




(A quasi-experimental research in one of junior high schools in Bandung)

A Research Paper

Submitted to the English Education Department of FPBS Indonesia University of Education in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree







Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | Lembar Hak Cipta

The Use of Video to Improve Students’

Writing of Procedural Text

(A quasi-experimental research in one of junior high schools in Bandung)


Febri Astarina Bachtiar

Submitted to the English Education Department of FPBS Indonesia University of Education in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

© Febri Astarina Bachtiar 2013 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

September 2013

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A Quasi –Experimental Study in one of Junior High Schools in Bandung


Febri Astarina Bachtiar 0609005

Approved By First Supervisor,

Prof. A. Chaedar Alwasilah, M.A., Ph.D.

NIP. 195303301980021001

Second Supervisor,

Iyen Nurlaelawati, S.Pd., M.Pd. NIP. 197709062009122002

Head of English Education Department, Faculty of Language and Art Education

Indonesia University of Education

Prof.Dr. H. Didi Suherdi,M.Ed. NIP. 1962110119787121001


Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text




Febri Astarina Bachtiar (0609005)

This research entitled “The Use of Video to Improve Students’ Writing of Procedural

Text” was aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the use of video in improving students’ writing procedural text and to examine students’ perception toward video

technique. The research used quasi-experimental design with pretest and posttest. The sample consists of 30 students of the 7th grade students of one of junior high schools in Bandung. The findings of the research indicated that video technique was significantly effective in improving students’ writing procedural text. It can be seen from the result of pretest and posttest data that were analyzed statistically using Minitab 14. The result of the posttest score of the experimental group (M = 19.27) was higher than the control group (M = 14.40). It was supported by the t value t (28) = 6.48, p-value < 0.050 and large effect size (r = 1.84). Finally, the interview results show that almost the students gave positive responses toward the video. From this research, the teachers are recommended to have better competencies in selecting and presenting videos in teaching writing class.

First Supervisor,

Prof. A. Chaedar Alwasilah, M.A., Ph.D. NIP. 195303301980021001

Second Supervisor,

Iyen Nurlaelawati, S.Pd., M.Pd. NIP. 197709062009122002



Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | TABLE OF CONTENT

Statement ………...i

Preface ……….ii

Acknowledgement ……….iii

Abstract ...……...………....iv

Table of Content ……….v

Chapter I Introduction 1.1Background ……….1

1.2Research Question ………..3

1.3Aim of the Research ………...3

1.4Clarification of the terms ………4

1.5Organization of the Paper ………...4

Chapter II Literature Review 2.1 Teaching Writing ………6

2.1.1 The Nature of Teaching Writing ………..7

2.1.2 The Aim of Teaching Writing ………..8

2.1.3 The Process of Teaching Writing ……….9

2.1.4 The Aspects of Teaching Writing ………...11

2.2 Video ……….13

2.2.1 Definition of Video ……….13

2.2.2 The Advantages of Video ………...14



2.3.1 The Definition of Procedural Text ………..16

2.3.2 The Generic Structure of Procedural Text ………..17

2.3.3 The Language Features of Procedural Text ………19

2.4 Teaching Writing of Procedural Text using Video ………..20 2.5 Related Study ………24

Chapter III Research Methodology 3.1 Research Method ………..25

3.1.1 Research Design ……….25 3.1.2 Variables ……….27 3.2 Research Hypothesis ………....27

3.3 Population and Sample ………...28

3.4 Data Collection ……….29

3.5 Research Procedures ……….30

3.5.1 Preparing the Lesson Plan ………..30

3.5.2 Preparing the Material ………31 3.5.3 Administering Pilot Test .………31

3.5.4 Administering Pretest .………31

3.5.5 Conducting Treatment ………32

3.5.6 Administering Posttest ………34 3.5.7 Administering Interview ……….34 3.6 Scoring Rubric ………..34



Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

3.7.1 Test Instrument Analysis ………35

3.7.2 Pretest and Posttest Data Analysis ………..35

3.7.3 The Calculation of Effect Size ………38

3.7.4 Analysis of Data From Interview ………39

Chapter IV Findings and Discussions 4.1 Findings ………....40

4.1.1 Pilot Test Result ………..40

4.1.2 Normality Distribution Test ………41

4.1.3 The Homogeneity of Variance Test ………45

4.1.4 The Independent T-test ………...48

4.1.5 The Dependent T-test ………..51

4.1.6 Effect Size ………...52

4.1.7 Research Finding of Interview ………53

4.2 Discussions ………...54

Chapter V Conclusion and Suggestion 5.1 Conclusion ………....57

5.2 Suggestions ………...58 References



This chapter provides a brief description of the whole contents of the research including background, research questions, aim of the research, clarification of key terms, and organization of paper.

1.1 Background

Writing is one of language skills that should be learnt by people. In this case, writing should be learnt by students especially by junior high school students. As what Applebee (1981) says, an attribute to explore school subjects is writing that can be a powerful process to discover meaning, not only to transcribe an idea but also to translate writer’s mind. From writing, we can share about our feelings, ideas and all of our thought. However, many people think that writing is the most difficult skill to master. As stated by Harmer (2001) writing needs hard work because it needs more time to think than other skills. To improve students’ ability in mastering English, writing skill should be done everytime. Adawiyah (2008) says that it is too hard to have a good writing for the first time, because there are several steps that should be mastered. It is supported by Lestari (2010), to face students’ lack in writing skills, teachers not only teach grammar, vocabularies, spelling, theories of writing, but also teaches the practice of writing.



Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

However, there are some challenges and difficulties may be faced by students while learning writing skills. From those kinds of problem, teachers should find some ways out how to make students’ writing ability better than before. Some researchers use media as a technique to make that problem solved. Permono (2010) states that students can actually write by training their ability and quality. However, Permono says that students need intereting media to support themselves to make those quality and ability in writing to become better because media will make students interested in knowing well about the materials.

Departing from this problem, this research investigates the use of video as a media to improve students’ writing of procedural text. As stated by Harmer (2001), one of the techniques to teach writing is by using video. Harmer says that students can get ideas in writing by watching video. Suhartini (2010) says on the research that film trailer can be effective in teaching writing narrative texts. Moreover, Nurmillah (2010) says that the use of fairy-tale movie is effective and can promote students’ motivations in learning writing skills. In relation with this research, Derewianka (2004) states that procedural text is an instructional text which tells us how something is accomplished through sequence of actions and steps. Procedural text is chosen as a test in this research because this kind of text is already familiar with people’s daily life.


Therefore, this research is intended to improve students’ writing skill of procedural text by using video. One of junior high school in Bandung was selected to be researched. In addition, the research was conducted to identity students’ perception towards the use of video as a media to improve their ability to write procedural text.

1.2 Research Questions

In relation with the above phenomenon, there are several questions to be answered in this research, those are:

1. Is the use of video significantly effective to improve students’ writing of procedural text?

2. What is the students’ perception toward the use of video to improve their writing of procedural text?

1.3 Aims of the Research

In general, the purpose of the research is to investigate the improvement of students’ writing of procedural text by using video. Specifically, this research is aimed at:

1. Finding out the effectiveness of using video to improve students’ writing of procedural text.

2. Finding out students’ perception toward the use of video to improve their writing of procedural text.



Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | 1.4Clarification of the Terms

Here they are some clarification of the terms about the title to make clarified the problem of this research:

1. Video is the technique that was given to the students in the experimental group to see a difference between the control group and experimental group. In this research, the videos are documentary videos about how to make something. 2. Writing is a medium of communication that represents language through the

inscription of signs and symbols. In this research, the writing is in the written form that be made by control group and experimental group while given the treatment.

3. Procedural Text is a text to describe how to make or doing something. In this research, the procedural text is about how to make banana split, how to make sandwich, etc.

1.5 Organization of the Paper

The organization of the paper is as follows: Chapter I Introduction


In this chapter, there are explanations about Background, Research Questions, Aims of the Research and Organization of the Paper.

Chapter II Review of Related Literature

This chapter consists of teaching writing, video, procedural text, teaching writing of procedural text using video and related study of the research. These theories will be taken from experts and writers with related literature that used in this research.

Chapter III Research Methodology

This part shows the methodology that was in this research. It consists of research design, variables, research hypothesis, population and sample of the research, research instrument, data collection process, research procedures and data analysis. Chapter IV Research Findings and Discussions

In this chapter, the analysis of the finding of the study is elaborated. In addition, the discussion is also addressed towards the finding.

Chapter V Conclusions and Suggestions

This chapter consists of conclusion of the study departing from the finding and discussions. Furthermore, suggestions are provided in this chapter.



Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | CHAPTER III


This chapter describes the design of research methodology applied in the present research. It covers research design, variables, research hypothesis, population and sample of the research, research instrument, data collection process, research procedures and data analysis.

3.1Research Method

The content of this part is about research design and variable of this research that will be described below.

3.1.1 Research Design

The research method used in this research was quasi-experimental design. It investigates whether video could help a teacher to improve students’ writing procedural text. There were two classes taken as the subject groups in this research. The first group was the experimental group, which was given the treatment of the research, while the second group was the control group, which was given general method of teaching, i.e picture in the textbook.


According to Hatch and Farhady (1982), there are two groups in the research as explained in nonequivalent-groups design; experimental and control group, both groups have the same level but it is used different method of teaching in the teaching learning process. Thus, this research focused on nonequivalent-groups design since both groups were not chosen randomly. The formula of the design is shown in table 3.1 as follows:

Table 3.1

The Experimental Design

Groups Pretest Treatment Posttest

Experimental T1E X T2E

Control T1C - T2C


T1E : Pretest for experimental group T2E : Posttest for experimental group X : Treatments

T1C : Pretest for control group T2C : Posttest for control group

(Hatch and Farhady, 1982) From the table above, both groups were given same test; pretest and posttest but they got different treatments. For the experimental group, the treatment was given is video technique, while for the control group was given general method of teaching. The aim of this research was to find out whether the students who were given the



Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

treatments as video could get higher score than using general method or conventional technique.

3.1.2 Variables

There are two variables which were investigated in this research. They are:

1. Independent Variable. The independent variable is the variable which influences dependent variable (Coolidge, 2000). For this research, video technique was chosen as the independent variable because this technique is the major variable to be investigated. Besides that, it is selected, manipulated, and its impact will be measured by the researcher (Hatch and Farhady, 1982).

2. Dependent Variable. The dependent variable is the variable that will be affected by independent variable (Coolidge, 2000). Students’ procedure text writing ability will be dependent variable. This variable is observed and measured to determine the effect of the independent variable (Hatch and Farhady, 1982).

3.2Research Hypothesis

In this research, as in any other researches, hypothesis is one of important aspects. It is because of its ability to predict or temporarily answer the research problems. According to Hatch and Farhady (1982), hypothesis can be described as


the tentative statement about the outcome of the research. For this research, there are two hypothesis taken which are null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.

Null hypothesis is when no significant difference between the posttest means of control and experimental group after applying the treatments. Whereas, the alternative hypothesis is when there is significant difference between the posttest mean of control and experimental group after applying the treatments. The formula is stated below:

H0 : µ control = µ experimental Ha : µ control ≠ µ experimental

3.3Population and Sample

According to Levine and Stephen (2005), population is all members of a group from which you want to get a conclusion. From the definition, the population of this research was the whole students of the first grade in one SMPN in Bandung. The first grade of this SMPN consisted of 270 students, spread into 9 classes.

This grade was chosen as population because procedural text was taught in their second semester of teaching learning process. Because of the number of population was too large to be accessed, in this study, the writer took two classes as the sample. According to Coolidge (2000), sample is a smaller group of scores selected from the population of scores. The first class consisted of students of 7B



Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

which was chosen as experimental group. During the execution of the research, this class was given the treatment of video technique. The other class consisted of students of 7C was chosen as control group which did not receive any experimental treatments.

These groups were chosen by teacher’s value which explained that both groups are homogenous and the samples have not been given any treatments of video in writing procedural text yet. To anticipate the absence of some students during the study, the researcher only took 15 students from each class as the sample. Therefore, the total number of the sample was 30 students.

3.4Data Collection

In order to achieve a reliable research, data collection plays a very important role and to achieve reliable data proper instruments were needed. Fraenkel and Wallen (2007) described that instrumentation is the whole process of collecting data in a research. For this research, written test and interview were the instruments used.

The purpose of each instrument was different. Written test consisted of pretest and posttest that were given to both groups, experimental and control, in written form. The purpose was for answering the first research question.

Pretest was held in the first meeting. This test was given to both groups to get the data of the writing ability before conducting the treatments and the general method of teaching. In the other hand, the aim of posttest which was held in the last


meeting was to examine if there was any significant difference between the results of the written test from both groups after one of the group using the treatments. Moreover, this test was held to find out if the use of video in teaching writing procedure text was effective or not.

Another instrument was interview which consisted of 6 questions. It was given to the group who got the treatment. This instrument was held to investigate the students’ perception about the treatment given, which is the use of video in teaching procedural text. The interview was given in the last meeting after the posttest.

3.5Research Procedures

The research was held from April 17th to May 1st of 2013. The steps of the research procedures were as follow. The first was preparing the lesson plan. The second was preparing the material. The third was trying out the instruments whether the test given was valid or reliable for the chosen students named pilot-test. The fourth was giving the pretest to experimental and control group. The fifth was giving the treatment and teaching experimental group how to write procedural text using video, and giving general method of teaching to the control group. The sixth was giving posttest to both groups to get result which was different or not. The last was holding the instrument, interview to strength the result of the posttest.



Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

The design of lesson plan was held for 6 meetings. The first and the last meeting were held the pretest and the posttest while the 4 meetings were held to apply the treatment for groups, experimental using video and control group using conventional technique. The lesson plan was designed based on the National curriculum of English for seven grade students which consists of competence standard, basic competence, indicator, instructional objective, and lesson materials. In addition, method/ technique, steps of the activity, source lesson, and the evaluation are also involved.

3.5.2 Preparing the Material

The materials given to the experimental group were taken from Youtube, However, the materials for control group were from some book source about procedural text, such as English on Sky 1 for Junior High School Students Year VII by Mukarto, Sujatmiko, Murwani and Kiswara (2007) and other sources suggested by English teacher in the school.

3.5.3 Administering Pilot Test

Pilot-test was held for testing the test whether the test was valid and reliable to be tested for seven grade students. The test given was same as pretest and posttest which the students asked to write procedure text based on the task given. The test was


given to 10 students excluding the experimental and control groups. It was conducted on a week before pretest held.

3.5.4 Administering Pretest

After holding the pilot test and finding the validity and reliability of the result of the instrument, the pretest was conducted at the first meeting of the research, on April 17th 2013. The aim of this test is for getting the data about the basic writing skill of the students and to find out that the students from both group had same capability and same English proficiency before given the instrument.

3.5.5 Conducting Treatment

In this school, English subject had different schedule that other school. It was held three times in a week. For the schedule, treatment was conducted for four meetings to both groups with different technique in which meeting lasted for 2x40 minutes. The treatment that conducted in experimental group was video of the procedural text. On the other hand, control group was giving the conventional technique as teaching learning media. The time schedule can be seen in table 3.2:



Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | Table 3.2

Time Schedule of the Research N


Experimental Group Control Group

Date Material Date Material

1 April 17th, 2013 Pretest April 17th, 2013 Pretest

2 April 18th, 2013

Video: how to make a sandwich Identify

information about video

April 19th, 2013

Picture: how to make a sandwich Identify

information about picture

3 April 22nd, 2013

Video: how to make banana split Identify generic structure and language feature then make a procedural text

April 22nd, 2013

Picture: how to make banana split Identify generic structure and language feature then make a procedural text

4 April 24th, 2013

Video: how to make instant noodle

Collaborative writing

April 24th, 2013

Picture: how to make instant noodle

Collaborative writing 5 April 25th, 2013

Video: how to

make egg


April 26th, 2013

Picture: how to make egg scramble Make procedural


Make procedural text using their own recipes

text using their own recipes

6 April 29th, 2013 Posttest April 29th, 2013 Posttest

The treatment given to experimental group was administered by asking students to watch the video about procedural text and make a procedural text based on the topic about. The video given could stimulate students to have an idea to make procedural text and applied them into written task.

3.5.6 Administering Posttest

The last meeting of the research was posttest which be held to both groups. The test was same with pretest. It was conducted to measure the students’ writing skill about procedural text after receiving treatment. It also aimed to find out the different of the students score of both groups.

3.5.7 Administering Interview

The interview was giving to experimental group to investigate their perception towards the use of video in writing procedural text, about the difficulties and the advantages of the video. The questions of the interview were presented in the appendix B.



Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

In this research, the data of pretest and posttest would be analyzed by scoring sheet because the test was form in written test document. The criteria of scoring sheet in this research were developed by Rose (2007). The aimed was to measure the result of pretest and posttest. The scoring sheet can be seen in the appendix B.

3.7Data Analysis

In this case, the data which was collected by using the instruments would be analyzed. The data that would be processed was conducted on the pretest and posttest scores. On the other words, there are three kinds of analyses was carried out. First is test instrument analysis to know the validity and reliability of the instrument. Second, pretest and posttest analysis were used to measure the normality distribution, homogeneity of variance and t-test. Third, effect size calculation is to find out the effect of independent variable upon the dependent variable.

3.7.1 Test Instrument Analysis

According to Heaton (2003), an appropriate test should have three requirements, such as: (1) validity; (2) reliability; and (3) practical. The research instrument test for collecting data should be considered those three aspects. From the requirements above, pilot test of the instrument was conducted to another class exclude experimental and control group with the same grade include 10 students.


The data of pretest and posttest scores were statistically analyzed using Minitab 14. The calculation included normality distribution, homogeneity variance, t-test and effect size. The data analysis is presented in detail as follow: Distribution

The first part that should be analyzed was the normality distribution. The first step in calculating the normality distribution test, there are explanations about hypothesis:

H0 = the scores of the experimental and the control groups are normally distributed.

H1 = the scores of the experimental and control groups are not normally distributed.

The second step in calculating the normality distribution test is to determine the significance level in the level α = 0.05. According to Hatch and Farhady (1982), the level significance criterion for normality distribution states that if the probability > 0.05, H0 is accepted. In contrast, if the probability < 0.05, H0 is rejected. On the other words, if the probability is more than the level of significance (0.05), the null hypothesis is accepted and the score are normally distributed. Variance

After getting the result that the pretest and posttest were normally distributed the next step was analyze its homogeneity. The test used to measure the data which



Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

are homogenous or not is using Levene’s test for equality of variance in Minitab 14 was used. There are explanations about hypothesis:

H0 = the scores of both experimental and control groups are homogenous.

H1 = the scores of both experimental and control groups are not homogenous.

The second step as stated by Hatch and Farhady (1982) is to determine the significance level in the level α = 0.05. The level significance criterion for homogeneity test states that if the probability > 0.05, then H0 is accepted. In contrast, if the probability < 0.05, H0 is rejected.

In conclude, if the data do not have normal distribution, the Mann-Whitney test will be operated to test the hypothesis. The writer also used Minitab 14 to calculate the result.

The third part of pretest and posttest data analysis is t-test. There are two kinds of t-test. The first is independent t-test. There are explanations about hypothesis:

H0 = there is a no significant difference between the control and experimental scores.

H1 = there is a significant difference between the control and experimental groups scores


According to Hatch and Farhady (1982), the level significance criterion for independent t-test states that if the P-value > 0.05, H0 is accepted. In contrast, if the P-value < 0.05, H0 is rejected. On the other words, if the P-value is less than the level of significance (0.05), H1 is accepted and the variances are significantly different.

The second is dependent t-test. This kind of t-test was also calculated to certify that there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest score in experimental group. According to Coolidge (2000), dependent t-test is used to analyze the difference between two groups’ means in experimental design where in both groups are related to each other in some way.

3.7.3 The Calculation of Effect Size

According to Coolidge (2000), the effect size is the effect of independent variable upon the dependent variable. Coolidge also states that effect size has positive correlation to its value. In other words, if the difference between the two groups’ mean is large, the effect size will be large too. In contrast, if the difference between the two groups’ mean is small, the effect size will be small too.

In order to determine the effect size in the independent t-test, a correlation coefficient of effect size can be derived as follows:

r = t2

t + df Where:



Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | r = effect size

t = tobt or tvalue from the calculation of independent t-test (post-test score) df = degree of freedom

To interpret the computational result, the following scale was use as guidance in determining the effect size on dependent variable.

Table 3.3 Effect Size Scale Effect Size r value

Small .100

Medium .243

Large .371

Coolidge (2000)

3.7.4 Analysis of data from Interview

In analyzing data from interview, the researcher transcribed the data from interview into the written text. Then, categorizing the data of the interview related to the students’ perceptions toward the use of video in improving their writing skill. Next step was reducing in appropriate data to make it easier in interpreting the data for answering the research questions.

The analyzing of interview used this below percentage formula: P = fo X 100%



fo = Frequency observed n = Number of sample


1 Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | CHAPTER V


This chapter describes the research conclusion and suggestion. The conclusions are taken from the data analysis of research findings.

5.1 Conclusions

Based on the research questions, there are two conclusions in this research. First, video technique improves students’ writing of procedural text. Second, most

students’ gave response positively to implement video technique in writing of

procedural text.

Video technique improves students’ writing of procedural text. It was shown

by the progress of students’ score from experimental group. The score of

experimental group significantly improved than the control group. It was because the experimental group received treatment by using video technique. In other words, the treatment using video technique is effective to improve students’ writing of procedural text in junior high school.

From the interview data, it can be seen that some students find difficulties in writing of procedural text using video. However, the use of video is effectively useful and helping them in writing of procedural text. In conclusion, video technique helps the students improve their procedural writing ability and can be used as an alternative in teaching writing of procedural text.



There are several suggestions in implementing video as a technique in procedural writing class. The first, teachers have to give the clear instruction before conducting video. If the instruction given is clear, students can follow the activity. The second, before implementing video as a technique, teachers have to make sure that students were given the knowledge what to be seen in video. The last but not least, video as a technique can be implemented for other genres of text such as descriptive, narrative, report, etc.

For the suggestion of future research, the research can be conducted in other grade. Research about video also can be conducted for other genres of text such as descriptive, narrative, report, etc.



Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | REFERENCES

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Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

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Murray, D. 1987. Write to Learn. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.

Mukarto, Sujatmiko, Murwani and Kiswara. 2007. English on Sky 1: for Junior High School Students Year VII. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Oshima, A. Hogue, Ann. 1991. Writing Academic English (2nd Edition). New York: Pearson Education.

Permono, Fannia Juwita. 2010. The Effectiveness of Using Flashcards to Improve Students’ Ability in Writing Procedural Text. Bandung: UPI.

Reiser, Robert. A. Dick, Walter. 1996. Instructional Planning: A Guide for Teacher Second Edition. Massachussets: A Simon & Schuster Company.



Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | fo = Frequency observed

n = Number of sample



Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | CHAPTER V


This chapter describes the research conclusion and suggestion. The conclusions are taken from the data analysis of research findings.

5.1 Conclusions

Based on the research questions, there are two conclusions in this research. First, video technique improves students’ writing of procedural text. Second, most

students’ gave response positively to implement video technique in writing of procedural text.

Video technique improves students’ writing of procedural text. It was shown

by the progress of students’ score from experimental group. The score of experimental group significantly improved than the control group. It was because the experimental group received treatment by using video technique. In other words, the treatment using video technique is effective to improve students’ writing of procedural text in junior high school.

From the interview data, it can be seen that some students find difficulties in writing of procedural text using video. However, the use of video is effectively useful and helping them in writing of procedural text. In conclusion, video technique helps the students improve their procedural writing ability and can be used as an alternative in teaching writing of procedural text.



Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |


There are several suggestions in implementing video as a technique in procedural writing class. The first, teachers have to give the clear instruction before conducting video. If the instruction given is clear, students can follow the activity. The second, before implementing video as a technique, teachers have to make sure that students were given the knowledge what to be seen in video. The last but not least, video as a technique can be implemented for other genres of text such as descriptive, narrative, report, etc.

For the suggestion of future research, the research can be conducted in other grade. Research about video also can be conducted for other genres of text such as descriptive, narrative, report, etc.


1 Febri Astarina Bachtiar, 2013

The Use Of Video To Improve Students Writing Of Procedural Text

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | REFERENCES

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