Doublespeak in The Indonesian TV Advertisement of Pond's.


iii Maranatha Christian University


Pond’s adalah sebuah merk kosmetik dari Unilever yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai produk low involvement, yaitu produk yang tidak

mengakibatkan kerugian ekonomis ataupun psikologis yang besar jika memang produk tersebut tidak seperti apa yang diharapkan oleh pengguna produk. Hal itu mengakibatkan para calon pembeli cenderung tidak melakukan pertimbangan secara mendalam. Indonesia, dengan jumlah penduduk yang sangat besar yaitu sekitar 237 juta, yang hampir setengahnya adalah wanita, menjadi salah satu pasar dari produk-produk Pond’s. Dengan latar belakang di atas, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis Doublespeak yang mungkin digunakan dan bagaimana Doublespeak dapat menyesatkan dalam iklan-iklan yang ditayangkan di stasiun-stasiun TV di Indonesia sehingga masyarakat Indonesia tidak tersesatkan oleh iklan-iklan Pond’s yang mungkin menggunakan Doublespeak di dalam pembuatan iklannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Doublespeak milik William Lutz dan sembilan data yang dibahas di dalam penelitian ini merupakan iklan-iklan produk Pond’s yang ditanyangkan di TV di Indonesia, terutama stasiun TV nasional. Weasel word dan unfinished word adalah dua jenis Doublespeak yang paling dominan dalam iklan-iklan Pond’s yang ditayangkan di TV di Indonesia. Cerita di dalam iklan-iklan Pond’s adalah bagian yang membuat orang melewatkan keberadaan weasel word dan unfinished word dalam sebuah iklan Pond’s.


ii Maranatha Christian University




ABSTRACT ... iii

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Background of the Study ... 1

Statement of the Problem... 4

Purpose of the Study ... 4

Methods of Research ... 4

Organization of the Thesis ... 5







The table of the kinds of doublespeak in Pond’s advertisements in Indonesian television.

Weasel Word Unfinished Word

Parity Claim

Up to Claim Data 1 Tampak

Putih Membantu Langkah awal Putih yang bersinar

Makin putih Lebih meresap

Data 2 Membantu Menyamarkan Tampak Putih Bersih

Lebih putih

Data 3 Optimal Tampak Muda Sempurnakan Lebih Optimal Lebih Muda Data 4 Bisa

Bersihin Tampak Cerah Kehebatannya Bersih Lebih cerah Lebih bersih

Data 5 Membantu Menyamarkan Mencerahkan Tersamarkan Tampak Putih Lebih putih

Data 6 Membersihkan Membantu Cantik memukau Sangat berminyak Baru


43 Data 7 Terkemuka

Cahaya muda Keabadian Cinta Muda

Asli Baru Data 8 Cantik

Baru Lama

Tak berminyak

Makin cantik Lebih lama

Data 9 Tampak Merona Bersinar Putih merona Gelap Baru

Mengurangi Lebih sedikit


merona dan bersinar Lebih gelap


1 Maranatha Christian University




Advertising is a very prominent and influential tool in product selling in order to make a good sale of the product to gain as much profit as possible. Basically it is a persuasion, which puts emphasis on the product’s benefit. An advertisement is designed to create favorable mental impression to turn people’s mind toward purchase (Rositter and Percy 4). Nowadays, it is almost impossible for a producer not to advertise his/her product. Moreover, because of its vital function in selling, advertising becomes a promising piece of business.

Despite its importance as a promotion tool, advertisements are also considered a controversial tool as some of them are suspected to apply manipulative words (Keller 286). The manipulation can inflict financial, psychological and social loss because the information provided in the advertisement can mislead the consumers to believe something which is not true.

As informed in the official website of Pond’s Indonesia, Pond’s, which has been a brand of Unilever since 1987, is a brand that is significantly helped by advertising to be a worldwide brand. It has grown year by year since it was advertised nationally in 1886 and started involving artist in its advertisement in


2 Maranatha Christian University 1910s (Unilever). Today, the brand that originally was invented in the United States as a medicine by a scientist, Theron T. Pond in 1846 is sold around the world and becomes a major cosmetic brand in Indonesia. Here in Indonesia, there are three general categories of Pond’s. They are anti-aging, brightening, and oil-control cream (Unilever).

In advertising, Pond’s, which is a cosmetic, is generally categorized as a low involvement product, which means buyers perceive neither economic nor psychological risk in purchasing the product (Rositter and Percy 167). People will not be worried about the price of this product as they are relatively affordable. However, this may make it easier for people to be misled as normally people will not take any serious consideration to make a purchase. Mainly, cosmetics are classified as informational which are products that are created because of negative motivations such as problem removal, problem avoidance, and incompetence satisfaction (Rositter and Percy 170). Thus, advertisers of cosmetics will try to convince prospective buyers to believe that their products are really favorable to solve the problems.

Advertisements usually appear in the media. There are several possible media that can be used to promote a product. Mainly, advertisers will take some considerations in choosing a media to promote their products. For national advertisers of consumer products and services, television is the most effective medium for achieving overall communication objectives and product sales (Rositter and Percy 398) Therefore, Pond’s, which is mainly low involvement/informational product and internationally-marketable, crucially requires television advertising.

In advertising, there is a technique that is occasionally applied named Doublespeak. Substantively, this is also commonly used in politics, education, military, and business to make people believe something which is not true, to


3 Maranatha Christian University cleverly avoid something, to make something larger or more important, or to make something less clear and harder to understand (Lutz 2). It is a branch of an applied linguistic subject, which is called Pragmatics.

I intend to analyze the practice of doublespeak in Pond’s advertisements that are displayed in Indonesian TV commercial breaks. By considering the characteristics of the product explained above, there is a huge tendency of advertisers to use doublespeak in Pond’s advertisements. I choose Indonesian commercials as Indonesia is a prospective market for cosmetic product promotion due to its massive number of population.

Based on Indonesian 2010’s census data, there are 237, 556, 363people all around Indonesia and almost half of which are women who are prospective buyers of cosmetics, especially Pond’s. That is the reasons why I choose Indonesian commercial break as the source of data. Moreover, I am also eager to know what kind of doublespeak is used in Pond’s advertisements that are displayed in Indonesian TV and how they mislead people. The theory of doublespeak maintained by William Lutz will be applied to make a critical analysis of the doublespeak in the data.

The significance of the thesis is that by reading this thesis people can be more aware of manipulative language used in commercial breaks in Indonesian television and avoid being misled by those commercial breaks in general and Pond’s advertisements in particular. From that significance of my study, I formulate the title of my thesis, which is “Doublespeak in the Indonesian TV Advertisements of Pond’s”.


4 Maranatha Christian University 1.2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM

1. What kind of doublespeak is used in Pond’s advertisements? 2. How does the use of doublespeak in Pond’s advertisements

mislead people?


1. To know what kind of doublespeak is used in Pond’s advertisements.

2. To know how the use of doublespeak in Pond’s advertisements misleads people.


I began this research by obtaining and reading some books that are relevant to the issue discussed. Moreover, I also looked for some further information related to the topic to enrich the analysis from both books and the Internet. Thus, this is a library research.

Then, I collected some data from Indonesian television stations, which are some advertisements of Pond’s. I strongly prioritized to gather the Indonesian data only from national TV station’s commercial break. As a result, I could analyze the data and drew some conclusions of what has been discussed.


The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is the Introduction, which consists of the Background of the Study, Statement of the Problems, Purpose of the Study, Method of Research, and Organization of the Thesis. Chapter Two contains the Theoretical Framework, which is used to


5 Maranatha Christian University collect some approaches to analyze the data. Chapter Three is the analysis of the data. The last chapter, Chapter Four, is the Conclusion of all those analyses. At the end of the thesis, I put the Bibliography and Appendix


36 Maranatha Christian University



After analyzing the data, I find that it is clear that the use of weasel words is the most dominant tool used in the advertisements. All of the advertisements use weasel words. Moreover, there are mainly three to six weasel words that are used in one Pond’s advertisement. The weasel word tampak is the most often used word. The word tampak is used in six data out of nine that are analysed. The second top weasel word is the word membantu. Moreover, the unfinished word is the kind of doublespeak that is commonly combined with weasel words in the data. There are seven out of nine data that combine weasel word and unfinished words. Most of the advertisements consisting unfinished words use the word lebih. There are only two out of twelve unfinished words in the data that do not use the word lebih. They use the word makin. Consequently, I can conclude that weasel words and unfinished words are two kinds of doublespeak

that are dominant in Pond’s advertisement. However, the parity claim and Up to

Claim are not found in the advertisement data.

From my findings, it is clear that the use of weasel words is a dominant part that people should be aware of to avoid being misled by the advertisements

of Pond’s. Understanding what an advertisement is actually saying is crucial. Of


37 Maranatha Christian University advertisement is carefully selected to create certain effects. Basically, to avoid being misled, it is important to really understand the literal meaning of every word, and we have to look closer to check what the advertisement promises. If we compare the advertisement with an egg, we must examine the egg closely whether the egg is hollow or not.

The story of the advertisement is a tool that can divert the advertisement

reader’s attention of the weasel words used. Generally, the pattern of the stories

will present a success story that is begun with a problem. The stories deal with

some human’s needs. A romantic relationship is a dominant theme in the data

like in data 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The rest emphasize on the problem women face concerning their skin. The themes are close to a woman’s life so that the themes can divert the prospective buyer’s attention from the weasel words the advertisements use.

There are four data that are packed in romantic love stories. They are data 3, data 5, data 6, and data 7. This kind of story line is important as most women tend to use their feelings to decide something. The romantic stories are more interesting than the words for the prospective buyers, most of whom are women. That is why this kind of story can be a strong tool to divert advertisement readers’ attention from the weasel words.

People should look at what the words really mean, and not what they think or assume the advertisement says or what the advertiser wants them to think. This can lead people to be misled and believe something which is not said. And this is actually the purpose of the use of Doublespeak in an advertisement. It means that it may cause disappointment as they do not get what they think they will get. The advertiser cannot be blamed if people do not get what they think they will get. The story in an advertisement is not essential but the information


38 Maranatha Christian University about the favorability is the most important thing that people should really understand.

The uses of unfinished words are also a significant part that can potentially mislead people in interpreting Pond’s television advertisement. An unfinished word is basically an incomplete comparison. Mainly, it will be a comparison between the condition before using the product and the condition after using the product. The condition before using the product is normally the missing part of the incomplete comparison. The advertisement readers are to complete the incomplete information and determine how the condition after using the product is.

People will be misled if they do not realize that the comparison in an advertisement is incomplete. They will automatically complete the incomplete part. It is needed to be suspicious about the advertisements of Pond’s if there is words lebih and makin used. The advertisement may contain an unfinished word, especially when there is the word lebih.

All of the data provide ideal models that experience a success of using the product and that is a source of suggestion for the advertisement readers to complete the unfinished comparison. The models chosen to promote the product are always fair-skinned. This may be to lead people’s mind to a thought that bright skin is better and more beautiful than dark skin. This will make people, especially women as the prospective buyers of the products, believe that all people need skin-lightening products. This will help to increase the selling of Pond’s products, especially the skin-brightening products.

Even though the theory of Doublespeak is not postulated by an Indonesian linguist, I still find that the theory is quite applicable for analyzing the data which are advertisements, specifically TV commercials. I believe it may be


39 Maranatha Christian University interesting and challenging to analyze any other kind of Indonesian data to see whether in the Indonesian language there is a special kind of doublespeak.

I find that it is a little bit hard to spot the doublespeak as the theory is not postulated by an Indonesian linguist while the data is taken from Indonesian advertisements. The language difference seems to be a barrier. However, I find it challenging. Yet, I believe, it will be easier to make an analysis if the theory concerns the same language as in the language of the data taken.


40 Maranatha Christian University



Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. 2nd ed. Hongkong: Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Echols, John M., and Hassan Shadily. Kamus Indonesia Inggris Edisi Ketiga. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Jakarta, 1992.

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, 1988.

Keller, Kevin Lane. Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity. New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2003.

Lutz, William. Doublespeak. New York: Harper Perennial Publishers, 1990.

Rossiter, John R and Percy, Larry. Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing. Detroit: McGraw-Hill College, 1996.

Vitale, Joe. Hypnotic Writing: How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007.


41 Maranatha Christian University Websites:

“Pond’s”. Unilever Indonesia. 2011. Unilever. 27 May. 2011.

< >

“Sebaceous Glands – Location, Functions and Pictures”. Glands and Organs. 3 January 2011. Prime Health Channel. 6 August 2011.


36 Maranatha Christian University



After analyzing the data, I find that it is clear that the use of weasel words is the most dominant tool used in the advertisements. All of the advertisements use weasel words. Moreover, there are mainly three to six weasel words that are used in one Pond’s advertisement. The weasel word tampak is the most often used word. The word tampak is used in six data out of nine that are analysed. The second top weasel word is the word membantu. Moreover, the unfinished word is the kind of doublespeak that is commonly combined with weasel words in the data. There are seven out of nine data that combine weasel word and unfinished words. Most of the advertisements consisting unfinished words use the word lebih. There are only two out of twelve unfinished words in the data that do not use the word lebih. They use the word makin. Consequently, I can conclude that weasel words and unfinished words are two kinds of doublespeak

that are dominant in Pond’s advertisement. However, the parity claim and Up to Claim are not found in the advertisement data.

From my findings, it is clear that the use of weasel words is a dominant part that people should be aware of to avoid being misled by the advertisements

of Pond’s. Understanding what an advertisement is actually saying is crucial. Of course, every word in an advertisement cannot be missed as each word in an


37 Maranatha Christian University advertisement is carefully selected to create certain effects. Basically, to avoid being misled, it is important to really understand the literal meaning of every word, and we have to look closer to check what the advertisement promises. If we compare the advertisement with an egg, we must examine the egg closely whether the egg is hollow or not.

The story of the advertisement is a tool that can divert the advertisement

reader’s attention of the weasel words used. Generally, the pattern of the stories will present a success story that is begun with a problem. The stories deal with

some human’s needs. A romantic relationship is a dominant theme in the data like in data 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The rest emphasize on the problem women face concerning their skin. The themes are close to a woman’s life so that the themes can divert the prospective buyer’s attention from the weasel words the advertisements use.

There are four data that are packed in romantic love stories. They are data 3, data 5, data 6, and data 7. This kind of story line is important as most women tend to use their feelings to decide something. The romantic stories are more interesting than the words for the prospective buyers, most of whom are women. That is why this kind of story can be a strong tool to divert advertisement readers’ attention from the weasel words.

People should look at what the words really mean, and not what they think or assume the advertisement says or what the advertiser wants them to think. This can lead people to be misled and believe something which is not said. And this is actually the purpose of the use of Doublespeak in an advertisement. It means that it may cause disappointment as they do not get what they think they will get. The advertiser cannot be blamed if people do not get what they think they will get. The story in an advertisement is not essential but the information


38 Maranatha Christian University about the favorability is the most important thing that people should really understand.

The uses of unfinished words are also a significant part that can potentially mislead people in interpreting Pond’s television advertisement. An unfinished word is basically an incomplete comparison. Mainly, it will be a comparison between the condition before using the product and the condition after using the product. The condition before using the product is normally the missing part of the incomplete comparison. The advertisement readers are to complete the incomplete information and determine how the condition after using the product is.

People will be misled if they do not realize that the comparison in an advertisement is incomplete. They will automatically complete the incomplete part. It is needed to be suspicious about the advertisements of Pond’s if there is words lebih and makin used. The advertisement may contain an unfinished word, especially when there is the word lebih.

All of the data provide ideal models that experience a success of using the product and that is a source of suggestion for the advertisement readers to complete the unfinished comparison. The models chosen to promote the product are always fair-skinned. This may be to lead people’s mind to a thought that bright skin is better and more beautiful than dark skin. This will make people, especially women as the prospective buyers of the products, believe that all people need skin-lightening products. This will help to increase the selling of

Pond’s products, especially the skin-brightening products.

Even though the theory of Doublespeak is not postulated by an Indonesian linguist, I still find that the theory is quite applicable for analyzing the data which are advertisements, specifically TV commercials. I believe it may be


39 Maranatha Christian University interesting and challenging to analyze any other kind of Indonesian data to see whether in the Indonesian language there is a special kind of doublespeak.

I find that it is a little bit hard to spot the doublespeak as the theory is not postulated by an Indonesian linguist while the data is taken from Indonesian advertisements. The language difference seems to be a barrier. However, I find it challenging. Yet, I believe, it will be easier to make an analysis if the theory concerns the same language as in the language of the data taken.


40 Maranatha Christian University



Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. 2nd ed. Hongkong: Cambridge

University Press, 2005.

Echols, John M., and Hassan Shadily. Kamus Indonesia Inggris Edisi Ketiga. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Jakarta, 1992.

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, 1988.

Keller, Kevin Lane. Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity. New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2003.

Lutz, William. Doublespeak. New York: Harper Perennial Publishers, 1990.

Rossiter, John R and Percy, Larry. Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing. Detroit: McGraw-Hill College, 1996.

Vitale, Joe. Hypnotic Writing: How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007.


41 Maranatha Christian University Websites:

“Pond’s”. Unilever Indonesia. 2011. Unilever. 27 May. 2011.

< >

“Sebaceous Glands – Location, Functions and Pictures”. Glands and Organs. 3 January 2011. Prime Health Channel. 6 August 2011.