Christmas Passage Freebie

Citing TextBased Evidence
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Passage plus
Comprehension Questions
By: The Fabulous Life of an Elementary Teacher

Fun After All
Austin was not in a good mood. He sat on the bus as it traveled over snowy roads to his school. Other schools in
the area had the day off, but not his school. They had a two hour delay, and that was it. He had hoped to spend the
day playing video games and eating Christmas cookies, but instead he was going to be spending most of his day in
When he got to school, Austin saw that many of his classmates had the same pitiful look on their faces as he did.
Looks like I’m not the only one disappointed to be here, Austin thought to himself. He sat down in his chair as his
teacher walked to the front of the room.
“Today we’re going to be starting with a Making Words activity,” she said. Austin groaned under his breath. They
did a Making Words activity once a week! Guess this is just going to be like every other day of school, he thought.
But when Mrs. Huggins passed out the papers, he saw that the words ‘Merry Christmas’ were written at the top.
She continued as she made sure that each student got a paper.
“Your task today is a little different. Instead of rearranging the letters to come up with the mystery word, you
will be trying to see how many words you can make out of the words ‘Merry Christmas’. You will have ten minutes, and
your time starts now.”

Austin quickly began writing words on his paper. Mrs. Huggins put on some Christmas music as the students worked.
Hmm, Austin thought. This isn’t so bad! He found himself quietly humming along to the music as he worked.
“Time’s up!” Mrs. Huggins said after what seemed like only a few minutes. “Now, everyone count up your words, and
come get red and green strips of paper. We’re going to make a paper chain out of all of the words you came up with,
and we’ll hang it around the room!”
Austin counted his words. He’d thought of thirty-seven! He excitedly went up to the front of the room for his red
and green paper. Maybe today would be fun after all!

Fun After All
1. “Austin was not in a good mood.” Why?

2. When did Austin’s mood change? What made it change?

3. He found himself quietly humming along to the music as he worked. What does this sentence
tell you about how Austin feels?

4. What will the students make with the paper strips?


5. How does Austin’s mood change from the beginning of the story to the end?


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