FUNDING ALLOCATION TO EXTRACURICULAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MANAGEMENT Funding Allocation to Extracurricular Elementary School Management (A Site Study at Elementary School State Jurang Ombo Magelang).

(A Site Study at Elementary School State Jurang Ombo Magelang)


Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for Getting Master Degree of Education
in Educational Management Department




Prof. Dr. Harsono, M.S.
First Consultant

Subject: Thesis of Bambang Nur Widodo

:The Director of Graduate School

Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta

Assalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh.
After reading and giving suggestion to the thesis of

: Bambang Nur Widodo

Student Number

: Q. 100.090.149


: Educational Management


: Funding Allocation to Extracurricular Elementary School
Management (A Site Study at Elementary School State
Jurang Ombo Magelang)

This thesis has been approved to be examined by the board of examiners of
Graduate School, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta

Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh.

First Consultant

Prof. Dr. Harsono, M.S.





Herewith, I testify that in this research paper there is no plagiarism of the
previous literary work which has been raised to obtain master degree of a
university, nor there are opinions or masterpieces which have been written or
published by others, except those the writing which are referred to the manuscripts
mentioned in bibliography.
Hence later, if it is proven that there are some untrue statements in this
testimony, I will hold fully responsibility.


Bambang Nur Widodo




“The true wealth is health, not gold nor silver.”
Mahatma Gandhi

2. “The most important from us is not our mind. But something that guide
our mind i.e. our personality, heart, goodness, and progresive ideas.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Dedicate for:
University that always gives new knowledge
in my life.
My family that always with me.



Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh.
Alhamdulillahirrobil’alamin, praise and gratitude to the Most Mercifull
and the Most Beneficient, Allah SWT, for blessing the writer in accomplishing
this research paper entitled Funding Allocation to Extracurricular Elementary
School Management (A Site Study at Elementary School State Jurang Ombo
Magelang). Praising is also given to the Messanger, our Prophet Muhammad
SAW, peace be upon him, a glorious person who gives his blessing to her in the
future life.
The writer would like to express her deepest gratitude and appreciation to
the people who have ever helped her in finishing this research paper by support,
advise, and even the criticism.

Prof. Dr. Bambang Setiaji, Rector of

Muhammadiyah University of

Surakarta who permitted her to conduct her thesis.

Prof. Dr. Khudzaifah Dimyati, M.Hum., Director of Graduate School who
has given the permission to the writer finishes her thesis.


Prof. Dr. Harsono, M.S., Head of Educational Management Department and
as the expert examiner, who has given some suggestion patiently and wisely
to the writer to complete the research paper.



Dr. Bambang Sumardjoko M. Pd., as the first consultant who has given
guidance and advice from beginning up to the completion of this research


Dra. Dwi Haryanti, M. Hum., as the second consultant who has also given
correction, advice, and guidance in finishing this research paper.


All Lecturers of Educational Management from whom the writer can enrich
her knowledge.


The lifetime motivator, my mother and father for their everlasting effort for
undeniable love, affection, support, and pray that is always spoken every


Everyone who can not be mentioned one by one, thanks so much for the

spirit and support in finishing this research.
The writer realizes that this research paper is far from being perfect, in

order to make it better, the writer accepts some advice and criticism. Finally, the
writer wishes this research paper would be useful for all readers.
Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh.


Bambang Nur Widodo


Bambang Nur Widodo. Q.100.090.149. Funding Allocation to Extracurricular
Elementary School Management (A Site Study at Elementary School State Jurang
Ombo Magelang). Thesis. Graduate School. Muhammadiyah University
Surakarta. 2011.
The objectivesof this research are to (1) to describe the allocation of

extracurricular activities funds at SDN Jurang Ombo Magelang. (2) to describe
the accounting of extracurricular activities fund at SDN Jurang Ombo Magelang.
This is qualitative research and use ethnographic design. This research is
conducted at SDN Jurang Ombo Magelang. The main subjects of this research are
the principal and teachers at SDN Jurang Ombo Magelang. Data collection
methods use in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and documentation.
Analysis of data used data analysis model arranged in site. The validity test of
data used credibility, transferability, conformabilities and dependability.
The results of this research are (1). The allocation of extracurricular
activities fund at SDN Jurang Ombo is conducted by the principal that involve
budget teams, school committees and teachers. Allocation of funds is established
by the allocation of funds that have been through the stages of problem
identification and consideration. Source of fund extracurricular activities is taken
from the state budget, the BOS, SBS, and also community classes. Lack of
extracurricular funds is handled by requesting Rp.10.000.00 for every parent. The
allocation of extracurricular funds at SDN Jurang Ombo Magelang is tailored to
the needs and thawed in 4 stages that is the first quarter until the third quarter. (2)
The accounting of extracurricular activities fund at SDN Jurang Ombo Magelang
is done well. The fund accounting made by budget and school finance or LPJ. The
Accounting of extracurricular fund is created by the Budget Team at the

beginning of a new school year for planning the allocation of extracurricular
funds, while to report the use of extracurricular activity funds is made once a
month. The accounting format is accordance with the instructions of the mayor of
Magelang City. It is noted in the books is an extracurricular activity schedules,
student attendance and coach of extracurricular, the need for implementation of
extracurricular activities, and also the source of funds. The fund accounting is
duplicated twice; accounting of extracurricular funds is covered with pink cover
that in the first section written the identity of school.
Keywords: allocation, funding, extracurricular, accounting


TITLE ............................................................................................................ i
CONSULTANT NOTE .................................................................................... ii
ACCEPTANCE................................................................................................ iii
TESTIMONY ................................................................................................... iv
MOTTO AND DEDICATION ........................................................................ v
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ix
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1
A. Background of the Research...................................................... 1
B. Focus of the Research .............................................................. 4
C. Objective of the Research ........................................................ 4
D. Benefit of the Research ............................................................ 4
E. Glossary................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER II THEORY .................................................................................. 6
A. Extracurricular Activities ......................................................... 6
B. Extracurricular Activities Management .................................... 6
C. Extracurricular Fund Management ........................................... 7
D. Previous Research .................................................................... 9
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ......................................................... 11
A. Type and Design of the Research .............................................11
B. Location of the Research ..........................................................11
C. Role of the Researcher .............................................................12
D. Data and Data Source...............................................................13
E. Data Collection ........................................................................14
F. Data Analysis ...........................................................................15
G. The Validity of Data ...............................................................16
CHAPTER IV DESCRIPTION DATA AND FINDING ................................17
A. Data Description ......................................................................17


1. Extracurricular Activities Fund Allocation at Elementry
School State Jurang Ombo Magelang ................................. 17
2. Extracurricular Activities Fund Accounting at Elementry
School State Jurang Ombo Magelang .................................22
B. Finding ....................................................................................25
1. Extracurricular Activities Fund Allocation at Elementry
School State Jurang Ombo Magelang ................................. 25
2. Extracurricular Activities Fund Accounting at Elementry
School State Jurang Ombo Magelang .................................25
CHAPTER V DISCUSSION AND PROPOSITION ......................................27
A. Discussion ..............................................................................27
1. Extracurricular Activities Fund Allocation at Elementry
School State Jurang Ombo Magelang ................................. 27
2. Extracurricular Activities Fund Accounting at Elementry
School State Jurang Ombo Magelang .................................33
B. Proposition..............................................................................36
1. Extracurricular Activities Fund Allocation .........................36
2. Extracurricular Activities Fund Accounting .......................36
CHAPTER VI CLOSING ...............................................................................37
A. Conclusion ..............................................................................37
B. Implications ............................................................................37
C. Recomendation ........................................................................38
REFERENCES ...............................................................................................39



Table 4.1 Extracurricular Fund Allocation at Elementry School State Jurang
Ombo Magelang ................................................................................................20



Appendix 1 The students’ achievement of Elementry School State Jurang Ombo
Appendix 2 RAPBS or School Budget Planning of Elementry School State Jurang
Ombo Magelang
Appendix 3 APBS or School Budget of Elementry School State Jurang Ombo


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