The Filing Procedure of Incoming and Outgoing Letters at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesai Area Work Group (AWG) Kudus - UDiNus Repository



This paper has been approvedby the Board of Examiners,Diploma IrI Study
Program of English f.anguage, Faculty of Languages and Letters, Dian
NuswantoroUniversif on I August 2003.

Boardof Examiners


SundaruEko P., S.S.

Approved by :

' {l-r'iiitt


Alhamdulillah,first of all, I would like to expressmy deepestgratitude
to Allah swr, for the mercy,blessingand guidancefor me, so I could frnish my
pap€r.Next,Iwouldlike to thank:
1. The Dean of Faculty of Languagesand Letters of Dian Nuswantoro
University,who gavepermissionto me to conductthis study.
2. Ms. Ardini SuryoAndriani, S.S.,thePapercoordinatorof Diploma III Study
Program of English, Faculty of Languagesand Letters, Dian Nuswantoro
University,who gavepermissionto me to conductthis study.
3. All staffsof PT. TelekomunikasiIndonesiaArea work Group(AwG ) Kudus,
especiallyto Mr. SoekardjoBourham,the Managerof the companywho
permittedme to havea studyat the company.
4. Mr. SundaruEko Putro,S.S.,the adviser,for his guidancefrom the beginning
of the completionof my paper.
5. My classmates,Shofi and Dian, for their mutual cooperationduring the
implementationof the field studyat PT. TelekomunikasiIndonesiaAreaWork
Group(AWG ) Kudus.
6. H. Moh. Ngasnoand family for giving me everythingand valuable help
duringthe study.
7. My beloved parents,brother Andrik Yo. and sister Erres yo.. who have
supportedandprayedfor my study.I LOVE YOU.


8. My best friend LJmee,Farik, Indra, Ida Lia who always supportedme and
gaveme a nice experiencein everything.
Finally, I do realize that due to my limited ability this papermust have
shortcoming.For this I welcomeany suggestionsand criticisms.

Semarang,I August2003

Niac Yolanda


This paper, entitled " The Filing Procedure of Incoming and Outgoing
Letters at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Area Work Group ( AWG ) Kudus" is
the result of field study conductedfor one month ( 17 February-l4 March 2003 )
at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesiaarea work Group ( AwG ) Kudus. This study is
aimed at describing the procedure of filing letters, especially filing incoming and
outgoing letters at the company.

The data of this studywere collectedby using observation,interview and
library research method. The observation method was aimed at understanding
the activities of filing incoming and outgoing letters. The interview method was
conductedto get proper information about the filing incoming and outgoing letters
in the company. The library researchmethod was conductedto collect the data by















reading and taking notes of many reading materials related to the filins
of incoming and outgoing letters.
From the data analysis, it can be concluded that the filing procedure of
incoming and outgoing letters at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Area Work Group
(AwG) Kudus is divided into the preliminary and saving procedure of filing.

The preliminary procedure of filing incoming letters, are : receiving letters,
opening letters, recording letters, sorting letters and distributing letters. Where as,
the preliminary procedure of filing outgoing leffers are : making the letter's draft,
typing the letter's draft and sending the letter. The procedure of recording and
controlling incorning and outgoing letters applied by the company can be
described as follows : Administration Support Unit uses a system called Problem
of Classification Code and method of Agenda Book. Problem of classification
Code is divided into 12 functions or activities at the company. Besides that, the
procedure of recording and controlling incoming and outgoing letters also uses a
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computeras data resources(aboutthe letters)