Sub '------------------------------------------------------ ' ColorImageRetrieval : Temu Kembali Citra berdasarkan ' Warna (Color) '------------------------------------------------------ Private Sub ColorImageRetrieval(NFile As String) Dim gcfQuery As TMatrix Dim gcfLib As TMatrix Dim nfColor As String Dim vfColor As Integer Dim RecColorF As TColorFeature Dim nfIROut As String Dim vfIROut As Integer Dim RecSim As TSimilarity Dim nRec As Integer Dim r As Integer Dim ColorSim As Single gcfQuery = GetColorFeature(NFile, binH, binS, binI) gcfLib.Col = 2 gcfLib.Row = nbin ReDim gcfLib.Value(2, nbinColor) nfColor = App.Path & "\Feature\ColorF.txt" vfColor = FreeFile Open nfColor For Random As #vfColor Len = Len(RecColorF) nfIROut = App.Path & "\Output\IROutC.txt" vfIROut = FreeFile Open nfIROut For Random As #vfIROut Len = Len(RecSim) nRec = 0 Do While Not EOF(vfColor) nRec = nRec + 1 Get #vfColor, nRec, RecColorF For r = 1 To nbinColor gcfLib.Value(1, r) = r gcfLib.Value(2, r) = RecColorF.Value(r) Next r ColorSim = CosineSim(gcfQuery, gcfLib, 2) RecSim.Id = RecColorF.Id

  RecSim.Sim = ColorSim Put #vfIROut, nRec, RecSim Loop Close #vfColor Close #vfIROut End Sub '------------------------------------------------------ ' ShapeImageRetrieval : Temu Kembali Citra berdasarkan ' Bentuk (Shape) '------------------------------------------------------ Private Sub ShapeImageRetrieval(NFile As String) Dim gsfQuery As TMatrix Dim gsfLib As TMatrix Dim nfShape As String Dim vfShape As Integer Dim RecShapeF As TShapeFeature Dim nfIROut As String Dim vfIROut As Integer Dim RecSim As TSimilarity Dim nRec As Integer Dim r As Integer Dim ShapeSim As Single gsfQuery = GetShapeFeature(NFile, nbinTheta, Threshold) gsfLib.Col = 3 gsfLib.Row = nbin ReDim gsfLib.Value(3, nbinTheta) nfShape = App.Path & "\Feature\ShapeF.txt" vfShape = FreeFile Open nfShape For Random As #vfShape Len = Len(RecShapeF) nfIROut = App.Path & "\Output\IROutS.txt" vfIROut = FreeFile Open nfIROut For Random As #vfIROut Len = Len(RecSim) nRec = 0 Do While Not EOF(vfShape) nRec = nRec + 1 Get #vfShape, nRec, RecShapeF For r = 1 To nbinTheta gsfLib.Value(1, r) = r gsfLib.Value(3, r) = RecShapeF.Value(r) Next r ShapeSim = CosineSim(gsfQuery, gsfLib, 3) RecSim.Id = RecShapeF.Id RecSim.Sim = ShapeSim Put #vfIROut, nRec, RecSim Loop Close #vfShape Close #vfIROut End Sub '------------------------------------------------------ ' TextureImageRetrieval : Temu Kembali Citra berdasarkan ' Tekstur (Texture) '------------------------------------------------------ Private Sub TextureImageRetrieval(NFile As String) Dim gtfQuery As TGraycoprops Dim tfQuery As TMatrix Dim gtfLib As TMatrix Dim nfTexture As String Dim vfTexture As Integer

  Dim RecTextureF As TTextureFeature Dim nfIROut As String Dim vfIROut As Integer Dim RecSim As TSimilarity Dim nRec As Integer Dim r As Integer Dim TextureSim As Single gtfQuery = GetTextureFeature(NFile, NumLevel) tfQuery = TextureVector(gtfQuery) gtfLib.Col = tfQuery.Col gtfLib.Row = tfQuery.Row ReDim gtfLib.Value(tfQuery.Col, tfQuery.Row) nfTexture = App.Path & "\Feature\TextureF.txt" vfTexture = FreeFile Open nfTexture For Random As #vfTexture Len = Len(RecTextureF) nfIROut = App.Path & "\Output\IROutT.txt" vfIROut = FreeFile Open nfIROut For Random As #vfIROut Len = Len(RecSim) nRec = 0 Do While Not EOF(vfTexture) nRec = nRec + 1 Get #vfTexture, nRec, RecTextureF For r = 1 To gtfLib.Row gtfLib.Value(1, r) = RecTextureF.Value(r) Next r TextureSim = CosineSim(tfQuery, gtfLib, 1) RecSim.Id = RecTextureF.Id RecSim.Sim = TextureSim Put #vfIROut, nRec, RecSim Loop Close #vfTexture Close #vfIROut End Sub '------------------------------------------------------ ' BayesImageRetrieval : Temu Kembali Citra berdasarkan ' Metode Bayesian '------------------------------------------------------ Private Sub BayesImageRetrieval(NFile As String) Dim nfIRColor As String Dim nfIRShape As String Dim nfIRTexture As String Dim nfIROut As String Dim vfIRColor As Integer Dim vfIRShape As Integer Dim vfIRTexture As Integer Dim vfIROut As Integer Dim RecSim As TSimilarity Dim pRec As Integer Dim nRec As Integer Dim n As Integer Dim SimColor As Single Dim SimShape As Single Dim SimTexture As Single Dim SimBayes As Single ColorImageRetrieval NFile ShapeImageRetrieval NFile TextureImageRetrieval NFile nfIRColor = App.Path & "\Output\IROutC.txt" nfIRShape = App.Path & "\Output\IROutS.txt" nfIRTexture = App.Path & "\Output\IROutT.txt" nfIROut = App.Path & "\Output\IROutB.txt" pRec = Len(RecSim) nRec = FileLen(nfIRColor) / pRec vfIRColor = FreeFile Open nfIRColor For Random As #vfIRColor Len = pRec vfIRShape = FreeFile Open nfIRShape For Random As #vfIRShape Len = pRec vfIRTexture = FreeFile Open nfIRTexture For Random As #vfIRTexture Len = pRec vfIROut = FreeFile Open nfIROut For Random As #vfIROut Len = pRec For n = 1 To nRec Get #vfIRColor, n, RecSim SimColor = RecSim.Sim Get #vfIRShape, n, RecSim SimShape = RecSim.Sim Get #vfIRTexture, n, RecSim SimTexture = RecSim.Sim SimBayes = 1 - ((1 - SimColor) * _ (1 - SimShape) * _ (1 - SimTexture)) RecSim.Sim = SimBayes Put #vfIROut, n, RecSim Next n Close #vfIRColor Close #vfIRShape Close #vfIRTexture Close #vfIROut End Sub '-------------------------------------------------- ' SortFile : Mengurutkan file output berdasarkan ' nilai similarity '-------------------------------------------------- Private Sub SortFile(NFile As String) Dim RecSim As TSimilarity Dim pRec As Integer Dim nRec As Integer Dim vFile As Integer Dim n As Integer Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Dim RSim() As TSimilarity pRec = Len(RecSim) nRec = FileLen(NFile) / pRec ReDim RSim(nRec) vFile = FreeFile Open NFile For Random As #vFile Len = pRec n = 0 Do While Not EOF(vFile) n = n + 1 If n > nRec Then Exit Do Get #vFile, n, RSim(n) Loop Close #vFile

  '--- Swap Sort For x = 1 To nRec - 1 For y = x + 1 To nRec If RSim(x).Sim < RSim(y).Sim Then RecSim = RSim(x) RSim(x) = RSim(y) RSim(y) = RecSim End If Next y Next x '--- Simpan ulang hasil sort Open NFile For Random As #vFile Len = pRec For n = 1 To nRec Put #vFile, n, RSim(n) Next n Close #vFile End Sub


  '---------------------------------------------- ' Program : Form View Out ' Menampilkan hasil temu-kembali citra wajah ' Diprogram : Hendrik Siagian '---------------------------------------------- Dim HScreen As Integer Dim WScreen As Integer Dim WSpace As Integer Dim HSpace As Integer Dim WImg As Integer Dim HImg As Integer Private Sub Form_Activate() Select Case IROption Case 1: Me.Caption = "Searching with Color Fiture" DisplayIROut (App.Path & "\Output\IROutC.txt") Case 2: Me.Caption = "Searching with Shape Fiture" DisplayIROut (App.Path & "\Output\IROutS.txt") Case 3: Me.Caption = "Searching with Texture Fiture" DisplayIROut (App.Path & "\Output\IROutT.txt") Case 4: Me.Caption = "Searching with Bayesian Methode" DisplayIROut (App.Path & "\Output\IROutB.txt") End Select End Sub Private Sub Form_Resize() Dim n As Integer Dim nLeft As Integer Dim nTop As Integer WScreen = Me.ScaleWidth HScreen = Me.ScaleHeight If WScreen < 350 Then Exit Sub If HScreen < 180 Then Exit Sub WSpace = 20 HSpace = 20 WImg = (WScreen - 12 * WSpace) / 11 HImg = (HScreen - 9 * WSpace) / 5 nLeft = WSpace nTop = HSpace For n = 0 To 8 If n = 0 Then lblRanking(n).Top = nTop lblRanking(n).Left = nLeft lblRanking(n).Width = 1.5 * WImg lblRanking(n).Alignment = 2 lblIdFace(n).Top = lblRanking(n).Top + lblRanking(n).Height lblIdFace(n).Left = nLeft lblIdFace(n).Width = 1.5 * WImg lblIdFace(n).Alignment = 2 imgOut(n).Top = lblIdFace(n).Top + lblIdFace(n).Height imgOut(n).Left = nLeft imgOut(n).Width = 1.5 * WImg imgOut(n).Height = 1.5 * HImg nLeft = 4 * WSpace + 3 * WImg Else lblRanking(n).Top = nTop + 2 * HSpace lblRanking(n).Left = nLeft lblRanking(n).Width = WImg lblRanking(n).Alignment = 2 lblIdFace(n).Top = lblRanking(n).Top + lblRanking(n).Height lblIdFace(n).Left = nLeft lblIdFace(n).Width = WImg lblIdFace(n).Alignment = 2 imgOut(n).Top = lblIdFace(n).Top + lblIdFace(n).Height imgOut(n).Left = nLeft imgOut(n).Width = WImg imgOut(n).Height = HImg nLeft = nLeft + WSpace + WImg End If Next n nTop = imgOut(0).Top + imgOut(0).Height + HSpace nLeft = WSpace For n = 1 To 11 lblRanking(8 + n).Top = nTop lblRanking(8 + n).Left = nLeft lblRanking(8 + n).Width = WImg lblRanking(8 + n).Alignment = 2 lblIdFace(8 + n).Top = lblRanking(8 + n).Top + lblRanking(8 + n).Height lblIdFace(8 + n).Left = nLeft lblIdFace(8 + n).Width = WImg lblIdFace(8 + n).Alignment = 2 imgOut(8 + n).Top = lblIdFace(8 + n).Top + lblIdFace(8 + n).Height imgOut(8 + n).Left = nLeft imgOut(8 + n).Width = WImg imgOut(8 + n).Height = HImg lblRanking(19 + n).Top = imgOut(8 + n).Top + imgOut(8 + n).Height + HSpace lblRanking(19 + n).Left = nLeft lblRanking(19 + n).Width = WImg lblRanking(19 + n).Alignment = 2 lblIdFace(19 + n).Top = lblRanking(19 + n).Top + lblRanking(19 + n).Height lblIdFace(19 + n).Left = nLeft lblIdFace(19 + n).Width = WImg lblIdFace(19 + n).Alignment = 2 imgOut(19 + n).Top = lblIdFace(19 + n).Top + lblIdFace(19 + n).Height imgOut(19 + n).Left = nLeft