GREEN Mekong Equity Portal Manual v1.0

GREEN Mekong Website
Training and demonstration on content uploading
May 30, 2014
The program will establish an information web portal, translated into all Lower Mekong languages and
focused on grassroots stakeholder concerns and social equity. This will improve the accessibility and
sharing of information on this topic across the Lower Mekong region and internationally.
How the Equity Portal works
Each CSO user account is under the Green Mekong project group. Your role is specifically to upload
related contents to Green Mekong Equity Portal. Each country has its own page. This page is dynamically
updated everytime you post a content. So, there is no need to manage the page. The system determines
where to post your content based on the language you will select when submitting a content i.e. a news
content from Viet Nam will be posted on the Viet Nam page.

Step 1 Registration
All training accounts have been pre-registered for this training activity. You will be given your account
details at the start of the training.
Step 2 Log in
1. Visit the training site: > click About Us > select Regional Projects >
click GREEN Mekong

2. On the GREEN Mekong menu > select Equity Portal > Log in

3. Enter your username and password

Step 3 Upload content
All content types available for Green Mekong have a dropdown field called ‘Green Mekong Language’.
You must select the language where you want your post to appear e.g. if you’re a CSO from Vietnam,
your upload will appear on the Vietnam page.
Green Mekong Language dropdown field

1. Once you are logged in, click Dashboard > under Add new content > select content type

2. After you select a content type, a form will be displayed. Fill in all the applicable fields.

3. Refer to the table below for guidance.
a. Notes: when filling in the Body field, choose Full HTML in the dropdown field below it so
you can add, paste, insert images similar to MS Word.

4. After filling in all the necessary fields, click Preview if you would like to see what it looks like or
Save to submit for publishing. If you select Preview, then it will be displayed at the top most part

of the form.

5. After saving, your content will go to the account of the Green Mekong Administrator. You can only
view your post live after approval. To view your post live: on the Green Mekong website, click
Equity Portal; or Equity Portal > your language page.