Handling My Difficulty in Delivering Presentations at P.T. Prudential Life Assurance.


Selama periode dari bulan Juni 2013 sampai Juli 2013, saya melakukan
magang di Prudential Life Assurance Bandung. Tugas saya adalah
melakukan berbagai training serta melakukan presentasi produk kepada
calon nasabah. Saya memiliki masalah selama melakukan magang di
perusahaan tersebut. Saya mengalami kesulitan dalam menyampaikan
presentasi kepada para calon nasabah.
Setelah melakukan analisis terhadap masalah tersebut, saya menemukan
dua penyebab masalah tersebut dan juga dua dampak dari masalah tersebut.
Dua penyebab masalah tersebut adalah dikarenakan saya tidak mengenal
calon nasabah saya dengan baik dan saya takut melakukan kesalahan
selama presentasi karena saya masih baru. Lalu dua dampak dari masalah
tersebut adalah komunikasi antara saya dan calon nasabah saya tidak
berlangsung dengan baik, selain itu juga membuat saya dan calon nasabah
saya menjadi frustasi.
Saya memiliki tiga solusi yang berpotensi untuk menyelesaikan kesulitan
saya dalam menyampaikan presentasi. Potensi solusi pertama adalah saya
akan mengenal calon nasabah dengan lebih baik. Potensi solusi yang kedua
adalah saya akan berlatih tanya jawab dengan pelatih saya dan kemudian
meminta penilaiannya. Potensi solusi yang ketiga adalah saya akan

menyiapkan presentasi dengan baik. Pada akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk
menggabungkan potensi solusi yang kedua dan yang ketiga karena kedua
solusi tersebut lebih berdampak kepada saya, sehingga saya dapat
menyampaikan presentasi dengan baik. Sedangkan potensial solusi yang
pertama tidak dianjurkan karena salah satu efeknya dapat berdampak
terhadap calon nasabah.


Maranatha Christian University


ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………….........i
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ……………………………………………….ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …………………………………………………………iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………………..iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………1


Background of the study
Identification of the Problem
Objectives and Benefits of the Study
Description of the Institution
Method of the Study
Limitation of the Study
Organization of the Term Paper

CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS …………………………………………….7
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION …………………………………………………..19


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A. Background of the Study
Prudential Life Assurance is one of the best insurance companies in
Indonesia. This company is an insurance and financial company. It was
necessary for me to do an internship before I wrote my term paper. I

chose to do my internship in Prudential Life Assurance Company because
I think it is the best insurance company in Bandung. All the agents who
work there are very professional and trustworthy. I think that I would have
many experiences if I had my internship in this company. The topic that I
take for this term paper is my difficulty in delivering presentations. In this
term paper, I intend to explore how to deliver a presentation effectively
because I feel it is important for any kind of job. Many people do not take it


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seriously because they think it is easy to deliver an effective presentation,
but actually it is very hard.
When I did my internship in Prudential Life Assurance from 18th June
2013 to 19thJuly 2013, one of my tasks is giving product presentations to
my clients so they will buy our insurance products. I did not know my
clients well and I was afraid of making mistakes while doing the
presentation. It was becoming so difficult for me to do the presentation. As
a consequence, the communication between the client and me did not

work properly because my client did not take the insurance policy.
All the difficulties that I experienced during my internship make me
want to explore and study more about delivering good presentations. The
advantage of exploring and studying this topic is to help me solve my
problems in delivering presentations. Besides, it can help other people
who have a similar problem as mine. It would be useful for other fields,
such education, business, and others.

B. Identification of the Problem
During my internship, there were so many difficulties I encountered in
delivering presentations. There are three main problems which are going
to be analyzed in this term paper, namely:


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1. Why is it difficult to deliver presentations?
2. How do the difficulties affect my presentations?
3. How do I overcome the difficulties in delivering presentations?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The objectives to be achieved at the end of this term paper are to find
out the reason of the difficulties in delivering presentations, to find out the
effects that are caused by the difficulties in delivering presentations, and
to find out the solution to the difficulties in delivering presentations.
The benefit of the study for me is I can find the best solutions for the
problems that I encountered during my internship and I can prove it myself.
Besides, this term paper can be beneficial for the institution where I did my
internship, so that they can improve the presentation skills in their
company. This term paper can also be beneficial for D3 English students
who are interested in taking a similar topic. Moreover, I hope this term
paper can provide a solution for the general readers who have difficulties
in delivering presentations, so that they can learn and improve their skills.

D. Description of the Institution
Prudential Corporation was established in London in 1848. Because of
the company’s hard work, nowadays Prudential is the biggest insurance


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and financial company in England, Europe, USA, Arab, and Asia.
Prudential has been in Asia since 1923, and now Prudential is operating in
Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hongkong, Thailand, Philippines, China,
India, Taiwan, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, and Middle East.
Nowadays, Prudential has 241 agency offices in Indonesia, called
PruDynamic. One of the PruDynamic agency offices in Bandung is in
Paskal Hypersquare.
Prudential company’s mission is being the best companies in Retail
Financial Services Indonesia, surpassed expectations of our customers,
sales force, staff and shareholders by providing perfect services, quality
products, and professional sales force of highly committed and generate
profitable investment income. Prudential Company’s Vision is just by
listening, we can understand what the community needs, and only by
understanding what the community needs, we can provide the products
and service levels as expected. (Prudential 1).

E. Method of the Study

The process of collecting all the theories is done by electronic research
and library research. The theories that are used in this term paper are
taken from the Internet, books, and from the internship journal. The field
report data is collected during the internship period and captured in the


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internship journal. Moreover, the theories contain the observation of
interviewing an expert in this topic.

F. Limitation of the Study
The limitation of the subject is about the difficulties in delivering
presentations during my internship from 18th June 2013 to 19th July 2013
in Prudential Life Assurance Company. When I gave a presentation to my
clients, I felt it was very hard for me to make my clients understand all the
points. I found many problems during the preparation and the presentation.
Therefore, I will explore more about the difficulties in delivering a

G. Organization of the Term Paper
There are four chapters in this term paper. Chapter I is Introduction,
Chapter II is Problem Analysis, Chapter III is Potential Solutions, and
Chapter IV is Conclusion. Chapter I is the background of the problem,
and in what way the problem will be studied. Chapter II is the problem
being analyzed. It contains the causes and the effects of the problem.
Moreover, Chapter III presents the potential solutions to the problem. The
potential solutions have positive effects as well as negative effects.
Chapter IV is the summary of the term paper and Conclusion as well as
suggestions. The chosen solutions to the problem are presented in this

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chapter. This term paper ends with Appendices, including the Flowchart
and Bibliography.


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In this chapter, I conclude the three chapters discussed earlier. In the
previous chapter, I have already explained the problem I experienced during
my internship. The problem is handling my difficulty in delivering
presentations at P.T. Prudential Life Assurance. After doing some analyses, I
find two causes of the problem. The first cause is I did not know the clients
well. The second cause is I was afraid of making mistakes because I was new.
The problem also has two effects. The first effect is the communication
between me and the client does not work well, and the second effect is the
client and I became frustrated.
There are three solutions that are considered the best solution to the
problem: I will get to know about the clients better, I will practice role plays
with my trainer and ask him for feedback and I will prepare the presentation


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well. The reason of selecting the solutions is because if these three solutions
are combined, it will make a better result. There are also the potential
negative effects from these three solutions but I believe that I can overcome
the negative effects and focus to reach the potential positive effects. If I
combine these three solutions, I can always give a successful presentation.
To conclude, delivering a presentation is difficult because I do not know
who the clients are, and I am afraid of making mistakes during the
presentation. The effect of my difficulty is the communication between me and
the clients does not work well. Besides, the client and I become frustrated
because of my difficulty. Therefore, to solve my difficulty in delivering a
presentation, I will get to know about my clients better and I will practice role
plays with my trainer and ask for feedback. Besides, I need to prepare my
presentation well. My suggestion is it is better to combine these three
solutions to make a successful presentation.


Maranatha Christian University


Printed Sources
Hillman, Ralph. Delivering Dynamic Presentation. Needham Heights: Allyn
and Bacon, 1999.

Electronic Sources
Noer, Muhammad. “Mengapa Perlu Mengenal Audiens Presentasi.”
Presentasi 26 December 2011. 15 August 2013
“Prepare.” University of Washington. 2013. 26 August 2013
“Misi dan Kredo Kami”. Prudential. 2013. 17 November 2013

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Radel, Jeff. “Oral Presentations.” Eastern Kentucky University Department of
Biological Sciences. 30 October 2013
Robinson, D. Keith. “Gain Confidence In Your Presentations By Following
These Tips.” TechRepublic 23 May 2006. 30 October 2013
Sobel, Andrew. “Getting Comfortable with Getting Personal.” Andrew Sobel
01 August 2006. 3 January 2014
Tartakovsky, Margarita. “Overcoming the Fear of Making Mistakes.”
PsychCentral 30 January 2013. 28 August 2013

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Erich. Personal Interview. 14 November 2013.

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