





Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) in Teaching English


Miftakhul Indra Lestari












Lestari, Miftakhul Indra. (2015). The Correlation between Students’ Multiple

Intelligences and Students’ Proposal writing Score. A Thesis. English Teacher Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya. Advisor: Sigit Pramono Jati

Key Words: multiple intelligences, correlation, proposal writing score

Proposal writing is one of the continually subject at the fifth semester curriculum in

English Teacher Education Department and most of students’ score are decreased for

this subject. To know why the students’ score are decreased in proposal writing, the

researcher correlates it with multiple intelligence. Since in the State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya, most of researchers just conduct the research from external factor, such as: learning strategies, methodology and etc. But, in this university, there is no research which discusses from internal factor, such as multiple intelligence. Therefore, the researcher conducts the research in this university to

know whether there is correlation between students’ multiple intelligence and

students’ proposal writing score, since the previous researcher never conducts the

research about multiple intelligence for students in this university. The respondents are 79 students at the sixth semester of English Teacher Education Department who took proposal writing in the previous semester. This research is a quantitative research and uses correlation as the technique for analysing the data. The instruments are test and study document. For Multiple Intelligence (MI) test, the questionnaire is

developed by V Chisslettt MSc and A Chapman (2005-06) based on Gardners’

model. In addition, the proposal writing score is obtained from the lecturers of proposal writing class. After collecting both of the data, the researcher analyses it using SPSS version 16. The finding shows that there is positive correlation between three intelligences and proposal writing score: (verbal-linguistic with Pearson correlation = 0, 248, bodily-kinesthetic with 0, 273 and interpersonal 0, 253). From those result, the value of significant correlation is more than sig. (2-tailed), thus the null correlation is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. It means there is correlation between two variables. Yet, there is negative correlation between four intelligences: (spatial-visual, logical-mathematical, musical-rhytm and intrapersonal).

Finally, it can be inferred that there is no significant correlation between students’ Multiple Intelligences and students’ proposal writing score, since the majority of the



Lestari, Miftakhul Indra. (2015). Hubungan antara Multiple Intellgences Siswa dan

Nilai Proposal Writing Siswa, Skripsi. Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyan dan Keguruan. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Dosen Pembimbing: Sigit Pramono Jati.

Kata Kunci: multiple intelligences, korelasi, nilai proposal writing

Proposal writing adalah salah satu mata kuliah lanjutan yang ada pada semester lima di Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dan kebanyakan mahasiswa memperolah nilai yang menurun pada mata kuliah tersebut. Untuk mengetahui kenapa nilai mahasiswa bisa menurun pada mata kuliah writing proposal, peneliti menghubungkan dengan multiple intelligences. Karena di UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, kebanyakan peneliti-peneliti yang lain hanya membahas penelitian yang berasal dari faktor luar, sebagai contoh: strategi belajar, metode dan lain sebagainya. Namun, di Universitas ini belum ada peneliti yang membahas dari faktor dalam, seperti multiple intelligences. Oleh karena itu, peneliti mengadakan penelitian di Universitas ini untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara multiple intelligences dangan nilai writing proposal siswa. Responden berjumlah 79 orang, yang mana berasal dari mahasiswa dan mahasiswi pendidikan bahasa inggris semester enam yang telah mengambil proposal writing class di semester sebelumnya. Penelitian ini merupaka penelitian kuantitatif dan menggunakan korelasi sebagai teknik menganalisa data. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes dan dokumen. Untuk Multiple Intelligences Test menggunakan kuesioner yang diambil dari

V Chisslettt MSc and A Chapman (2005-06) berdasarkan Gardners’ model.

Dan untuk nilai proposal writing diperoleh dari dosen proposal writing class. Setelah mengumpulkan dari kedua data tersebut, peneliti menganalisa data tersebut menggunakan SPSS versi 16. Berdasarkan hasil dan diskusi menunjukkan bahwa ada korelasi positif antara tiga kecerdasan dan nilai proposal writing: (verbal-linguistic dengan hasil korelasi Pearson = 0, 248, bodily-kinesthetic dengan hasil korelasi Pearson = 0, 273dan interpersonal dengan hasil korelasi Pearson = 0, 253). Hal itu menunjukkan bahwa, hipotesis nol ditolak, dan hipotesis alternatif diterima. Tetapi ada korelasi negatif antara empat kecerdasan dengan (spatial-visual,

logical-mathematical, musical-rhytm and intrapersonal). Sehingga, dapat

disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara Multiple Intellgences Siswa dan Nilai Proposal Writing Siswa, karena mayoritas hasil korelasi dari tujuh kecerdasan adalah negatif.






MOTTO ... iv









CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A.Background of the study ... 1

B.Research Questions ... 6

C.Objective of the Research ... 6

D.Hypothesis ... 7

E. Significance of the Research ... 7

F. Scope and Limit of the Research ... 8

G.Definition of Key Terms ... 8

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A.Review of Related Literature ... 10

1. The Meaning of Intelligence ... 10

2. Multiple Intelligences Theory ... 12

3. Multiple Intelligences Test... 18


B.Review of Previous Studies ... 20

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD A.Research Design ... 34

B.Population and Sample ... 35

C.Research Instrument ... 36

D.Data Collection Technique ... 37

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 38


1. The Students’ Multiple Intelligences Score ... 45

2. The Students’ Proposal writing Score ... 52

3. The Correlation between Students’ Multiple Intelligences and Students’ Proposal writing Score ... 54

B.Discussion ... 62


B.Suggestion ... 69

1. Suggestion for students ... 69

2. Suggestion for further research ... 69





Table 2.1 : The Right Questions ... 17 Table 3.1 : Coefficient Correlation... 41 Table 4.10 : The Result of the Correlation between Linguistic and Proposal

writing Score ... 55 Table 4.11 : The Result of the Correlation between Logical-Mathematical and

Proposal writing Score ... 56 Table 4.12 : The Result of the Correlation between Musical and Proposal

writing Score ... 57 Table 4.13 : The Result of the Correlation between Bodily-Kinesthetic and

Proposal writing Score ... 58 Table 4.14 : The Result of the Correlation between Spatial-Visual and

Proposal writing Score ... 59 Table 4.15 : The Result of the Correlation between Interpersonal and Proposal

writing Score ... 60 Table 4.16 : The Result of the Correlation between Intrapersonal and Proposal

writing Score ... 61 Table 4.17 : The Rank of Coefficient Correlation between Multiple




The aim of this research is to find out whether there is correlation between students’ multiple intelligences and students’ proposal writing score or not. This chapter presents the background of the study, research question, objective of the

research, hypothesis, significance of the research, scope and limits of the research,

and definition of key terms. Each section is presented as follows.

A. Background of the Study

According to Gardner, the term “Multiple Intelligences” refers to the kinds of people abilities in finding and solving the problem, the capability in responding to new situations successfully, and the ability in learning one’s past

experience1. There are seven kinds of Multiple Intelligences. Those are linguistic

intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, spatial-intelligence,

bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and


Multiple intelligences theory is widely applied to education in Indonesia,

especially in formal school. As the researcher finds that Multiple Intelligences


Howard Gardner, “Theory of Multiple Intelligences” (, accessed on January 01, 2015)



theory has been applied to SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Surabaya since 20102. SMP

Muhammadiyah 9 Surabaya is one of the example of the schools which

implements Multiple Intelligences theory as one of the visions of the school.

Therefore, every student who enroll the school have to join Multiple

Intelligences (MI) test. Besides, the teachers also apply Multiple Intelligence

strategy in learning process. Thus, the classroom management in this school has

been conducted based on Multiple Intelligences strategy. That is a good choice

for increasing the effectiveness classroom management. Because the teacher and

students have been familiar with Multiple Intelligences which is needed for knowing students’ intelligences and preparing the lesson based on students’ intelligences.

However, the researcher does not find a kind of Multiple Intelligence

which is applied for students in University. Since Multiple Intelligences test can

indicate the students’ dominant intelligences and recognize their intelligences

earlier, it can increase the students’ awareness of their intelligences thus they

will be able to optimize it well in learning.

Multiple Intelligences (MI) test is different from Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

test. MI test is more complex than IQ test. IQ test only measures the linguistics

intelligence and mathematical intelligence, while MI test measures the seven


A’yunul Fauziyah “The Correlation between Multiple Intelligences Score and English National

Examination Score of The Students in Year Nine of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Surabaya” (Surabaya: IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, 2012), 6.



kinds of intelligence, linguistic intelligence, logical- mathematical intelligence,

spatial-intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence,

interpersonal intelligence, and intrapersonal-intelligence. Gardner uses the term

Profile of Intelligences to refer to the intelligences strength level. Intelligences

are involved and integrated to carry out different task, solve diverse problems,

and progress in various areas3. Hence, intelligences have an essential role for

people to face the problems in many sectors of life especially in learning

language. As stated by Armstrong, intelligence is one of the causes which affect

students success in learning the second or foreign language4. It can be implied

that in learning English, the intelligence is involved as the factor of students

success. Besides, Multiple Intelligence test is designed to figure out what the

type of learner’s intelligence. After knowing that information, it will help the

teacher to teach the students based on their type5.

Multiple Intelligences (MI) test are still rarely used in UIN Sunan Ampel

Surabaya. Therefore, the researcher conducts the research in this university.

Several researchers only uses this test for students in the school not for students


Howard Gardner, The Unschooled Mind: How Children Think and How School Should Teach, Twentieth-Anniversary Edition (New York: Basic Books, 2011), 12.


Thomas, Armstrong. You’re Smarter Than You Think: A Kid’s Guide to Multiple Intelligences. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit, 2002. 65.


The purpose of Multiple Intelligences test ( on July 08, 2015)



in this university. Hence, the researcher conducts the research by using Multiple

Intelligence (MI) test in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

For instance, the researcher finds the problem in the fifth semester students.

The fifth semester students of English Teacher Education Department got low

score in their proposal writing class. Proposal writing is one of the continually

subject in English Teacher Education Department Curriculum, especially for the

fifth semester. The researcher has conducted a survey to the fifth semester

students about the decreased subject score in the previous semester. The subject

here refers to the four language skills, they are listening, speaking, reading and

writing. From the result of the survey shows that 37, 5 % of students answered

writing, 28, 1% answered reading, 21, 8 % answered speaking, and 12, 5 %

answered listening. The result shows that most of the students got decreased

score in writing skill. The researcher chooses four language skills as the object,

because those are the continually subject which have to be taken by students in

every semester. Therefore, this reserch focuses on writing skill, especially

proposal writing at the fifth semester students of English Teacher Education

Department. If the researcher chooses the other semester, it will be hard to do

because they have not obtained the score progress of four language skills. Thus,

it is easier for the researcher to measure and conduct the research in the fifth

semester students.

As Brown states in his book, proposal writing is productive skill which the



are asked to develop their ideas logically6. Since the goal of proposal writing is to

propose a research, the logically thinking is needed, how they develop their logic

reason to make sure the research is important. Logically thinking is one of

logical-mathematical intelligences sign. Therefore, this research examines

whether the students who have dominant intelligences in logical-mathematical

are also good at proposal writing or not. To answer that question, MI test can

help to prove it.

Thus, the researcher tends to correlate between students’ Multiple

Intelligences and students’ proposal writing score. Besides that, it is necessary to be conducted because in this University the other researchers mostly investigate

and research the external factors which affect writing skill, such as: teaching

method, teaching strategy, and so on. Meanwhile, a few of them who investigate

from the internal factor, such as: learning style, intelligences, self efficacy and so

on. But in this case, the researcher will investigate the internal factors namely

multiple intelligences.

The researcher finds two researches which discuss about MI and writing.

The first is the relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Writing Ability of

Iranian EFL Learners by Karim Sadeghi and Bahareh Farzizadeh7. It is almost

similar with this research, but they do the research in Urnia University with 55

participants. The research finds that result there is no significant relationship


. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles... 220


Karim Sadegi- Bahareh Farzizadeh, “The Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Writing



between MI and writing ability. The second research entitles the correlation

between undergraduate EFL student’s MI and their writing achievement by Beni

Wijaya8. It is almost similar with this research, but Beni does the research in

Sriwijaya University with different sample and population. The result from this

research shows that there is significant correlation between MI and writing

achievement; linguistic intelligence with coefficients (r) is 0,409 which is

signifcant at 0,01 level (2-tailed) and interpersonal intelligence with coefficients

(r) is 0,354 which is significant at 0,05 (2-tailed). Linguistic intelligence is the

strongest one.

Yet, there is no research about Multiple Intelligence conducted in English

Teacher Education Department. Therefore, this research aims to find out

whether there is correlation between students’ multiple intelligence and students’

proposal writing score at the fifth semester students of English Teacher

Education Department in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabayaor not.

B. Research Questions

What is the correlation between students’ multiple intelligences and students’

proposal writing score?

C. Objective of the Research

To find out the correlation between students’ multiple intelligences and

students’ proposal writing score.


Beni, Wijaya. The Correlation between Undergraduate EFL Student’s Multiple Intelligence and



D. Hypothesis

The statement of the hypothesis of this study is as follow.

The Hypothesis of this research is “there is significant correlation

between students’ Multiple Intelligences and students’ writing proposal score.

E. Significance of the Research

The result of the study is expected to give benefit for students and

lecturers in English Teacher Education Department.

1. For the students, the result of this research provides information about their

multiple intelligences, thus they understand more about their intelligences.

By knowing that, they will be aware of theirselve to optimize their study

based on their intelligences, thus a good score will be achieved easily.

2. For the lecturer, the result of this research provides information of students’ multiple intelligences which is able to be a resource of the lecturer in

providing appropriate method and materials, especially in proposal writing class by considering students’ multiple intelligences in order to help students being enjoyed and motivated, thus the proposal writing class more


F. Scope and Limits of the Research

In this research, the researcher only focuses on the correlation between multiple intelligences for the student’s proposal writing score. The researcher

does not intend to investigate what factors that cause of decreasing score of



cause the decreasing score of proposal writing. Besides that, the researcher

will do the research only for the fifth semester students of English Teacher

Education Department at proposal writing class.

G. Definition of Key Terms

1. Multiple Intelligences

Gardner as cited in Jensen says that multiple intelligences is the

knowledge or ability to fashion a product or use a skill in a way that is

valued by the culture in which we live9. In this research, the researcher

defines as the kinds of human intelligences which are gathered from MI

test and from the test will show the most predominant intelligence of

individual person.

2. Correlation

A relationship between two ideas, facts etc, especially which one may be

the cause of the other10. Correlation is also defined one of the most widely

measured of association between two or more variables, that is whether an

increase in one variable results in the increase of the other variable11. In

this research, the researcher defines as relations of two things or variables

which are related or not.


EricJensen. Enriching the brain. (San Fransisco. CA: Jossy-Bass, 2006), 25.


Longman Advanced American Dictionary, 2000, Pearson Limited: U.S.


Yoges Kumar Singh. Fundamental Research Methodology and Statistics. (New Delhi: New Age International (p) limited, publishers. 2006), 304



3. Proposal writing Score

Proposal writing includes in types of extensive writing which the writer

focuses on achieving a purpose, organizing and developing ideas

logically, using details to support or illustrate ideas, demonstrating

syntactic and lexical variety12. In this research, the researcher defines as

the score which is obtained from the lecturer of proposal writing.


H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles And Classroom Practice, (California: Pearson Longman, San Fransisco State University, 2003), 220.




This chapter discusses some issues and theories related to the correlation between students’ multiple intelligences and students’ proposal writing score as the focus of the research. There some parts in this chapter, they are the review of related

literature that contain some theories to strenghthen the problem discussed here.

Another part is the review of previous study which also discussed some previous

studies that relates to this research.

A. Review of Related Literature

1. The Meaning of Intelligence

Many people are familiar with word “intelligence”. In specific area or most of people defines that intelligence is the ability or capability of people in doing certain aspect. We can call “smart” if people have good score, the best performance or good achievement in any aspects. But the definition

above is a traditional definition that might be true or false.

The earlier century showed that the theory of intelligence has become

a controversial issue, according to Charles spearman introduced two

categories of intelligence: g – as general intelligence which underlies all



intelligence1. This general and specific intelligence are positively correlated

in mental ability of each person. Conversely, Louis Thurston defined

intelligence as independent factors and these are equally important2. From

those two theories, it can be inferred that intelligence is an important

mentality factor for each person. According to Louis cited in Ivana3, he

introduces seven primary mental abilities: verbal comprehension, verbal

fluency, number or arithmetic ability, memory, perceptual speed, inductive

reasoning, and spatial visualization.

According to Gardner, intelligence is much more than IQ because a

high IQ in the absence of productivity does not equate to intelligence. In his

definition, "Intelligence is a bio psychological potential to process

information that can be activated in a cultural setting to solve problems or

create products that are value in a culture



. Detterman defines as a general


Charles Spearman,. “General Intelligence”, objecttively determined and measured American Journal

of Psychology 15, 1904, 201-293.

(, accessed on March 23, 2015)


Louis Thurstone. Primary mental abilities. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1938. (, accessed on March 23, 2015)


Ivana Cimermanova, “Intelligence and Language Learning” , (http:/, accessed on December 20, 2014)


HowardGardner – J Kane (Eds.). Are there additional intelligences? The case of naturalist, spiritual and existential intelligences, in Education, information and transformation, (Prentice Hall.: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1999), 111-131



mental capability to give a reason, solve problems, think abstractly, learn

and understand new material and profit from past experience5.

From several definitions above, the most popular is stated by Howard

Gardner. He states that there are seven kinds of human’s intelligences:

linguistic-verbal, logical-mathematical, visual/spatial, musical,

bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Then he had added 2 other kind

of intelligences in the late 1999s- naturalistic and existential intelligence, but

the researcher will not focus on these two areas since these types of

intelligence are not included in the seven original types of intelligences

proposed by Howard Gardner.

2. Multiple Intelligences Theory

Multiple Intelligences is the variety of someone’s ability or potential to find and solve the problem, Gardner states. Many people has already

known about how their ability or potential their selves in finding and solving

the problem. But they do not know specifically about it. It means that, every

people have different strengths and weakness in their intelligences.

Each individual person possibly has a combination of two or more

intelligences. Where individuals differ is in the strength of these

intelligences, so called profile of intelligences in which intelligences are

involved and combined to carry out different tasks, solve diverse problems,


Detterman, D.K. 2005. Intelligence. Encarta 2005.[CD-ROM] 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation.

Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. Cited by Ivana Cimermanova, “Intelligence and Language Learning” p.105



and progress in various sectors6. Nowadays, people are familiar with IQ

(Intelligence Quotient) test. They assume that intelligence only can be

measured by IQ test which two types (logical-mathematical and linguistic

intelligence) that would be tested. But, the other kinds of intelligences are

also important information and knowledge for people who join the

intelligence test. By giving various intelligences would be measured in the

test, hopefully the human beings behave in various way of learning would be

known. The seven kinds of intelligence stated by Howard Gardner are shown


a. Verbal-linguistic intelligence

The ability of people while manipulating words and using

language to express and understand complex meaning7. Gardner,

Chapman and Freeman stated that the people who are strong in

verbal-linguistic intelligence usually have a good vocabulary potential which

allows them to read books and to be absorbed in the books and

perform well8.


Howard Gardner, The Unschooled Mind; How Children Think... 14


Nigera, Ibragimova. Thesis for the Degree of Master of Arts in English Language Teaching;

“Multiple Intelligences Theory in Action in EFL Classes: A Case Study” (Gazamagusa, North Cyprus: Eastern Mediterrean University, January 2011), 14.


Carolyn Chapman - Lynn Freeman, Multiple Intelligence: Centers and projects, Arlington Height,



b. Logical-mathematical intelligence

The ability to detect patterns and reason deductively, think

logically. They have good concept of mathematical operations, the

ability to study problems, and conduct scientific investigations.

According to Amstrong, this intelligence is “the understanding and use

of the logical structures, statements and prepositions, through

experimentation, quantification, conceptualization, and classification9.

c. Visual –spatial intelligence

People who have visual spatial intelligence are able to learn

visually and spatially. It encompasses the potential recognize and use

the patterns of wide space and more confines areas as well. It means

that, people who have this intelligence at most, usually easier to

understand by watching, seeing, looking and observing than hearing or

practicing. Therefore, those with a high level of this intelligence have

the ability to use shapes, colors, graphics, space and their mental

imagery in order to discern the space orientation10.

d. Musical-rhythmic intelligence

Musical-rhythmic intelligence is the capability of people who

are able to recognize and compose musical pitches, tones, and


Tom Armstrong, The Multiple Intelligences of Reading and Writing: Making the words come Alive. (Alexandria, Va: The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2003), 153.


James W. Mckenzie, Walking the Walk: Multiple Intelligences in Educator Professional Development. (Massachusetts Computer Using Educators, 2009) 11.



rhythms. Therefore, the mode or tools to utilize this intelligence are

through instruments, environmental sounds, tonal association and the

rhythmic possibilities of life.

e. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

This intelligence is the ability to use mental abilities to

coordinate bodily movements. McKenzie says this intelligence allows us to learn through interaction with one’s environment and he states that it is not a behavior that we called “overly active” learners since people who have this intelligence are usually do bodily movement

more often than others. But this intelligence can be increased through

concrete experience11.

f. Interpersonal intelligence

People who have interpersonal intelligence are able to

understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people.

This type is easier to interact with other people. Armstrong, considers

this intelligence is the ability to tolerance and make distinctions

between other individuals with respect to moods, temperaments,

motivations, intentions and to use this information in pragmatic ways,

such as to persuade, influence, mediate, or counsel individuals or

groups of individuals toward some purpose12.


James W. Mckenzie, Walking the Walk: Multiple Intelligences... 15 12



g. Intrapersonal intelligence

The ability of people to appreciate and construct a perception

of one self, this type is opposite to interpersonal intelligence.

Intrapersonal intelligence is more spending their time to be alone and a

little have interaction with other people or social. Weber says that this

intelligence includes accurate self-knowledge13.

From those explanation above, seven intelligences have different way

to maximize each of their intelligences, which is from seven intelligences

can be applied for the basic curriculum in education. Armstrong states that,

the theory of multiple intelligences can provide as a pattern in developing

strategies for student success14. Thus, He also suggests for the educator is

necessary to make lesson plan by preparing the right question first. Since,

from the right question (comes from multiple intelligence theory), the

effectiveness of learning process can be obtained through multiple

intelligence theory. Although the educator do not use all of the questions in

developing the lesson plan, but they can use one or two intelligences that

they need in order to achieve their purpose well. Some questions mention as



Weber E, MI Strategies In The Classroom And Beyond: Using Roundtable Learning. (USA: Pearson Education, Inc, 2005), 150.

14Thomas Armstrong, “Multiple Intelligences: Seven Ways to Approach Curriculum”.

Strategiesfor Success. Vol. 52 No. 3, 1994, 27




Table 2.1,

The Right Questions Multiple


The Right Questions

Linguistic How can I use the spoken or written word?


How can I bring in numbers, calculation, logic,

classifications, or critical thinking?

Spatial-Visual How can I use visual aids, visualization, color,

art, metaphor, or visual organizers?

Musical How can I bring in music or environmental

sounds, or set key points in a rhytm or


Bodily-Kinesthetic How can I involve the whole body, or

hands-on experiences?

Interpersonal How can I engage students in peer or cross-age

sharing, cooperative learning, or large-group


Intrapersonal How can I evoke personal feelings or



3. Multiple Intelligence Test

Before becoming MI (Multiple Intelligence) Test, In the 1900, a

talented psychologist, his named Alfred Binet discovers successfully his discover, namely “intelligence test” and it’s called the IQ for “intelligence quotient” test16

. This test is attempted to over million American military recruits. Since using of the IQ Test by the U.S army in the conflict, Binet’s invention has truly arrived. Ever since, the IQ test seems like psychology’s biggest success and becomes a genuinely useful scientific tool.

After discovering the IQ Test, people are not only able to measure someone’s actual or potential height, but also they are able measure someone’s actual or potential intelligence. Besides the IQ Test, there is also another version, namely the SAT Test. The SAT is originally name for

Scholastic Aptitude Test. Those two tests only measure verbal and math


Moreover, in the 1980s, Gardner also introduces the theory about

intelligence17. But Gardner’s discovery is more complex than Binet’s

discovery. Gardner proposes a pluralistic of mind, recognizes many different

and discrete aspect of cognition, acknowledges that every single have

different cognitive strengths and contrasts cognitive styles which is called

Multiple Intelligence Test. From this test, all normal individuals posses each


Howard Gardner, Multiple Intelligence: new horizon. (New York: Basic Books 2006), 3.




of skill, those are not only verbal and math scores tested, but also seven

kinds intelligences (verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical

musical-rhythmic, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial-visual, interpersonal and intrapersonal).

4. Proposal Writing

Proposal writing is a kind of academic writing. This writing is always

given by the students in university before writing up a thesis. Proposal

writing also types of extensive writing which the writer focuses on achieving

a purpose, organizing and developing ideas logically, using details to support

or illustrate ideas, demonstrating syntactic and lexical variety18.

According to Brown, there are four types of writing performance.

Those are imitative, intensive, responsive and extensive. Proposal writing

include in extensive type. Since extensive writing is the implication of all the

processes and strategies of writing for all purposes, up to the length of an

essay, a term paper, a major research projects report, or even a thesis. Writer

focuses on achieving a purpose, organizing and developing ideas logically,

using details to support or illustrate ideas, demonstrating syntactic and

lexical variety, and in many cases, engaging in the process of multiple drafts

to achieve a final product. Focus on grammatical form is limited to

occasional editing or proofreading of a draft19.


H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment... 220




It can be inferred that, the aim of proposal writing is more complex

than others type. Since the assessment of proposal writing is not only for the

spelling, collocations, idioms and connecting the sentences into a paragraph,

but also the achieving a purpose, organizing and developing ideas logically

are needed. Thus, for proposal writing is to build the understanding of the

reader which is the writer should develop the writing with logical ideas, use

the fact and details to support the writing itself.

B.Review of Previous Study

Concerning to the students’ multiple intelligences and student’s proposal writing score, there are several previous studies that relate to this research

discusses as follows:

1. The Relationship between Iranian EFL High School Students’ Multiple

Intelligence Scores and their Use of Learning Strategies20

The research is conducted by Karim Hajahsemi in Islamic Azad

University, Hesarak, Tehran, Iran which collects the data from the participants

who are from different disciplines (17 humanities, 22 experimental sciences,

28 mathematics, and 162 others). This study focuses on correlation MI score

and LLS (Language Learning Strategy). The instrument is used by the

researcher to elicit information for this study are McKenxie’s (1999) MI


Karim Hajhashemi, “The Relationship between Iranian EFL High School Students’ Multiple

Intelligence Scores and their Use of Learning Strategies”.English Language Teaching. Vol. 4 No. 3, 2011, 214.



inventory and Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL)

questionnaire. The findings reveal that there is positive correlation between

MI and different types. The highest correlation is seen between

meta-cognitive strategies and MI, followed by compensation and meta-cognitive

strategies. Furthermore, the findings reveal that Iranian students mostly use

meta-cognitive strategies followed by social strategies.

The strength of this research is in collecting the data which is not only

from the similar disciplines but also in the other disciplines. A lot of

participants are quite supported the result of the study. More participants will

be more valid of a research. It is almost similar with the researcher wants to

do in the research, but the previous researcher focused on MI score and LLS

(Language Learning Strategy), and the researcher wants to correlate students’

MI and students’ Proposal writing score. Thus, the different is from the

variable and also the participants.

2. The Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Reading Proficiency of

Iranian EFL Students21

In this research, Karim and friends examined the relationship between

MI and reading proficiency of Iranian EFL pre-university students and to look

into the role that gender plays. It means, besides to investigate whether any

correlation between MI and reading proficiency of students, the author also


Karim Hajhasemi, Kourosh Akef, Neil Anderson “The Relationship between Multiple Intelligences

and Reading Proficiency of Iranian EFL Students” World Applied Sciences Journal. Vol. 19. No. 10, 2012, 1475.



have the purpose to differ from the result of gender (male and female) if from

the gender also caused the relationship or not.

They use t-test to analyze the data and a descriptive and ex post facto

is employed to accomplish the objectives of the study and to identify the

relationship among two variables. It is found that there is a statistically

significant difference in the mean of musical-rhythmic intelligence scores of

the low achievers and the high achievers which is positive and stronger among

the low achievers. Accordingly, it seems that the high achievers may have

lower musical intelligence, which also found between the mean

bodily-kinesthetic intelligence scores of the two genders which was positive and

stronger the females. And the conclusion revealed that there is no significant

correlation between MI and Reading Competency of Iranian EFL Students

(both of male and female).

The strength of this research is the more participants, the more

representative the research. And Karim and friends collect the data from 128

male and female pre-university students (54 males, 74 females). The difference between the Karim and friends’ research with this research is from the participants, locus and methodology, since this research uses correlation

technique and collects the data from 83 participants, but Karim and friends



3. The Multiple Intelligences Profiles of Foreign-Language Text Books by First

Graders at SMA Wachid Hasyim 2 Taman Sidoarjo by Nizar22

The researcher analyzes the students’ text book by using multiple intelligences profile. This research uses a qualitative descriptive study by

using document/content analysis which involved just the frequencies and

percentage in the various categories. Then, he analyzes students’ multiple

intelligences profile. Thus, the researcher does not correlate among two variables or more, but only analyzed if the students’ text books in accordance with the students’ multiple intelligence. The result of this research shows that inconsistency between students’ MI profiles and the MI profiles of textbooks. In other words, most activities in the textbooks used by students are not

catered for their types of intelligence.

For the differences with my research is about the variable and the

research method. This research focuses on analyzing the text book and students’ intelligence by using multiple intelligences profile, which make sure that if students’ text books are accordance with students’ multiple intelligence. The researcher used qualitative method. Finally, the result is the textbook that

the students used did not address students’ MI profiles. In my research, the

dependent variable is proposal writing score which is correlated with MI score

as the independent variable. The researcher uses quantitative method, which


Muchammad Nizar, “The Multiple Intelligences Profiles of Foreign-Language Text Books by First Graders at SMA Wachid Hasyim 2 Taman Sidoarjo”. (Surabaya: UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya,



correlate MI score and students’ writing score. Finally, the result is to answer if any correlation between two variables above.

4. The Relationship between Multiple Intelligences, Self-Efficacy and Academic

Achievement of Saudi Gifted and Regular Intermediate Students23

The aim of this research is to investigate and describe the multiple

intelligence (MIs) and self-efficacy profiles that characterize Saudi female

(gifted/regular) third intermediate students and their relationship to the

achievement of EFL language skills and aspects. The sample consists of 85

Saudi female third intermediate grade students, 43 are identified as gifted and

42 are regular students. There are three kinds of instruments that the

researcher used, the Multiple Intelligence Inventory, the Self-efficacy Scale,

and A Language Achievement Test. For the result of the data, the most

preferred intelligence types among gifted and regular participants is

interpersonal. Musical intelligence is the least preferred intelligence among

both groups. The research also releals that there is significant correlation

between Mis and achievement in spesific language skills and aspects.

The differences of this research with the researcher does is from the

participants and variables. In this research, Aly takes a sample from three

different respondents which are from Saudi female intermediate grade

students, gifted students and regular students. Meanwhile, the researcher takes


Aly AKoura Safaa M Al-Hebaishi “The Relationship between Multiple Intelligences,

Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement of Saudi Gifted and Regular Intermediate Students”



population as the respondent of the research which is the students of English

Teacher Education Department at the sixth semester students who took

proposal writing class in the previous semester. After it, the variables are very

different. For this research, he focuses on self-efficacy and academic

achievement, conversely the researcher only focuses on proposal writing.

5. On the Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Grammatical and

Writing Accuracy of Iranian Learners of English24

The researchers conduct this research on the Islamic Azad University

of Takestan, Islamic Azad University of Karej and Imam Khomeini

International University in Qazvin. Abbas and friends investigate between

four types of intelligence (logical, interpersonal, verbal, and intrapersonal) and

grammatical and writing accuracy of foreign language learners. The sample is

from 190 male and female students of Takestan, Karej and Azad University.

To accomplish the aim of this research, the instruments are a 40-item Mis

(multiple intelligences) questionnaire, a 35-item Michigan grammar test, and a

writing test. regression analyses is used for analysing the data.

The result of the data shows that both intrapersonal and interpersonal

intelligence are predictors of grammar accuracy and intrapersonal intelligence makes a statistically significant contribution to predicting students’ writing accuracy. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the differences


Abbas Ali Zarei – Fatemeh Mohseni “On the Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and

Grammatical and Writing Accuracy of Iranian Learners of English”US-China Foreign Language. Vol. 10, No. 7, 2012, 1306.



between Abbas and friends with the researcher does are the process of

analysing the data and the participants. Regression analyse is used in this

research to know the correlation among the variables, but the researcher uses

correlation as the technique in analysing the data. After that, the participants

are also from three universities, meanwhile the researcher takes the

respondents only for the sixth semester students of English Teacher Education

Department of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

6. On the Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Language


The aim of this research to examine the strength of the relationship

between language profciency in English and the 9 types of intelligences.

There are two objectives in this research, the first objective of the study is to

investigate the relationship between multiple intelligences and language

proficiency among the Iranian Ph. D candidates. The second objective of the

study is to explore whether one of the intelligence types or a combination of

intelligences are predictors of language proficiency.

Language proficiency test and multiple intelligence questionnaire as

the instruments which are distributed for 278 males and female Iranians. For

analysing the data, the Seyyed uses central tendency measures (mean and

standard deviation). After that, he uses correlation, regression analysis and


Sayyed Ayatollah Razmjoo “On the Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Language Proficiency” The Reading Matrix. Vol. 8, No. 2, 2008, 155.



independent t-test. The results of the data indicates that there is no significant

correlation between language proficiency and the combination of intelligences

in general. Similarly, the results show that there is no significant difference

between male and female participants. Thus, the differences of this research

and the researcher does are about the instruments, he uses 9 types of

intelligence, and the researcher uses 7 types of intelligence. For analysing the

data, correlation, regression and t-test are used for this research. Meanwhile,

the researcher only uses correlation in analysing the data.

7. The Study of the Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Learning

Strategies among Iranian EFL learners26

The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between

multiple intelligences and learning strategies. The participants are 70 students.

Roya and Alireza uses 70-item Likert scale MI Inventory for adults which is

prepared by Armstrong and learning strategies questionnaire developed by

Oxford. For analysing the data, they uses SPSS 15 to know the result of

correlation. The result shows that a moderate relationship between

meta-cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies with linguistic, musical and

bodily-kinesthetic intelligences.

Thus, the differences between Roya and Alireza’s research and the researcher does is from the dependent variables. They uses learning strategies


Roya Davar A – Alireza Karbalaei “The Study of the Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Learning Strategies among Iranian EFL learners” European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences. Vol. 2, No. 2, 2013, 1805



as the dependent variables, meanwhile the researcher uses proposal writing as

the dependent variable.

8. Multiple Intelligence Scores of Science Stream Students and Their Relation

with Reading Competency in Malaysian University English Test (MUET)27

Razak and Zaini concern with students’ reading competency. This

research attempt to discover the relationship between Science Stream students’ competency on linear and non-linear texts in Malaysian University English Test (MUET) with Multiple Intelligence to reveal the prominent type

of Multiple Intelligence that significantly predicts the Science Scream students’ performance on the different text of reading component.

For collecting the data, the researcher uses two instruments, they are

the Reading Comprehension of Malaysian University English Test (MUET)

and Multiple Intelligence questionnaire. The participants are 60 diploma

students are chosen to represent the Science Stream group. The result of this

research shows that there is positive correlation of the total score in MUET

reading component as well as in linear text section with Music-Rhytmic,

Bodily-Kinesthetic, and Interpersonal Intelligence.

It is almost similar with the researcher wants to do. But in this case,

the researchers correlate MI score and reading competency. So, the different is

from the dependent variable, which is the reading competency. And the


Norizan Abdul Razak – Nuramirah Zaini “Multiple Intelligence Scores of Science Stream Students

and Their Relation with Reading Competency in Malaysian University English Test (MUET)”



reading competency is not gathered from reading class like the researcher

wants to do in the writing class, but Razak and Zaini do the correlation of

reading competency in Malaysian University English Test (MUET).

9. The Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Writing Ability of

Iranian EFL Students28

The purpose of this research is to to find the relationship between

multiple intelligences and learning of L2 language skills, that is writing

ability. The participants of this research are from the general populations of

Urmia University students. They are the students of English Language and

Literature at the English Language and Literature Department. The class

consists of 55 male and female, within the age range 18-25.Sadeghi and his

friend obtains the data from participants uses Armstrong MI questionnaire

which used Likert Scale. For writing ability is tested using an IELTS writing

task. Then, the scoring of writing is done analytically following pre-specified

criteria. Thus, the score of MI and writing ability are obtained.

For analyzing the data, the researcher uses Pearson Correlation and

Multiple Regression. The result shows that the components of MI do not have

a significant relationship with the writing ability of the participants. For the

differences with my research is about the instruments. This researcher uses MI

test which is adapted from by V Chislett MSc and A


Karim Sadeghi –Bahareh Farzizadeh “The Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Writing



Chapman, since this research mostly uses the theory of MI from Howard


Thus, MI test which is adapted from Chisslett and Chapmen is chosen

as the main instrument, because they use howard Gardner theory as their basic

for making the MI test. But Sadeghi uses Armstrong MI Questionnaire as the

instruments. And for collecting students’ writing ability, Sadeghi gathers it

using IELTS writing task. Meanwhile, the researcher gathers it from the

lecturer of proposal writing score.

10. The Correlation between Multiple Intelligences Score and English National

Examination Score of The Students in Year Nine of SMP Muhammadiyah 9


The purpose of this research is to discover whether any correlation between students’ MI score and their result of English National Examination. The data are the score of MI and English national examination from 63 students at the third year in academic 2010/2011. A’yunul uses documentation

as the data collection technique. The score of students’ multiple intelligence

and English national examination are obtained from the school report card.

For this research, the researcher does not use technique sampling, but all the

population is chosen.


A’yunul Fauziyah “The Correlation between Multiple Intelligences Score and English National Examination Score of The Students in Year Nine of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Surabaya” (Surabaya: IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, 2012), 1.



This research is almost similar with the researcher does, but A’yunul

does the research in SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Surabaya. It is similar locus, that

is Surabaya, but it has different participants. She collects the data from the students’ of SMP Muhammadiyah, but the researcher collects the data from

the students’ of English Teacher Education Department of UIN Sunan Ampel

Surabaya. For analyzing the data, she uses SPSS to calculate how many score

of the correlation between MI score and English national examination score.

The result shows that there is no significant correlation among two

variables (MI score and English national examination). The system of MIR

(Multiple Intelligence Research) does not run well in the implementing the

subject learning in the school. From those result above, it can be inferred the

correlation among two variables are negatively shown in the school.

Moreover, the researcher does the research in the University, which are

different students, grade and locus.

11. The Correlation between Undergraduate EFL Students’ Multiple Intelligences

and Their Writing Achievement30

This research is conducted by Beni Wijaya to investigate if there is a

significant correlation between multiple intelligences of the graduate EFL

students in Indonesia and their writing achievement. Beni uses correlation study as the methodology to find the correlation between the students’

30Beni Wijaya, “The Correlation between Undergraduate Students’ Multiple Intelligences and Their



multiple intelligences and their writing achievement. The data are obtained

from questionnaire and writing test. The questionnaire determines the students’ multiple intelligence. Then writing determines their writing achievement. Thus, two variables above are correlated by using SPSS. Then,

the results from correlation analysis shows that there are two types of

intelligence and interpersonal intelligence, in which linguistics intelligence is

the most influential one.

The differences Beni’s research and this research are the participants, locus and how to collect the data. The researcher conducts the research at the

fifth semester students of English Teacher Education Department in UIN

Sunan Ampel Surabaya. But, Beni does the research in Sriwijaya University.

He also does writing test for the participants.

From that research, it can be inferred that the researcher will not correlate with

writing achievement which is gathered by the previous researcher in each

semester, but in this case the researcher will correlate with proposal writing score

which is the score obtained from the lecturer. Since, the researcher assumes that

the score from the lecturer is more valid than the researcher gather the proposal

writing score by herself for doing proposal writing test.

The previous studies above discusses about the correlation between Multiple

Intelligences score and some certain variables (the use of learning strategy, reading



achievement). From those certain variables, the research which is almost similar with this research conducted by Beni. But, the difference is Beni’s research more general. This research specify the research only for proposal writing score,

meanwhile he does the research for writing achievement in each semester. Thus, this research is more emphasizing to find out the correlation between students’ MI and students’ proposal writing score.



This chapter consists of some principle components of the research

methods used in this research. They are research design, population and

sample, research instruments, data collection technique, and data analysis


A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher uses correlation field study design.

Since the aim of correlation field study design is to assess the extent of the

relationships (correlation) between independent variables and dependent

variables1. Correlation field study design is chosen as the design of this

research, automatically this research is quantitative research.

According to Aliaga and Gunderson cited in Daniel states that quantitative research is “explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analyzed using mathematically based methods (in particular statistics)”2

. The quantitative data of the research which is used in this design

is the correlation study. The phenomena explained in this research are

Multiple Intelligence score and proposal writing score by students in the sixth

semester of English Teacher Education Department, especially who are in the


Tharenou Phyllis, Ross Donohue, Brian Coper. Management Research Method (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 46.




proposal writing class. Then the use of correlation design is for knowing the

relationship between both variables.

There are two variables in this research. The first is independent

variable, independent variable is variable that occurs naturally; there is no

manipulation or control over it (influence of dependent variable). The

independent variable is Multiple Intelligence score and the symbol is X. The

second is dependent variable. Dependent variable is variable which is

influenced by independent variable (output). The dependent variable is

proposal writing score and the symbol is Y.

B. Population and Sample

Population is generalization area that consists of object/subject. It has

special quality and characteristics based on the criteria decided by researcher,

then to be learned and concluded3. Population in this research is the sixth

semester students of English Teacher Education Department in proposal

writing class. The total populations are 83 students. If the research population

is less than 100, the sample is taken is all of them. On the other hand, if the

research population is more than 100, then the sample that is taken between

10-15% or 20-25% or more4. Based on the statements, the researcher decides

to obtain the score of Multiple Intelligence and proposal writing from all the


Prof. Dr. Sugiyono, Statistika untuk Penelitian (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2013), 61


Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Pendekatan Praktek. (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2010). 134



students in the fifth semester students, since the the larger of the recipients is

more representative the result of the data.

C. Research Instruments

The researcher uses some instruments for this research as follows:

1. Test

The test is a set of stimulation which is given by the researcher to the

respondents in order to get the answer that can be used as the base of

determining the score5. The instrument is adapted from V Chislett MSc

and A Chapman which enable the researcher to measure MI score of

students individually6. This test published in 2005-2006 will be used by the

researcher to determine students’ MI score since the items in the test are

arranged based on Howard Gardner’s MI model.

2. Study Document

For collecting the data of students proposal writing score, the

researcher uses study document which is obtained from the lecturer of

proposal writing and then analyze the document to get the score of students’ proposal writing.


S. Margono, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan. (Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta,1997), 170.


Chisslett, V – Chapman, A. (2005). Free Multiple Intelligences test, from (Http:// tests, accessed on December 05, 2014).



D. Data Collection Technique

The first step to collect the data is choosing the participants. The

participants of this research are the sixth semester students who took proposal

writing class in the previous semester. The next step is choosing the

instrument. The instrument will be used in this research is questionnaire

(scaling questions questionnaire) and study document.

The researcher will collect the data from the fifth semester students by

giving the questionnaire (scaling questions questionnaire) for obtaining the students’ Multiple Intelligence score. For collecting the data of proposal writing, the researcher chooses study documents as the technique. This

technique will help the researcher to study the proposal writing score of the

students after obtaining the score of students’ final exam of proposal writing

from the lecturer of proposal writing.

To answer the research question, “What is the correlation between the students’ multiple intelligences and the students’ proposal writing score?” is required the students’ Multiple Intelligence score and students’ proposal writing score. The researcher gathers it by distributing the questionnaire of MI

test to all of the sixth semester students in English Teacher Education Department. For collecting the students’ proposal writing score, the researcher obtains it from the lecturer of proposal writing, then uses study document



According to Karl Pearson cited in Anas, states that the formula of

Pearson Product Moment is one of the correlation technique which is mostly

used to correlate among two variables7. It is required seek the correlation

between two variables. The first variable is students’ Multiple Intelligences

score and it is called independent variable. Another variable is the students’ proposal writing score and it is called dependent variable.

E. Data Analysis Technique

After collecting the data of students’ multiple intelligences and

students’ proposal writing score. The researcher analyzes, examines,

interpretes and concludes the result of the research. For general of the

technique of analysis the data is done these following steps8.

1. Preparation

In this step, the data about students’ multiple intelligences and students’ proposal writing score are checked the accomplishment and choose the data needed or not.

2. Tabulation

In the tabulation, the data of students’ multiple intelligences and students’ proposal writing score are classified and put in a table. It will be known by seeing chapter IV.


Anas Sudjono, “Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan” (Jakarta: Rajagrafindo Persada, 2011), 190.




3. Application of the formula suitable with the approach of the


After collecting the data, the researcher will analyze and measure it

by using descriptive quantitative technique that is correlation

technique. Because the data will come from questionnaire and

which is counted and scored by numeric. Then calculate it using

correlation product moment technique. Product of the moment

correlation is one of the correlation techniques which correlate

among two variables. The coefficient of correlation computed by

this method is known as Product Moment coefficient of correlation

symbolically represented by „r’9.This technique is developed by

Karl Pearson cited in Anas, That is why called Pearson

Correlation Technique10.

Then, the researcher formulates the data using index

correlation number (rxy)11:


Kultur Singh, Quantitative Social Research Method. (New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2007), 307.


Anas Sudjono, “Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan” ... 190.





rxy = Correlation coefficient of variable X and Y

N = Number of cases

x = Independent variable (students’ MI score)

y = Dependent variable (students’ proposal writing score)

xy = The sum of the product of paired score multiplication

of x and y scores for each student

x = The sum of x (students’ MI score)

y = The sum of y (students’ proposal writing score)

x2 = The sum of square of students’ MI scores

y2 = The sum of square of students’ writing propoal scores (x)2 = The square of the sum of students’ MI scores

(y)2 = The square of the sum of students’ proposal writing scores

After collecting the data, the researcher looks for x and y, the



r table to know the output of coefficient correlation is significant

or not (can be generalization).

In t table, the researcher uses the standard of significance of 0,

05 or 5% (the reliability is 95%). The output of that can be

conclusion with looking at that, when arithmetic r is more than r

table means Ho is pushed way and Ha is accepted and the conclusion is “there is correlation and vice versa” and could be written:

Ho : p = 0

Ha : p ≠ 012

The coefficient correlation which got from that formula is interpreted based on the guidance Sugiyono’s book. It shows the interval of coefficient and the level of relationship between the

two variables below13.

Table 3.1,

Coefficient Correlation

Interval of Coefficient Relationship Level

0,00 - 0,199 Very weak

0,20 - 0,399 Weak


Anas Sudjono, “Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan... 218




0,40 - 0,599 Enough

0,60 - 0,799 Strong

0,80 - 1,000 Very strong

The correlation coefficient has some important properties. Mark

Belnaves and Peter Caputi explain that the magnitude of the correlation

coefficient indicates the strength of the relationship between the variables.

The values of the correlation coefficient can range from -1 to +1. A coefficient

close to +1 or to -1 indicates a strong relationship between two variables.

Scores closes to zero indicated the absence of a relationship between the two

variables. The variables are positively related, if the coefficient has positive


The researcher also uses SPSS 16 as the application for this research in

order to make the calculation easier and more valid. The level of significance

0,05 is used and the value of sig from output of SPSS. The value of sig is

higher than the level of significance, it means that the null hypothesis is

rejected and the alternative hyphothesis is accepted (there is significant

correlation). If the value of sig is lower than the level of significance, it means

that the null hypothesis is accepted and the alternative hypothesis is rejected


Mark Balnaves and Peter Caputri, Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods an Investigative Approach. (London: SAGE Publication Ltd, 2001), 155.



(there is no significant correlation). The table of data collection and analysis

step more detail shows as follow:

Figure 3.2,

The step of data collection and analysis

From the table above, the researcher divides into three steps for

analysing the data. The first step is gather the respondent which is in this

research is the sixth semester students. The second is the researcher collects the data of students’ multiple intelligence score from multiple intelligence test and for proposal writing score is from final score of proposal writing.

The Correlation MI and Proposal writing obtained (3) Score analyzed and correlated using SPSS 16

Multiple Intelligences Score Proposal writing Score

(2) Score collected

Multiple Intelligences Test Final Score of Proposal writing

(1) Respondent gathered The sixth semester students



And the third step is analysing tha data. For analysing the data, the

researcher uses SPSS 16.

The score of multiple intelligences and proposal writing are put into

data view. Then, choose analyze  correlate-bivariate. Bivariate correlation

is chosen, since that function is to know the correlation between two

variables and also can be used to find variable that has more than one sub

variable as multiple intelligence. Then, automatically the result of correlation




Concerning with the statement of the problems, in this chapter the researcher

describes and analyzes the findings during the research process conducted at English

Teacher Education Department at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. It is intended to

answer the problem of the study. In finding, the researcher describes the process of

calculating and presenting result of the data. Furthermore, in the discussion the

researcher integrates and explains more about the finding of the research.

A. Findings

The researcher does the research and gets the complete data from all the

research instruments including MI Test and Study Document. To gain the

objectives of the research, the researcher analyzes the data systematically and

accurately. Then, the data analyzes in order to draw conclusion about the

objective of the study. The purpose of findings are to answer research question in

chapter one. Researcher describes the findings in this chapter into three parts.

They are described as follows:

1. The Students’ Multiple Intelligences Score

After distributing MI Test, the researcher gets the result of the test. It

is found that all types of intelligences are possessed by the sixth semester



Surabaya who took proposal writing class in the previous semester. From 83

students who are included in the population, 4 students are absent when the

research conducted. Thus, there are 79 students who join the MI Test.

The MI test is conducted on 4th and 8th of May 2015. The result of the

research is analyzed by the researcher on the 8th and 9th of June 2015. The

table of all the result scores detail (students’ multiple intelligence and

proposal writing score) can be seen in Appendix 1. The result of the students’ multiple intelligence analysis is summarized in the following table.

Chart 4.1,

The Whole Result of Students’ Multiple Intelligence

0 5 10 15 20 25 30



From the table above, the researcher finds that there are 5 students

have high score in Linguistic Intelligence (5,3 %). 6 students have high score

in Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (6,3 %). 28 students have high score in

Musical Intelligence (29,5 %). 6 students have high score in

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (6,3 %). 7 students have high score in Spatial-Visual

Intelligence (7,4 %). 14 students have high score in Interpersonal

Intelligence (14,7 %) and 29 students have high score in Intrapersonal

Intelligence (30,5 %).

From MI Test, total respondents of MI Test become 95 students from

79 students, since there are some students who have more than one

intelligence. Hence, there are 16 respondents who come from several

students. The data is matched with theory that stated by Gardner if each

individual person possibly has a combination of two or more intelligences1.

Their score range from 10-40. The data shows that the most predominant of

students is in intrapersonal intelligence, 30,5 % students have tendencies in

intrapersonal intelligence.

The preeminent of students for each intelligence show in table above.

For more detail about the score of students’ preeminent in each intelligences

is shown in the following table.




Chart 4.2,

The Students’ Range Score of Linguistic Intelligence

Chart 4.3,

The Students’ Range Score of Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

10,0-20,0 21,0-30,0 31,0-40,0



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

10,0-20,0 21,0-30,0 31,0-40,0





Based on the conclusion of the study, the suggestions are given for the

students, lecturers and further research.

1. Suggesstion for the Students

From the data finding, mostly shows negatively correlation between

students’ multiple intelligence and proposal writing score. Thus, students multiple intelligence is not the cause of their score decreased in writing. But

then, students can be more concerned with their strength and weakness of

intelligences. Since from those two things, it can help them to solve their

problem in doing subject. If they know and recognize their intelligence well,

automatically they know how the best way to study about the subject is.

2. Suggesstion for the Further Research

The researcher only takes two variables, students’ multiple intelligence

and students’ proposal writing score. For the further research, the researcher expects to try using two or more variables with multiple intelligence. For

example by doing the research to all of integrated skill, such as: listening,

speaking, reading and writing. Since by doing the research more spesific,



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