The Filing Procedure of Incoming and Outgoing Letters at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesai Area Work Group (AWG) Kudus - UDiNus Repository




4.1 Conclusion
'Filing is a part of administrationactivities.It is very important for an
institution,becauseit plays someimportantroles. The ptrrposeof this report
areto describeprocedureof filing the incoming andoutgoingletters
Each job or activity has somestepsto finish the relatedjob from the
preliminary until the end- The step is called procedureof filing. Filing the
Incoming and Outgoing Letters at PT. TELKOM AWG Kudus also has
a procedureof filing letters.
The procedure consists of preliminary procedure and the saving
procedure.The preliminaryprocedureof filing the incoming letters,is : the
activitiesof receivingletters,sortingletters,openingletters,recordingletters
Incoming letters are divided into two kinds of letter, those are external
and internal letters.

The preliminary procedure of external and intemal incoming letter
basically is the same. The letters are recorded into an agenda book and
a computer. The difference is the source or the sender of leffer .
While the beginoitrg procedure of filing the outgoing letters, is : making
the letter's draft, typing the letter's draft and sendingthe letter.





The procedure of controlling letters is the part of the
procedureof filing the letters. PT. TELKOM AWG Kudus
some letters,because
using an AgendaBook and a computerizeto control

AWG Kudus'
they are simpler andeasierif they are appliedat PT. TELKOM
filing lettersat
BesidesAgendaBook and computer, the procedureof
pr. TELKOM is also supportedby problemclassification.It is separatingof
And the form of
letters basedon the problem and activity in the company.
problemclassificationis Alpha Numeric'
In combinationAgendaBook or Computerwith problem classification,
letterscan be
the preriminaryprocedureof filing the incomingand outgoing
with Zulkifli's
handled well and efficiently. And the writer does not agree
by AgsndaBook can
opinion which statesthat procedureof controtl,ingletter
,takelong time anddifficult whenwe want to find eachletter in a folder.


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4.2 Suggestion
In this sub chapter,the writer would also like to grne some
Kudus :
which may be usefutfor the progressof PT- Telkom AWG
on the running of
l. Each folder in frling cabinetshouldbe arrangedbased
in the left of
For exampre: folder in codeHK ( Hukurn: Law ) is placed
filing cabinetandfoltowedby folder in codeKU, LB, LG etc'
Support unit
2. To perform the offrce work efficiency, Administration



3. To sgpportadministrationoffice activity, it shouldbe completedby photo