Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD-MI


TAHUN AJARAN 2014/2015

: ........................................



: ........................................
: ........................................

I. Choose The Correct Answer by Crossing (x) a, b, c or d
11. We have breakfast at ...
1. Farhan
: .... is your hobby?

a. 6 am
c. 4 pm
: my hobby is fishing
b. 6 pm
d. 4 pm
a. who
c. when
b. what
d. why
12. What time it is?
It is ...
2. Mr. Hendra is a doctor. .... works in the
a. a quarter past eight
b. a half past eight
a. she
c. he
c. a half to nine
b. you

d. we
d. a quarter to nine
3. Woko
: How are you, Ipin?
13. It is 8.30 pm
: ....
It is mean ...
a. in the school
c. I am fine
a. eight thirty in the morning
b. I am nine years old
d. alright
b. a quarter past eight in the evening
4. Jihan
: Do you like dancing?
c. a half past eight in the evening
: No, ...
d. a quarter to nine in the night

a. I am
c. I do
14. Mrs. Meris is cooking in the ...
b. I do not
d. You do not
a. garage
c. terrace
5. Mahmudah and Lovel .... playing doll in
b. kitchen
d. bathroom
the terrace
15. Reza is ... in the bedroom, now
a. is
c. am
a. runing
c. fishing
b. are
d. was

6. We have flag ceremony on ...
16. Supri : ..... ?
a. sunday
c. monday
Woko : I am reading a story book.
b. tuesday
d. friday
a. how are you
7. Today is wednesday, yesterday was ...
b. what are you doing
a. thursday
c. sunday
c. where are you going
b. tuesday
d. friday
d. who are you
Text for number 8 - 10
For number 17 - 20

Amir likes football very much. At
school, he studies many kinds of sport
There are ....(17) days in a week. There
such as badminton, tennis, volley ball, and
are ....(18) weeks in a month, and there
foot ball. In the afternoon, he always play
are ....(19) months in a year. Day, week,
football with his friends in the football
month and year are names of the ...(20).
We must manage our time well.
8. Does Amir like sport?
a. yes, he does
17. a. ten
c. twelve
b. no, he does not
b. seven
d. thirty
c. yes, he do
18. a. four

c. twelve
d. no, he don't
b. seven
d. ten
9. Where does Amir play football?
19. a. five
c. twelve
a. in the yard
b. twenty
d. ten
b. in the football field
c. in the afternoon
20. a. animal
c. time
d. in the school
b. drink
d. food
10. Amir play football with his ...
21. There ...many things in my bedroom
a. students

c. friends
a. is
b. are
c. am
d. do
b. teachers
d. brothers | Halaman 1

Di unduh dari :

22. Siti is going to school on foot
The negative sentence is ...
a. Siti is not going to school on foot
b. Is siti going to school on foot?
c. Siti si going to school on foot not
d. Siti not is going to school on foot
23. Bekti : Let's ... marbles!
Rifky : Okay
a. catch

b. play

c. eat
d. read

24. It is raining. Don't forget to bring ...
a. umbrella
c. swim suit
b. bag
d. blanket
25. Cecil likes to eat ...
a. a plate of coffe
b. a glass of tea
c. a bowl of meatball
d. a cup of fried rice

II. Fill In The Blank With Correct Answer!
1. X : What is your hobby?
Y : My hobby is .............................. in the
swimming pool


X : Do you like play kite?
Y : No, .......................................................


We can borrow books in the .......................


X : ............... do you send a letter?
Y : In the post office





My brother is ...................... a glass of milk,

I don't like play badminton
The positive sentence is ..............................

The monkey is fat. It likes ...........................
Let's arrange!
playing - the - Rudi - field - is - kite - in

Tea, orange juice, coffe and milk are kinds

of .................................................................

10. Translate to Indonesian!
Rian is my brother. His hobby is gardening
..................................................................... | Halaman 2

Di unduh dari :