ppt gauth ef final presentation

Education in the US
* Education is a State responsibility, not Federal
* $800 billion industry, second largest after healthcare.
*For post-secondary, there are 10,000 institutions with
17 million students (2001), worth $300 billion.
* High school graduates expected to grow by 11%, 1999-08.
* Institutions have vast autonomy, little interference from the state
* The for-profit sector represents 12% of the industry.
* Graduate enrolment is about 2 million in 2001.
* A bachelor degree holder will earn 80% more than a
high school diploma.

The 3-Tier Higher Education System in
the State of California
* Community Colleges
(Santa Monica College etc.)

* State Universities(Teaching)
(California State University, North Ridge etc.)

* Higher Level State Universities(Teaching & Research)

(University of California, Berkeley, LA etc.)

Interesting Features of the US University System
* Large amount of government budget allocation
* Fund raising role, endowments, external contributions
* Great diversity in the system of management
* Freedom from interference by the state
* Strict system of accountability in the state schools
* Wide range of academic standards, accreditation is voluntary
* Wide opportunity for creativity and talent development
and a lot of academic freedom

Importance of Endowment
- Buys faculty, students and state of the art infrastructure
- Measure of alumni loyalty and industry confidence
- Ensures quality of life on campus
- Measure of the wealth of the institution
- Ability to weather lean times
- Financial stability and flexibility to grow and prosper

University’s Endowment(2001)(in millions)
Texas Univ. System


In the MIT Case:
In 2001: Value of endowment lost 3.7% of investment value
In 2002: Value expected to shrink a further 8%

Stanford Sources of Funds - 2001/2($1.9b)


Sponsored research
Endowment/Investment income
Student Income
[14,000 students]
Healthcare services income
Expendable gifts
Other income

Expenditures - 2001/2

Salaries and benefits
Maintenance, utilities, libraries, student stipends,
other services
Other operating expenses
Linear Accelerator center

Univ. of California, Berkeley(2000/1)
Income: $1,231 million.
State of California
Student Fees
Auxiliaries and Sales
Other Funds
Federal Contracts and Grants
State Contracts
Private Gifts

13.3% [33,000 students]


Percentage of Alumni who contribute
to their Alma Mater
UC Berkeley



University Management in US
(Freedom and Divestment of Powers)
Board of Trustee
President - External Relations, Fund Raising
Provost - Chief Academic/Administrator and Bursary
Senate - Chaired by an elected Professor

Reporting to the President:
VP (Development)
VP (Business Affairs)
CEO/Director of Companies
VP (Communications)

President, Alumni Association

Reporting to the Provost:
Deans of Schools
Dean of Student Affairs
Dean of Admission
Director of Faculty/Staff Housing
Vice Provost - Land & Buildings
Vice Provost - Extended Education
Vice Provost - Research & Graduate Policy
University Librarian

Range of University Academic Standard:
Top Ivory League:
Harvard, MIT, Stanford , Princeton (Private, non-profit)
Most liberal, open system:
University of Phoenix (Private, for profit)

Accreditation is entirely VOLUNTARY

However students are eligible to get state funding if
institution is accredited.
Only the institution is accredited, not courses

Effect of Economic Downturn:
- State institutions: State grants for state institutions cut
- Private Institution: left to management but
generally has to impose cuts
- Endowment value, external contributions
have reduced

- Increase of tuition fees (MIT - 4.7% in 2002/3)
- Lower salary increases
- Less financial aid
- Staff Lay-off
- Postponement of faculty hiring and labs

Entrepreneurship Development
- Silicon Valley best example

- Most universities have Incubator Centers, Technology
Licensing & Patenting Office
- Entrepreneurship sabbatical(Stanford University)

Stanford Research Park
- Home to 140 companies
- Employs 25,000 workers

Secret of Success of Silicon Valley
* Long tradition of entrepreneurial spirit in the West coast
* Conducive climate of the West coast
* Abundant venture capital
* Many companies operate in the area
* Stanford alumni are ingrained with entrepreneurship and
the concept of entrepreneurship sabbatical
* Availability of expertise

Issues in Malaysian Higher Education:
- Racial composition
- Distribution of Economic Wealth/New Economic Policy

- Socio-Political Scenario
- National Policies on Education - Primary, Secondary, Post-Second
- History of Higher Education
- The Current Language Debate
- Racial Composition and University Entrance
- Accreditation of courses

Governing Acts on Higher Education
in Malaysia:
University and University Colleges Act:
Private Higher Educational Institution Act:

University and University Colleges Act:
- Chancellor appointed by the King
- Vice Chancellor appointed by the Minister of Education
- Members of BOD appointed by the MOE
- BOD meets every month
- VC is Chief Academic and Chief Executive Officer
- Almost 85% of budget provided by the government
- New courses need to be approved by MOE

- Student Tuition is Minimal

Private Higher Educational Institution Act:
- University is private, for profit
- Chancellor appointed by MOE upon recommendation by BOD
- President appointed by MOE upon recommendation by BOD
- Setting up of university only by invitation of the MOE
- Government does not provide any funding
- Evaluation by LAN and approval by MOE compulsory before
starting course
- BOD meets quarterly
- President is CEO and entirely responsible for profitability
- President is Chief Academic and Chief Executive Officer
- Tuition Fee is Higher than Government Universities

Challenges Ahead In Managing MMU
* The expected changes in the country’s political scenario
* The ever changing educational policies and scenarios
* University’s role in the MSC
* Needs of the parent company
* To sustain university’s leadership position and
company’s profitability
* To expand the endowment collection

Prospective Areas For Malaysian Universities:
* Fund raising effort
* Accreditation of programs - Differing agencies
* Program approval by MOE
* Academic promotion standards
* Greater empowerment of university officers
* Percentage of graduate students

Comparison between US and Malaysian universities:
- Cost of operation of US universities many times higher
- Philantrophic spirit is significant in US
- Entrepreneurial spirit far higher in the US
- Greater autonomy in US
- Larger fund availability in US

Strength of US Sytem
- Availability of vast amounts of funds
- Freedom encourages entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity
- Fertile ground for realizing ones potential and ability
- Nation of immigrants invokes spirit of ‘must work hard to succeed’
- Equal opportunities for all races and sexes
- No apparent racial problems or serious racial divide

University Expenditure in Malaysia
University of Malaya (UM) : $75 million [23,000 students]
: $25 million [14,000 students]
Magnitude of scale UC,B:UM is 16 times.

Source of fund:
University of Malaya

: 80% from the government
: 70% student fees