Final kurikulum PPs TL: Magister RPTML, Magister TPLP, Doktor TL FAKULTAS TEKNIK SIPIL DAN PERENCANAAN




  Menitikberatkan pengembangan keilmuan melalui: x Mampu mengkaji permasalahan secara komprehensif dan penyelesaian ilmiah. x Mampu merencanakan dan mengembangkan penelitian berorientasi pada kemutakhiran.


  x Mampu dan terampil mengembangkan kriteria

  Lulusan perencanaan serta mengaplikasikannya.

  x Mampu mengkomunikasikan karya ilmiah secara lisan dan tertulis. x Mampu mengintegrasikan ketrampilan teknis (hard skills) dan penunjang pelaksanaannya (soft skills).

  Focusing on scientific development through:

  x Able to carry out comprehensive scientific review and problem solving.

  • 2014 x Able to plan and design a novel-oriented research works.


  x Able to formulate planning and design criteria and their

  Competence applications.

  ITS : 2009

  x Able to communicate scientific works both in oral and writing. x Able to integrate hard skills and soft skills.

  rriculum Cu Kurikulum/


  Elective subject

  4 Daftar


  Mata Kuliah Pilihan

  Elective subject

  3 Jumlah sks/Total of credits


  1 RE 092303 Teknik Remediasi Lingkungan Tercemar

  Remediation Engineering For Polluted Environment


  2 Daftar


  Mata Kuliah Pilihan


  Elective subject

  3 Daftar


  Mata Kuliah Pilihan

  Elective subject

  3 Jumlah sks/Total of credits


  1 RE 092314 Tesis


  6 Jumlah sks/Total of credits


  List of elective subjects

  1 RE 092201 Metodologi Penelitian Tingkat Lanjut

  Advanced Research Methodology


  Mata Kuliah Pilihan

  Kurikulum/ Cu rriculum

  3 Daftar

  ITS : 2009



Nama Mata Kuliah (MK)

Course Title


  Credits SEMESTER I

  1 RE 092301 Proses Penyediaan Air Tingkat Lanjut

  Advance Water Supply Process


  2 Daftar


  Mata Kuliah Pilihan

  Elective subject




  Mata Kuliah Pilihan

  Elective subject

  3 Jumlah sks/Total of credits


  1 RE 092302 Proses Pengolahan Limbah Tingkat Lanjut

  Advance Waste Treatment Process


  2 Daftar


  Mata Kuliah Pilihan

  Elective subject


  3 Daftar

  • 2014

  Advance Statictics

  3 RE 092203 Technopreneurship

  3 Technopreneurship

  4 RE 092304 Pemodelan Teknik Lingkungan

  3 Environmental Engineering Modelling

  5 RE 092305 Proses Pengolahan Sampah Dan Limbah B3

  3 Solid Waste And Hazardous Waste Treatment


  6 RE 092306 Proses Pengolahan Gas Buang

  3 Gaseous Emission Process

  7 RE 092307 Analisa Sistem Dan Optimasi

  3 Optimalization And System Analysis

  8 RE 092308 Ekotoksikologi Tingkat Lanjut

  3 Advance Ecotoxicology

  9 RE 092309 Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Lingkungan

  3 Environmental Resources Management

  10 RE 092310 Bioteknologi Lingkungan

  3 Environmental Biotechnology

  11 RE 092311 Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan Tingkat Lanjut

  3 Advance Environmental Management Systems

  12 RE 092312 Ekohidrologi

  3 Ecohydrology

  13 RE 092313 Fitoteknologi Tingkat Lanjut

  3 Advance Phytotechnology

  • 2014

  ITS : 2009 rriculum Cu Kurikulum/

  SILABUS KURIKULUM/COURSE SYLLABUS RE 092301: Proses Penyediaan Air Tingkat Lanjut MATA KULIAH/ RE 092301: Advance Water Supply Process COURSE TITLE Credits: 3sks/3credits

  Semester: I Mahasiswa mampu mensintesa dan memberikan solusi

  TUJUAN dalam sistem penyediaan air minum dan air industri untuk PEMBELAJARAN/

  proses dan produk.

  LEARNING Students are able to synthesize and provide solution for OBJECTIVES drinking water supply and industrial water, both for processes and production.

  x Mampu mengevaluasi karakteristik air baku dan produk air. x Mampu merencanakan proses pengolahan air untuk domestik dan industri. x Mampu mendesain teknik pengolahan air minum dan air proses serta produk air industri.


  x Able to evaluate characteristics of raw water and treated water. x Able to treatment process of water for domestic and industry. x Able to design treatment technique for drinking water and water for process and industrial-produced water. x Parameter kualitas air spesifik (organik dan recalcitrant). x Proses fisik-kimia secara terpadu, filtrasi tingkat lanjut

  • 2014

  (teknologi membran: mikrofiltrasi, ultrafiltrasi, nanofiltrasi, dan reverse osmosis), teknik adsorpsi, teknik demineralisasi, teknologi desinfeksi (ozonasi, UV). x Studi kasus pengolahan air untuk kebutuhan proses

  ITS : 2009

  produksi dalam penyediaan air minum dan air untuk

  POKOK berbagai jenis industri. BAHASAN/ rriculum


  x Specific water quality parameters (organic and

  Cu recalcitrant).

  x Integrated physico-chemical process, advance filtration

  (membrane microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis), adosprtion technique, Kurikulum/ demineralization technique, desinfection techniques x Case study of water treatment for process production in

  drinking water supply and various industrial needs of water.

  x Uranceau, S.J. (tech. ed.). 2001. Membrane Practices for Water Treatment. American Water Works Association.

  Denver. x Kawamura, S. 2000. Integrated Design and Operation of

  nd Water Treatment Facilities. 2 ed. John Wiley and Sons.


  x Qasim, S.R. Motley, E.M. and Guang, Z. 2000. Water REFERENCES Works Engineering – Planning, Design, and Operation.

  Prentice-Hall. Upper Saddle River. x Water Environment Federation. 2000. Membrane

  Technologies for Industrial and Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Reuse. Water Environment Federation. Alexandria.

  RE 092302: Proses Pengolahan Limbah Tingkat Lanjut MATA KULIAH/ RE 092302: Advance Waste Treatment Process

  Credits: 3sks/3credits


  Semester: II Mahasiswa mampu merencanakan dan merancang proses

  TUJUAN pengolahan limbah cair, padat, dan gas di bidang teknik PEMBELAJARAN/ lingkungan.

  Students are able to plan and design the treatment process of LEARNING wastewater, solid waste and gas waste in environmental


  • 2014 engineering.

  x Mampu mengevaluasi karakteristik berbagai bentuk limbah. x Mampu merencanakan proses pengolahan berbagai

  ITS : 2009 bentuk limbah.


  x Mampu mendesain teknik pengolahan berbagai bentuk COMPETENCY limbah.

  rriculum Cu

  x Able to evaluate characteristics of various wastes. x Able to treatment process of various wastes. x Able to design treatment technique of various wastes.


  x Kesetimbangan material. Kurikulum/ difusi). x Kinetika reaksi, reaktor dan jenisnya, reaktor isothermal aliran ideal dan non-ideal. x Biokinetika pertumbuhan tersuspensi dengan dan tanpa resirkulasi. x Material balance. x Mass transfer (convective, advective, dispersion and difusion). x Reaction kinetics, reactor types, isothermal reactor for ideal and non-ideal flow. x Biokinetics of suspended growth with and without resirculation. x Metcalf and Eddy. 2004. Wastewater Engineering (Treatment and Reuse). 4th Ed. McGraw-Hill. New York.


  x Eckenfelder, W.W. Jr. 2000. Industrial Water Pollution

  rd Control. 3 Ed. MC. Graw-Hill.


  x Renolds, T.D. & Richard, P.A. 1996. Unit Operations and Process in Environmental Engineering. Second Ed. PWS.

  New York.

  RE 092303: Teknik Remediasi Lingkungan Tercemar RE 092303: Remediation Engineering For Polluted


  Environment COURSE TITLE

  Credits: 3sks/3credits Semester: III

  • 2014

  Mahasiswa mampu merencanakan dan merancang

  TUJUAN pemulihan mutu lingkungan tercemar dengan proses fisik- PEMBELAJARAN/ kimia-biologi.

  Students are able to plan and design the remediation of LEARNING

  ITS : 2009 OBJECTIVES polluted environment by means of physico-chemical and microbial processes.

  x Mampu mengevaluasi lingkungan tercemar. rriculum

  Cu x Mampu merencanakan proses remediasi.

  x Mampu mendesain teknik remediasi.

  KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x Able to evaluate polluted environment.

  Kurikulum/ x Able to plan remediation processes. x Pemulihan lingkungan (udara, air, dan tanah) tercemar dengan metoda fisik-kimiawi. x Pemulihan dengan teknik bioremediasi.

  POKOK x Pemulihan dengan teknik fitoremediasi. BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS

  x Remediation of polluted environment (air, water and soil) using physico-chemical processes. x Remediation using bioremediation techniques. x Remediation using phytoremediation techniques. x USEPA-United States Environmental Protection Agency.

  1999. Phytoremediation Resource Guide. EPA/542/B- 99/003.


  x USEPA-United States Environmental Protection Agency,


  2001. Ground Water Issue. Phytoremediation of

  REFERENCES Contaminated Soil and Ground Water at Hazardous Waste Sites. EPA/540/S-01/500, February 2001.

  x Jurnal-jurnal internasional berbagai penerbit.

  International journals from various publishers.

  RE 092201: Metodologi Penelitian Tingkat Lanjut

RE 092201: Advanced Research Methodology


  Credits: 3sks/3credits


  Semester: I, II, III (tersedia tiap semester/served each

  semester) TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu membuat proposal penelitian yang PEMBELAJARAN/

  bermutu untuk dilaksanakan dalam penelitian.

  • 2014

  LEARNING Students are able to provide high quality research proposal OBJECTIVES for research works.

  x Mampu merencanakan dan merancang metode penelitian.

  ITS : 2009 x Mampu membuat proposal penelitian.

  x Mampu mempresentasikan proposal penelitian.

  KOMPETENSI/ rriculum

  COMPETENCY Cu x Able to plan and design research methodology.

  x Able to provide research proposal. x Able to present research proposal. Kurikulum/

  BAHASAN/ pengetahuan dan teknologi.


  x Menemukan permasalahan penelitian, metodologi pelaksanaan penelitian. x Bahasa penulisan ilmiah, metode penulisan ilmiah, dan presentasi dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar. x Tugas: menyusun proposal thesis. x Various research works in the development of science and technology. x Problem formulation, writing scientific method, and presentation using high quality Bahasa Indonesia. x Assignment: research proposal. x Mangkoedihardjo, S. Strategi Tulis Artikel Jurnal

  Internasional (Manuscript Writing Strategy For

  International Journal), Surabaya: Penerbit Gunawidya, 2009.

  x Greenfield, T(ed). 1996. Research Methods: Guidance for Postgraduates. Arnold. London.


  x Sproull, N. 1995. Handbook of Research Methods. The UTAMA/ Scarecroe Press.


  x Creswell J. 1994. Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Sage Pub. New Delhi. x Hedrick, T. et.al. 1993. Applied Research Design: A Practical Guide. Sage Pub. New Delhi. x Beach, D.P. and Torsten, K.E.A. 1992, Handbook for Scientific and Technical Research. Prentice Hall.

  • 2014 Englewood Cliffs.

  RE 092202: Statistik Lanjut

  ITS : 2009 RE 092202: Advance Statictics


  Credits: 3sks/3credits


  Semester: I, II, III (tersedia tiap semester/served each

  rriculum semester)


  Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan ilmu statistik sebagai alat


  untuk pengambilan keputusan dalam penelitian di bidang

  PEMBELAJARAN/ teknik lingkungan.

  LEARNING Students are able to use statistics as a tool for decision

  Kurikulum/ OBJECTIVES pengambilan keputusan dalam penelitian di bidang teknik

  COMPETENCY lingkungan.

  x Able to use statistics as a tool for decision making for

research in environmental engineering..

x Kajian umum statistik (penggunaan MINITAB dan SPSS). x Uji hipotesis, distribusi, regresi, desain eksperimen, optimalisasi. x Rancangan tiga dimensi menggunakan MAPPLE atau STATGRAPHICS. x Trend dan simulasi.


  x Brief Review of Statistic (Demonstration using MINITAB



  x Statistical Testing Hypothesis, Distribution of Fitting

  (Goodness of Fit Test), Regression Analysis, Experimental Design (ED), Response Surface Methods (Optimization).

  x Three dimensional design and plotting (using MAPLE or STATGRAPHICS). x Time Series and Promoting of the Newest Methods (Simulation). x Zar, Jerrold H. 1996. Biostatistical Analysis. 3rd Edition.

  Prentice – Hall. Englewood Cliffs. x Berthouex, P.M. and Brown, L.C. 1994. Statistics for Environmental Engineers. Lewis. Boca Raton.

  PUSTAKA x Shahin, M. van Oorschot, H.J.L. de Lange, S.J. 1993. UTAMA/ Statistical Analysis in Water Resource Engineering. A.A.

  • 2014

  REFERENCES Balkema. Rotterdam.

  x Rovine, M.J. and Von Eye, A. 1991. Applied Computational Statistics in Longitudinal Research. Academic Press.


  ITS : 2009 RE 092203: Technopreneurship rriculum

  RE 092203: Technopreneurship Cu


  Credits: 3sks/3credits


  Semester: I, II, III (tersedia tiap semester/served each

  semester) TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan ilmu dan teknologi




  Mahasiswa mampu mensintesa pemodelan matematika untuk memberikan solusi untuk permasalahan teknik lingkungan.


  x Mampu mempromosikan kewirausahaan teknik lingkungan. x Able to promote environmental engineering for technopreneurship.


  x Evaluasi kelayakan teknologi lingkungan untuk kewirausahaan. x Pendekatan kewirausahaan teknik lingkungan. x Evaluation of appropriate environmental technologies for technopreneurship. x Technopreneurship approaches for environmental engineering.



  REFERENCES x Jurnal-jurnal technopreneurship berbagai penerbit.

  Technopreneurship journals from various publishers.


RE 092304: Pemodelan Teknik Lingkungan

RE 092304: Environmental Engineering Modelling

  Credits: 3sks/3credits Semester: I, II, III (tersedia tiap semester/served each


  • 2014

  Students are able to synthesize mathematical models in environmental problem solving.


  x Mampu menggunakan model matematik untuk penyelesaian masalah lingkungan. x Able to use mathematical models in environmental problem solving.

  SUBJECTS x Dasar pemodelan dalam bidang teknik lingkungan.

  x Persamaan linier dan non-linier, persamaan linier simultan, kuadratur (intregrasi numerik), persamaan difrensial biasa dan parsial, metode beda hingga. x Pengenalan dan penyusunan model matematika,


  Kurikulum/ Cu rriculum

  1 OBJECTIVES environmental engineering for technopreneurship.

  ITS : 2009


  x Basic models in environmental engineering. x Linear and non-linear equations, simultaneous linear

  equation, numerical integration, basic and partial differential equations.

  x Introduction to mathematical models, system approach,

  solution of mathematical model, model presentation, types and state of the art for environmental models.

  x Mooney, D.D. and Swift, R.J. 1999. A Course in Mathematical Modelling. The Mathematical Assosiation of America, Washington DC. USA. x Tien-Chang, L. 1998. Applied Mathematics in Hydrogeology. Lewis. Boca Raton. x Kernevez, J-P. 1997. The Sentinel Methods and Its Application to Environmental Pollution Problems. CRC.

  Boca Raton. x Schnoor, J.L. 1996. Environmental Modelling. John Wiley

  PUSTAKA and Sons. New York. UTAMA/

  x Carey, G. F. (Ed.). 1995. Finite Element Modelling of


  Environmental Problems –Surface and Subsurface Flow and Transport. x John Wiley and Sons. New York. x Griffiths, D.V. and Smith, I.M. 1991. Numerical Methods for Engineers. Blackwell Scientific. Oxford UK.

  • 2014

  x Hadlock, CR. 1988. Mathematical Modelling in The Environment. The Mathematical Assosiation of America, Washington DC. USA.

  ITS : 2009 RE 092305: Proses Pengolahan Sampah Dan Limbah B3 RE 092305: Solid Waste And Hazardous Waste Treatment rriculum


  Process Cu

  COURSE TITLE Credits: 3sks/3credits

  Semester: I, II, III (tersedia tiap semester/served each

  semester) TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu mensintesa dalam pengolahan buangan

  Kurikulum/ PEMBELAJARAN/ padat dan B3.

  LEARNING Students are able to synthesize solid waste and hazardous

  1 OBJECTIVES waste treatments. menetapkan teknologi pengolahannya.


  x Mampu mengevaluasi karakteristik limbah B3 dan menetapkan teknologi pengolahannya. x Able to evaluate the characteristics of solid waste and determine the suitable technologies. x Able to evaluate the characteristics of hazardous waste

and determine the suitable technologies.

x Kajian sumber dan karakteristik buangan padat. x Teknologi pengolahan buangan padat. x Solidifikasi, incenerasi, pirolisis, komposting, digester, teknologi pembuangan akahir. x Kajian sumber dan karakteristik limbah B3. x Teknologi pengolahan dan pembuangan akhir limbah B3.


  x Review of solid waste sources and the wastes

  BAHASAN/ characteristics.

  SUBJECTS x Treatment technologies for solid waste.

  x Solidification, incineration, pyrolysis, composting, digester, final disposal technologies. x Review of hazardous waste sources and the wastes characteristics. x Treatment technologies and final disposal for hazardous waste. x Vesilind, P.A. Worrell, W. and Reinhardt, D. 2002. Solid -2014

  Waste Engineering. Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning, Australia. x Diaz, L.F. Savage, G.M. Eggerth, L.L. and Golueke, C.G.

  1993. Composting and Recycling Municipal Solid Waste.

  ITS : 2009 PUSTAKA Lewis Publishers. London. UTAMA/

  x Lund, HF. 1993. Recycling Handbook. McGraw Hill . New

  REFERENCES York. rriculum Cu

  x Tchobanoglous, G. Theisen, H. and Vigil, S.A. 1993.

  Integrated Solid Waste Management. Engineering Principles and Management issues. McGraw Hill. New York.

  Kurikulum/ MATA KULIAH/ RE 092306: Proses Pengolahan Gas Buang

  1 Credits: 3sks/3credits Semester: I, II, III (tersedia tiap semester/served each


TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu mensintesa dalam teknologi

PEMBELAJARAN/ pengendalian pencemaran udara.

  LEARNING Students are able to synthesize the technologies for air OBJECTIVES pollution control.

  x Mampu mengevaluasi karakteristik gas buang dan menetapkan teknologi pengolahannya.


  x Able to evaluate the characteristics of gas emission and determine the suitable control technologies. x Kajian jenis dan sumber pencemar di udara, teknologi pengendalian partikulat, teknologi pengendalian gas, recorvery gas. x Tugas: perancangan teknologi pengendalian pencemaran POKOK udara dari sumber bergerak dan/atau tidak bergerak.


  x Review of types and sources of air pollutants,

  technologies for particulate treatment, gas treatment and gas recovery.

  x Assignment: engineering design for air pollution control from stationary and non-stationary pollutant sources. x Davis, W.T. 2000. Air Pollution Control Engineering

  Manual. Air and Waste Management Association. John

  • 2014 PUSTAKA Wiley and Sons. New York.

  UTAMA/ x Noll, K.E. 1999. Design of Air Pollution Control Devices.

  REFERENCES American Academy of Environmental Engineering. USA.

  x Cooper, C.D. Alley, F.C. 1994. Air Pollution Control: A

  ITS : 2009 Design Approach. Waveland Press Inc. Illinois. rriculum

  RE 092307: Analisa Sistem Dan Optimasi Cu


RE 092307: Optimalization And System Analysis


  Credits: 3sks/3credits


  Semester: I, II, III (tersedia tiap semester/served each

  semester) Kurikulum/

  TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan suatu analisa sistem dan PEMBELAJARAN/

  optimasi untuk pengambilan keputusan dalam bidang teknik

  1 LEARNING lingkungan.

  optimalization for decision making in environmental engineering.

  x Mampu menggunakan prinsip analisa sistem dan optimalisasi sebagai pendekatan metode pengambilan keputusan.


  x Able to use the principles of system analysis and

  optimalization as an approach methodology for decision making.

  x Prinsip sistem (struktur, perspektif, lingkungan, klasifikasi, pemodelan). x Metodologi analisis sistem (karakteristik, elemen, kerangka kerja, proses & prosedur). x Formulasi problem (unsur, tahapan proses), implementasi analisa sistem (skenario, objective, constraint, alternatif, validasi). x Prinsip optimasi (perspektif keputusan, teknik optimasi, framework & model keputusan, variabel, parameter). x Model optimasi sistem program linier, program dinamis, multicriteria/AHP.


  x Principles of system (structure, perspective, environment,

  SUBJECTS classification, modelling).

  x System analysis methodologies (characteristics, element,

framework, process and procedures).

  • 2014

  x Problem formulation (component, stages of process),

  implementation of system analysis (scenario, objective, constraint, alternative, validation).

  x Principles of optimalization (decision perspective,

  ITS : 2009 optimalization techniques, framework and decision model, variable, parameter).

  x Optimalization model for linear programme, dynamic

  rriculum programme, multicriteria/AHP. Cu x Eriyatno.1998. Ilmu Sistem. IPB Press. Bogor.

  x Miser, J.H. 1995.Handbook of System Analysis. John PUSTAKA Wiley and Sons. Chichester.


  x Simatupang,T. 1994. Teori Sistem. Andi Offset. Jogya. Kurikulum/

  REFERENCES x Simatupang,T.1994. Pemodelan Sistem. Nindita. Klaten.

  x Raq, Ss.1994. Optimation Theory and Application. Wiley

  1 x Saaty.T.L. 1994.Fundamental of Decicion Making in Priority Theory. RWS Publications. x Philips, D.T. 1979.Operation Research Principle and Practice. John Wiley and Sons. Chichester.

  RE 092308: Ekotoksikologi Tingkat Lanjut RE 092308: Advance Ecotoxicology


  Credits: 3sks/3credits


  Semester: I, II, III (tersedia tiap semester/served each

  semester) TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu mensintesa efek suatu toksikan terhadap PEMBELAJARAN/ makhluk hidup dalam suatu ekosistem.

  LEARNING Students are able to sinthesize the effect of toxicant towards OBJECTIVES living organisms in an ecosystem.

  x Mampu mengevaluasi data toksisitas zat. x Mampu merencanakan penetapan baku mutu komponen lingkungan. x Mampu mendesain penelitian ekotoksikologi dalam berbagai teknosfer spesifik seperti industri, pengolahan air minum dan pengolahan air limbah, dll.

  KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x Able to evaluate toxicity data.

  x Able to plan in determining quality standard for environmental components.

  • 2014

  x Able to design research works in various specific

  technospheres such as industry, drinking water treatment, wastewater treatment, etc.

  x Kaji ulang ekotoksikologi berkaitan dengan mekanisme

  ITS : 2009

  paparan zat, pengujian toksisitas dan analisis hasil uji toksisitas. x Pemanfaatan ekotoksikologi untuk: tetapan mutu


  lingkungan teknosfer umumnya, dan teknosfer industri,

  Cu POKOK penyediaan air minum, pengelolaan air limbah, BAHASAN/ pengelolaan sampah, pengelolaan ekosistem, road map


  SUBJECTS Kurikulum/

  x Review of ecotoxicology in relation to mechanism of

  compounds/substances exposure, toxicity test and


  quality, and the technospheres of industry, drinking water, wastes management, solid waste management, ecosystem management and ecotoxicology road map.

  x Mangkoedihardjo, S. dan G. Samudro. Ekotoksikologi

  PUSTAKA Teknosfer (Ecotoxicology for Technosphere), Surabaya: UTAMA/ Penerbit Gunawidya, 2010.

  REFERENCES x Jurnal-jurnal internasional berbagai penerbit.

  International journals from various publishers.

  RE 092309: Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Lingkungan RE 092309: Environmental Resources Management


  Credits: 3sks/3credits


  Semester: I, II, III (tersedia tiap semester/served each


  Mahasiswa mampu mensintesa dan mengevaluasi

  TUJUAN pencemaran lingkungan (udara, air permukaan, air tanah, PEMBELAJARAN/ dan tanah) serta dapat memberikan saran pemecahannya.

  Students are able to sinthesize and evaluate environmental LEARNING OBJECTIVES pollution (air, surface water, ground water, soil) and provide solution methods.

  x Mampu mengevaluasi dan menilai pencemaran lingkungan. x Mampu merencanakan metode pencegahan pencemaran

  • 2014 lingkungan.


  x Mampu mendesain pengendalian pencemaran COMPETENCY lingkungan.

  ITS : 2009 x Able to evaluate and assess environmental pollution.

  x Able to plan pollution prevention methods. x Able to design environmental pollution control methods.

  rriculum x Kaji ulang teknik konservasi lingkungan. Cu

  x Teknik perlindungan air permukaan, air tanah, udara, dan tanah terhadap pencemaran dan kerusakan lingkungan

  POKOK lainnya. BAHASAN/

  x Tugas: studi kasus topik spesifik mengenai pengelolaan

  Kurikulum/ SUBJECTS sumber daya lingkungan.

  1 x Preventive measures for surface water, ground water, air

  and soil against pollution and other-related environmental destructions.

  x Assignment: case study for specific topic in environmental resorces management. x UNEP-United Nation Environmental Program, 2004.

  PUSTAKA Integrated Watershed Management Ecohydrology & UTAMA/ Phytotechnology – Manual.

  REFERENCES x Jurnal-jurnal internasional berbagai penerbit.

  International journals from various publishers.

  RE 092310: Bioteknologi Lingkungan RE 092310: Environmental Biotechnology


  Credits: 3sks/3credits


  Semester: I, II, III (tersedia tiap semester/served each


  Mahasiswa mampu menyebut jelaskan bahan-bahan biologis

  TUJUAN yang dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan produk yang PEMBELAJARAN/ bermanfaat dalam mengatasi masalah lingkungan.

  LEARNING Students are able to clearly decribe biological materials that OBJECTIVES can be used for valuable products in solving environmental problem.

  x Mampu mendeskripsikan bahan-bahan biologis. x Mampu merencanakan proses transformasi biologis.

  • 2014 x Mampu mendesain teknik produksi bioteknologi.

  KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x Able to describe biological materials.

  x Able to plan biological transformation process.

  ITS : 2009 x Able to design production techniques in biotechnology.

  x Pengenalan Bioteknologi sebagai ilmu pengetahuan dasar teknik lingkungan.


  x Prinsip pemanfaatan mikrobiologi industri, genetika Cu mikribiologis, enzimologi dan rekayasa fermentasi dalam

  POKOK bidang bioteknologi. BAHASAN/

  x Proses sterilisasi, teori desain fermentor, separasi,

  SUBJECTS konsentrasi, dan manufaktur skala industri.


  x Introduction to biotechnology as a basic knowledge in

  1 x Principles of using industrial microbiology, genetics,

  enzimology and fermentation engineering in biotechnology.

  x Sterilization process, design theory for fermentor, separation, concentration, and industrial manufacture. x Van Haandel, A.C. and Lettinga, G. 1994. Anaerobic

  PUSTAKA Sewage Treatment. John Wiley and Sons. New York. UTAMA/

  x Randall, L.D. and Randall, C.W. 1978. Biological Processes

  REFERENCES Design of Wastewater Treatment Prentice – Hall.

  RE 092311: Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan Tingkat Lanjut RE 092311: Advance Environmental Management Systems


  Credits: 3sks/3credits


  Semester: I, II, III (tersedia tiap semester/served each

  semester) TUJUAN

  Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan dasar-dasar sistem PEMBELAJARAN/ manajemen lingkungan dalam bidang produksi dan jasa.

  LEARNING Students are able to implement basic system of environmental management for products and services. OBJECTIVES x Mampu mendeskripsikan sistem manajemen lingkungan.

  x Mampu merencanakan sistem manajemen lingkungan. x Mampu melaksanakan topik khusus sistem manajemen lingkungan.

  KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x Able to describe environmental management system.

  • 2014 x Able to plan environmental management system.

  x Able to carry out a specific topic in environmental management system. x Pengenalan sistem manajemen lingkungan, isu

  ITS : 2009 lingkungan global, peraturan dan hukum lingkungan.

  x Langkah persiapan penerapan sistem manajemen lingkungan, pembuatan kebijakan lingkungan,

  rriculum perencanaan sistem manajemen lingkungan. Cu


  x Penerapan dan operasi, pemeriksaan dan tindakan


  koreksi, pengkajian manajemen, daftar periksa


  penerapan sistem manajemen lingkungan, sertifikasi sistem manajemen lingkungan.

  Kurikulum/ x Tugas: presentasi studi kasus (perorangan) - ISO 14000.



global environmental issue, regulations.

  x Preparation for implementation of environmental

  management system, environmental policy, system management plan.

  x Implementation and operation, corrective measures,

  management review, list of investigation, certification in environmental management system.

  x Assignment: present a case study (individual) – ISO 14000. x Lerche, I. and Paleologos, E.K. 2001. Environmental Risk Analysis. Mc-Graw-Hill. New York. x O’Riordan, T. 1995. Environmental Science for Environmental Management. Longman. Singapore.


  x Petts, J. and Eduljee, G. 1994. Environmental Impact

  UTAMA/ Assessment for Waste Treatment and Disposal Facilities.

  REFERENCES John Wiley and Sons. New York.

  x Holmes, G. Singh, B.R. and Theodore, L. 1993. Handbook of Environmental Management and Technology. John Wiley and Sons. New York.

  RE 092312: Ekohidrologi RE 092312: Ecohydrology


  Credits: 3sks/3credits


  Semester: I, II, III (tersedia tiap semester/served each


  • 2014

  TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis, mengembangkan dan PEMBELAJARAN/ mendesain pengendalian siklus hidrologi ramah lingkungan.

  LEARNING Students are able to analyse, develop and design eco-friendly OBJECTIVES hydrologic cycle.

  ITS : 2009

  x Mampu mengevaluasi secara kuantittaif dan kualitatif siklus hidrologi. x Mampu merencanakan pengembangan ekohidrologi

  rriculum dalam suatu ekosistem. Cu

  x Mampu mendesain pengendalian siklus hidrologi ramah KOMPETENSI/ lingkungan.


  x Able to evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively for

  Kurikulum/ hydrological cycle.

  x Able to plan ecohydrology for an ecosystem.

  1 x Kaji ulang siklus hidrologi secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. x Integrasi siklus hidrologi dan ekosistem untuk konservasi air tawar. x Tugas: studi kasus topik spesifik mengenai pengelolaan POKOK sumber daya air.


  x Review of hydrological cycle by means of quantitative and qualitative measures. x Integration of hydrological cycle and ecosystem to conserve fresh water. x Assignment: case study for specific topic in ecohydrology. x UNEP-United Nation Environmental Program, 2004.

  PUSTAKA Integrated Watershed Management Ecohydrology & UTAMA/ Phytotechnology – Manual.

  REFERENCES x Jurnal-jurnal internasional berbagai penerbit.

  International journals from various publishers.

  RE 092313: Fitoteknokologi Tingkat Lanjut RE 092313: Advance Phytotechnology


  Credits: 3sks/3credits


  Semester: I, II, III (tersedia tiap semester/served each

  semester) TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan pengetahuan fitoteknologi PEMBELAJARAN/ dalam dunia nyata.

  • 2014

  LEARNING Students are able to implement phytotechnology in a real OBJECTIVES world.

  x Mampu mengevaluasi performance infrastruktur fitoteknologi yang telah ada.

  ITS : 2009

  x Mampu merencanakan penerapan fitoteknologi dalam pembangunan infrastruktur lingkungan. x Mampu mendesain penerapan fitoteknologi untuk

  rriculum penyelesaian masalah lingkungan. Cu


  x Able to evaluate performance of the existing infrastructure of phytotechnology. x Able to plan applied phytotechnology in environmental

  Kurikulum/ infrastructure development.

  x Able to design the application of phytotechnology for

  2 x Sinkroni aliran air mendasari transformasi kuantitas air untuk memahami penetapan ruang terbuka hijau dan teknologi berkaitan dengan drainase air hujan, pengolahan air minum dan pengolahan air limbah. x Platform ekotoksikologi mendasari transformasi efek zat untuk memahami seluruh kajian fitoteknologi. x Fitoproses membahas proses-proses tumbuhan untuk merespons kualitas dan kuantitas faktor lingkungan yang terpapar dalam ekosistem tumbuhan. x Fitostruktur ruang terbuka hijau mengawali bahasan teknologi alamiah sebagai infrastruktur biologis yang wajib ada dalam setiap ekosistem, baik skala kecil maupun skala luas. x Penerapan fitoteknologi dalam infrastruktur buatan manusia: teknologi drainase, badan air dan riparian, pengolahan air minum, pengolahan air limbah, pengolahan sampah, remediasi lingkungan tercemar, kelayakan dan perencanaan fitoteknologi, pemeliharaan dan penanganan tumbuhan pascaguna pengolahan

  POKOK lingkungan, pemantauan fitoteknologis mutu lingkungan. BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS

  x Sinchronization of flow of water as a basic knowledge in

  water quantity transformation to have understanding the determination of greenspace and other-related technologies such as phytodrainage, water treatment and

  • 2014 wastewater treatmnet.

  x Ecotoxicology platform as a basic knowledge in understanding of all phytotechnology processes. x Phytoprocesses describe all plants procesess to respond

  ITS : 2009 environmental factors, both quality and quantity, that exposed to plants ecosystem.

  x Phytostructure of greenspace as a main component of

  rriculum natural process-based technology that should be provided

  Cu in any ecosystem both small and large scale.

  x Applied phytotechnology in man-made infrastructure:

  phytodrainage, water bodies and riparian, water treatment, wastewater treatment, solid waste treatment, Kurikulum/ remediation of polluted environment, feasibility the use of phytotechnology, maintenance and plants handling in

  2 post treatment, phytomonitoring for environmental x Mangkoedihardjo, S. dan G. Samudro. Fitoteknologi

  PUSTAKA Terapan (Applied Phytotechnology), Yogyakarta: Penerbit UTAMA/ Graha Ilmu, 2009.

  REFERENCES x Jurnal-jurnal internasional berbagai penerbit.

  International journals from various publishers.

  RE 092314: Tesis MATA KULIAH/ RE 092314: Thesis COURSE TITLE Credits: 6sks/6credits

  Semester: IV

  TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu melaksanakan penelitian untuk suatu PEMBELAJARAN/ masalah pengembangan keilmuan secara terbimbing.

  LEARNING Students are able to carry out research works for a specific OBJECTIVES topic under supervision.

  x Mampu menyiapkan proposal penelitian. x Mampu melaksanakan penelitian. x Mampu mempertahankan hasil penelitian.

  KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x Able to provide research proposal.