Soal ukk bahasa inggris kelas 2 sd (3).doc


Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris SD Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017 Kelas II
Mata Pelajaran
Sat. Pendidikan
Nama Guru

: SD__________________
: II (Dua)

1. Tulis nomor dan nama Anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda bekerja
3. Kerjakanlah soal anda pada lembar jawaban
4. Gunakan waktu dengan efektif dan efisien
5. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas
I. Choose The Correct Answer by Crossing (x) a, b or c
1. Empy : "Good morning, Tio?"

Tio : "...., Empy"
a. good evening
b. good afternoon
c. good morning
2. Sidim : "......?"
Dimas : "My name is Dimas"
a. how are you
b. what is your name
c. what are you doing
3. Sheep, cat, cow and fish are kinds of ...
a. vegetable
b. transportation
c. animal
4. This animal has long hands. It likes banana.
It is a ....
a. donkey
b. monkey
c. snake
5. Ferdi : How many fingers do you have?
Aris : " ..."

a. one
b. ten
c. two
6. We can read and borrow books in the ...
a. kitchen
b. library
c. office
7. five plus ten is ...
a. fifty

Diunduh dari :


b. twenty
c. fifteen
8. 7 x 5 = ...
a. seventy five
b. twelve
c. thirty five

9. We have holiday on ...
a. friday
b. sunday
c. Monday
10. It is a land transportations. It has three
wheels. It is a ...
a. car
b. motorcycle
c. pedicab
11. Mr. Andri .... a farmer. He works in the
a. is
b. am
c. are
12. I ... nine years old, now
a. is
b. am
c. are
13. They ... playing kite in the yard
a. is

b. am
c. are
14. I have .... apple
a. a
b. the
c. an
15. Bobby : "Do you like mango?"
Maya : "Yes, ..."
a. I do
b. I do not
c. I does
16. Mega : "Is your father a doctor?"
Denis : "No, ....
My father is a pilot"
a. he does
b. he is not
c. he is
17. What is color of Indonesian flag?
It is ...
a. black and white

Diunduh dari :


b. blue and red
c. red and white
18. Dede has a purple bag, in Indonesian ...
a. Dede mempunyai sebuah buku biru
b. Dede mempunyai sebuah tas ungu
c. Dede mempunyai sebuah tas biru
19. Yopi : ".... do you go to school?"
Siti : "I go to school on foot"
a. how
b. what
c. why
20. Students study in the ...
a. classroom
b. living room
c. bedroom

1. It is an air transportation. Its can fly and landing at the airport. It is a ........................
2. It is an animal. It has long ears. It likes to eat carrot. It is a ..........................................
3. The kinds of water transportation, such as .................................................................
4. After sunday is ............................................
5. Let's arrange!
has - Rian - pencil case - green - a
6. Rudi goes to school ........................ bicycle
7. What is color of your teeth?
8. Mentions 3 kinds of vegetable!
9. My mother is a teacher. ........... works in the school
10. I want to ............................. a glass of milk

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