T-Burger : A Business Plan.


TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………….i
APPROVAL PAGE………………………………………………………….....iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………….v
LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………...vii
LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………….viii
ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………. ix
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY…………………………………………………….. x
CHAPTER I. THE BACKGROUND………………………………………..…1
CHAPTER V. FINANCIAL ASPECT………………………………………...36
APPENDIX 1. The logo


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APPENDIX 2. The flyer of burger eating competition
APPENDIX 3. Voucher
APPENDIX 4. Business card
APPENDIX 5. The flyer of T-Burger
APPENDIX 6. The product


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Table 2.1

Schedule of Promotional Activities……………………………..16

Table 3.1.2 The Material Handling……………………………………………21

Table 4.2.2 The Working Hours of T-Burger…………………………………31
Table 4.2.3 Compensation of Employees in T-Burger……………………..32
Table 5.1

Initial Investment…………………………………………………36

Table 5.2

Cash Outflow……………………………………………………..38

Table 5.3

Cash Inflow……………………………………………………….39

Table 5.4

Net Cash Flow……………………………………………………40

Table 5.5

Payback Period…………………………………………………..41

Table 5.5

Net Present Value……………………………………………….42


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Figure 3.2.1 Location of Paskal Hyper Square………………………………..25
Figure 3.2.1 Location of T-Burger………………………………………………26
Figure 3.2.2 Layout plan of T-Burger’s stall…………………………………...27
Figure 4.1

Organizational structure of T-Burger……………………………29


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Tujuan pembuatan rancangan bisnis ini adalah sebagai pemenuhan
kewajiban membuat proyek akhir dan melatih saya untuk masuk ke dalam
dunia bisnis, yaitu sebagai seorang wirausaha. Berdasarkan pertimbangan
tersebut, maka saya memutuskan untuk membuat inovasi dalam industri
makanan cepat saji, yaitu T-Burger atau burger tempe. T-Burger menawarkan
alternatif pola makan sehat yang akan dibahas dalam rancangan bisnis ini.
Untuk membuat suatu rancangan bisnis yang terstruktur, saya
menganalisis beberapa aspek utama dalam pembuatan rancangan bisnis ini.
Pertama, saya akan menguraikan latar belakang dari pembuatan bisnis
burger tempe yang terdiri dari visi dan misi dari T-Burger. Kedua, saya
menganalisis aspek pemasaran yang membahas mengenai target pasar,
harga, keunikan produk dan promosi yang akan dilakukan. Ketiga, saya
menguraikan tahap-tahap operasional produksi. Aspek operasional
membahas mengenai proses produksi dan jasa yang T-Burger tawarkan
untuk konsumen. Keempat, T-Burger memerlukan tenaga kerja yang akan
dibahas dalam bagian sumber daya manusia. Aspek ini membahas mengenai

kualifikasi tenaga kerja yang diperlukan untuk bisnis tersebut. Kelima, TBurger akan menganalisis keuangan dalam mengoperasikan bisnis ini serta
memprediksikan apakah bisnis tersebut akan menguntungkan atau tidak.
Aspek keuangan ini pada akhirnya bertujuan untuk meyakinkan investor agar
berpartisipasi dan menanamkan modalnya pada T-Burger.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis kelima bagian utama tersebut, saya dapat
menarik kesimpulan bahwa saya dapat memenuhi proyek akhir ini dan
belajar menganalisa unsur-unsur yang diperlukan dalam mengelola suatu
bisnis. Selain itu, dengan perkiraan hasil analisa bisnis ini, saya dapat
mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan dari rancangan bisnis ini yang dapat
menguntungkan ataupun merugikan T-Burger.


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T-Burger is a fast food business which provides the concept of healthy
eating habit in Bandung. It is located in Paskal Hyper Square Food Market,
Bandung. T-Burger offers a delicious healthy burger called tempeh burger.

Tempeh burger is the kind of fast food which supports the idea of healthy
eating habit in the form of a wheat bread and tempeh with vegetables as the
fillings. The burgers are made from fresh and satisfying-quality ingredients
which are safe and healthy to be consumed. In order to satisfy the customers,
T-Burger serves both high-quality product and service, also the cleanliness as
the form of support of healthy eating habit.
T-Burger is also supported by strong financial aspect. As the new food
business in town, T-Burger shows its existence as the profitable business
from the expected profit on the first year of 152,246,640 IDR. Moreover, TBurger expects to develop and make improvements on the business in the
future. Therefore, T-Burger seeks cooperation with investors from food
business to develop the business. Now the financial source is still from the


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owner, however, the owner hopes for cooperation with investors to develop TBurger to have the brighter and promising future on the business by trying


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to make innovation on other possible fillings. T-Burger is also planning to add
more promotions activities, employ more human resources, and open
branches in Bandung.
As an organized and innovative food business, T-Burger is ready to invite
more people to have healthy eating habits and investors to cooperate
together to have a promising future on the business.


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1.1 Background of the Business
Nowadays, people become more and more concerned with living a
healthy life. Generally, people who are concerned with their health will have
the knowledge of the food which can be used to determine whether the food

is healthy or not. This is also stated by Ellie Krieger (11) who believes that
knowledge of the food that we are about to eat is important because that
information will help us to understand and make better choices. We need to
make a better choice because there are two kinds of foods. The first is
unhealthy food. According to Indiadiets Foods, “unhealthy foods are some
foods which are considered unhealthy on grounds of their being high in
calories (saturated fats), lack of antioxidants and fibres” (par.1). The
examples of unhealthy foods are French fries, white bread, cakes and butter.
The second is healthy food. Natalie Bennet said that “healthy food should
compromise a lot of vegetables and fruits, and scratchy food such as bread,
cereals, and pasta (ideally whole-grain), some foods strong in protein such as


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fish, eggs, and some milk and dairy foods” (par.2). The example of healthy
food is tempeh which is high in protein and wheat bread which is high in fiber.
Based on that fact, I would like to present an alternative way of healthy
eating habit in the combination of tempeh and burger as the new concept of

fast food. In this case, I take fast food, because fast food has grown fast and
been everyone’s favorite. However, fast food is also identical with unhealthy
lifestyle. That is why I would like to show that fast food can also be a good
choice to be eaten in a healthy way. The result of my survey supports this
fact. I have done some research on people who visit Paskal Hyper Square. It
shows that forty out of fifty people who are above 25 years old said that they
love and often eat fast food because of the taste and speed. However, the
others said that they do not like fast food because it is not good for their
health and contains a lot of food preservatives. The fact that fast food is not
healthy is also supported by John Burstein (5) who believes that fast food is
high in calories, sugar, sodium, fat and low in vitamins and minerals, which
can cause diseases to human body. Due to the bad effects of consuming
unhealthy fast food for our health, T-Burger tries to fulfill the needs of being
healthy through the alternative concept of healthy fast food; the kind of fast
food which can fulfill the needs of healthy food for both common people who
eat any kinds of food and vegetarians who only eat food which do not contain


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The spirit of healthy eating habit can be earned by people in general.
People who are not vegetarians and care about their health will determine the
foods that they eat. Sometimes people do not realize that they need to
maintain physical balance. The most important action to achieve physical
balance is eating habit. It is proven by Jay Greenfeld who says that “eating
habit is the most expensive properties on board. People are easily unaware
about what they eat that can give more harm than good. It is important to
maintain and establish healthy eating habit by knowing what you eat, whether
it is good or not for your body” (13). In order to maintain the physical balance,
people have to start modifying their eating habit. That is why the concept of
fast food that T-Burger makes can help people to eat healthily. Furthermore,
this fast food can also be enjoyed by people who are vegetarians.
Nowadays, living as a vegetarian is becoming the alternative choice for a
healthy lifestyle. It is proved by Suzanne Hobbs who states that “the fact is
vegetarians generally enjoy better health and longer lives than non
vegetarians. Vegetarians are at lower risk for many chronic, degenerative
diseases, and conditions” (18). That is why I choose to make a food business
which can fulfill the need of being healthy and suitable for vegetarians and

people in general, called tempeh burger.
As the unique selling point of the business, tempeh burger is the kind of
fast food which combines Indonesian traditional food which is tempeh and
wheat buns; both of them can be consumed by not only vegetarians but also


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non vegetarians. The reason why T-Burger chooses tempeh and whole wheat
bread is that it supports the healthy eating habit which is looked for by people
nowadays. T-Burger wants to help people to modify their eating habit for their
own health by offering this burger which is based on the vegetarian diet. TBurger also uses wheat bread to replace the white bread as it is used
commonly to make a burger. The choice of wheat bread is to reduce the
consuming of carbohydrates. Arnold Lorand (311) believes that vegetarian
diet can be a great alternative since there are a lot of people nowadays who
avoid eating too many carbohydrates which can lead to diabetes. It is also
supported by Food Standard Agency who believes that scratchy food like
wheat bread is easily to be digested which can make us feel full longer than
usual white bread and wheat bread is a good source of energy and main
source of nutrition for our body (par.2). We can conclude from the statement
that wheat bread can give us a lot of nutrition and carbohydrates for our body
and also make us feel full. This is also said by Elson Haas and Buck Levin
who state that “wheat contains vitamin E, high in fiber and nutrient-rich” (325).
Moreover, the fillings of the burger contain vegetables and variation of sauces
which can add more variations on the taste.
I am sure that the business can have a great and promising future
because it can fulfill people’s need of healthy lifestyle by giving the alternative
way on how to have a healthy eating habit. It is also stated by Elsen Haas
and Buck Levin that “we can make a huge difference in our overall health,


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weight, and energy level by incorporating some of the healthy eating habits”
(391). T-Burger tries to take a lead on persuading people to start having a
healthy eating habit.

1.2 Vision and Mission
When establishing a new business, there must be a vision as the target
goal that each company wants to achieve. As Jonathan Carey states that
“vision is key to succeeding; after all, it is vision that enables us to see
opportunities where other see only challenges, and that allows us to see
victory where others see defeat” (13). In starting this new business, T- Burger
also has a vision as the goal to achieve. The vision of T-Burger is “to be a fast
food business with the spirit of healthy eating habit”. In order to accomplish
the vision, the owner has to set the mission of how to reach the vision.
The general mission of T-Burger is “fulfilling the need of healthy eating
habit based on the customers’ demand”. From that general mission, T-Burger
will specify it into more detailed missions:
1. providing the fresh and satisfying quality ingredients to gain the trust
from customers.
2. making innovation on the menu by varying the sauces and the fillings
of the burger which maintain the concept of healthy fast food.

1.3 The SWOT Analysis


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As a new food business, T-Burger notices that to accomplish the vision
and missions, T-Burger has to analyze and admit any possible things that
might happen by knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the business
itself and also opportunities and threats of the business. Martin Mosho, a
successful businessman from Brooklyn, states that “one way of evaluating
your business and determining goals for the future is to use the SWOT
analysis” (43). T-Burger is able to develop and grow better by doing the
SWOT analysis which can help T-Burger to predict and anticipate for any
circumstances that might happen in the future.
The strengths of T-Burger are first, T-Burger has made an effective
innovation by making the new concept of fast food which is vegetarian one for
the customers who are looking for healthy food. Second, T-Burger also
provides affordable prices, which is based on the calculation of mark-up
pricing and perkapita of Bandung 2010. The Polish economist, Michal Kalecki
says that “mark-up pricing is an aspect of average cost pricing in which firms
calculate the average cost of the product and add on a mark-up, profit”
(par.1). Furthermore, perkapita of Bandung 2010 is Rp 247,000.00 based on
the newspaper of Pikiran Rakyat. Thus, the price is affordable for middle-low
economic class as T-burger’s target market.
The weaknesses of T-Burger are first, T-Burger has limited promotional
activities due to the limited budget. With the limited promotional activities, TBurger will have difficulties in introducing the product to the customers.


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Second, it will be difficult to build up a well-known reputation among the
customers because of the limited promotional activities. Third, T-Burger has a
limited distribution of the product since there are no other branches.
The opportunity of T-Burger is able to meet the need of the customers
based on the survey which is their needs of healthy food. The result of survey
shows that more than twenty percent out of a hundred percent, people are
eager to taste healthy fast food if there is one in Bandung. Moreover, in the
future, T-Burger will make variation on the fillings which will always maintain
the healthy eating habit concept.
The threats for T-Burger are first, competitors; others burger sellers,
provide more variety of menus such as the flavors, choices of sauces, and
the choices of fillings. Second, competitors set a lower price for similar
T-Burger plans to open the business by renting a medium size stall in
Paskal Hyper Square. Furthermore, T-Burger also has predicted some
possible competitors. In every kind of business there must be competitors,
therefore T-Burger as a beginner has to know its competitors. Peri Pakroo
says that “knowing who your competitors are and what they are doing will
help you establish and maintain a competitive edge” (206). By knowing TBurger’s competitors, T-Burger will be flexible and try to always meet
customers’ needs. The competitors run the similar concept of burgers. There
is Mr.Moo, one of the new burger sellers, which has already had some
branches including in Paskal Hyper Square. Moreover, there are McDonalds,


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Burger King, Karl’s Burger, Wendy’s, Burger Klenger outside Paskal Hyper


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Pictures Sources

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