08032017230024 Havika Ade Ameilia Tugas IT

  Havika Ade Ameilia 2014002075


  1. Teach

  Tutor, lecture, coach, educate, instruct, train, give instruction, give lessons, give the facts, ground, guide, illustrate, communicate, cram, demonstrate, develop, direct, discipline, drill, edify, explain, clarify, learn, equip with, show.

  2. Study

  Revise, schoolwork, education, contemplation, course, cramming, lesson, learn, academic work, analyzing, exercis.

  3. Eat

  Consume, gobble, scoff, bolt, wolf, devour, swallow, gorge, munch, have a meal, bother.

  4. Show

  Demonstrate, prove, let somebody see, performance, fair, illustrate, explain, confirm.

  5. Go

  Leave, travel, work, reach, become, die, energy, try, go away, go off, depart, exit, quit.

  6. Forget

  Not remember, stop thingking about, not recall, overlook, fail to remember, put out of your mind, disregard.

  7. Run Go at fast pace, gallop, race, regular trip, errand, free use of place, flow.

  8. Disappointed Let down, dissatisfied, disillusioned, upset, saddned, thwarted, frustrated.

  9. Sad

  Unhappy, depressing, gloomy, cheerless, distressing, moving, poigant, dull in color, regrettable, causing unhappiness, pitiable.

  10. Happy

  Feeling pleasure, causing pleasure, willing, fortunate, satisfied, tipsy, content, lucky. Lingvosoft

  1. Teach [ti:tʃ]

  English Indonesian V mengajar, memimpin, mempercakap, mempercakapkan, memberitahukan, mengajarkan, menghajar English Thesaurus: teach

  V Impart knowledge or skill (to), Instruct in, Cause to learn by example or experience.

  2. Study


  English Indonesian N penyelidikan, penelitian, pengajian, bahas, pembahasan, telaah, kajian, matapelajaran, matakuliah, bahanpelajaran V memikir, memikirkan, mempelajari, mengilmukan, belajar, menghafalkan, menghafal English Thesaurus: study N Act or process of studying, Attentive scrutiny, Branch of knowledge, Room intended or equipped for studying or writing, Preparatory drawing, related to a sketch

  V Apply one's mind purposefully to the acquisition of knowledge or understanding of (a subject), Take (a course) at a school, Inquire into; investigate, Examine closely; scrutinize.

  3. Swim [swım] English Indonesian English Thesaurus: swim Act or period of swimming

  Move through water by means of the limbs, fins, or tail, Move as though gliding through water, Cross by swimming, Be covered with or as if with a liquid, Feel dizzy, Appear to spin or reel

  4. Love

  [lʌv] English Indonesian



  English Thesaurus: love

  Deep affection and warm feeling for another, Emotion of sex and romance; strong sexual desire for another person, Beloved person, Strong fondness or enthusiasm, [Sports] Zero score in tennis

  Feel love (for), Like or desire enthusiastically

  5. Differentiate [,dıfə'renʃı,eıt]

  English Indonesian


  English Thesaurus: differentiate

  Constitute a difference, Recognize the difference, Make or become different, distinct, or specialized.