Handling Problem of Lacking Customer in Kedaton Hotel Bandung.


Dalam Tugas Akhir ini, saya membahas suatu masalah yang dihadapi
oleh Hotel Kedaton ; tempat dimana saya magang selama bulan Juli 2014
hingga bulan Agustus 2014. Hotel Kedaton adalah salah satu hotel lokal
yang ada di Bandung yang beralamat di Jl. Suniaraja no 14. Saat saya
magang di Hotel Kedaton, saya menemukan satu masalah yaitu Hotel
Kedaton yang sepi pengunjung. Dalam Tugas Akhir ini, saya membahas
penyebab dan dampak, mengapa Hotel Kedaton sepi pengunjung serta
solusinya. Berdasarkan analisis, saya menemukan penyebab yang
pertama adalah terlalu banyak persaingan, penyebab yang kedua adalah
Hotel Kedaton kurang dalam hal promosi. Saya pun menemukan dampak
dari masalah ini yaitu pemasukan dari Hotel yang semakin menurun dan
juga Hotel kedaton harus mengurangi karyawannya.
Saat saya menganalisis penyebab dari Hotel Kedaton yang sepi, saya
pun menemukan beberapa solusi untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ini.
Solusi yang pertama adalah Hotel Kedaton harus meningkatkan fasilitas
dan mempertahankan kualitas pelayanan, supaya pelanggan dapat
merasa nyaman ketika tinggal di Hotel dan dapat menjadi pelanggan tetap.
Solusi yang kedua adalah Hotel Kedaton dapat melakukan promosi agar
pelanggan tertarik untuk mencoba dan tinggal di Hotel Kedaton. Solusi

yang ketiga adalah Hotel harus mempunyai Customer Service yang baik
karena, pelanggan harus dibuat senyaman mungkin dan harus
mendapatkan pelayanan yang sangat baik agar mereka menjadikan hotel
ini sebagai prioritas atau pilihan utama.
Setelah saya menganalisis solusi tersebut, saya berpendapat
gabungan dari semua solusi adalah solusi terbaik yang dapat dilakukan
oleh Hotel Kedaton. Dengan mengikuti solusi yang saya analisis, saya
berharap Hotel Kedaton dapat berkembang menjadi sebuah hotel yang
lebih baik.

Maranatha Christian University


DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY...........................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION.................................................................1

A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of the Problem
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
D. Description of the Institution
E. Method of the Study
F. Limitation of the Study
G. Organization of the Term Paper
CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS......................................................6
CHAPTER III. POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS...............................................9
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION................................................................15


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A. Background of the Study
Hotel business is one of the promising businesses, because there are
many people who choose to stay at hotels when they are traveling for
some days. On the other hand, it is also a challenging business, because
in Bandung there are many new hotels nowadays, which create a
competition among them.

Customers are the most important part in a hotel business. It is
stated in “Why Customers are Important” that ”Customers are the most
important people for any organisation. They are the resource upon which
the success of the business depends” (par. 1). Therefore, it can be said
that the number of the customers will determine the growth and success of
the hotel. A lack of customers can become a serious problem for a hotel.
One of the hotel which has such problem is Kedaton Hotel.
I did my internship at Kedaton Hotel from July 2014 until August 2014.
In my internship, I worked as one of the Front Office staff. As a Front
Office staff, I need to greet the customers, help them in making
reservation, and handle the payment from customers. It is stated in

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“Smart? Approachable? Flexible? Then making the right impression could
be the right career for you” that “Front office (or front of house) staff are
often the first people guests meet. You might be checking people in,
dealing with questions or complaints, so you’ll need to be friendly, flexible
and happy to help. People like you make a hotel service memorable for all

the right reason” (par. 1).
During the internship, I found one problem that Kedaton Hotel had. The
problem is Kedaton Hotel was lacking in customers. Based on my
interview with Ibu Restu, the Front Office staff who has been working
already there since Kedaton Hotel was built, she said that the number of
customers had been decreasing since 2012 and the worst situation was in
2014. (21 June 2015). She mentioned the number of customers per month
in June until August 2014. In June 2014, there were 1313 customers
staying in Kedaton Hotel, in July the customers were decreasing into 969
customers, and in August 2014 the number of customers kept decreasing
down to 823 (21 June 2015). Kedaton Hotel has around 108 rooms, but
unfortunately there were just few customers who staying in that hotel.
Finally, Kedaton Hotel had to reduce the staff because Kedaton Hotel had
to reduce the cost of expenditure. That is why this problem should be
handled as soon as possible.
During my internship in Kedaton Hotel, I found that Kedaton Hotel only
had a few customers even in high season periods such as Eid holiday and
New Year holiday. There were only 22 rooms sold out of the 108 rooms
available in one day. I think it can be a serious problem for the hotel.

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Based on this problem, I would like to find the solution to solve the

B. Identification of the problem
The problem that I am going to discuss in this paper is formulated in
these questions:
1. Why did the hotel lack of customers?
2. How did this problem affect the hotel?
3. How could the hotel get more customers in the future?

C.Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The objectives of this term paper is to analyse the causes and the
effects of Kedaton Hotel lacking in customers and to give the best
solutions to solve this problem. There are also some benefits for the hotel
and the readers. The benefit for the hotel is the staff of Kedaton Hotel can
know how to atrract more customers in the future. While the benefit for the
readers is they can learn the difficulties that they may face if they want to

run a bussines hotel, and also know how to overcome the problem. The
benefit for me as a writer, I can know how to be a good receptionist so that
I can make the customers comfortable and choose Kedaton Hotel as their
first choice.

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D. Description of the Institution
Based on the information that I get from the website of Kedaton
Hotel, Kedaton Hotel was built by PT Ajea Catur Eka Pratama in 1997.
It is located on Jl. Suniaraja no 14 Bandung. The hotel has a strategic
location from the centre of the city. It is near from Jalan Braga and it just
takes 15 minutes to Husen Sastranegara Airport. If people want to
depart by train it just takes 5 minutes by car. Kedaton Hotel has 116
rooms and it is divided into 4 categories. They are standard, deluxe,
excecutive and junior suite as the most expensive of all. Kedaton Hotel
has many facilities such as fitness centre, swimming pool, karaoke,
meeting room, sauna, and conference room.

E. Method of the Study
The data of this term paper is based on my internship in Kedaton Hotel
from 14 July until 13 August 2014, the interview with the front office
supervisor and front office manager, my internship journal and library
research. The data of library research are from printed and electronic
sources. The data that I found are used to analyze the causes, the effects,
and the potential solutions.

F. Limitation of the study
The subject of this research is Kedaton Hotel, which has had a lacking
in customers since July until August 2015. I will focus on finding the best
solution to overcome the problem.

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G. Organization of the Term Paper
The term paper is divided into some parts. The first part of this term
paper is the Abstract, the overall summary of the term paper in Bahasa.
Second, is the Declaration of Originality, and then the next parts are

Acknowledgements and Table of Contents. Chapter One is the
Introduction, containing Background of the Study, Identification of the
problem, Objectives and Benefits of the study, Description of the
Institution, Method of the Study, Limitation of the Study, and the last one is
Organization of the Term Paper. Chapter Two is Problem Analysis. In this
chapter, I will discuss the causes and the effects of my problem. Chapter
Three is about the Potential Solution to solve the problem. This potential
solution has positive and negative effects to be discussed. In Chapter Four
I will explain the conclusion of all analysis. The last part is the Bibliography
and the Appendices which contain the flowchart, hotel brochure, the
transcription of the interview with Richardo, Urip Saefudin, and Restu as
the Surpervisor and Front Office Manager in Hotel Kedaton as well as a
Front Ofice staff who already worked there since Kedaton Hotel was built,
review from a guest hotel, and hotel profile.

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In this chapter, I would like to discuss the potential solutions to solve
the problem that Kedaton Hotel had. There are some potential positive
and negative effects of each potential solution. The potential solutions will
be presented in the following paragraphs.
The first potential solution is the hotel should improve the facilities and the
maintenance service of the hotel. The conference room, WiFi, air
conditioner, water, and the food are the things that Kedaton Hotel should
improve. When I did the internship in Kedaton Hotel, many customers
complained about the WiFi was not good, the air conditioner which did not
work well, the water which was dirty, and the breakfast which did not have
many options. Kedaton Hotel has to contact some people such as the
technician to handle the WiFi and air conditioner, the maintenance
department to check the water condition, and the hotel’s food and
beverage department to discuss the menu options. Actually, the hotel
needs to add more meeting rooms because there are only 2 meeting
rooms, and sometimes the customers need more than 2 meeting rooms.

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Wulanto and Hadi said having complete facilities, and will bring benefit to
the hotel. Moreover, it will make the guests’ interest improve optimally (1).
There is one potential positive effect of this solution. The first potential
positive effect is the customer’s satisfaction will be improved. As Adi Anti
Teror said if a hotel provides more complete facilities, customers will be
more satisfied and finally choose the hotel as their top priority (7). By
having better facilities, the customers will feel more comfortable and
relaxed, so they will enjoy their time at the hotel. If the quality of the hotel
is improved, the customer’s satisfaction will be improved as well.
The second potential positive effect is the hotel will able to compete
with other hotels. By improving the facilities, such as by doing renovation,
the hotel will be able to attract more customers and compete with other
hotels. Renovation is needed to maintain the physical condition of the
hotel. If the physical condition is satisfying, it will give a good impression to
the customers. As Te Fu Chen said “where competition is intense,
renovation seems to be an important strategy for hotels to stay
competitive” (par. 1).
The potential negative effect of my first potential solution is the
customers will feel disturbed by the renovation. As I said before the
Kedaton Hotel just have two meeting rooms. The capacity of the first one
is only twenty people and the second is around fifty people. It will be better
if the hotel can provide some meeting rooms for a larger group of peoples.
Therefore, it can fulfil the need of customers who would like to have a
meeting in a hundred people or more. But, when a hotel does a

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renovation, it can have a negative effect as stated in “5 tips for A
Successful Hotel Renovation” that one of the biggest causes for
complaints during a renovation project is the noises it creates (par. 5). By
doing renovation, customers who stay in the hotel may give some
complains or feel dissatisfied because they are disturbed by the noise of
the renovation. As Dedy A., one of the hotel’s customer, said that their visit
was not at the right time, because the hotel was being renovated, so they
feel disturbed by the noise from the ongoing renovation activities (1).
The second potential negative effect of the first potential solution is the
renovation will needs budget. As stated in “Merenovasi Hotel Tua Dengan
Konsep Desain Terkini” that hotels need necessary actions such as
renewing and adding new elements to certain parts. This option need
large cost. (par. 5). Some renovation needs money because the hotel
must build more meeting rooms.
The second potential solution is the hotel should make promotions
such as giving discounts, making brochures, and putting advertisement in
social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Blog, etc. As “Marketing Promotion Strategy” said that there are many ways hotels can go about
bringing in more guest at anytime of the year such as make a cooperation
with travel agents, give membership card, etc. (par. 1). Actually, as
“Marketing – Promotion Strategy” said promotion is the method you use to
spread the word about your product or service to customers, stakeholders
and the broader public. (par 1). The right time to do a promotion is when
the hotel is ready to satisfy the customers and the facilities are in good

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condition and ready to be used maximally. Kedaton Hotel could make a
website, or use Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to promote it. The hotel
can have a special program, such as giving the discount during the holiday
or making event such as break fasting in Kedaton Hotel to attract more
customers. As Ivana Taylor said “treat this promotion program like an
event. Promote it, tell your newspaper about it and get the word put
anyway you can. Give new customer a reason to come and try something
new” (par. 13).
This potential solution has two potential positive effects. The first
potential positive effect is the hotel can get more profits. When the hotel
makes a promotion and gives special offers, the customers will be
interested to stay in the hotel. As Stefani and Mukti said for hotel
management, marketing purpose is to sales rooms, food and drinks. With
the increase in sales, the revenues will increase and at the same time will
increase the profit also (par. 1). Therefore, doing a promotion will result in
sales and the profit of the hotel will increase as well.
The second potential positive effect of the second potential solution is
the hotel can get new loyal customers. When the hotel does a promotion
or gives special offers by giving discounts for a few times in a month, it will
attract the customers as Stefani and Mukti said if you want to have loyal
customers, you need to give some appreciations such as a special
discount, to make them loyal to your hotel (par. 7). The hotel needs to
prepare the special offers such as discount or membership card to the
customers because by giving membership card it can attract more

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customers to Kedaton Hotel. A successful promotion will attract the
customer and it will bring benefit to the hotel.
After discussing the positive effect, I will discuss potential negative one.
The potential negative effect of this potential solution, namely the hotel will
need more budget. As Stefani and Mukti said that in order to do a
promotion, it will needs a lot of budget, because promotion is not only
done once or twice but regularly, so that people will remember and be
loyal to your hotel (1). Doing a promotion will require more budget. When
Kedaton Hotel does a promotion such as making brochures, Kedaton
Hotel has to spend more budget for the promotion.
I will discuss the last potential solution for my problem. The third
potential solutions is, the hotel should provide a good customer service.
As K.A. Francis said “good customer service keeps customer coming
back” ( par. 1). It means that the Front Office staff must attend training to
give a better customer service. The good customer service is not just for
receptionists but for all the Front Office staff such as receptionist, bell boy,
and housekeeping staff.
The potential positive effect of the third potential solution is the hotel
will grow and be better than the others. Susanti Wahyuningsih said that
hotels that want to grow must be able to provide qualified and excellent
service (par. 2). When Kedaton Hotel has a good Customer Service the
customer will be satisfied with the service, they will recommend Kedaton
Hotel to their friends then the new customers will come to Kedaton Hotel
and it will make Kedaton Hotel grow fast.

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The potential negative effect of the third potential solution is the hotel
will need some budget for training the staff. Training the staff is needed to
improve the hotel’s Customer Service, by hiring a profesional trainer. The
Front Office staff, including housekeeping, and food and beverage staff
need to be trained for a better performance. The hotel needs to spend
more budget for doing the training for the staff. As I. Sirdavanto said that
although workforce training requires a lot of money, but the training must
still be carried out because the training has great benefits for both the
vendor and the employees of the company (par. 1).

Maranatha Christian University